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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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It's sort of compromised.

But, my parents are absolutely outraged right now. My father hardly ever gets angry at anything.

I can tell that they are angry with my thoughts, not my decisions even, my thoughts

So, now I have to break apart my friendship with this wonderful guy, only because he's a guy. Such a shame, I thought we had something, a special friendship. It's going to be heartbreaking to tell him. After that, everything will return back to normal. Also, they are attempting to convert me back again by sending me to Sunday School.

Anyways, I hope I can run away. It's crazy but I am contemplating it. Not right now, when I am 18 or older. I want to run away when I have enough money to a friend's house far far away.

But 16-18 years old, I have to deal with it and put up with being a goody two shoes.

Maybe, I should go to Wales like Vannis likes

or to England

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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^^^^ Didn't really get that Sarah. Hmmmm, its a good place to be and you are rarely here. Would be nice to see you a little more. ReR is missing Sarah. :lol:

Richard? Where are you? Now you're doing my disappearing act! :lol:

My internet died on me all of a sudden!! I was like 'oh no, I've disappeared!!!!' :lol:

Good point. What I don't get is that it isn't really English. Igot in trouble one year for beinga smart alec and spelling colour with a u. And that's how the English spell it just ask Richard. And the English say "loo" instead of bathroom. (Or at least I thought they do.)

I see you were talking about spelling. And yes the English people have got it right!! And I am glad you have been spelling those words correctly...fight the power!! :yay: The language is called English for a reason, we invented it, therefore we do it right! :lol: So well done to Alicia and to Vannis!!!

Rabia, I hope everything turns out for you! :console:

When you're 18 you can run away and come and live on my couch, that should be far enough away :D . I know this is all very serious, but you live in New York for a reason, and as Richard outlined, because of the statue of Liberty. From now on, every time I think of the statue I will think of you too! :kiss:

:yay: Great first post GeeGee. By first post I meant first post joining in a conversation. And that's the spirit of the club...willingness to let someone sleep on your couch. Don't all come at once though to my house though will you! :lol: My parents wouldn't be too happy.

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And the English say "loo" instead of bathroom. (Or at least I thought they do.)

I forgot to answer this. Yes Alicia, in certain places in the country we call it the 'loo'. I refer to it as that quite a bit. Although we never say bathroom in reference to going to the toilet. You would say 'I'm going to the bathroom', we would say 'I'm going to the toilet'. No-one in this country says bathroom when referring to the toilet. We do call the room where the toilet is the bathroom though. I sometimes say 'I'm going to the Jon'. Jon pronounced like the name 'John'. :lol: But we most often say toilet, never bathroom.

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I forgot to answer this. Yes Alicia, in certain places in the country we call it the 'loo'. I refer to it as that quite a bit. Although we never say bathroom in reference to going to the toilet. You would say 'I'm going to the bathroom', we would say 'I'm going to the toilet'. No-one in this country says bathroom when referring to the toilet. We do call the room where the toilet is the bathroom though. I sometimes say 'I'm going to the Jon'. Jon pronounced like the name 'John'. :lol: But we most often say toilet, never bathroom.

I always use the toilet. :lol: Sometimes I might say bathroom but that's very seldom.

I just came back from school. Had a pretty nice day. Except one guys said to my friend that's she's

'fucking annoying'. He doesn't even know her. <_<

Rabia, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you're feeling. You're going through some rough times. :(

I hope you really don't stop seeing that boy. But when you're 18 you can do anything you want. :console: But I'd let you stay here at my place if you ever came to Finland. :lol:

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They would be surprised but... they wouldn't mind. :lol:

"BTW mom, my friend from England is coming over tomorrow. His name is Richard and he's 20 years old."

"What the hell Noora?! Where did you meet this guy?"

"On Led Zeppelin forum........"


You just need to be polite that's all. :lol:

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Haha, that's really what my mom would say.

Chuckle. :lol:

I love laughing loudly too. But I could not stop it even if I wanted to.

I think it's absolutely lovely that you and your brother get along so well. My sister and I get along too but sometimes we have big fights. :lol: Nothing serious though. Hehee.

My friend's party is today. Yikes. :blink:

I'm so glad that I have now 5 friends who are coming but not going to drink. I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE

EDIT: Hi Vannis! What's up? :D

Edited by noora
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Ah greetings Vannis....Noora has invited me over to her house! :lol:

I know, I saw. :unsure:

Haha, that's really what my mom would say.

Chuckle. :lol:

I love laughing loudly too. But I could not stop it even if I wanted to.

I think it's absolutely lovely that you and your brother get along so well. My sister and I get along too but sometimes we have big fights. :lol: Nothing serious though. Hehee.

My friend's party is today. Yikes. :blink:

I'm so glad that I have now 5 friends who are coming but not going to drink. I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE

EDIT: Hi Vannis! What's up? :D

Hi Noora.

I have the same problem with laughing. I have this really embarrassing, really annoying loud laugh. I hate it, but people think it's hysterical. :lol: And I can't ever stop.

Edit: We're all hoping for a snow day here, but I don't think we have one. I haven't bothered to get out of bed to check yet :lol:

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I know, I saw. :unsure:

Hi Noora.

I have the same problem with laughing. I have this really embarrassing, really annoying loud laugh. I hate it, but people think it's hysterical. :lol: And I can't ever stop.

Edit: We're all hoping for a snow day here, but I don't think we have one. I haven't bothered to get out of bed to check yet :lol:

Vannis, you're welcome to my house too :lol: Whenever you feel like to fly :lol:

Yea I know. When I start laughin people start laughing too. Not because something's funny, my laugh is funny.

We have snow but now it's raining damn it. But I bet it's gonna snow tomorrow. Again. The snow will come back, right? :unsure::lol:

But I gonna go have a shower, I need to get ready for the party. But I'll be back soon, NOT NAKED :lol:

EDIT: bye Vannis

And sorry Richard, I forgot to answer to your post. I like what you said. It's so sweet. :wub::)

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