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dream interpreters

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ok so here it goes...

so i get to work (i work at keva juice) and all of a sudden i just pass out onto the floor and when i finaly do get back up i go to the boss and tell her what just happen and she tells me to go home (here's where it gets weird) i walk outside and i get in my car but the car wont start and then i see my friend through my car window then the sky turns complelty black and she (my friend) just starts this super loud screaming and when i look at her there are all these weird black things crawling on the ground that are going near her...so i keep trying to start the car but it wont until finally one of the black things crawls onto the car, smashes the window, and grabs me and thats where i wake up.

Ok so this is like a reacuring dream for me i have had for the last 3 nights but last night was the worst...when it grabbed me i woke up and i sware i was havng a heart attack and its not like my family has a long line of hearrt condition in the family or anything like that (not to mention i think i am extremely young to have a heart attack) but i swear if i didnt get and get a glass of water i was going to die...and usually when i wake up from this dream i just feel really cold and scared out of my mind but not last night...so is it normal to feel like i did after a horrofying dream or is it not so good?

And by the way i havn't seen any scary movies that would cause me to have this dream and i can think of nothing i watch on TV that would cause this i usually jsut watch the simpsons, 2 and a half men, seinfeld, and the colbert report

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ok so here it goes...

so i get to work (i work at keva juice) and all of a sudden i just pass out onto the floor and when i finaly do get back up i go to the boss and tell her what just happen and she tells me to go home (here's where it gets weird) i walk outside and i get in my car but the car wont start and then i see my friend through my car window then the sky turns complelty black and she (my friend) just starts this super loud screaming and when i look at her there are all these weird black things crawling on the ground that are going near her...so i keep trying to start the car but it wont until finally one of the black things crawls onto the car, smashes the window, and grabs me and thats where i wake up.

Ok so this is like a reacuring dream for me i have had for the last 3 nights but last night was the worst...when it grabbed me i woke up and i sware i was havng a heart attack and its not like my family has a long line of hearrt condition in the family or anything like that (not to mention i think i am extremely young to have a heart attack) but i swear if i didnt get and get a glass of water i was going to die...and usually when i wake up from this dream i just feel really cold and scared out of my mind but not last night...so is it normal to feel like i did after a horrofying dream or is it not so good?

And by the way i havn't seen any scary movies that would cause me to have this dream and i can think of nothing i watch on TV that would cause this i usually jsut watch the simpsons, 2 and a half men, seinfeld, and the colbert report

It's just the anxiety of the issue that's making you think if you didn't wake up you'd die, you're having a form of panic attack about it which always feels like you're going to die anyway. It's a normal response.

Can I ask you if the dream and all the visuals were exactly the same for each of the three nights?

Have you thought of what the dream might be about?

To me it sounds like this dream is addressing a particular anxious issue you have. What does the symbolism mean to you? Do you feel like you have or are letting someone down perhaps or is there an issue you have with someone that hasn't been resolved and you feel a lot of guilt about it?

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It's just the anxiety of the issue that's making you think if you didn't wake up you'd die, you're having a form of panic attack about it which always feels like you're going to die anyway. It's a normal response.

Can I ask you if the dream and all the visuals were exactly the same for each of the three nights?

Have you thought of what the dream might be about?

To me it sounds like this dream is addressing a particular anxious issue you have. What does the symbolism mean to you? Do you feel like you have or are letting someone down perhaps or is there an issue you have with someone that hasn't been resolved and you feel a lot of guilt about it?

yes all three nights, the visuals have been the same

i dont think its any anxiousness at work i meen all we do is make smootheis and heat up pretzals so it's not like im getting all hot or sweaty and dehydrated to make me feel dizzy like im going to pass out

the part with my friend i'm not really sure about i saw her the during the before i had the dream and all we did was go 7/11 and got slurpees and set at the park so its not like we did anything scary or we had a fight and to get the special feelings for each other thing out of the way we have all ready tryed dateing eachother and it just didnt work so were just really good friends

does that help at all?

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My three recurring dreams. Have had them for years.

1. Stranded on a high place unable to climb down.

2. Witness plane crash. Have to take cover from flying debris.

3. Caught in insane lightning storm. Don't get struck, but many near misses.

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My three recurring dreams. Have had them for years.

1. Stranded on a high place unable to climb down.

2. Witness plane crash. Have to take cover from flying debris.

3. Caught in insane lightning storm. Don't get struck, but many near misses.

Hi Ev,

My advice to you is, when you go to bed, you must sleep with a pair of Red Underpants over the top of your Blue Pyjamas, that should give you the confidence to cope with all 3 of your nightmares. ;)

Regards, Danny

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Hi Ev,

My advice to you is, when you go to bed, you must sleep with a pair of Red Underpants over the top of your Blue Pyjamas, that should give you the confidence to cope with all 3 of your nightmares. ;)

Regards, Danny

Yeah, and stop eating spicy food after 9PM!

I don't know about the "under pant's" test but certain spices will give you some weird dream's!

I have those when I'm trying to run but my feet feel like led dream's and the one's about Nuclear bomb's going off, but there not all the same every single time. And of course the one's about old places I used to live at.

Some time's I have sex dream's witch I will NOT! Describe here!

