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what will you get your s/o for xmas?


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Its that time of year again when we all have to think about throwingdown big bucks on our significant other's for christmas presents.

what route are you taking this year?




i'll probably do what i do every year, buy him some shirts from thestore i work at he loves classic rock and metal and stuff, so its apretty easy gig for me.. he's been checking this one out lately:


but if i can spring it i might get him this one:

USA 1977

and i'll probably suppliment it with another one of his favorite bandshirts. maybe get all domestic and bake him some goodies or something.i've learned guys love baked stuff, so it's all good.

what about you guys?

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My first born, half of everything I own if I'm lucky! even though I paid for everything my self, half the equity in my home, an SUV, half the value of my life insurance, half of my pension and anything else her blood sucking parasite of lawyer can get from me!

Not bad for just sitting on your ass for the past 21 years, couldn't have done better on Wall street with Warren Buffet as your coach! :angry:

Merry fckn' Christmas

Carry on :mellow:

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I don't have a girlfriend cause i just moved out here, Ladies (i know creepy, sorry) anyways i'll probably be spending time with family and i'm gonna be givin myself some clothes and some books for reading and giving family members what they want

Happy Holidays to all!

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I think my husband and I are buying a laptop, in lieu of exchanging gifts with each other. Five people sharing one PC is a little much!

Know that feeling Virginia ! Costco has some great deals at the moment and I might just have to do the same as you

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I think my husband and I are buying a laptop, in lieu of exchanging gifts with each other. Five people sharing one PC is a little much!

This is precisely why we have 4 computers in this house. We have the main desktop downstairs and then myself, my sister and my dad each have our own laptop.

Also, while Costco may have a better deal on the price, I would not advocate getting a computer there. It's easier to buy through the manufacturer (Apple, Dell, _______ ) than through a third-party retailer because if something goes wrong with the computer, you will have better luck getting service if you purchased it through that company. I've known several people who have done exactly that and gotten severely burned in the end trying to get their computer fixed.

I have a PC but I'd strongly urge getting a Mac. I've had no problems with this computer, don't get me wrong....it's just that Macs are much more user-friendly and damn near impervious to viruses. I haven't had any on my system, but that's because of the firewall, anti-virus/anti-spyware and anti-malware programs I've installed.

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For Christmas this year I am giving my wife a mink coat.

When will she wear a mink coat? You are from So Cal aren't you? :)

No significant deadbeat to buy for this year. Lots of kids though, so it's going to be lots of toys, books, art and crafts, clothes, pajamas and gift cards. My five year old is begging for an IPod so i might just break down and take her shopping for one. I think she's too young, but she loves music so much and is great with technology for her age. Hey, dad, if you're reading, maybe send your daughter a gift this year?

Dzldoc, i feel for you.

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When will she wear a mink coat? You are from So Cal aren't you? :)

No significant deadbeat to buy for this year. Lots of kids though, so it's going to be lots of toys, books, art and crafts, clothes, pajamas and gift cards. My five year old is begging for an IPod so i might just break down and take her shopping for one. I think she's too young, but she loves music so much and is great with technology for her age. Hey, dad, if you're reading, maybe send your daughter a gift this year?

Dzldoc, i feel for you.

This might be a question you've already been asked and if so, I apologize.....are you getting court-ordered child support from him for her? If not, I would heavily, heavily suggest you do that. Force the bastard to pay. That way she's guaranteed to get Christmas presents from him.

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Force the bastard to pay.

Gee whiz Liz, don`t you have a blah-og to update?

BTW, I`m the lucky deadbeat bastard.

Good luck on the new gig at another forum as a moderator.

I`m sure you didn`t get your time as a bathroom monitor in high school but then again chics like you always got a swirlee if they dare venture in the bathroom.

As far as tangie baby is concerned, I can`t be a part of her daughter`s life because of her attitude...but then again, she`s not bitter.

Like jimmy ray told her....

BITCH ON!!!!!!

BTW, I will be getting my SO a coaster whith a chin strap and matching knee pads....hell maybe even a mop!!!!!


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As far as tangie baby is concerned, I can`t be a part of her daughter`s life because of her attitude

Don't think for a second that your very smart daughter doesn't understand deep down she's unloved when not so much as a phone call is returned or extended on her birthday. My attitude in not an excuse for your lack of a conscience. Enjoy your holiday.

