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David Letterman Extortion Plot


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The people who are portraying him as a victim are a hoot. :hysterical: This lecherous old bastard makes crude sex jokes about a politician he doesn't like and her daughters and it's perfectly fine. But when he gets a little return fire for being a disgusting old creep, his defenders cry foul. The hypocrisy is palpable.

If Dave is going to dish it out, he better be prepared to take it. B)

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Oh, I guess Sarah Palin is a bastard of the greatest degree, but poor Dave Letterman married his girlfriend even though he was cheating on her.

My heart goes out to Dave. Must be hard sitting up in the clouds.

Watch The Bush and Palin jokes are going to ramp up now.

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Hypocrisy? That is definitely the wrong word to use.

Why? Letterman's defenders ARE hypocrites. They have no problem with Palin being the subject of smears and ridicule, but when Letterman is the recipient it is considered an out of bounds personal attack. That is textbook hypocrisy.

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The people who are portraying him as a victim are a hoot. :hysterical: This lecherous old bastard makes crude sex jokes about a politician he doesn't like and her daughters and it's perfectly fine. But when he gets a little return fire for being a disgusting old creep, his defenders cry foul. The hypocrisy is palpable.

If Dave is going to dish it out, he better be prepared to take it. B)

Really??. "Crude sex jokes??" "Hypocrisy??" We're talking about a woman who gets pregnant with her first child before marriage (yes, do the math), then her own daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock and in her teens, and yet she fiercely proposes "Abstinance Only" as the only acceptible method of birth control? And you're calling Letterman a hypocrite? All he did was explain his side of a story that is out there anyway. Heck, he'll probably be joking about it himself on the show at some point, like he has with other unfortunate facts of his public life. Besides, he had the decency to apologize to Ms Palin for the part of the joke that was clearly misunderstood (that it was about her youngest daughter, which it obviously was not).

Puck Slapping Maple Sucker, you're absolutely right, he dealt with it in a very professional manner (the video has since been removed, unfortunately). And I would hardly compare getting your feelings hurt by a joke on late night television to an extortion attempt, of which yes, he is a victim. Dave ain't no saint, to be sure, but then again, he never holds himself up to be one. So I fail to see the hypocrisy...

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Really??. "Crude sex jokes??" "Hypocrisy??" We're talking about a woman who gets pregnant with her first child before marriage (yes, do the math), then her own daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock and in her teens, and yet she fiercely proposes "Abstinance Only" as the only acceptible method of birth control? And you're calling Letterman a hypocrite? All he did was explain his side of a story that is out there anyway. Heck, he'll probably be joking about it himself on the show at some point, like he has with other unfortunate facts of his public life. Besides, he had the decency to apologize to Ms Palin for the part of the joke that was clearly misunderstood (that it was about her youngest daughter, which it obviously was not).

Puck Slapping Maple Sucker, you're absolutely right, he dealt with it in a very professional manner (the video has since been removed, unfortunately). And I would hardly compare getting your feelings hurt by a joke on late night television to an extortion attempt, of which yes, he is a victim. Dave ain't no saint, to be sure, but then again, he never holds himself up to be one. So I fail to see the hypocrisy...

I called Letterman a CREEP, and his defenders "hypocrites", which they most certainly are.

Letterman claims the sick joke he told about Palin's daughter was supposed to be about the older one (as if that in itself wouldn't be sick) and his staff screwed up (apparently while screwing him). It took him 48 hours to figure out that he needed to apologize for unintentionally slandering her 14 year old daughter. That is fairly compelling evidence of him being a sick creep.

As far as Palin is concerned, advocating abstinence instruction is in no way, shape, or form hypocrisy. Now if she engaged in premarital relations and then went out and decried someone who did the same thing as being immoral, then that would be hypocrisy. As is stands, no hypocrisy on her part.

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I called Letterman a CREEP, and his defenders "hypocrites", which they most certainly are.

Letterman claims the sick joke he told about Palin's daughter was supposed to be about the older one (as if that in itself wouldn't be sick) and his staff screwed up (apparently while screwing him). It took him 48 hours to figure out that he needed to apologize for unintentionally slandering her 14 year old daughter. That is fairly compelling evidence of him being a sick creep.

As far as Palin is concerned, advocating abstinence instruction is in no way, shape, or form hypocrisy. Now if she engaged in premarital relations and then went out and decried someone who did the same thing as being immoral, then that would be hypocrisy. As is stands, no hypocrisy on her part.

