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Where's the outrage?


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I was reading an obituary in my local paper about a fallen soldier who died in Afghanistan.

What the hell are we doing there anyway?

Wars are necessary so that a Armys (sort of) know what they are doing and to be familiar with actual combat situations..as sad as it is that soldiers die in conflict situations, they are the ones that signed up.. so what do they expect...As for Afghanistan it's the perfect place to practice war. No matter what you throw at them backward thinking retardedley minded Talibans types etc.. they just keep coming back for more. So if you don't want to die in a warzone, don't join an army and if they try to conscript/draft you tell em to fuck off.

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situations..as sad as it is that soldiers die in conflict situations, they are the ones that signed up.. so what do they expect.

I know I'm the new kid around here, but, let me just voice my 2 cents on this issue. Our Armed forces have not been appropriately used in oh, lets see, what's today, Thursday....yeah for about 60 effing years!!!! What do they expect? How about a Commander in chief who knows W T F they are doing! You do not send a professional soldier into harm's way unless there is a clear and present danger to the United States. Period. You want to nation build? Send the Peace Corps, not the Marine Corps.

BTW, what can a US soldier expect from me? How about a thank you once in awhile, how about picking up their tab next time they're in line at the coffee shop. How about making an effort to educate myself about the upcoming election and throw the BUMS out of office! Time for a clean slate.

I'm no fan of Michael Moore, but remember when he asked members of Congress to sign their kids up to fight this war? I loved that. But, hey, we signed these people up to represent us, so what can WE expect?

It takes courage to be in the military. It is truly a selfless act, and they deserve better than what they are getting.

There's a line in a song by Sister Hazel.."soldiers come home with one leg less than they'd gone with, we all walk around like there's just nothing wrong with it..."

Ok, enough from me...

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Oh yes...Yet another fine Republican politician from my favorite State of South Carolina rears their ugly head. To top off that very sad display, the Republican rebuttal still insisted that any government health care will insure illegal aliens and reduce Medicare payments to senior citizens when the POTUS just announced the exact opposite 10 minutes before to the whole nation. The party of 'fear' strikes once more. I can't wait to twist one up, pop some corn, and watch Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck call Joe Wilson the hero of average Americans, and our personal protector from Godless socialism. :lol:

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the POTUS just announced the exact opposite 10 minutes before to the whole nation.

uh, so now you DO believe what the POTUS says?

I came to accept the notion many people held that everything Bush said was a lie.

I didn't believe everything he said, but I didn't think it was all lies, either.

But now, ANYTHING Obama says is true?


Strong doesn't take much to lose your philosophy of questioning authority.

And Bong-Man, that was a collective "your", not particularly you specifically.

I sense a similar attitude towards Obama among a lot of people who formerly questioned and challenged authority.

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Oh yes...Yet another fine Republican politician from my favorite State of South Carolina rears their ugly head. To top off that very sad display, the Republican rebuttal still insisted that any government health care will insure illegal aliens and reduce Medicare payments to senior citizens when the POTUS just announced the exact opposite 10 minutes before to the whole nation. The party of 'fear' strikes once more. I can't wait to twist one up, pop some corn, and watch Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck call Joe Wilson the hero of average Americans, and our personal protector from Godless socialism. :lol:

Simply because POTUS insists something doesn't mean he isn't full of crap. I'd like to hear the extent of enforcement procedures to be put in place to ensure that Grandma's medical care won't be shared with an illegal alien. He also insists that you get to keep your private health insurance with a public option in place. Again more bullshit. If your employer who provides you with your health insurance decides it would be more cost effective for him to drop the current private plan and allow you to go on a public option, then in a real sense you are NOT ALLOWED to keep your private insurance. So essentially the messiah is lying.

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Wars are necessary so that a Armys (sort of) know what they are doing and to be familiar with actual combat situations..as sad as it is that soldiers die in conflict situations, they are the ones that signed up.. so what do they expect...As for Afghanistan it's the perfect place to practice war. No matter what you throw at them backward thinking retardedley minded Talibans types etc.. they just keep coming back for more. So if you don't want to die in a warzone, don't join an army and if they try to conscript/draft you tell em to fuck off.

That is not the reason why any war would be necessary.

For a war to be "necessary" it must be in self-defense or reasonable defense of others. Any other reason makes anyone perpetrating such a war a common murderer.

As for Afghanistan, it was once a very lovely part of the world, much like California. But unnecessary aggression has compromised it.

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Anybody else watching the "speech"? Gimme a break. So, we are all going to be covered, and it isn't going to cost us anything!

WOW! Imagine if George Bush had said this!!!

So you have coverage. Lucky you.

There are millions of your fellow citizens who don't and have no way of ever getting it because it's priced out of this world. And these just aren't the bums you see laying in the streets either. They're hard working people who may have lost their job or their employer cut their coverage to save money, leaving the employee no option but to risk no coverage at all. They're only one accident or illness away from financial ruin.

But fuck 'em, who cares, you got yours.

