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ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!


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Doesn't bother me as I think of the scene with Steve McQueen in 'The Getaway' where he was making the deal on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. B)

What's happening "redrum!" How are you doing today? No problem my friend! I am a BIG STEVE MCQUEEN fan! STEVE MCQUEEN IS THE KING OF COOL! I love the movie "The Getaway," that was a great scene at the Riverwalk wasn't it? Thank you for your comment. Have a great day, take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

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Your trademark sayings certainly make you a unique member of this forum. Like someone was saying earlier in this thread, you come across as a happy and positive person. I say keep rockin' on. :)

How are you doing "Zepulon?" I hope life's treating you well. Thank you for your kind words, it really does mean a lot in reference to hearing positive posts from many fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics such as yourself. Have a great evening, take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

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Hows it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics! I hope all is well with all of you. Ok, lets stop beating around the bush! I realize that there are some of you out there that resent me using "How's it going" and "ROCK ON" repeatedly. If any of you resent me using these phrases, now is the time to speak your mind. But let me warn you, I can fight back! In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!

...it's not me ZFF........I do try to see the half glass full when I afford myself the opportunity to be present in the era of our Zep guys...I am sure most fans would agree, there are many other issues that are much annoying than this, well, I will be honest and just say it....love is a difficult thing...as long as you aren't "hurting" anybody...it's all good...you know what I mean!!!! :)

........In this lifetime, there is not enough time to love, but I don't know where people find the time to hate... R. Tagore

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Couldn't have said it better myself, Bonnie.

This thread cracks me up, I have to say. Do people really care how many posts they have? Really? (Obviously, I'm not one of them!) And, someone really PM'd a complaint about another person's writing style? :slapface: I guess I just don't get it.

Anyway, with some of the negativity and bullying that goes on in this forum in my opinion, it's nice to read some positive posts! :D

I agree & this thread definately cracks me up as well. Everytime I look at a new post I laugh even harder at the latest gem. The spoken & unspoken passive/aggressive hostility combined with some absolutely sunny positive vibes makes for great comedy. This stuff writes itself.

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...it's not me ZFF........I do try to see the half glass full when I afford myself the opportunity to be present in the era of our Zep guys...I am sure most fans would agree, there are many other issues that are much annoying than this, well, I will be honest and just say it....love is a difficult thing...as long as you aren't "hurting" anybody...it's all good...you know what I mean!!!! :)

........In this lifetime, there is not enough time to love, but I don't know where people find the time to hate... R. Tagore

Hi "PlanetPage!" How are you doing? I know that it ain't you my dear, you're just too nice. Thank you for telling it like it is, I wouldn't have it any other way. You take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

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I agree & this thread definately cracks me up as well. Everytime I look at a new post I laugh even harder at the latest gem. The spoken & unspoken passive/aggressive hostility combined with some absolutely sunny positive vibes makes for great comedy. This stuff writes itself.

What's happening "kakdaddy?" I hope that your day went well. You have to admit, this thread did write itself on its own didn't it? I am thankful that I wrote this thread because I really got to know a lot of you. And in return, I wanted all of you to get to know me. Overall, there was something accomplished with this thread. Thank you for your comments "kakdaddy," it really meant so much to me. You take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

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What's happening "kakdaddy?" I hope that your day went well. You have to admit, this thread did write itself on its own didn't it? I am thankful that I wrote this thread because I really got to know a lot of you. And in return, I wanted all of you to get to know me. Overall, there was something accomplished with this thread. Thank you for your comments "kakdaddy," it really meant so much to me. You take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!


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What's happening "kakdaddy?" Any relation to Puffdaddy? Ha Ha! Great sign offs that you are using, however, my favorite is YANK HER CRANK HER BUT DON'T STAY AROUND TO THANK HER. It reminds me of WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAM! :hysterical: This is a great way to start the morning. I have to be at work at 0600 or 6 A.M. this morning. Thanks for your comment, it really gave me a great head start. You have a great day, take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

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What's happening "jimmie ray!" I hope all is well with you. Forgive me, but your post can be taken in different ways. I hope that you are not referring to me as someone who is crying over being dumped on. Believe me, if you knew me and what I do for a living, crying is the last thing that you would ever think that I would do. And I do mean that in a good way "jimmie ray." What we should both do is tell the people that are complaining about what I or anyone else does, to "BITCH ON!" I'm not bitching nor have I ever been known here on the forum to bitch, I'm just looking for answers and resolutions. Thank you for your honesty and comment "jimmie ray," I really do appreciate it. Take care and ROCK ON my friend!

Hey, ZFF - I am certainly not referring to you. As you know, I've always responded to you with an equally enthusiastic greeting - but that seems to have upset someone else, here. I won't harp on that, since you seem to like everyone, and are looking to get to know them better. But let me tell you instead about an old friend "Timmie Toolbox", who had his own special trademark that went "Zschong - Zschong - Zschonggg!" He would use this expression upon any situation that brought him happiness, even a simple occurrence such as opening a cold brew. All of us buds would join in with his celebration, with our own imitations of this unique "Timmie-ism". It was a blast, but Mrs. Toolbox did not share in this joyousness. But instead of telling Timmie to curb it, she called us other guys a bunch of immature losers, and kept us from visiting Timmie. So Timmie stayed home, watching alot of suckass TV shows with Mrs Toolbox, and lost his spirit. Saying "Zschong - Zschong - Zschonggg!" after that only made us sad, so it was never uttered again. I don't know if any of this provides an answer or resolution for you, but you might want to keep the general lesson stored somewhere for future reference. In the meantime, ROCK ON!!!