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This might be a question you've already been asked and if so, I apologize.....are you getting court-ordered child support from him for her? If not, I would heavily, heavily suggest you do that. Force the bastard to pay. That way she's guaranteed to get Christmas presents from him.

I can vouch for one thing, I was court ordered to pay spousal and child support directly to my ex and everything was hunky dory until I got sick and ran out of leave.

I fell behind about a month and a half until my leave donations from co-workers made it through the system then I caught up all of my obligations.

Then some Einstein (I'm guessing her lawyer) decided to let the dept. of social services take over the payment collection and I was served notice on the 18th of this month then recieved a letter dated on the 19th that I was delinqent and in arears on my payment WTF?blink.gif

The letter said they would put a lean on everything I own, earn up to and including any sperm bank accounts of record. Louisiana doesn't F%#k around when it comes to child support and they will go back to the childs date of birth and you will owe interests, penalty and any legal fees

and if your excuse is you don't have a job they will give you one!yesnod.gifrtfm.gifblack_eye.gif

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I can vouch for one thing, I was court ordered to pay spousal and child support directly to my ex and everything was hunky dory until I got sick and ran out of leave.

I fell behind about a month and a half until my leave donations from co-workers made it through the system then I caught up all of my obligations.

Then some Einstein (I'm guessing her lawyer) decided to let the dept. of social services take over the payment collection and I was served notice on the 18th of this month then recieved a letter dated on the 19th that I was delinqent and in arears on my payment WTF?blink.gif

The letter said they would put a lean on everything I own, earn up to and including any sperm bank accounts of record. Louisiana doesn't F%#k around when it comes to child support and they will go back to the childs date of birth and you will owe interests, penalty and any legal fees

and if your excuse is you don't have a job they will give you one!yesnod.gifrtfm.gifblack_eye.gif

Hi Doc,

Hearing that it makes me wanna turn Gay, makes you think why the fcuk would any Man want to be father anymore doesnt it?

Regards, Danny

PS, "Turn Gay", but not in a "Gay" way you understand?

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Hi Doc,

Hearing that it makes me wanna turn Gay, makes you think why the fcuk would any Man want to be father anymore doesn't it?

Regards, Danny

PS, "Turn Gay", but not in a "Gay" way you understand?

Hi Dan,

Well it wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't let her sit on her ass for 20 yearsslapface.gif gotta get a working woman, my mom is 73 and still works full time and cooks Thanksgiving dinner every year.

Don't get me wrong I don't want a mother just a partner that wants to better themselves for both our benefit as I tried to do for 20 yearsrolleyes.gif

I've learned my lesson now and it won't take long to recognize a loozer!dry.gif

But to answer your question about turning gay lol I just can't swing that way, too much testosteronebiggrin.gif

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The temperature does get down to a chilly 50 degrees at least on some winter evenings. But mink really makes a statement don't you think?

Depends on who you're making the statement to Del. Some materialistic people might be impressed by the luxury of a mink. Some who run in the PETA crowd would be repulsed by wearing a mink. Others who are cold with no coat would wish they had one to keep them warm.

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Electrophile, on 22 November 2009 - 01:12 PM, said:

Absolutely nothing. And for good reason, too. I'm currently single. I will however, be making Christmas presents for my family, like I did last year.

[quote name='Del Zeppnile' date='24 November 2009 - 05:19 AM' timestamp='1259057945' post='424699'

Currently single???

Currently single???

Is that what they call it now? Currently single?

Face it sunshine, you are probably 'terminally single'.

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Depends on who you're making the statement to Del. Some materialistic people might be impressed by the luxury of a mink. Some who run in the PETA crowd would be repulsed by wearing a mink. Others who are cold with no coat would wish they had one to keep them warm.

No offense to any PETA people, but they really don't matter to me in the least.

And people who are really cold would probably take a coat made out of puppy fur if they could get one.

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Del- I am single and quite frankly for now I lke it. Some of us enjoy the freedom. I tried marraige a couple of times, with no regets, however I have now reached a point in my life where it's nice to take time for me. I think it's wonderful for those who are happily married to their soul mates, but that is hard to find IMHO. When I find that I will consider it again.

I will as every year donate to Children's Cancer Research and Humane Society and no kill animal shelters.

