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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. IF they show at all it won't be at The Broadway. More likely Park City. Have a friend or two living up there. They are used to having lots of company during the festival....I will be among them I think. If they show at all it would probably be on the opening day @ Temple Theater in Park City. But 9:00 AM ....yikes! Or, on Jan. 24th 6pm @ Temple Theater, Park City. Meh..looks like if we want to see them, we'll have to hang out and see.
  2. Too funny his comment..."Fuck if I know." And about "people talking about it"....well, Mr. Manager...if you would've issued a statement sooner......perhaps we would STOP talking about it!!! Sheesh!
  3. I agree 100%. I met Jerry too, very sweet.
  4. That blows. So some watched the whole show just to see J&J....sucky! I can't bitch though, because I'm in USA...
  5. Indeed, I never did mind when Jimmy took his time. And when he broke a string, well, you KNOW it's because he was going crazy on that guitar, so it was ...appropriate somehow.
  6. I saw them long ago. I was ripped. They were great. Later, I had the one and only "bad" trip and while tripping, I thought I was at Woodstock. All these little tiny pebble like patterns on the floor were people, clapping and all singing to Three Dog Night. Recently I saw a show called "Intervention" on A&E, I think, and Chuck's son was in the grips of a reeeeally bad heroin habit. Bless that family.
  7. I've seen it plenty at earlier concerts when bands didn't have someone tuning guitars for them. Sometimes it would be agonizing. CSN&Y..oh my....they would practically jam for a bit, tune, jam, tune, start, tune, AAGGHH!!! Stills was the worst. But, when they finally did start it was magick.
  8. We can see if anyone is correct this time next year. Things like gas will go up and down are too obvious. So...what do you think is going to happen?
  9. Happy Birthday to you Mr. Jones! Keep on truckin'
  10. I think I could handle that assignment! Yes, SLUT...short for Salt Lake City Utah. And there's a whole lotta sex in this city. Even with Mormons.
  11. Hey, Happy New Year to all. This is a kinder, gentler New Year thread.......... One floor up they're fighting So...see ya... Going to watch the BALL drop w/Anderson Cooper. Be good. ha ha ha..
  12. Nice to see beatbo. Nice pics Dzl, and everyone.
  13. Robert said if the Wolves EVER won, he'd shave his head bald. I cheer for them only because it's Roberts team. I was surprised to hear our Utah UTES made it to the Sugar Bowl. (American football) We have produced a few good men though.
  14. Aw, sorry to hear that. But you know it is NOT your fault. Easy does it on yourself.
  15. ^ IF you can stand a house full of kids. lol. Hey, there's still time to call around and announce the offer. opps...too slow, reply for Mandy.
  16. She better bundle up. Winds will be 25 miles per hour. For some reason that looks weird. But that's the forecast.
  17. Staying home. I'm just thrilled 2008 is over. A few people may drop in, but nothing special. I heard on the news the wind-chill in NYC will be -2* in Times Square at midnight. brrrrrrr...... My daughter is having a kiddie party-sleepover, so parents can stay out all night. AND making some great cash for it.
  18. ^ I'm happy for you Doublenecker. It's not about what you have, cars, dough, bling....all meaningless if you dig someone. Way to go DN!!
  19. Well.... WooHoo!! COMING TO THE SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL!!!! Just as I thought. But Sam wouldn't say. Anyway...yeah. Jan. 16th, 17, 18th, and the final screening on Sat. Jan. 24, 6pm@Temple Theater, Park City Utah. hmmmmmmm............... No word on if the guys will show, but there is a likelihood since U2 have been here, and anyone who's anyone, goes to Sundance. My guess would be they might show for the last screening. The first day or two is madness. You can check it out on the Sundance site. Sundance January 15-25.
  20. I really dig----Commander Robert!! yoo-hoo But seriously, Congratulations Robert!
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