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Hey, ZFF - I am certainly not referring to you. As you know, I've always responded to you with an equally enthusiastic greeting - but that seems to have upset someone else, here. I won't harp on that, since you seem to like everyone, and are looking to get to know them better. But let me tell you instead about an old friend "Timmie Toolbox", who had his own special trademark that went "Zschong - Zschong - Zschonggg!" He would use this expression upon any situation that brought him happiness, even a simple occurrence such as opening a cold brew. All of us buds would join in with his celebration, with our own imitations of this unique "Timmie-ism". It was a blast, but Mrs. Toolbox did not share in this joyousness. But instead of telling Timmie to curb it, she called us other guys a bunch of immature losers, and kept us from visiting Timmie. So Timmie stayed home, watching alot of suckass TV shows with Mrs Toolbox, and lost his spirit. Saying "Zschong - Zschong - Zschonggg!" after that only made us sad, so it was never uttered again. I don't know if any of this provides an answer or resolution for you, but you might want to keep the general lesson stored somewhere for future reference. In the meantime, ROCK ON!!!

Hey "jimmie ray," how are you doing my friend? I hope all is well with you and your family. I kind of had the feeling that you were not referring to me but I just wanted to make sure. I am so sorry that I got you into trouble with someone else "jimmie ray," I really feel terrible. Thank you for making me aware of the situation that can sometimes ruin the LED ZEPPELIN spirit. Now that I am aware of it, thanks to you my friend, I promise that I will not let anything tear my true LED ZEPPELIN spirit down on this forum. You have also provided me with a very important answer, I just hope that it doesn't get you into more trouble with certain ZEPPELIN fanatics/peers. Thank you very much for your honesty and support, you have definitely earned my respect for you "jimmie ray." Take care and ROCK ON FOREVER from ZeppFanForever!

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Hows it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics! I hope all is well with all of you. Ok, lets stop beating around the bush! I realize that there are some of you out there that resent me using "How's it going" and "ROCK ON" repeatedly. If any of you resent me using these phrases, now is the time to speak your mind. But let me warn you, I can fight back! In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!


Yes, it can be annoying, because:

1) It makes you sound a bit like a machine. I almost expext "this is an automatically generated message; do not respond to it" under every post of yours.

2) I can imagine that not everyone is so enthusiastic about being a die hard Zeppelin fan(atic) every day (that doesn't mean that we aren't, more or less). I know, this is "just" a message board, so we shouldn't take this place and our presence here so seriously. BUT, it doesn't mean that we can't have a bad day sometimes, be in a lousy mood, or whatever. And when I'm in a bad mood, I just don't appreciate people confetti and ballons on me without any particular reason (which is basically what you're always doing, throwing verbal confetti). Here, or in the "real life."

3) When you address the same person more than once a day with the same phrase, it just gets kinda tiresome. The "how's it going" phrase then becomes something even less than the empty polite formula.

That said, I should conclude that it's no bit deal. Not something that should raise one's adrenaline level (although, who knows...). You just asked for it.

Peace and ROCK ON! Kat

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Yes, it can be annoying, because:

1) It makes you sound a bit like a machine. I almost expext "this is an automatically generated message; do not respond to it" under every post of yours.

2) I can imagine that not everyone is so enthusiastic about being a die hard Zeppelin fan(atic) every day (that doesn't mean that we aren't, more or less). I know, this is "just" a message board, so we shouldn't take this place and our presence here so seriously. BUT, it doesn't mean that we can't have a bad day sometimes, be in a lousy mood, or whatever. And when I'm in a bad mood, I just don't appreciate people confetti and ballons on me without any particular reason (which is basically what you're always doing, throwing verbal confetti). Here, or in the "real life."

3) When you address the same person more than once a day with the same phrase, it just gets kinda tiresome. The "how's it going" phrase then becomes something even less than the empty polite formula.

That said, I should conclude that it's no bit deal. Not something that should raise one's adrenaline level (although, who knows...). You just asked for it.

Peace and ROCK ON! Kat

Greetings "Katuschka!" I hope all is well witn you. I would like to thank you for your true honesty, it does matter to me. But most of all, I would like to thank you for addressing me in a professional manner. Doing this, you just proved that subject matters like this can be discussed in a mature positive way, and not in a negative way. You also helped me set an example for the many young men and women that are reading this thread now.

Someone else, other than yourself, has made me aware of my continuous automatically generated messages. I do have my reasons. I do the same thing with my occupation, I already have dozens letters prepared in the same orderly fashion for different situations. I prepare and write hundreds of letters everyday, that is part of my job. I am so used to doing this, that it is a natural instinct with me.

