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Led Zeppelin and "Drugs"


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I also remember reading something about LZ being at a party with a bunch of other people (and possibly Ms. Pamela) and someone observed Jimmy crawling on his hands and knees to the other side of the room. Apparently, it took Jimmy about 20 minutes to crawl and make it to the other side. What he was crawling and falling all over himself to get there was a big bag filled with pills which he grabbed a handfull and gobbled up.

'77 tour

....."Jimmy wore a third Reich costume, made the Heil Htler! gesture, and had to be propped up by two flunkies at all times. I saw him take twenty minutes to crawl across the room to get to a black bag full of pills. He kept toppling over, and everyone else in the room pretended not to notice......." Page 292, I'M with the Band

'72 tour

......"I wandered around in a blue fog for the first few days, and luckily Led Zeppelin charged into town.....He was getting real high by then, and I happily joined him in never-never land......." Page 252 I'M with the Band

.......I flopped around Jimmy again. The first night was wonderful, even though he had started to imbibe many harmful substances....Page 263I'M with the Band

.....Miss Pamela DeBarres

..further, Miss Pamela also writes about the '75 tour in her book Take another Piece of my Heart....After the Nassau Colsum..show she went to party with Zep and other rock stars ie. The Stones, she found out that the party was held at the premises of the "Drug Dealer"..there were no party snacks served she says...

Edited by PlanetPage
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You are right, I do use alot of quotes only because I feel that they either accentuate or demonsrate what or how I feel or what I am trying to convey. To me, the quotes are necessary.

If you want to stress something, you can use italics. It's confusing if you use quotes, because their purpose, apart from directly quoting someone, is to show that a word isn't being used in its usual sense. But you are using these words in their usual sense.

Sorry to be pedantic, I get that way about language! :D

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'77 tour

....."Jimmy wore a third Reich costume, made the Heil Htler! gesture, and had to be propped up by two flunkies at all times. I saw him take twenty minutes to crawl across the room to get to a black bag full of pills. He kept toppling over, and everyone else in the room pretended not to notice......." Page 292, I'M with the Band

That really scares me. It really is a wonder that Jimmy is still alive and as as erratic as his playing was in '77 it's astounding he could still play if those comments are true, which I certainly find believable looking at the appearance of him during '77.

Looking at the Seattle and Knebworth footage you wouldn't think Bonzo was the one who died if you knew a person in Zep had died but not which member.

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That really scares me. It really is a wonder that Jimmy is still alive and as as erratic as his playing was in '77 it's astounding he could still play if those comments are true, which I certainly find believable looking at the appearance of him during '77.

Looking at the Seattle and Knebworth footage you wouldn't think Bonzo was the one who died if you knew a person in Zep had died but not which member.

...in contrast Miss Pamela writes, first meeting him, Aug. 1 - 12 1969, weeks,.......

...."I had taken some very intense mescaline, and Jimmy watched over me, making sure I was having good time. He liked to be in control, and didn't take mnay drugs or drink much alchohol. i think he believed his beauty was too important to tamper with.....Page 159, I'm with The Band...

Note also, Richard really believed it was frail Page who had died, when Richard was in Jail receiving Bonzo's news of Passing... (beginning of Stairway to Heaven)


As for myself, I collected Page'77 Pictures, about 16 yrs....he was a Rock Star-In-a-Class By-Itself, from another world ....Never did it occur to me that he could actually die from drugs..that's just the way it was...life was lived as it was supposed to be...concept of death, never occurred to me, it was definitely on another planet......

**there were many rock stars of the day in '77 but none could compare with the image of Page, yes, Frampton, et all "pretty boy" rock stars, but none like Page in his dragon suits, frail.....He was "too Cool"...my attraction to him was instant, very inviting, and very natural...

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Note also, Richard really believed it was frail Page who had died, when Richard was in Jail receiving Bonzo's news of Passing... (beginning of Stairway to Heaven)

Yeah I also remember reading this.

People always go on about what might have been if Bonzo hadn't died but I sincerely believe that Jimmy would have been at serious risk of dying in 1980 if the US tour had gone ahead. He looks so frail in pictures from '77-'80, like he is on deaths edge some of the time. It wouldn't have taken much for Jimmy to OD during the '80 tour of the states in my opinion. At least Bonzo's death, as tragic as it was woke him up to the fact that it could have just as easily been him.

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Yeah I also remember reading this.

People always go on about what might have been if Bonzo hadn't died but I sincerely believe that Jimmy would have been at serious risk of dying in 1980 if the US tour had gone ahead. He looks so frail in pictures from '77-'80, like he is on deaths edge some of the time. It wouldn't have taken much for Jimmy to OD during the '80 tour of the states in my opinion. At least Bonzo's death, as tragic as it was woke him up to the fact that it could have just as easily been him.

