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  1. 1. Which Religion Are You a Part of?

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I'm an Agnostic atheist. I define those terms as:

Agnostic- I believe that the existence of God or of all deities is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable.

Atheist- I don't believe in any gods. I don't deny there could be god/gods.

In other words I have no knowledge or belief when it comes to god/ gods/deities/ supreme beings etc. I believe we are all born that way and I haven't heard a good enough argument or seen any evidence to change that. I believe we are all atheists about most gods man has ever invented, some of us just take it one god farther.

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Oops. Just ate some chicken. Sorry Danny. sad.gif

Another thing that confuses me about Christianity/Judaism is why there is hell when it says that God loves all humans, even sinners.

Hopefully I can make that a little clearer.

Satan rebelled against God, Satan loses, God sends Satan and all the guys who sided with him to hell as punishment.

God creates humans, God loves humans, humans sin and disobey against God, humans will now die because of sin. God still loves humans.

So God loves everyone, but just hates the sin (what we do). An example is God still loves murderers and those kinds of people, but just hates what they do.

Just to clear it up: The Christian/Jewish God does not say to kill in his name. It's just that some people kill and use his name to defend it. (George Dubya)

Don't forget stuff like the Crusades and Inquisitions.

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Hopefully I can make that a little clearer.

Satan rebelled against God, Satan loses, God sends Satan and all the guys who sided with him to hell as punishment.

God creates humans, God loves humans, humans sin and disobey against God, humans will now die because of sin. God still loves humans.

So God loves everyone, but just hates the sin (what we do). An example is God still loves murderers and those kinds of people, but just hates what they do.

You mean that free will crap? :mellow:

Don't forget stuff like the Crusades and Inquisitions.

Jimmy Christmas,thanks! I almost forgot. :sarcastic_hand:

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How very dare you :mellow:

I'm from a Jewish family, but don't really follow a particular belief.

Just wanted to say that I love Catherine Tate. :lol: Imnabovvered!

Well, now that I'm here... The simple explanation: I'm agnostic. I was baptized in the Episcopal Church, but then when I started going to Catholic school I became a Catholic, and then I haven't really been to church since high school, so hence, agnosticism. My dad was the Episcopal one, and then on my mom's side, her dad was Jewish but mom Christian, so they decided to raise her as a Christian. There, that's the whoooole story.

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I actually believe that Jesus can be considered a Christian( even though the term was not used in his time). He obviously belives that he is the son of God (a part of the trinity in which each component and all together are God). At least that is to the extent of my knowledge.

That was a long time ago. If he thought he was "God", then technically he was a Christian. Now, that's the height of....well let's put it this way, my guess is the guy had delusions of grandeur or just plain old delusions or he had quite a scam going.

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Just to clear it up: The Christian/Jewish God does not say to kill in his name. It's just that some people kill and use his name to defend it. (George Dubya)

Hi Page-ist,

The level of knowledge of Judo-Christian-Muslim beliefs by people on this forum really saddens me, if you don't know something for sure then at least do some homework too find out.

"God does not say to kill in his name"

When the Bible says that a Man that lays with a Man or a Woman that lays with a Woman or a Woman that lays with a Beast should be killed, who do you think tells you to kill them then if its not "God" but it is written in the Bible? Gods very own book.

Let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time there was a Space Fleet Admiral (we call him GOD) and he had many Spaceships, and he came to a solar system and entered orbit around the third planet in that solar system and we call it Earth.

He sent some of his Captains (we call them ANGELS) down to Earth to see what was what and if he could be of any assistance.

On of his Captains took Ezekiel on a trip around the Middle East in his Spaceship, it was not a "Cloud" as Ezekiel reported, but it was not Ezekiel's fault that he didn't recognise that the "Cloud" was in fact a Spaceship because he was a Dumb Ignorant SOAB from Neolithic Times and could only say what he thought he saw.

Another Captain took Jonah on a trip under the sea for three days, Jonah thought he had been in the belly of a whale, but again the Dumb Ignorant SOAB from Neolithic Times could only say what he thought he saw.

