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  • 3 months later...

Never got into them....Ron Mael with his wierd Adolf Hitler look and Russ Mael with his slightly effeminate high pitched vocals.. ..........Nah...... not my bag.

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Ron & Russell :)

I'm not particularly into them, but always enjoy hearing This Town..., No1 Song.. and Beat The Clock, if they ever come on the radio.

And as Aqua said, still going strong and seem as popular as ever.

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One of the bands that made the 1970's such a great, fun decade!!!

The "Kimono My House" album was when I first heard and got into them. Their look didn't bother me at all...I was already long into glam, T. Rex, Bowie, Roxy Music, Sweet, etc...to me, Ron was referencing Charlie Chaplin more than Adolf Hitler with his mustache.

Sparks have had several periods where their fortunes would rise and fall..."Angst In My Pants" was a huge hit in 1982; KROQ(influential LA new-wave radio station) played it all the time.

Lately, they seemed to have been on the upswing again as younger generations have discovered their brand of smart idiosyncratic pop. 2002's "Lil' Beethoven" kicked off their resurgence in recent times.

Probably not for everyone...if all you listen to is Cream or heavy metal, you probably won't get what Sparks are about...but the little girls understand.

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