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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. One day late, but: To the BEST, Happy Birthday Sam! ps: I had no idea you are so young.
  2. wtf????? Sounds like that gawd awful book by Susan something. Anal..ized to death.
  3. Other. Rockin around the Chrismas Tree... that chick ...an oldy. and Santa Baby......"just slip the sable (fake fur please) under the tree...for me...."
  4. Merry Holidays TZW! Oh and a long belated birthday! xx

  5. Heehee...you know me well now, Mad. I love those kneeling poses. And of course the little hip tease. I'm getting better, thanks. A little Audioslave for the good ol days. : Play LOUD, of course. Brad is amazing too. Like what Robert once said: Some nights I could just f*** the entire front row. In this case ...the entire band!
  6. An oldy but goody....one of Big Blue's fav's..ok..: Rolling Stones. and on that note...goodnight, and sweeeet dreams all.
  7. Ccc...OLD!!!! 22 degrees, just barely stopped snowing. We are supposed to have a white Xmas. Can't complain though, we were snow free all of November, and half of December, and our mountains need it. Just part of life in a four season state.
  8. Our traditions were, open at least ONE present on Xmas eve. No one can open anything until the grown-ups have had their coffee....not always worked.. You HAVE to guess what is in the package before you open it. Mistletoe. Easy on the eggnog. Merry Holidays everyone!
  9. Hey! Nice to know there's a Doc in the house!

    "Eye" had no idea!...lol ;)

  10. Well, it may not be the NEXT, since it's not until April, but I will see BB King. At Kingsbury Hall here up at the U of U. Nothing sweet on the horizon right now.
  11. MISSING YOU HERMIT!!! Hoping you and yours have a happy and peaceful holiday season!


  12. NOT having to shovel any of the 3 to 5 (over that now) inches of the white stuff. A skiers/snowboarders delight
  13. That is sicko. But I think the tables are turning more now, and women are being held accountable. Since this one is not so pretty perhaps they will nail her more severely than the hottie in Florida....THAT is the double standard.
  14. Oops, yeah I meant retina. They thought I had a tear but it's just a bleed from a vessel. And yes, I had an ultrasound on my carotid arteries, so far looks ok. No results yet from my echo. Right now, they (floaters and swirls) are very distracting, making reading hard. I sure hope they go away some day. Thanks Doc!
  15. ^ I love that pic of Jimmy. Hey Blah, who could forget you with that screen name I always loved. Well, welcome back.
  16. Still, I can't stand her. UGH.....even the thought of her screaky voice gives me shivers. The tell all book written by one of her "assistant's"/drug dealer pal, revealed a selfish junkie who's main concern was keeping her heroin supply full at ALL times. John was ignored, and IMHO used and abused by her. Denied him sex, making her choice on whom he should f***, May Pang. How sick is that! And I believe it.
  17. Hey Mad! I've been absent due to friggen appointments alllll week. Those look a bit like the one's on his site, only in black and white. Hey, he looks divine in ANY light or color. Thanx for posting! Since I saw him, I am still in Cornell heaven. Thought it would pass, but tis not to be. What can ya do?
  18. Wow, Buk...sorry this is off topic, but how interesting the eye is! I just had laser to remove weird blood vessels in my cornea, which was bleeding. I may now have this horrid floater forever. When they injected dye to my vein for a test it didn't reach my eye for a minute and twenty seconds, very strange. But they immediately set me up to find out why. I was impressed. The eye's are so amazing. Again, sorry...carry on.
  19. Sheesh David, You are a day late and a dollar short on your opine. The exact thing was covered here months ago.... You should read our board first.
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