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Bastards..everyone of them. Vote the BUMS out in 2010!!!

You conservatives crack me up.

I've have never seen such a bunch of fuckin' sore losers who are so desperate to keep things the way they are, that they make fools of themselves on national television. Get over it, you lost and are losing more ground every day. This thing is going through the House and Senate and will be law before the next election. And there ain't shit you or any of your constituents can do about it. Best get used to an administration that does something other than starting wars on false information.

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So you have coverage. Lucky you.

There are millions of your fellow citizens who don't and have no way of ever getting it because it's priced out of this world. And these just aren't the bums you see laying in the streets either. They're hard working people who may have lost their job or their employer cut their coverage to save money, leaving the employee no option but to risk no coverage at all. They're only one accident or illness away from financial ruin.

But fuck 'em, who cares, you got yours.

I WORKED for what you call "mine", 'K? I'm very aware of the underprivileged. I used to be one, 'K? I've been in healthcare for 18 years...But, I won't bore you with that. So, please don't ever presume to know a f***ing thing about my life, got it?

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So you have coverage. Lucky you.

There are millions of your fellow citizens who don't and have no way of ever getting it because it's priced out of this world. And these just aren't the bums you see laying in the streets either. They're hard working people who may have lost their job or their employer cut their coverage to save money, leaving the employee no option but to risk no coverage at all. They're only one accident or illness away from financial ruin.

But fuck 'em, who cares, you got yours.

And 12 million illegals as well..

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You conservatives crack me up.

I've have never seen such a bunch of fuckin' sore losers who are so desperate to keep things the way they are, that they make fools of themselves on national television. Get over it, you lost and are losing more ground every day. This thing is going through the House and Senate and will be law before the next election. And there ain't shit you or any of your constituents can do about it. Best get used to an administration that does something other than starting wars on false information.

You are exactly right about one thing. Your guy won fair and square. Good for him and you. Good luck.

BTW, did you know that August 2009 has the highest number of casualties? 48, I believe. What does President Obama plan to do to get us out of this mess? The Dems promised in 2006 they would get us out of Iraq. And we voted them in...

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You conservatives crack me up.

I've have never seen such a bunch of fuckin' sore losers who are so desperate to keep things the way they are, that they make fools of themselves on national television. Get over it, you lost and are losing more ground every day. This thing is going through the House and Senate and will be law before the next election. And there ain't shit you or any of your constituents can do about it. Best get used to an administration that does something other than starting wars on false information.

Yeah, fuck those constituents, huh.

Those members of congress should act in the interests of their PARTY, and not those annoying constituents.

Your snarky comments towards supposed conservative condescension is hilariously ironic when, in your very next post, you proudly dismiss constituents as helpless against the will of elected officials.

Fucking amazing.

Edited by TypeO
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Simply because POTUS insists something doesn't mean he isn't full of crap. I'd like to hear the extent of enforcement procedures to be put in place to ensure that Grandma's medical care won't be shared with an illegal alien.

You hit the nail on the head. The Hispanic lobbyists have ensured there is no provision in the health care reform bills requiring an immigration status check on applicants. If your not checking their immigration status, you don't know if they are illegal benefit recipients or not.

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They're only one accident or illness away from financial ruin.

How '90s! Remember this liberal mantra "Most Americans are just a paycheck away from homelessness". Then they proceeded to grant hundreds of thousands of home mortage approvals to those who would otherwise be unqualified. The economy went into a down cycle and now many Americans are losing their homes. Get off the credit cards and instant gratification and start living within your means!

Edited by SteveAJones
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So you have coverage. Lucky you.

There are millions of your fellow citizens who don't and have no way of ever getting it because it's priced out of this world. And these just aren't the bums you see laying in the streets either. They're hard working people who may have lost their job or their employer cut their coverage to save money, leaving the employee no option but to risk no coverage at all. They're only one accident or illness away from financial ruin.

But fuck 'em, who cares, you got yours.

I wonder how many of these hard working people you refer to who can't get insurance because it's "priced out of this world" have any/all/some combination of the following:

  • cable TV
  • high-speed internet
  • cell phone(s)
  • vehicles/dwellings (home or apt.) that are excessive in relation to their income
  • flat-panel plasma TVs, X-box/Playstations, and other "toys" and material trappings of success

If someone is making $30-$45K a year and making a $500+ monthly car payment on a vehicle less than 2 years old, but doesn't have healthcare insurance because they "can't afford it", that's not MY problem. It's THEIR problem, and it's a problem of setting priorities.

So before you lecture people about "they got theirs", you need to be sure you understand WHY "they got theirs" and others haven't.

I had to give up my 2004 pickup (5 years old) because my wife lost her job.

I could bring home over $300 a month extra if I decided I "couldn't afford" health insurance, not to mention even more if I wasn't contributing to my retirement and 401K, so that I hopefully won't be reliant on the government when I'm too old to work.