The Admiral (GOD) then had to deal with a rebellion from a Renegade Captain (we call him SATAN) and he won a great battle and destroyed the Renegade Captains (SATAN) spaceships and cast the Renegade Captain (SATAN) and all his followers out of the space fleet leaving all that survived adrift in space where they had to find another planet to live on. (HELL)

The Admiral (GOD) decided to leave a few of his Captains (ANGELS) on Earth with a message of how to lead a good and moral life. (THE BIBLE) His Captains (ANGELS) are still with us but live in disguise and disgust at how we have disobeyed and ignored his message (THE BIBLE) and one day the Admiral (GOD) will return with all his Captains (ANGELS) and will smite all of the unbelievers and wrong doers (AMERICANS) on the Planet.

I hope you're all satisfied with yourselves? :lol:

Regards, Danny

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God gives His authority to His church, but the churches sometimes abuse their authority and turn away from Him.

As someone said recently, let no one come between you and God.

Christ is my Saviour no matter what the churches do.

There's no need to reword this for me. You summed me up exactly. Very well said BTW.

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Hopefully I can make that a little clearer.

Satan rebelled against God, Satan loses, God sends Satan and all the guys who sided with him to hell as punishment.

God creates humans, God loves humans, humans sin and disobey against God, humans will now die because of sin. God still loves humans.

So God loves everyone, but just hates the sin (what we do). An example is God still loves murderers and those kinds of people, but just hates what they do.

Don't forget stuff like the Crusades and Inquisitions.

But then why does he punish the person instead of the sin?

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Hi Page-ist,

The level of knowledge of Judo-Christian-Muslim beliefs by people on this forum really saddens me, if you don't know something for sure then at least do some homework too find out.

"God does not say to kill in his name"

When the Bible says that a Man that lays with a Man or a Woman that lays with a Woman or a Woman that lays with a Beast should be killed, who do you think tells you to kill them then if its not "God" but it is written in the Bible? Gods very own book.

Let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time there was a Space Fleet Admiral (we call him GOD) and he had many Spaceships, and he came to a solar system and entered orbit around the third planet in that solar system and we call it Earth.

He sent some of his Captains (we call them ANGELS) down to Earth to see what was what and if he could be of any assistance.

On of his Captains took Ezekiel on a trip around the Middle East in his Spaceship, it was not a "Cloud" as Ezekiel reported, but it was not Ezekiel's fault that he didn't recognise that the "Cloud" was in fact a Spaceship because he was a Dumb Ignorant SOAB from Neolithic Times and could only say what he thought he saw.

Another Captain took Jonah on a trip under the sea for three days, Jonah thought he had been in the belly of a whale, but again the Dumb Ignorant SOAB from Neolithic Times could only say what he thought he saw.

The Admiral (GOD) then had to deal with a rebellion from a Renegade Captain (we call him SATAN) and he won a great battle and destroyed the Renegade Captains (SATAN) spaceships and cast the Renegade Captain (SATAN) and all his followers out of the space fleet leaving all that survived adrift in space where they had to find another planet to live on. (HELL)

The Admiral (GOD) decided to leave a few of his Captains (ANGELS) on Earth with a message of how to lead a good and moral life. (THE BIBLE) His Captains (ANGELS) are still with us but live in disguise and disgust at how we have disobeyed and ignored his message (THE BIBLE) and one day the Admiral (GOD) will return with all his Captains (ANGELS) and will smite all of the unbelievers and wrong doers (AMERICANS

Regards, Danny

Yes I'm a bit ashamed that I didn't know that God said to kill all gay people, but hey, I'm a 14 year old, only slightly Christian, boy, so don't be too suprised. Also, things like this are what cause me to have doubts about Christianity as a religion. Plus, I don't think the church takes every single line of the bible completely literally.

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But then why does he punish the person instead of the sin?

Because the sin did not commit itself, a person committed a wrong and thus encountered consequences of his or her actions.