Dave is an entertainer, it's his job to tell jokes. If you feel that one of them crossed a line, that's your right to feel that way. Personally, I don't think it did, so that's why I defend him on that. I don't feel like a hypocrite in the least for that. And there's a reason the person attempting to extort him has been arrested, because it is a crime, and that makes Dave a victim of that attempt. He didn't lie about anything, didn't make any attempts to garner sympathy, he simply told what happened from his perspective.

I'm not going to continue about Sarah Palin, as I don't have the time, and I'm sure I wouldn't change your mind on anything anyway (as you would surely not change mine). I'm just damn glad we aren't calling her VP right now.

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Dave is an entertainer, it's his job to tell jokes. If you feel that one of them crossed a line, that's your right to feel that way. Personally, I don't think it did, so that's why I defend him on that. I don't feel like a hypocrite in the least for that. And there's a reason the person attempting to extort him has been arrested, because it is a crime, and that makes Dave a victim of that attempt. He didn't lie about anything, didn't make any attempts to garner sympathy, he simply told what happened from his perspective.

I'm not going to continue about Sarah Palin, as I don't have the time, and I'm sure I wouldn't change your mind on anything anyway (as you would surely not change mine). I'm just damn glad we aren't calling her VP right now.

Extortion is a crime and I certainly don't condone what the CBS producer did. The defenses of him I am referring to are the "it's none of your business so you can't ridicule him about it" variety, and I've seen plenty of that from a lot of his defenders.

He is fair game. There is no license granted to certain people to tell sick jokes about others that give the joke teller immunity from a little return fire. Turnabout is fair play. The "slutty flight attendant" joke (which he never apologized for) was a cheap smear that I doubt he would have directed toward Palin if he didn't dislike her politics. A good laugh at this man's foibles is 100% justified.

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Extortion is a crime and I certainly don't condone what the CBS producer did. The defenses of him I am referring to are the "it's none of your business so you can't ridicule him about it" variety, and I've seen plenty of that from a lot of his defenders.

He is fair game. There is no license granted to certain people to tell sick jokes about others that give the joke teller immunity from a little return fire. Turnabout is fair play. The "slutty flight attendant" joke (which he never apologized for) was a cheap smear that I doubt he would have directed toward Palin if he didn't dislike her politics. A good laugh at this man's foibles is 100% justified.

Once again:

"I'm not going to continue about Sarah Palin, as I don't have the time, and I'm sure I wouldn't change your mind on anything anyway (as you would surely not change mine). I'm just damn glad we aren't calling her VP right now."

But for the record, since you apparently don't watch the show, he made many, and continues to this day to make many jokes at Bill Clinton's expense. For which he deserves every bit of it. So no, the jokes against Palin do not have to do with her politics so much as the craziness of her behavior. And is it really that big a deal to make fun of the way a public figure dresses? Isn't that pretty much done all the time on countless shows?

As for the defense you're talking about in your first paragraph above, I don't know what you're referring to. I would agree, Letterman is fair game to make fun of, as a public figure; he makes fun of himself. You want to make fun of how he dresses, go right ahead. You want to make fun of an extortion attempt on him, go right ahead. Doesn't seem like a very funny thing to me, but that's just me...

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Once again:

"I'm not going to continue about Sarah Palin, as I don't have the time, and I'm sure I wouldn't change your mind on anything anyway (as you would surely not change mine). I'm just damn glad we aren't calling her VP right now."

But for the record, since you apparently don't watch the show, he made many, and continues to this day to make many jokes at Bill Clinton's expense. For which he deserves every bit of it. So no, the jokes against Palin do not have to do with her politics so much as the craziness of her behavior. And is it really that big a deal to make fun of the way a public figure dresses? Isn't that pretty much done all the time on countless shows?

As for the defense you're talking about in your first paragraph above, I don't know what you're referring to. I would agree, Letterman is fair game to make fun of, as a public figure; he makes fun of himself. You want to make fun of how he dresses, go right ahead. You want to make fun of an extortion attempt on him, go right ahead. Doesn't seem like a very funny thing to me, but that's just me...

I actually used to watch the show religiously in the early eighties, when I considered it bar none the funniest television program on the air. I was originally disappointed when he was not selected to succeed Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show, so I began watching him on CBS.

He was and is an awesome disappointment, for the most part a starstruck suckup to his guests. His skits (woefully absent Chris Elliot) didn't come close to the bite and inventivness of the original show.

