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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Just like I thought.....my Cowboys are sucking on both sides of the ball and are looking like a deer in the headlights!!
  2. I was wrong - Cincy is in, not the Titans. ALL MEMBERS OF THE BUCS SHOULD BE FIRED/RELEASED! No heart at all from the team or the staff..... Can't believe the Raiders couldn't do any better than that! At least Pittsburgh will throttle Denver next week!
  3. If all that happens, the Titans get in. Buffalo went Buffalo in that game! Spiller had another good one though. 7-3 Chiefs in the 3rd, 24-13 Chargers at the half.....
  4. Walter


    2112 Moving Pictures Counterparts I have seen them 4 times since 1990 and plan to catch them on their next tour for sure. I have also heard that their next disc, which is being finished currently, will be their heaviest in years - I like the sound of that!
  5. Green Bay is getting a first-round bye, correct? Who the Lions would get would be either New Orleans or San Fran, depending on who gets the other bye week. They are a good team though and it would be great to see them rematch with the 49'ers after what transpired post-game the 1st time! The playoffs should be great on both sides of the league! Starting with a couple of crucial matchups this Sunday.
  6. I mean his attraction to young girls and also the fact he was/is as committed to Shannon (without being legally married, I know) as he has been for such a long time and to carry on as he has. I have been out of the KISS fold for a while and only the past 5 years or so have revealed this to me. He seems to really only care about his ego and money, IMO.
  7. Brees is AMAZING! How many different weapons does he have anyway? I had Sproles on my fantasy team this season. Glad to hear things are going well for you. Congrats on the new job!! Rick, you and I never had issues with each other....I can't say the same for others though!
  8. Debs it is Rick, although he usually admits it! Anyway, he will flame out like the other 5 or so times he has already! It is a reunion around here lately.....of sorts! I'm sure you're excited at your Saints prospects in the playoffs! Me, not so much - with my team that is!
  9. Hey Rick, I thought that was you.... How are things going?
  10. 6 posts in and laying a bomb like that, huh?!? Don't tell me, you're a Bills fan?
  11. Jumping in at the deep end, for your first post here, aren't you tmtomh? Enjoy yourself and welcome!
  12. Who's to say what makes a happy home life anyway? Gene Simmons is a rock star that has really fallen from "cool" status for me. The way he prostitutes all things KISS and the way he treats people around him, both in and outside of the band, has really changed the image how I thought he was over the years. I also agree with opinion of Sammy Hagar, stated earlier, by TC.
  13. Raiders are STILL in it and no word from Strider? Only a few games of interest this weekend. Who will get home field in the AFC? Who will win the AFC West? Oh yeah, and who'll win the NFC LEast?
  14. I didn't post quick enough - unfortunately.....
  15. ^ Don't bring that album up over HERE! This thread will into the dumper like the ITTOD thread did!
  16. Wife and bought a home theatre surround sound system for each other and I installed it. Last night we watched TSRTS on it and it was unbelievable! I highly recommend it!!
  17. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and have a happy and healthy New Year!! Peace to all of you -
  18. We just finished our "Secret Santa" here last week - which culminated with a larger gift at the Christmas party last Sat. night. Being teachers, we keep the daily gifts to a couple of bucks and then the "big ticket" item to $10 or so. It's the thought that counts and the fact it is really a 6-day run, makes the cost equal what it probably would be for a one-time gift. Anyway, it's fun - until you get caught complaining about a gift someone gave you, to the person who gave it to you! Eeek! I did that last year....... I mean really, when you put down that Pringles are your favorite snack - why would someone get you BBQ Pringles?!? Pringles are "regular" Pringles, right?!? Oh, here I go again.......
  19. Saw them first on the Animalize tour back in '84. Flew up to Detroit to see the reunion tour opener at Tiger Stadium, with Alice In Chains opening, and then caught them again on that tour down here in the 4th row - in front of Gene. Every show was fantastic. At this point they really are a joke though.
  20. You wouldn't be referring to my stupid Cowboys with that statement would you?!? ANOTHER December flop by them is almost too much to take! We are going to the Cowboys/Bucs game tomorrow night - looking forward to it!! I picked up a couple of end zone seats, only 4 rows off the field, for the wife and I. Great weather and Tampa is always a fun place to party at. Last time the Cowboys played there, the majority of the crowd were Dallas fans. At least we shouldn't have to worry about getting jumped in the parking lot like these other cities! Yes my DB comment was for Big Ben - I tend to call him Big Douche Bag. He is tough as nails, you've got to give him that. Strider your Raiders HAVE to pull one out against the Lions and then hope for help against "God's Team"!
  21. Looks like we finally have the return of another banned idiot. Really classy line to compare the Edge's guitar electronics with Michael Jackson......
  22. Looks like Pittsburgh dodged a bullet last night. Big DB better get healthy in a hurry though - the 49'ers defense is no joke. He cannot get away with that type of play and beat them next week. Plus he runs the risk of really being injured. A bad thumb and now left ankle/leg are not going to fare well during the month of December and beyond. Oh well......
  23. Later Beatles for me. As far as "Boy Band" goes, take away the fans' reaction to them and there is no way they fall into that category. It was the start of their musical progression from a simplistic musical style to the ground breaking musical writing and recording process they evolved into - that's all. Never have seen NSync, Backstreet Boys, New Kids On The Block or any other "Boy Band" type do any evolving in their musical expressions. I don't even know if they wrote their own songs. My opinion, of course.
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