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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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Ah, Hetty.. Bad eyes <_< don't have my.. ehm.. lenses? in right now, and I don't like my glasses.

I don't know the reason. Stupid school.. You know, I like being free, but not at this moment.

By the way, my tutor is on a holiday in Aruba right now :blink: I really wonder why that's possible, I think you get enough free time when you're teacher, so you don't have to go on a holiday when the rest is working.

One nice thing about that, no PE next week! (It's my least favourite subject)

But I'm going to bed now.. bye everyone! :wave:

Edited by Lessien
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Yeah, it was a good pic to use to fill the space. I appear to be slightly frowning on my personal picture. Well, it's more a look of concentration!! :lol:

It's ok, I still sense the vibes. You have the wolfish look in it.

BTW, how do you have such clear skin. Some special sort of British elixir potion? I envy you.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Haha! I have never had an achne problem at all. Ok I have had the odd spot but nothing majorly bad. I don't know what it is. I rarely use anything on my face other than soap. No creams or lotions or potions :lol: nuthin'!! It must be in my genes I guess. Apparently there's some Italian in there...I don't think I've ever seen a spotty Italian. :lol: People are always asking if I've been on holiday because I am so naturally tanned...I say "No, I was born like this" and you can almost see them turn green with envy! :lol:

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I think makeup can compliment a girl's looks. It should never be overly used, which seems to have become a craze in England. Some girls look more like they are wearing a mask rather than a face. :lol: I think eyeliner can be great, it really emphasises a woman's eyes. It makes them stand out. But like I said, all in moderation!

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