I find it interesting you mention Bill Clinton as the butt of his jokes. He hasn't been the President for almost ten years. The current occupant of the office is off limits to jokes apparently, as Letterman has decided to be the Keith Olbermann of late night TV.

Additionally, there is no "outrageous behavior" I can see of Sarah Palin (whose critics hate her with a passion that is nothing less than insane) that would justify portrayals of her as slutty, nor that would justify attacks on her family.

And jokes about this gap toothed lecherous old creep who has to dip his pen in the company ink to distract himself from his wife are a source of enduring laughter to me...and many others.

Edited by Reggie1971
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Leno, Fallon among those taking shots at Letterman


Oct 3, 2009


NEW YORK (AP) - Will David Letterman's very public revelation of a new, very human flaw bring him closer to viewers, or will it cloud him in cliche showbiz debauchery?

That was the question many were debating Friday, the day after the CBS "Late Show" host revealed to his audience that he had sexual relationships with female employees and had been the victim of an extortion attempt to keep that information private.

Letterman unraveled the sordid story with humor, honesty and self-effacement. He may have endeared himself to some fans, but his likability has been thrown into jeopardy. Reaction poured in Friday, including from other late-night hosts.

Jay Leno, Letterman's longtime late-night rival, didn't waste a moment in addressing the situation. He kicked off his monologue on NBC's "The Jay Leno Show" with several jokes about Letterman.

He opened: "If you came here tonight for sex with a talk show host, you've got the wrong studio."

Leno continued: "What is going on? First Conan hit his head, and then somebody tries to extort money from Letterman. I'm so glad I'm out of late night," he said, also referencing an incident last week when Conan O'Brien, the new host of the "Tonight Show," suffered a mild concussion during a skit on the program.

When Leno claimed to never have had a sexual relationship with one of his employees, the drummer of his house band, Marvin "Smitty" Smith, threw a mock fit.

Friday night's "Late Show" was taped Thursday, as was Craig Ferguson's "Late Show." (Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" are dark on Fridays.)

Friday night's "Late Show," though, did include a moment - coincidental in retrospect - when guest Larry David unwittingly suggested that he beat Letterman's record of having the fewest number of dates for someone with a TV show.

"Oh, I don't know," replied Letterman, grinning knowingly.

Conan dodged the issue when guest Drew Carey brought it up.

"I would hate to be on opposite Letterman tonight with all that sex stuff going on," Carey said. "That's got to be tough."

"No comment," Conan said quickly.

On NBC's "Late Night," Jimmy Fallon also worked it into his monologue: "There's a new book out called "Why Women Have Sex" that says there are 237 reasons why women have sex. And folks, Letterman knows the top 10."

On the Web, videos of Letterman's confession were hard to find. CBS, which has an agreement with YouTube, hadn't posted any clips of the segment as of late Friday. It also didn't have the episode available on .http://www.cbs.com

The demand was clearly there. Throughout Friday, videos of his revelation were posted on YouTube without CBS' permission. Whenever they gained thousands of views, CBS had them removed.

In the comments sections of YouTube videos, the dialogue was two-sided as some came to Letterman's defense, while others were critical. Similar lines were drawn on Twitter, where Letterman was one of the most tweeted-about subjects. He evoked both sympathy and disgust, as he did in comments posted in blogs and on social networks.

Referring to Thursday's studio audience, which laughed through parts of Letterman's somewhat comical telling of the story, New York Times columnist David Carr tweeted: "Aw, now Letterman is his own punchline. Yuck."

A running Internet joke seen on sites such as YouTube and Facebook involved a pun on the name of Letterman's production company, World Wide Pants Inc.

On YouTube, videos of different woman who have worked on-air at the "Late Show" were circulating. Most were of Stephanie Birkitt, the sometimes on-air assistant who lived in Norwalk, Conn., with the alleged extortionist, Robert J. "Joe" Halderman, a producer for the true-crime show "48 Hours Mystery."

For several years, Birkitt regularly appeared on the "Late Show," often aiding Letterman in his audience interactions. Videos of her cameos circulated widely as the Web sought glimpses of her.

Ben McConnell, a marketing expert and author, blogged that Letterman had gotten in front of the story "in this Twitter-driven world." He wrote: "Letterman has certainly neutralized far worse rumor-mongering that could have quickly spiraled, jeopardizing his reputation, maybe even his job."

