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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Houston, really? I don't think the Jets are good enough to knock of Baltimore or Pittsburgh this year, but that's why they play the games.... I thought the Raiders beat Denver in week 1, so that would make the head-to-head 1-1. I don't know their divisional record, which would be the next tie breaker. Tebow has to play the Pats in a couple of weeks, so that may offset the Raiders this weekend. But you guys have to get McFadden, Ford and Moore back - SOON! Green Bay will be tough to handle at home in January, but their defense definitely showed some cracks against New York this past weekend. Plus the Packs running game is not strong at all. I am still sticking with my preseason pick - Green Bay v. Baltimore for the Super Bowl.
  2. Strider, the wheels are falling off everywhere in the NFL! All the teams you listed lost this weekend, seems like nobody in the NFC wants to make the playoffs!! It will obviously come down to N.O. and G.B. for the championship game. The AFC is almost as crazy! Sorry about your Raiders, but I knew that was coming yesterday. Hopefully they will get their playmakers back soon, before they fall behind.
  3. I would love to hear Chad and Jimmy play together! Not saying that he is a Bonzo clone, but Chad is one of the few rock drummers who can get funky beats into a rock song. He feels it, doesn't just try to recreate what has already been done.... like many others. Doubt anything will ever happen though!
  4. Reverse pyschology dazedcat - stick with it! Have fun and go Victor Cruz + Greg Jennings (I'm playing for the regular season title in my league this weekend)!
  5.  I love it when I'm right! The Eagles looked like a severely beaten team last night. Bickering, sloppy play, etc. LOVE IT!!!
  6.  You know this week they play Green Bay, so there is a 99.9% chance they fall to 6-6 - with 2 games vs. Dallas and another vs. the Jets. But then again, the NFL is so unpredictable during the month of December. The way the Giants didn't even show up against the Eagles and the Saints the last 2 consecutive weeks makes you wonder if they are going to have another end of the season meltdown like last year! Tough call.....
  7. Those computer renderings are AWESOME! I haven't seen any pictures of the '77 tour plane either, thanks for posting them Sam!! Thanks, as always, for the extra information SAJ. What a shame that such historical planes were eventually used for parts and basically junked. Peace.
  8. I voted for ya! Good luck Steve!! Peace.
  9. One would assume (and you know what THAT gets you) it would be a full concert. Oh well, next thread......
  10. I know Jahfin, I didn't think it was that difficult to understand either. Kashmir, Stairway, NBFBM, In The Evening, All My Love and Hot Dog all appear to fit the original question. Unless the O2 concert is considered, then it would just be the first 3 songs.
  11. I guess the lack of ability to hear caused him to have to listen to the voices in his head more clearly!
  12. That's a blast from the past! End of the year idea, best and worst from this forum! This thread must fall into the category of most redundent thread topic, blasting Robert's musical avenues - AGAIN! Right up there with, a friend of a friend of a guy who works for a sound company says Zep are getting together for a tour next year......for real this time! Blah, blah, blah..... Let the man have his freedom. Come along for the ride, or don't.
  13. Hope you had fun last night Deb!! We are counting down the hours until Wednesday night's show for us!! Peace.
  14. Gaga for Thanksgiving: http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/03/showbiz/tv/lady-gaga-couric-thanksgiving-ppl/index.html?hpt=hp_bn7 She does keep busy!
  15. Hmmm....bought a place in Texas, near her? I guess that throws out "Hot Dog" from being performed! IF it's true then congrats to Robert and Patty!! Robert always seems to sing with love in his eyes when singing with a female vocalist. IMO.
  16. We had fun in our neighborhood, having the annual cookout in the neighbor's front yard and then walking around with the kids. Plus Halloween is the meat of my wife's and my birthday "sandwich". Same year, just Halloween separating our birth. Of course, she's "All Saint's Day", but Zeppelin played a couple of hours away from where I was born - on my birthday. So, I would like to believe they were driving by my town on that day - heading to Buffalo 10/30/69. All in all, I love Halloween then and now. Peace.
  17. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Hope all is well!

  18. Http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=RiYaT28Pctg&feature=YouTube_gdata_player
  19. Http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=SvSxKNF7atM&feature=YouTube_gdata_player Http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=F_GMgkcc2KM&feature=YouTube_gdata_player These should be the correct links. Just checked here this morning to see the others not working. The new software and my phone are not mixing very well. Edit: I don't know why "Hair" is not posting. I'll try to find another link.
  20. Way to go St. Louis!! Congrats!
  21. Here is "Hair": www.YouTube.com/watch?v=gvSxKNF7atM&feature=YouTube_gdata_player From the Stern show also. Hope the links work - she's awesome!!! Peace.
  22. Overall, she does not use that vocal enhancement that much - IMO. If you want to hear her "stripped down" check this out from the Stern show: www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_GMgkcc2KM&feature=YouTube_gdata_player
  23. Very nice photo, thanks for sharing! He has gotten so big in such a short time!!
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