But a lot of these poor folks who are "only one accident or illness away from financial ruin" are living a better life in terms of cars, homes, and "stuff" than I certainly am.

But Obama isn't going to audit those people and say why aren't you spending your money more wisely?

Instead, he's gonna force ME to help finance THEIR healthcare because they "can't afford" it.

True, some people can't get healthcare, and pre-existing conditions need to be addressed.

But forcing 85%-90% of Americans to change in order to accommodate the other 5%-10% is NOT the way to accomplish it.

And despite what the Prevaricator-In-Chief claims, people WILL be forced into full government healthcare eventually.

No, not from the jump. That's where the wiggle-room is that he uses to make his claims.

But the plan has only one logical and inexorable outcome - single-payer, government-run healthcare.

And the vast majority of American citizens OPPOSE such a plan.

Not that that matters to the Democrats, who know better than their constituents what's best for them.

Or to fatuous ideologues like yourself who deride others based on your personal perceptions and preconceived notions without a thought as to how those others may have arrived at their particular view or philosophy.

No, to you they're just "sore losers who are desperate to keep things the way they are".

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Thought I'd post this. I like it:

the point of capitalism is not to enrich the individual. that's what anindividual participating in a capitalist economy seeks (and i'mcounting corporations as individuals here), but it's not the goal ofthe overall system. the goal of the overall system is to provide forthe entire society which that economy supports. if an economy can belikened to an engine, then in a capitalist economy, pursuit ofindividual wealth is the gasoline. it's the fuel source that drives thewhole thing, it's not the thing itself. a barrel of burning gasolinedoes no one any good--it's only when the fuel is burned at the rightplace, at the right time, that the engine moves.

like it or not, the lifestyle you enjoy depends on those poor peopleyou despise so much. if they evaporated, you'd be shit out of luck--youwouldn't have health insurance, you wouldn't have a job, you wouldn'thave police protection, you wouldn't have the life that you take forgranted. individuals who enrich themselves at a cost to the rest of society,as opposed to simply that individual's market competition, hurteveryone (themselves included) in the long run. by refusing to providea minimum level of support to people lower down on the financial foodchain from yourself, you are depressing their ability to participate inthe economy that allows you to thrive; and if you push them down farenough with that behavior, the economy will simply collapse under itsown weight.

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Nonsensical and complete rubbish. Small businesses and corporations generate the bulk of the profits in a capitalist system. The poor benefit

from this thru new employment opportunities. When the economy goes into a down cycle the lower class is the first to feel the effects - loss of job, layoffs, cutbacks - but it is ludicrous to think the system will collapse because of it. Only a socialist liberal would insist the tail wag the dog.

Yeah....I can feel that 800 billion trickling right down towards the crack of my ass Steve. ;)

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I wonder how many of these hard working people you refer to who can't get insurance because it's "priced out of this world" have any/all/some combination of the following:

  • cable TV
  • high-speed internet
  • cell phone(s)
  • vehicles/dwellings (home or apt.) that are excessive in relation to their income
  • flat-panel plasma TVs, X-box/Playstations, and other "toys" and material trappings of success

If someone is making $30-$45K a year and making a $500+ monthly car payment on a vehicle less than 2 years old, but doesn't have healthcare insurance because they "can't afford it", that's not MY problem. It's THEIR problem, and it's a problem of setting priorities.

So before you lecture people about "they got theirs", you need to be sure you understand WHY "they got theirs" and others haven't.

I had to give up my 2004 pickup (5 years old) because my wife lost her job.

I could bring home over $300 a month extra if I decided I "couldn't afford" health insurance, not to mention even more if I wasn't contributing to my retirement and 401K, so that I hopefully won't be reliant on the government when I'm too old to work.

But a lot of these poor folks who are "only one accident or illness away from financial ruin" are living a better life in terms of cars, homes, and "stuff" than I certainly am.

But Obama isn't going to audit those people and say why aren't you spending your money more wisely?

Instead, he's gonna force ME to help finance THEIR healthcare because they "can't afford" it.

True, some people can't get healthcare, and pre-existing conditions need to be addressed.

But forcing 85%-90% of Americans to change in order to accommodate the other 5%-10% is NOT the way to accomplish it.

And despite what the Prevaricator-In-Chief claims, people WILL be forced into full government healthcare eventually.

No, not from the jump. That's where the wiggle-room is that he uses to make his claims.

But the plan has only one logical and inexorable outcome - single-payer, government-run healthcare.

And the vast majority of American citizens OPPOSE such a plan.

Not that that matters to the Democrats, who know better than their constituents what's best for them.

Or to fatuous ideologues like yourself who deride others based on your personal perceptions and preconceived notions without a thought as to how those others may have arrived at their particular view or philosophy.

No, to you they're just "sore losers who are desperate to keep things the way they are".

why am i not surprised?

I can't be arsed to respond to all of this reactionary rubbish.

It's no wonder the rest of the world laughs at the USA.

You need to go back behind the privacy fence you put up so you don't have to communicate with your neighbors.

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