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2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics


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It was a fantastic game for hockey and it could just as easily have been the USA winning the gold. My hats off to both teams for showing the world what great hockey is all about !

Hi to all my Canadian friends, (Ally, Patrycja et all) congratulations on your win and also on your Olympic Victory, lap it up and stop being so nice to the Yanks, their so used to Winning loosing might make them more humble, but i doubt it. :lol:

Regards, Danny


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[Hi all,

I think we need to adopt another pet and name it Bode; that's just the coolest name ever :) (not having any more babies!)

Confusing me sweetart!Another criter? B)

Let the winners have a good time,....then BigDan,....history lesson.Until then,enjoy!


Edited by Anjin-san
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Hi Juliet,

Good for you Blondie. :lol:

Regards, Danny

NO bigdan...I am not a blonde.....thanks anyhow...

Juliet :slapshot:

PS Oh that red wine was good to celebrate the excellent hockey game..sorry not Ontario wine(boycotting that until car insurance rates come down)...it was wine from Argentina....

Edited by Juliet
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NO bigdan...I am not a blonde.....thanks anyhow...

Juliet :slapshot:

PS Oh that red wine was good to celebrate the excellent hockey game..sorry not Ontario wine(boycotting that until car insurance rates come down)...it was wine from Argentina....

Hi juliet,

The only good Wine (Whine) from Argentina that i know of is "Please please please give us back the Falkland Islands, Please Mrs British Queenie, Oh Please" :lol:

And my answer to that is this,

"We will give it back when the USA gives the Redskins all their land back (the whole 50 states worth) and repatriate themselves back to the European mainland, when Spain vacates the territory that they took off of Morocco (Ceuta) and when all those tin pot dictatorships in Central and South America give their stolen land back to the Indigenous Peoples and fcuk off back to Spain and Portugal, then, and only then can Argentine make demands on Great Britain, and then, and only then, can the Indians of Patagonia make those demands on Great Britain not the backstabbing Hispanics, do i make myself clear on that or do i need to get a translator?" :o

Regards, Danny

PS, "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves (many years ago now) Britain never never never shall be slaves"

PSS, well not the rich and famous, but us working class and the immigrants here always have been. ;)

PSS, Oh yes, just one more thing, and even then you cant have the Falklands back, so there. :yesnod:

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[Hi all,

Confusing me sweetart!Another criter? B)

Let the winners have a good time,....then BigDan,....history lesson.Until then,enjoy!


Yes; I think Bode would be a great name for a lab (black lab, chocolate lab or golden lab). I think the actual Bode (Miller) is pretty cool; I've enjoyed watching him ski the last several Olympics.

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Buenos noches bigdan:

I apologize for getting off topic and upsetting you by my celebrating the hockey team's win with red wine from Argentina. There were athletes from South America there so I deem it o.k.;however, if it bothers you so..after I finish this case...I mean bottle I will abstain hereafter..

Juliet :wave:

PS THANK-YOU TO ALL OLYMPIANS OF 2010 :thanku::thanku::thanku:

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Hi V,all,

Yes; I think Bode would be a great name for a lab (black lab, chocolate lab or golden lab). I think the actual Bode (Miller) is pretty cool; I've enjoyed watching him ski the last several Olympics.

I think your right,again! :blink: Wench! :D

KB(not always)

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Hi BIGDAN,all,


No, your not the only one, i gave up any interest when the Professionals took the event over from what was basically an Amature 4 year get together. I've had friends and school mates that have competed at the Olympics and they held down jobs while doing their training, no extra money or sponsorships, they were the last true Olympiads, this lot of Professional Athletes are a shower of shit as far as I'm concerned, they have stole the thunder from the more deserving Amatures in my honest opinion. The Olympic Games, Summer and Winter, can go to hell as far as I'm concerned, i wont be supporting these events until it gets back it Amature status, which will be never. :angry:Regards, Danny

Google two names: Jim Thorpe and Avery Brundage.

Then you tell me.


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YEAH CANADA!!! I'm glad you guys won - I was in Vegas yesterday and there were people with Canadian jerseys ALL OVER the place, so I can't begrudge a win to people with that kind of passion. High-five, you guys!