That is why He issued guidelines for people to follow during the days of Moses, so they would not bring so many adverse consequences upon themselves and they could find their way on the path to redemption.

He redeems the soul from sin. Sin is from the Destroyer and consumes all that it can, but the Redeemer brings eternal life.

Just like an old car, the physical body eventually dies, but it is replaced by a spiritual body that is fed by eternal life from the Creator.

So when your old car will not run anymore, you go to the dealership and buy a new one.

Behold, I make all things new.

Revelation 21:5

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Because the sin did not commit itself, a person committed a wrong and thus encountered consequences of his or her actions.

That is why He issued guidelines for people to follow during the days of Moses, so they would not bring so many adverse consequences upon themselves and they could find their way on the path to redemption.

He redeems the soul from sin. Sin is from the Destroyer and consumes all that it can, but the Redeemer brings eternal life.

Just like an old car, the physical body eventually dies, but it is replaced by a spiritual body that is fed by eternal life from the Creator.

So when your old car will not run anymore, you go to the dealership and buy a new one.

But why doesn't he just eliminate sin so that we won't even have the chance to suffer it.

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Hi Page-ist,

The level of knowledge of Judo-Christian-Muslim beliefs by people on this forum really saddens me, if you don't know something for sure then at least do some homework too find out.

"God does not say to kill in his name"

When the Bible says that a Man that lays with a Man or a Woman that lays with a Woman or a Woman that lays with a Beast should be killed, who do you think tells you to kill them then if its not "God" but it is written in the Bible? Gods very own book.

Let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time there was a Space Fleet Admiral (we call him GOD) and he had many Spaceships, and he came to a solar system and entered orbit around the third planet in that solar system and we call it Earth.

He sent some of his Captains (we call them ANGELS) down to Earth to see what was what and if he could be of any assistance.

On of his Captains took Ezekiel on a trip around the Middle East in his Spaceship, it was not a "Cloud" as Ezekiel reported, but it was not Ezekiel's fault that he didn't recognise that the "Cloud" was in fact a Spaceship because he was a Dumb Ignorant SOAB from Neolithic Times and could only say what he thought he saw.

Another Captain took Jonah on a trip under the sea for three days, Jonah thought he had been in the belly of a whale, but again the Dumb Ignorant SOAB from Neolithic Times could only say what he thought he saw.

The Admiral (GOD) then had to deal with a rebellion from a Renegade Captain (we call him SATAN) and he won a great battle and destroyed the Renegade Captains (SATAN) spaceships and cast the Renegade Captain (SATAN) and all his followers out of the space fleet leaving all that survived adrift in space where they had to find another planet to live on. (HELL)

The Admiral (GOD) decided to leave a few of his Captains (ANGELS) on Earth with a message of how to lead a good and moral life. (THE BIBLE) His Captains (ANGELS) are still with us but live in disguise and disgust at how we have disobeyed and ignored his message (THE BIBLE) and one day the Admiral (GOD) will return with all his Captains (ANGELS) and will smite all of the unbelievers and wrong doers (AMERICANS) on the Planet.

I hope you're all satisfied with yourselves? :lol:

Regards, Danny

Nice analogy Dan but... Why even risk the resources needed to travel the distance when they can just do it across time and space with the telepathic mind's that all the advanced aliens (and there living/active computer's) have? ;)

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Hi Page-ist,

The level of knowledge of Judo-Christian-Muslim beliefs by people on this forum really saddens me, if you don't know something for sure then at least do some homework too find out.

"God does not say to kill in his name"

When the Bible says that a Man that lays with a Man or a Woman that lays with a Woman or a Woman that lays with a Beast should be killed, who do you think tells you to kill them then if its not "God" but it is written in the Bible? Gods very own book.

That was in the Old Testament, now people should be going by the New Testament, which is all about forgiveness.

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Nice analogy Dan but... Why even risk the resources needed to travel the distance when they can just do it across time and space with the telepathic mind's that all the advanced aliens (and there living/active computer's) have? ;)


It was just a story, one i think is as likely as and could explain how people from that by gone age could interpret what happened in the Bible stories, it could have happened just as i said in my story.