JPJ said it could easily have been any of them.

I don't know that Bonzo's death woke Jimmy up to anything, sadly, as he continued on that path for two or three more years--if anything, it might have made things worse.

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I don't know that Bonzo's death woke Jimmy up to anything, sadly, as he continued on that path for two or three more years--if anything, it might have made things worse.

I don't think there can be any doubt of that. He fell apart and didn't even know where his guitars were stored. That was the nadir. Thank god for Micheal Winner and Eric Clapton! Between Deathwish 2 and ARMS, they encouraged him to rise from his dark place, much as Pete Townsend had done for Clapton a decade earlier.

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I don't think there can be any doubt of that. He fell apart and didn't even know where his guitars were stored. That was the nadir. Thank god for Micheal Winner and Eric Clapton! Between Deathwish 2 and ARMS, they encouraged him to rise from his dark place, much as Pete Townsend had done for Clapton a decade earlier.

:yesnod: :yesnod:

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Jimmy Page has a guardian angel watching over him. That is why he survived all of that despite the destructive influences in his life.

You are right.

His mother,Patricia had said 'I always feel Jimmy is loved and blest by the god' in the first official Led Zep biography book written by Richie Yorke that published in 1976.

(as the book that I've read was Japanese edition, English sentences might be a little different)

It was also written that the band members were speaking the facts only to Mr.Yorke in those days.

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Robert became ill on the early dates of the '75 tour and Jimmy had to develop what he called a "three-fingered technique" to compensate for his injured finger, but again, I think they were just hitting their stride come May:

Whole Lotta Love


Edit: with James Brown's Sex Machine thrown in for good measure!

For me,and I mean as a live act, something was missing after 73 . Don't know if it was the drugs or the fame and fortune but the band seemed to lose it's mystery and a good bit of it's energy. We don't need to debate the band constantly changing because we all know that was alway's part of the deal as a Zeppelin fan but for me their gigs almost seemed too pre arranged and more predictable. Hell, I thought that about the 73 tour as well . Guess I'm just a tough sell

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'77 tour

....."Jimmy wore a third Reich costume, made the Heil Htler! gesture, and had to be propped up by two flunkies at all times. I saw him take twenty minutes to crawl across the room to get to a black bag full of pills. He kept toppling over, and everyone else in the room pretended not to notice......." Page 292, I'M with the Band

'72 tour

......"I wandered around in a blue fog for the first few days, and luckily Led Zeppelin charged into town.....He was getting real high by then, and I happily joined him in never-never land......." Page 252 I'M with the Band

.......I flopped around Jimmy again. The first night was wonderful, even though he had started to imbibe many harmful substances....Page 263I'M with the Band

.....Miss Pamela DeBarres

..further, Miss Pamela also writes about the '75 tour in her book Take another Piece of my Heart....After the Nassau Colsum..show she went to party with Zep and other rock stars ie. The Stones, she found out that the party was held at the premises of the "Drug Dealer"..there were no party snacks served she says...

This has been spoken of a million times and if you ask me "MISS Pamela" was there to fuck whatever had a knob on it and imbibe for the free ride of her life.

Pamela complaining about "party snacks?" What a twit, she should be happy she was there :hysterical:

No offense to Pam. But that one made me laugh on my way out the door.

Cheers all>>>

Edited by Mary Hartman
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This has been spoken of a million times and if you ask me "MISS Pamela" was there to fuck whatever had a knob on it and imbibe for the free ride of her life.

Pamela complaining about "party snacks?" What a twit, she should be happy she was there :hysterical:

No offense to Pam. But that one made me laugh on my way out the door.

Cheers all>>>

...I don't take everything seriously to the point (embellishment, as above), but she was there....I wasn't......

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...I don't take everything seriously to the point (embellishment, as above), but she was there....I wasn't......

I don't either. I think Pamela had to have a good sense of humor herself. I mean you have to admit they did some really odd funny things. And they also did some incredibly stupid things at times. I am sure Pamela had tons of fun and if I offended you that was not my purpose. I have not read her book to be quite honest with you so I really couldn't remark on the quality of it. I have a pic of her here but I think we have all seen Pam's pictures.

Personally I wish I could have seen more of the antics than I did. I am happy that Jimmy is in good health now as is Robert and Jones.

Hopefully you are as well. I do not party beyond I drink occasionally. It's in my best interest for a long happy life. I love hugs and a good joke though.

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I don't either. I think Pamela had to have a good sense of humor herself. I mean you have to admit they did some really odd funny things. And they also did some incredibly stupid things at times. I am sure Pamela had tons of fun and if I offended you that was not my purpose. I have not read her book to be quite honest with you so I really couldn't remark on the quality of it. I have a pic of her here but I think we have all seen Pam's pictures.