I didn't get to watch the game (yet) because I was at a NASCAR race (the only thing that could've pried me away from hockey, hehe), so I don't know how we played, but still, congrats to the US team for taking silver and putting up an awesome showing these last couple of weeks. We rocked it pretty hard, even if we didn't take home the gold.

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YEAH CANADA!!! I'm glad you guys won - I was in Vegas yesterday and there were people with Canadian jerseys ALL OVER the place, so I can't begrudge a win to people with that kind of passion. High-five, you guys!

I didn't get to watch the game (yet) because I was at a NASCAR race (the only thing that could've pried me away from hockey, hehe), so I don't know how we played, but still, congrats to the US team for taking silver and putting up an awesome showing these last couple of weeks. We rocked it pretty hard, even if we didn't take home the gold.

Your team played great and the outcome could have gone either way. Would loved to have seen a best of three mini series cause the quality of hockey being played by those two teams was unbelievable !

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Buenos noches bigdan:

I apologize for getting off topic and upsetting you by my celebrating the hockey team's win with red wine from Argentina. There were athletes from South America there so I deem it o.k.;however, if it bothers you so..after I finish this case...I mean bottle I will abstain hereafter..

Juliet :wave:

PS THANK-YOU TO ALL OLYMPIANS OF 2010 :thanku: :thanku: :thanku:

Hi Juliet,

Me get upset or bothered? never, you just gave me the chance to get something off my chest that has bothered me since 1982, the hypocrisy that infests the world, where so called "democratic" nations like Spain and Co can all join up together and give support to tin pot puppet dictatorships like Argentina for a little Brit Bashing, bring it on fellow Hispanic back stabbers and see where it gets you, oh and don't forget to cash the cheques that we send you when you have a little disaster will you? there's nowt i like more than countries that show how two faced they really are.

Apart from that enjoy your Wine while Argentina et all can enjoy their Whine. :lol:

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi BIGDAN,all,

Google two names: Jim Thorpe and Avery Brundage.

Then you tell me.


Hi Kev,

OK i'll do as you ask. :blink:

Jim Thorpe.

"Considered one of the most versatile athletes in modern sports, he won Olympic gold medals in the 1912 pentathlon and decathlon, played American football at the collegiate and professional levels, and also played professional baseball and basketball. He lost his Olympic titles after it was found he was paid for playing two seasons of semi-professional baseball before competing in the Olympics, thus violating the amature status rules."


Avery Brundage.

"As USOC president, Brundage rejected any proposals to boycott the 1936 Summer Olympics to be held in the capital of Nazi Germany"

"He may be best remembered for his decision during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, to continue the Games following the Black September Palestinian terroeist attack which killed 11 Israeli athletes. While some criticized Brundage's decision,] (including L.A. Times columnist Jim Murray, who wrote ""Incredibly, they're going on with it. It's almost like having a dance at Dachau"), most did not, and few athletes withdrew from the Games. The Olympic competition was suspended on September 5 for one complete day. The next day, a memorial service of eighty thousand spectators and three thousand athletes was held in the Olympic Stadium. Brundage gave an address in which he stated"

"Brundage strongly opposed the exclusion of Rhodesia from the Olympics due to its racial policies: after the attacks in Munich, Brundage linked the massacre of the Israeli athletes and the barring of the Rhodesian team (see above). He later apologized for the comparison."

"Brundage is also remembered for proposing the elimination of all team sports from the Summer Olympics, fearing that the games would become too expensive for all but the wealthiest nations to host, and the elimination of the Winter Olympics entirely due to its pro-European ideology."


My opinion is as follows,

Jim Thorpe. He broke the rules on Amature Status and lost his Olympic Titles, and rightly so, whats the problem there?

Avery Brundage. Seems a total tosser to me, he seems to have Nazi-Anti Semetic-Racial-Anti European tendencies, died in 1975, no tears shed here, seems he had some true American values,

1. If you cant compete and win then change the rules,

2. If you cant compete and win change to a sport that only the USA plays,

3. If you cant compete and win get rid of the sport so no one else can win either,

4. If you cant compete and win or achieve any of the above,



Kind Regards, Danny

PS, :lol:

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Hi all,

Good job Danny,you answered the questions.Wonderful.


Hi Kev,

Glad to be of assistance mate, ;) but the truth is i thought you were setting me up for a fall, are you sure it was a "Good Job"? :o

Kind Regards, Danny

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