Now rather than Poo Poo my Epic attempt at story telling, why don't you give us all a big laugh and write a "What if" story of your own describing how people from ancient times came to write the Bible stories.

I don't criticize or ridicule people for their beliefs although i might criticize or ridicule their source material, i have just moved on from having unconditional faith to having faith in my own intelligence and reasoning powers. I now find i don't need the crutch of a God or Religion to help me along in my life and i feel i can explain many, most or even all of the Bible stories in a more modern and reasonable way to fit in with my intelligence and reasoning and from that i believe that extra terrestrials are most likely the reason for the Bible stories and not "God".

"Man had always made Gods from what he cannot comprehend" is an old saying, but one i believe is apt for the way that the Bible stories were written, this is just my take on it, it makes more sense to me that all the tuition that i got from family, friends, teachers and priests, they all had their agendas where as i have none but the pursuit of the truth by studying the facts, which i believe i have done to my best ability.

Regards, Danny

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Yes I'm a bit ashamed that I didn't know that God said to kill all gay people, but hey, I'm a 14 year old, only slightly Christian, boy, so don't be too suprised. Also, things like this are what cause me to have doubts about Christianity as a religion. Plus, I don't think the church takes every single line of the bible completely literally.

You're only 14 Page-ist? i would never have guessed it mate, you are years ahead of you're time, keep up the good work and as my old friend ZeppFanForever would say, "Rock On Forever".

Kind Regards, Danny

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That was in the Old Testament, now people should be going by the New Testament, which is all about forgiveness.

Hi 'lead ballon'

The New Testament was written between 30 and 150 years after Jesus was put to death, or so the story goes, so should be looked at with much scepticism in my book. In all my years in the Catholic/Christian faith i have met no one who i would say practiced Christianity, the nearest i have known about in history was an Indian called Gandhi and he i think, was a Hindu.

Me, forgive a murderer, a rapist, a thief, are you having a laugh? i would rather see one put to death than to forgive one. Christianity gives us "unconditional love" and "forgiveness" without the means for Justice or Penance, Jesus, in my book didn't subscribe to that, and he died to bring the Jews closer to the Bibles teachings not to give us a new religion, he would turn in his grave if he knew what had been done in his name, shame on all that made it so.

Regards, Danny

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It was just a story, one i think is as likely as and could explain how people from that by gone age could interpret what happened in the Bible stories, it could have happened just as i said in my story.

Now rather than Poo Poo my Epic attempt at story telling, why don't you give us all a big laugh and write a "What if" story of your own describing how people from ancient times came to write the Bible stories.

I was not shitting on you my friend I was just adding to your possibility (witch I think is a very good one) of how the non literate one's of that time could have very well miss understood what they where or believed they where seeing and or hearing.

Perhaps just looking up in the sky and seeing a falling star would drive one of the pre Jesus times to think that some thing more than the Terra Firma they where standing on was a foot (he he he). Maybe they where all hi on some pre modern day high grade pot and/or where excited about the newly announced 1968 release of the first Led Zeppelin album!!

I would not try and piss you off Big Dan or rain on your fiasco on our beloved board of Led Zeppeliner's and or chatters delight! Oh no, not me said I the over 45 year old guitar player who is scratching a living and mooching off my family to stay alive (sorry mom and dad). Sad but true!

I'm only a starving writer and musician who falls and climbs and falls and climbs and falls and climbs again to any height in witch he can achieve! Record labels can ignore me, people can enjoy my song and guitar, but I still can't get any real gig's and I can move on to the next job I hate with my whole self.

But some thing's are for sure, the earth and the rest of the planet's orbit around the sun, there are billion's of other system like ours, time and space are some thing bigger than any thing some one can see or say as a god (in any form). And as I'm sure that there are many other life forms like us they too have got to know these same thing's and some have found out more. So, I presume nothing as a god of all knowing and all powerful at all.

End of the lesson..... or the rant at least.

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