There was once a co-worker at my employer that was in a bitchy mood all day everyday. This person used to bitch at everyone except me. Everyday when I went to work, I always wanted to be positive and make a difference at work by putting smiles on people's faces. I always believed that when I did that, that it rubs off on other people resulting in them returning the happy positive feeling back to me which has been known to happen. I always figured that if I have to work with my co-workers/peers for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, that I would like to make people happy. I realize that people can have their moments, believe me, I have my moments too just like everyone else does. To make this story short, this bitchy co-worker was seeing me being nice and friendly to everyone the majority of the time and as years when by, this co-worker started becoming friendly with others. Now I'm not saying that this is always the case because it is not. This co-worker approached me recently and commended me for being true to myself and for being friendly with our peers like I was because it did make a difference by rubbing off on him. This co-worker is still friendly to this very day.

In my opinion, I understand the fact that when people are in a bad mood, they just don't want to be f*c*ed with. Believe me, I have a very important position at my employer and the people that are bitchy where I am, the forum here is nothing compared to where I work and I mean that in a good way. If I can make a difference over there, why not try to make a difference here? I don't want to bring my bad moods from work here on the forum. I also do not want to take my frustrations out on my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics that do not have any idea how my day at work went. I figure that when I come here on the forum, whether I have a good day or a bad day, I am not going to take it out on any of you. Here's something new for you, I just broke up with my girlfriend and I had a somewhat bad day today at work. However, this does give me any reason to come here on the forum and take it out on all of you does it? NO IT DOES NOT! And I'm not going to do it either.

Believe me "Katuschka," I know and understand where you are coming from, but all I ask from certain people here on the forum is to please let me be true to myself just as I would do for them as well as all of you. Treat others the way that you want to be treated. If you treat people good, you will get it back in return. If you treat people like shit, they're going to treat you like shit back. Its as simple as that! Believe me, I KNOW!

"Katuschka," I hope that you, as well as everyone else here on the forum, understands where I am coming from. Deep in my heart, I know that many of you do including yourself. Again, I would like to thank you for your comment "Katuschka," I really appreciate it. Have a great evening, take care and ROCK ON FOREVER from ZeppFanForever.

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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What's happening "redrum!" How are you doing today? No problem my friend! I am a BIG STEVE MCQUEEN fan! STEVE MCQUEEN IS THE KING OF COOL! I love the movie "The Getaway," that was a great scene at the Riverwalk wasn't it? Thank you for your comment. Have a great day, take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

It's a great movie. The stars of today wish they were half as cool as Steve. B)

Oh yeah, I've been to the Riverwalk myself. B)

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It's a great movie. The stars of today wish they were half as cool as Steve. B)

Oh yeah, I've been to the Riverwalk myself. B)

Hey, how's it going "redrum?" There is no one that is as cool as STEVE MCQUEEN, NO ONE my friend! Ha Ha! Have you ever heard the song "Steve McQueen" by SHERYL CROW? I love this song! If you ever come to San Antonio anytime soon, please let me know ok? We'll tear up the town! Ha Ha! In the mean time, take care my friend and ROCK ON FOREVER from ZeppFanForever.

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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Hey, how's it going "redrum?" There is no one that is as cool as STEVE MCQUEEN, NO ONE my friend! Ha Ha! Have you ever heard the song "Steve McQueen" by SHERYL CROW? I love this song! If you ever come to San Antonio anytime soon, please let me know ok? We'll tear up the town! Ha Ha! In the mean time, take care my friend and ROCK ON FOREVER from ZeppFanForever.

I haven't heard the song but I'll look up the lyrics. I was down there in the early 90's with my Tex-Mex girlfriend who's Mom lived in Del Rio.

Don't think I'll be getting back that way anytime soon, but who knows? :D

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I haven't heard the song but I'll look up the lyrics. I was down there in the early 90's with my Tex-Mex girlfriend who's Mom lived in Del Rio.

Don't think I'll be getting back that way anytime soon, but who knows? :D

Please keep me in mind in case you change your mind. ROCK ON FOREVER my friend from ZeppFanForever!

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I'll take my shoes off too. :D

We'll also try to push some sleeping cows over on their sides. After we do that, we better run for our lives! Ha Ha! Believe it or not, my cousin and I actually did that 2 years ago. After we did that, we both ran for our lives and quickly jumped over the fence before the cow ran over us. It was so funny, you had to be there to see it. ROCK ON FOREVER my friend from ZeppFanForever.

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Could it be that you "ZeppFanForever" are actually Robert Plant in disguise?

Nobody would suspect.


How's things going with you "The Pagemeister?" As Robert Plant once said, "I suppose so!" Have a great evening, take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend from ZeppFanForever.

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We'll also try to push some sleeping cows over on their sides. After we do that, we better run for our lives! Ha Ha!

Ah, cow tipping! A favorite pastime here in Texas. We have some weird stuff going on down here. That's what I love about being a Texan (along with big hair, loud women, manly men, "fixin' to", "y'all" and Lone Star beer)!!

Anyway, carry on....didn't mean get off track. <_<

Rock on, ZFF!!

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