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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Fantastic! Love the "fashion sketch" vibe to them.
  2. .... and there's more pics HERE
  3. I found them to be the exact opposite at the shows I've seen. They always made eye contact during the songs, and would smile and whisper to each other throughout the show. It was actually getting a little sickening for me! They seemed completely comfortable with each other to me, and even during the songs that T-Bone sang on his own, Robert and Alison sat together on the side talking and watching the show.
  4. How Many More Times. One of my all time faves. But I've been listening to "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" quite a bit more lately.
  5. From that list... Going To California. Battle Of Evermore would be 2nd.
  6. All are "the best". But Physical Graffiti is my fave.
  7. Glad to hear the 2nd night was even better than the 1st. Thanks Allison / Strider for the reviews. Love hearing about the celebs in the audience too. Would've loved to have seen their reactions to the show. Did Pamela have anything interesting to say? (I'm so nosey!)
  8. Thanks! I'll have to check out Detroit '73.
  9. Exactly. Right now he's motivated by something else. But he did say that he and Jimmy will always be connected, and they were like brothers. But who knows what's going behind the scenes that we don't even know about. Maybe he is keeping in contact with Jimmy throughout all this. But if all else fails... maybe Mrs. Ertegun can give Robert another call.
  10. I agree... this song would've been perfect on III.
  11. I loved the way those bands dressed in the 70's. Most of them anyways! Robert and Jimmy had a great sense of style, and I loved the Stones "look" in the late 60's / early 70's. It just seemed so effortless with them. Mind you, I'm sure the women in their lives had a huge influence in how they dressed, but it worked! I wish bands nowadays would keep up that tradition in at least some way.
  12. I always refer to it as "The 02 Show". It's just easier to say, like someone else pointed out. Most people (hopefully all) are aware it was a concert for Ahmet Ertegun.
  13. Thanks! Report back with night #2's stage attire tomorrow am.
  14. Do you know which city that's from?
  15. But of course the all important question is.... what was he wearing? It seems at certain shows like NYC, London, and Bonnaroo - he seemed to have put more thought into his stage clothes. I'm assuming for the L.A shows he did the same. I haven't seen any photos of last night anywhere so far.
  16. Duff McKagan said in an interview that he was at the July 17, 1977 show in Seattle. I think he was about 14 at the time.
  17. Another vote for '71 here. It was still fresh and new for them, so technically and vocally it just seemed like they put more into it. By 1977, and then the Knebworth shows - it seemed like they speeded it up like they were almost rushing through it (at least vocally speaking).
  18. No Quarter, Sick Again (love when they added The Rover as the intro), Ten Years Gone.
  19. Ahh ok. That's probably the show I'm thinking of then.
  20. I feel the same way. Because this was my first time seeing Robert live, I was grateful to have the opportunity to see his show, but wish I could have seen more of him during it! I guess maybe he knows that the only way to really let Alison, T-Bone and the rest of the band shine is for him to be out of the way when they perform. It's obvious most people are there for Robert, but he is being very gracious towards Alison and the rest of the band. But yes, I would love to see a show of Robert for the entire 2 hours!
  21. I'm partial to the '77 shows... only because I love ALS live, and like BOE included in the acoustic set. Musically, I know it wasn't their best tour, but there's a feel about it that I just really like.
  22. I'm by no means any technical expert, but if this is true - I hope the remasters sound like Mothership. When I have it playing it in my car, it's so loud I actually have to turn it down!
  23. Yes... I think he knows he'll always be expected to represent his past in some ways (live on stage), but he least he's doing it on his own terms. Some of my fave moments in this show was the big smile he had when the crowd cheered for the Zep songs and ITM.
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