Like many blogs, Gawker.com was trolling through "Late Show" archives to find evidence of hypocrisy in Letterman's various jokes about infidelity through the years. Gawker wrote that the 62-year-old host was "haunted by the ghosts of Monica Lewinsky jokes past" and linked to old videos and top 10 lists of the "Late Show."

Other sleuthing was going on, too, as those following the sordid story looked for information on the less famous players involved. Halderman's Facebook page (which features a photo of him lounging in an Adirondack chair) had its personal information deleted.

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The people who are portraying him as a victim are a hoot. :hysterical: This lecherous old bastard makes crude sex jokes about a politician he doesn't like and her daughters and it's perfectly fine. But when he gets a little return fire for being a disgusting old creep, his defenders cry foul. The hypocrisy is palpable.

If Dave is going to dish it out, he better be prepared to take it. B)

That's the Democrats to a 'T'


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I actually used to watch the show religiously in the early eighties, when I considered it bar none the funniest television program on the air. I was originally disappointed when he was not selected to succeed Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show, so I began watching him on CBS.

He was and is an awesome disappointment, for the most part a starstruck suckup to his guests. His skits (woefully absent Chris Elliot) didn't come close to the bite and inventivness of the original show.

I find it interesting you mention Bill Clinton as the butt of his jokes. He hasn't been the President for almost ten years. The current occupant of the office is off limits to jokes apparently, as Letterman has decided to be the Keith Olbermann of late night TV.

Additionally, there is no "outrageous behavior" I can see of Sarah Palin (whose critics hate her with a passion that is nothing less than insane) that would justify portrayals of her as slutty, nor that would justify attacks on her family.

And jokes about this gap toothed lecherous old creep who has to dip his pen in the company ink to distract himself from his wife are a source of enduring laughter to me...and many others.

You make some good points here.

I also used to think that Letterman was funny back in the day. His show always seemed more edgy and willing to be funny than Leno's show. Jay just never learned how to be a good straight man like Johnny was. But over the years Letterman's obvious personal demons has manifest itself as him coming off as an angry and bitter old old man. Not exactly the thing that make you a funny guy. And for all of Letterman's worship of Johnny Carson, Letterman should have tried to be more like Carson in that political humor is not funny when there is a mean spirited nature behind it, as was the case with Letterman's attacks on Sarah Palin and her family. Yes, we all saw that it was not just "about the joke" as was always the case with Carson's brand of humor. Letterman actually showed his weasle like demeanor and hatred for conservatives with the things he said about Palin. But in the end it was not funny, and in fact, not funny to the point that Dave has to come back and apologize because he obviously came off looking like a jerk. And he only felt the need to apologize because he knew that he was intentionally a jerk. Otherwise, why would a comedian feel the need to apologize for anything?

So who now has the last laugh? I'd say Palin with all of her shortcomings and backwoods ways comes off looking a whole lot better than slick Mr funny guy from New York. Dave is WEAK! He is a weasle man who has an inferiority complex so great that even his jokes cannot mask it anymore. I congratulate Letterman for standing up to this man who wanted to extort money from him. And I am happy that he went to the police so that man would not get away with this crime. But why did Dave feel the need to talk about it on his show? It's not like it is anyone else's business, and I'm sure he isn't the first man who has cheated on his wife. But why bring this to his show?

Because he is weak. Dave is a joke, and not even a funny joke. A sad bitter man.

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Sounds like a publicity stunt to try to offset poor ratings.

I'll take it one step further....Wonder if, and I mean IF, Sarah Palin or someone close to her is involved in this extortion plot. I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist, but I am a mother. You make a joke about my underage daughter, and all bets are off, ya know?

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Hi all,

I'll take it one step further....Wonder if, and I mean IF, Sarah Palin or someone close to her is involved in this extortion plot. I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist, but I am a mother. You make a joke about my underage daughter, and all bets are off, ya know?

Then why mention it? <_<

You saying Davy's **** ? He did not not know?He is,supportingly banking young girls(remember?) you get all the facts? But some broad he banged,wants money?And you think?What?

Good night Dave,a**hole,hypocrite.


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I'll take it one step further....Wonder if, and I mean IF, Sarah Palin or someone close to her is involved in this extortion plot. I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist, but I am a mother. You make a joke about my underage daughter, and all bets are off, ya know?

I'm sure old Dave wishes he had an affair with Sarah Palin, but that's the extent of her involvement in this, other than she's having a good laugh about it.

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