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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I HAD to turn it off because of those stupid huge screens/lightshow..whateva...way toooo much light and flashing. It could bring on an epileptic fit. If this is THE new concert lighting, forget it. I prefer the old days, simple lights and friggen curtains to project wavy watery patterns. Oh...and as soon as I saw that pipsqueak "designer" ..Chris (?) I had to vomit and turned it off until the ten o clock news was starting. Just in time to see Tyler and Perry present, at least they looked the usual cool cats.
  2. What the..... Any particular reason for the buzz? Oh well, you are still a hottie!
  3. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    Over a month, and no new jeans...
  4. Oh yeah....... He has a killer smile doesn't he? mmmmm
  5. How times flies huh? Cheers to the best Led Zeppelin site. Thanks Sam!
  6. Good golly everyone were "coke whores" back then, MEN too! I don't get what difference it makes to Alice75.
  7. Woohoo!! Mad, he liked your questions!!!! Very nice of Dick to answer all of these. Mucho Thanx.
  8. Dear Jimmy, You can come over too. Love, Hotplant
  9. It was interesting to hear what it's like being the kid. I should get When Giants Walked the Earth. I finished Dying To Live...A story of U.S. immigration in an age of Global Apartheid. Really an eye opener. by Joesph Nevins. My sis just brought two bags full of paperbacks, and I'm not really into fiction, but they come in handy when I just HAVE to read. Like now, I'm reading The Good Guy...Koontz. Some of his writing is so predictable, and the "cutesyness" of some of his lines turns me way off. Hmm.. I need to go to the bookstore AND the library.
  10. A truly beautiful day. We'll prob hit 60. Warm for this time of year. But...an inversion in the valley is stubbornly hanging out. Gunk from Cali. Oh, and telling one of my nosey neighbors to cram it up their ass.
  11. Does anyone know if this will be shown at Sundance????
  12. Cool stuff. Great review. I just saw a sort of documentry on Steve Miller, and had no idea he and Les were so close.
  13. Hope you stay safe EL. That mobile home park is devastating.
  14. Coffee. With cinnamon bun coffeemate. mmmmmm
  15. SUNSHINE!!!!! However...it's only 39 degrees.... And..the smell of a fresh can of coffee opened this am.
  16. John F. Kennedy OOPS! Sorry pretend I put this in the other thread.
  17. Bonzo...of course Dave Grohl...Nirvana era Brad Wilk Mike Shrieve Tom Petty's.. Steve Ferrone
  18. Making the video Ground Zero Just got this in my email.
  19. Cool stuff. "Back in the day" those fancy camera cases could indeed get you in.
  20. I agree with "Seth." W/O Robert it will not be HUGE. Period.
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