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Mark McGwire


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Maris and Aaron still have the records as far as I'm concerned. Bonds and McGwire are two of the worst examples of model athletes for the young generations that I've known in my lifetime.

Too little, too late.

Baseball sold out with the strike in 1994. That's when they were exposed. It took the juiceheads to bring it back in 1998, when everyone, from commissioners to owners to managers to fans, could care less about the details and just wanted the entertainment -and all the spoils it brought.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Baseball sold out with the strike in 1994. That's when they were exposed. It took the juiceheads to bring it back in 1998,

I agree with the general sentiment,but aren't you forgetting something?


(September 6,1995)

....and if you ask me,Roger Maris should have the asterisk:


Edited by 59LesPaul
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Maris and Aaron still have the records as far as I'm concerned. Bonds and McGwire are two of the worst examples of model athletes for the young generations that I've known in my lifetime.

Too little, too late.

Baseball sold out with the strike in 1994. That's when they were exposed. It took the juiceheads to bring it back in 1998, when everyone, from commissioners to owners to managers to fans, could care less about the details and just wanted the entertainment -and all the spoils it brought.


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Let's not let any sportsmen even eat MEAT.  That could add muscle too ya know.  As far as substance enhancement etc., how many here realize the extent that some of the oldtimers used to use AMPHETAMINES while playing? (Ask Willie Mays about his special 'cocktails' ) <_< Does that count? Are we gonna denounce their contributions to the sport? I seriously doubt that Cal Ripken was a substance user though, he's probably one of the few pure one's out there.

Edited by LarryD
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Let's not let any sportsmen even eat MEAT.  That could add muscle too ya know.  As far as substance enhancement etc., how many here realize the extent that some of the oldtimers used to use AMPHETAMINES while playing? (Ask Willie Mays about his special 'cocktails' ) <_< Does that count? Are we gonna denounce their contributions to the sport?

Speaking of which..

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Great animation! :lol:

Yep, coming straight from Doc Ellis's mouth, he says 90% (could be exaggeration, but still) of the players used the 'greens', SPEED! I bet that's gonna hit those baseball fans like it does unsuspecting rock fans, when they realize their favorite rock stars engaged in such diabolical behavior too! :lol: Oh what a tangled web they weave.

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Let's not let any sportsmen even eat MEAT.  That could add muscle too ya know.  As far as substance enhancement etc., how many here realize the extent that some of the oldtimers used to use AMPHETAMINES while playing? (Ask Willie Mays about his special 'cocktails' ) <_< Does that count? Are we gonna denounce their contributions to the sport? I seriously doubt that Cal Ripken was a substance user though, he's probably one of the few pure one's out there.

The thing is, no one disputes the fact that most of the accusations of usage amongst players occured during a time when MLB had no official steroid policy so, in that regard, you can not hold them accountable for taking a substance that is currently illegal. That being said, the fact is the integretity of the game was tarnished because of wide spread steroid usage, and to add insult to injury, because these big name sluggers have repeatedly denied such claims when all evidence has pointed toward guilty, it continues to only further ruin the game.

Giambi and Pettitte did it right. They came out immediately and flat out said they took steroids and they made a mistake. Now look at them, their reputations may be slightly tainted but they are by no means destroyed..and Pettitte just won his 5th World Series ring in November.

But the bottom line still is the same: Steroids don't make you hit home runs. That's a God given talent. As much as I despise someone like Bonds, he was HOF bound way before he bulked up on the juice.

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In an unaired part of the interview, after denying the correlation between the steroids and his power, he went on to claim that food has no impact on his hunger and drink does not help his thirst. In addition, he watched the stork depart each time one of his children was delivered as he and his wife have never done anything to result in the little people running around his house.

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The thing is, no one disputes the fact that most of the accusations of usage amongst players occured during a time when MLB had no official steroid policy so, in that regard, you can not hold them accountable for taking a substance that is currently illegal. That being said, the fact is the integretity of the game was tarnished because of wide spread steroid usage, and to add insult to injury, because these big name sluggers have repeatedly denied such claims when all evidence has pointed toward guilty, it continues to only further ruin the game.

Giambi and Pettitte did it right. They came out immediately and flat out said they took steroids and they made a mistake. Now look at them, their reputations may be slightly tainted but they are by no means destroyed..and Pettitte just won his 5th World Series ring in November.

But the bottom line still is the same: Steroids don't make you hit home runs. That's a God given talent. As much as I despise someone like Bonds, he was HOF bound way before he bulked up on the juice.

Quite true. These guys may be victims of the times. While I don't condone using any performance enhancing drugs of any kind, you almost have to say you can't blame them. Look at whats at stake. Not only the millions of dollars and multi year contracts. You also have a well oiled media machine ready and willing to put these guys on pedestals no one could ever imagine. These guys egos are stratospheric and most of them couldn't bear the thought of not having all of the benefits that go along with superstardom. So if something comes along that will give them that edge, or advantage, i don't know if it would be easy to turn it down. The consequences of getting caught should be so severe that it would dissuade any one from even thinking about using them. It's MLB's responsibility to keep the game honest and if Bud Selig can't do it, then someone else should. Kennesaw Mountain Landis was right when he banned those 8 Black Sox players for throwing the World Series. Maybe Bud should do the same with these juiceheads. Rules are rules and at that level there should be no exception

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