Well first of all I was directing my comment to Lizard (Lizzyphile); and mainly because she is such a ray of sunshine and good vibes. But since you want to discuss this... I'm your Huckleberry.

So you were married twice and both marriages failed huh? Now I'm not a prude, and I suppose the first one could be marked off as a "starter marriage" -- but two stike outs? Are you damaged goods or something?

Trust me, I know women. Especially women of your vintage. And when I hear the, "I've now reached a point in my life..." song, I know what that really means. It means 'Oh God, I'm so lonely and desperate for a man, what will become of me?'

And except for the probably four or so cats living in the house, nobody is there to hear the screams into your pillow at night, right?

Truth is that the first man who walks into your life with a gameplan to woo you off your feet; dine you; romance you, and be there to cuddle with you on those long lonely nights... you will fall for him. It's just that by now, the guy has to have a longer 'gameplan' or 'long con' as they say. Rather than just dinner and a movie, and wham-bam...

Trust me I know these things. I've read the operating manual on your model. I have a PHD in 40 something females. I know exactly how you women are. Especially the ones who feel compelled to tell the whole world that "I'm single and I'm happy."


BTW, I hope you don't include that line on your Match.com profile about the cancer research and animal shelters...

that's a red flag if I've ever heard one. B)

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Well first of all I was directing my comment to Lizard (Lizzyphile); and mainly because she is such a ray of sunshine and good vibes. But since you want to discuss this... I'm your Huckleberry.

If it was meant for fun I apologize.

So you were married twice and both marriages failed huh? Now I'm not a prude, and I suppose the first one could be marked off as a "starter marriage" -- but two stike outs? Are you damaged goods or something?

Correct on the first one and no, just did everything early so it's quite nice to have the freedom. No damaged goods here. I have a wonderful son, terrific friends and I am fortunate enough to have a great job.

I loved being married, hate the dating scene.

Trust me, I know women. Especially women of your vintage. And when I hear the, "I've now reached a point in my life..." song, I know what that really means. It means 'Oh God, I'm so lonely and desperate for a man, what will become of me?'

Vintage, were not cars :lol: I think a lot of us have just reached a mental age where we know what we want. Life will take it's course and I am ready to go along form the ride!

And except for the probably four or so cats living in the house, nobody is there to hear the screams into your pillow at night, right?

Only two dogs, but between family, friends and job, I have a full life that I am very grateful for.

Truth is that the first man who walks into your life with a gameplan to woo you off your feet; dine you; romance you, and be there to cuddle with you on those long lonely nights... you will fall for him. It's just that by now, the guy has to have a longer 'gameplan' or 'long con' as they say. Rather than just dinner and a movie, and wham-bam...

Way past that.

Trust me I know these things. I've read the operating manual on your model. I have a PHD in 40 something females. I know exactly how you women are. Especially the ones who feel compelled to tell the whole world that "I'm single and I'm happy."

Not all women are alike at any age or model. And being happy is a lot better than being sad :thumbsup:


BTW, I hope you don't include that line on your Match.com profile about the cancer research and animal shelters...

that's a red flag if I've ever heard one. B)

Edited by Deborah J
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My post was just in fun as well.

I guess I got it all wrong... I should have figured you had dogs at home. Southerners usually are not cat people.

So what kind of dogs? Little poodles or some other toy dog like that?

You know the thing is that women are really a lot like cars... vintage or whatever. And since they are like cars it's very important to maintain them the way you would maintain a car. And besides the normal stuff like rotating tires, you have to really take care of them.

Because if you don't take care of them... eventually they are going to find a new mechanic.

so when is the last time you had 'your tires rotated' Deborah?

I mean really "rotated" good?

You know... 'front to back, back to front' ;)

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No offense to any PETA people, but they really don't matter to me in the least.

And people who are really cold would probably take a coat made out of puppy fur if they could get one.

The PETA agenda does not matter all that much to me. I loved the leather jacket I had when I was younger. Would love to have another one but can't afford it now.

You're right that cold people with no coat would take anything they could get their hands on.

If a mink coat makes your honey happy then that's what she should get.

I personally haven't figured out what to get my hubby for Christmas. He is so hard to buy for anymore.

Any suggestions, anyone.

Edited by ledzepfvr
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