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Happy St George's Day.


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Happy St George's Day to all the English posters here.

That also applies to Mr Page, Mr Plant and Mr Jones (and the late Mr Bonham and Mr Grant), without whom none of us would be here on this site.

If you're not English, then you have my sympathies (you poor buggers). :D


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Hey, rock on. Back at the school I went to from K to 2nd grade, the most senior class put on a St. George vs. the Dragon play for the rest of us every year. I always wanted to be part of the dragon because they had a really cool costume for it (with multiple people inside it), but then I switched schools and never got to do it.

ANYway, Happy St. George's Day to all you English peeps! Do you guys have anything traditional you do for today?

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Is it acceptable to wish the Brits here a Happy St. George's Day if you're not English? I remember the furor over non-Irish saying Happy St. Patricks Day.

In any event, Happy St. George's Day. I don't know what you today, but have a good time.

There's not really a need to wish the rest of Britain (or the UK) a Happy St. George's Day because each country has their own patron saint. St. George is England's. If you're not English, but, say, Welsh, today would be irrelevent to you. Likewise if you're not Welsh but it's St. David's Day...

Any road, Happy St. George's Day my fellow Englishmen and women :D

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Do you guys have anything traditional you do for today?

Well, the media traditionally spends the whole day whining on about how it's a scandal that we don't have a big party like the Irish do. :rolleyes:

(Of course, any genuine English person will wake up every morning and thank their luck. We don't need to have a special day for it!)

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St George is very, very popular here in Brazil too. :) Happy St George's day for all English...and not English people. ;)

St George Day is huge day in Greece as well

From Wikipedia Saint George is the patron saint of Aragon, Catalonia, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, and Russia, as well as the cities of Amersfoort, Beirut, Bteghrine, Cáceres, Spain, Ferrara, Freiburg, Genoa, Ljubljana, Gozo, Pomorie, Qormi, Lod, and Moscow

Edited by euro
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Is it acceptable to wish the Brits here a Happy St. George's Day if you're not English? I remember the furor over non-Irish saying Happy St. Patricks Day.

What I questioned was the wishing from non Irish people for 'everyone' to have a happy St Patrick's Day, even if they aren't Irish (which 99.9 % of the people on this board aren't). I would have had no trouble if there was a wish for the Irish to have a happy St Patrick's Day.....but it made no sense to wish 'everyone' a happy St Patrick's Day.

This is why I didn't wish 'everyone' a happy St George's Day, just those it concerns...i.e the English folks. It would be presumptuous, even probably offensive to some, to wish 'everyone' a happy St George's Day, especially when most don't give a rat's razoo :D

In any event, Happy St. George's Day. I don't know what you today, but have a good time.

Thank you and thanks also to everyone else who wished us a happy St George's Day in this thread. Much appreciated.

Edited by Mangani
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ANYway, Happy St. George's Day to all you English peeps! Do you guys have anything traditional you do for today?

Near where I live, on the nearest weekend, there is usually a fair where we all eat food, drink beer and people dress up as knights etc. It's good fun. Obviously, when St George's Day falls in midweek it's not quite as fun as we don't get a day off.

There is a movement to make St George's Day a public holiday in England but I doubt it will ever happen. We don't have any kind of national holiday celebrating our country or our history like you do in the U.S and other places. The nearest would be Remembrance Sunday but that's not a holiday.

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Well, the media traditionally spends the whole day whining on about how it's a scandal that we don't have a big party like the Irish do. :rolleyes:

(Of course, any genuine English person will wake up every morning and thank their luck. We don't need to have a special day for it!)

Ah, it's one of those holidays... We have a lot of those, too. Like Columbus Day...laaaame! And pointless. It's all about Leif Erikson day, man! I don't understand why people don't make a bigger deal out of that...I don't know about the rest of America, but I know I'm always looking for an excuse to get drunk on mead and wear a Viking helmet. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's all about Leif Erikson day, man! I don't understand why people don't make a bigger deal out of that...I don't know about the rest of America, but I know I'm always looking for an excuse to get drunk on mead and wear a Viking helmet. :D

Saw a news magazine on the stands the other day. Not sure if it was Time, but one of those sort of mags. Anyway, the cover story was about the Danish Navy patrolling the coast of Somalia. Headline:



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