Pamela's friends on both my Facebook and MySpace. :lol:

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I don't either. I think Pamela had to have a good sense of humor herself. I mean you have to admit they did some really odd funny things. And they also did some incredibly stupid things at times. I am sure Pamela had tons of fun and if I offended you that was not my purpose. I have not read her book to be quite honest with you so I really couldn't remark on the quality of it. I have a pic of her here but I think we have all seen Pam's pictures.

Personally I wish I could have seen more of the antics than I did. I am happy that Jimmy is in good health now as is Robert and Jones.

Hopefully you are as well. I do not party beyond I drink occasionally. It's in my best interest for a long happy life. I love hugs and a good joke though.

...it's all good, not to worry at all.....I have read her books (this one few times). Embellished, yes, but she did keep a diary of just about every account...The purpose of my posting was that you can see Jimmy's escalating health concern from '69 to '77...anyway she has had an incredible opportunity...to complain about Party Snacks in the presence of likes of The Stones, et all...


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I'll grant you the self-indulgence became at times insufferable (Jimmy doing the Star Spangled Banner anyone?)

but the proof is in the listening and the watching - there were some magical nights in '75.

There were and my intent was not to downplay them as a live act but only to say that there were many nights that the band seemed to be quite happy taking their party reputation to the stage. All the lights and lasers couldn't hide that fact. Still, hearing IMTOD and Kashmir live in 75 would have to rank as two of the greatest moments I ever witnessed

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...it's all good, not to worry at all.....I have read her books (this one few times). Embellished, yes, but she did keep a diary of just about every account...The purpose of my posting was that you can see Jimmy's escalating health concern from '69 to '77...anyway she has had an incredible opportunity...to complain about Party Snacks in the presence of likes of The Stones, et all...


That's pretty evident. And you know you play your cards and suffer the consequences. I saw LZ in 77. Saw Robert (Manic Nirvana Tour) and saw Jimmy with Jason in Cleveland. I will treasure the fun and happy times. True many have seen them more than I. But I still love them the same.

The idea of Pamela snacking on Jimmy instead of snacks was what cracked me up.

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That's pretty evident. And you know you play your cards and suffer the consequences. I saw LZ in 77. Saw Robert (Manic Nirvana Tour) and saw Jimmy with Jason in Cleveland. I will treasure the fun and happy times. True many have seen them more than I. But I still love them the same.

The idea of Pamela snacking on Jimmy instead of snacks was what cracked me up.

...it's evident, but good that she kept a diary for all the moments...you sure are lucky, wish I was at least half as luck as you are...any way, I am really happy to see the surviving Zep....all of them...they will remain part of my life as they always have..it's not possible to separate them in any way........

..forgot about snacks.....it was time for new ones...She was with her beau Michael by now......

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The drugs were an inseparable part of the whole environment that Led Zeppelin lived and breathed back then. But how important were they? Is that where the inspiration came from? Well, yeah, sometimes I guess. But on the other hand, lots and lots of people dropped acid in the 60's. Only one of them wrote Purple Haze. The things you experience are not what's most important, but rather a quality of the experience itself and the ability to express it and give it form that sounds like something worth hearing. Kate Bush has written an excellent song about her washing machine. Was she trying to prove something? Maybe she was - but then, why not?

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The drugs were an inseparable part of the whole environment that Led Zeppelin lived and breathed back then. But how important were they? Is that where the inspiration came from? Well, yeah, sometimes I guess. But on the other hand, lots and lots of people dropped acid in the 60's. Only one of them wrote Purple Haze. The things you experience are not what's most important, but rather a quality of the experience itself and the ability to express it and give it form that sounds like something worth hearing. Kate Bush has written an excellent song about her washing machine. Was she trying to prove something? Maybe she was - but then, why not?

I tend to agree Otto. It may have spurrned a tune or two but overall , I think the bulk of the inspiration came from someplace else.

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Drugs were around long before Led Zeppelin came along.

Nooooo, go on now according to Rolling Stone Magazine... Led Zeppelin lost the war on drugs or something. I have an issue on my desk.

Anyways. The inspiration came from somewhere else on the music. Stay healthy.

I think more money should be invested in treatment than giving it to war in other countries. But that's just my slim opine. We all have other more brilliant things to invest in problems to solve...

Think Love....look at the banner kids. It's there for a reason.

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I really love Led Zeppelin music. Many songs and inspiration may have came from drugs, but I don't think that everything came just from drugs. There are so many other things that you can get inspiration from. Speaking of Led Zeppelin and their songs, I have no problem with that. They've created their music and that's it.

When I was a kid I was always hearing stories that rock musicians use drugs. Back then it was really weird and scary to me, but now I don't have problem with that. That was a part of their rock lifestyle as it's said.

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