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yes all three nights, the visuals have been the same

i dont think its any anxiousness at work i meen all we do is make smootheis and heat up pretzals so it's not like im getting all hot or sweaty and dehydrated to make me feel dizzy like im going to pass out

the part with my friend i'm not really sure about i saw her the during the before i had the dream and all we did was go 7/11 and got slurpees and set at the park so its not like we did anything scary or we had a fight and to get the special feelings for each other thing out of the way we have all ready tryed dateing eachother and it just didnt work so were just really good friends

does that help at all?

well the thing is just because the dream opens at your work, doesn't mean that the dream is about your work...remember dreams are all symbolism, and you have to interpret it. For example, if you're fainting at work it, then you have to ask yourself what does work or your workplace mean to you? What does it mean to you if you faint at work? Does it mean that you fear you're unreliable? Does it mean you fear you can't meet certain serious obligations? You saw your friend in distress, what does that friend mean to you? You tried dating, does committment scare you? Do you have unresolved feelings for this person? You tried to get away from the bug creatures but your car wouldn't start, that would seem to me that you don't have the courage or conviction to do something that you need to do. Maybe this person isn't good for you and you really need to end the friendship but you can't bring yourself to do it or they have qualities or traits you can't seem to get away from...I don't know, these are just suggestions to get you thinking about the meaning behind the symbolisms.

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well the thing is just because the dream opens at your work, doesn't mean that the dream is about your work...remember dreams are all symbolism, and you have to interpret it. For example, if you're fainting at work it, then you have to ask yourself what does work or your workplace mean to you? What does it mean to you if you faint at work? Does it mean that you fear you're unreliable? Does it mean you fear you can't meet certain serious obligations? You saw your friend in distress, what does that friend mean to you? You tried dating, does committment scare you? Do you have unresolved feelings for this person? You tried to get away from the bug creatures but your car wouldn't start, that would seem to me that you don't have the courage or conviction to do something that you need to do. Maybe this person isn't good for you and you really need to end the friendship but you can't bring yourself to do it or they have qualities or traits you can't seem to get away from...I don't know, these are just suggestions to get you thinking about the meaning behind the symbolisms.

holy cow :o

i would of never thought of those things thank you so much

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ok so here it goes...

so i get to work (i work at keva juice) and all of a sudden i just pass out onto the floor and when i finaly do get back up i go to the boss and tell her what just happen and she tells me to go home (here's where it gets weird) i walk outside and i get in my car but the car wont start and then i see my friend through my car window then the sky turns complelty black and she (my friend) just starts this super loud screaming and when i look at her there are all these weird black things crawling on the ground that are going near her...so i keep trying to start the car but it wont until finally one of the black things crawls onto the car, smashes the window, and grabs me and thats where i wake up.

Ok so this is like a reacuring dream for me i have had for the last 3 nights but last night was the worst...when it grabbed me i woke up and i sware i was havng a heart attack and its not like my family has a long line of hearrt condition in the family or anything like that (not to mention i think i am extremely young to have a heart attack) but i swear if i didnt get and get a glass of water i was going to die...and usually when i wake up from this dream i just feel really cold and scared out of my mind but not last night...so is it normal to feel like i did after a horrofying dream or is it not so good?

And by the way i havn't seen any scary movies that would cause me to have this dream and i can think of nothing i watch on TV that would cause this i usually jsut watch the simpsons, 2 and a half men, seinfeld, and the colbert report

The dream means that you are worried about you eternal soul. The black things crawling on the ground are demons there to remind you of your many sins, and there to take you to hell.

I would be very worried about those dreams if I were you.

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My three recurring dreams. Have had them for years.

1. Stranded on a high place unable to climb down.

2. Witness plane crash. Have to take cover from flying debris.

3. Caught in insane lightning storm. Don't get struck, but many near misses.

Being stranded on a high place means that you are worried about your soul. You know you want it to "go up" to the good place, but the situation is such that you can't and you won't. The fact that you are unwilling to climb down is natural. Nobody wants to burn in hell forever.

The debris from the plane crash represent demons trying to get you. It could be a plane crash, or an exploding top fuel dragster at the track. But the things coming after you represent demons pretty much.

The lighting thing is obvious; it is God trying to punish you straight.

I would be very worried about these dreams if I were you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this happened at a time inside my dream:

I'm in the backyard of my house, I used to live in the center of an apple (city block, place to live many families=) in the center of cordoba.

I can see a small light, far away blinkin on three different colors without a certain flash rate and seem to shine in two different but nearly locations.

I wait some 15 minutes, while the light is closing to me. (I'm used to look at the sky)

I live over a route aircraft that sailed over my city, this was not a plane or a helicopter.

there is no noise, and is already over my head.

suddenly begins to spin, I can only see half of the circle that this object described,

because the roof of my house is placed in the middle.

that blinking light, is actually the silhouette of a big circumference and there's not noise.

I can assume that this object is far, but the silhouette is great.

my perception tells me that if it were a thousand meters, would have a thousand meters in circumference. (it was much higher distance, so, it was bigger)

I do not miss the calm, life surprised me with things much more tangible and more unreal.

I hit the streets, the lights of the city are blinding me, no one could see this from anywhere.

I lost miself in the neightborhood...

I woke up much later ...

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  • 1 year later...

I had a dream about my kitty who died almost 6 weeks ago last night.

I was carrying my kitty around and ended up in line at the white house waiting to see the president. In my dream it was not evident who the president was or why I needed to see him. I was thinking I should of got her leash in the black bowl next to her ashes so that she would not wander around the oval office if I had to put her down. When I got up to the person who had the list, she told me that I did not have an appointment and I was hoping someone would have cancelled and they could squeeze me in to see him.

Then I woke up. I think my subconcious is trying to tell me that even though Pepper is not here physically anymore, that I still carry her around in my memories and my heart, even though my heart is still on my sleve when it comes to her

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