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New Ross Halfin Shoot of Jimmy

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Levee's right - you are obsessed. Good thing I didn't believe your last attempt to present yourself as a "friend" of mine. :rolleyes:

Nope, he's wrong. Assuming that's what he meant. :)

You play a victim every god damn time I or somebody else disagrees with you. Good that you have "friends" who never, ever do that.

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Nope, he's wrong. Assuming that's what he meant. :)

You play a victim every god damn time I or somebody else disagrees with you. Good that you have "friends" who never, ever do that.

You didn't actually disagree with me Otto. Where did any "disagreement" occur? What you did was come in with your comment on the situation - absolutely fair enough - and then tag a nasty, sarcastic comment about me on the end of it, for no apparent reason. You're so mired in your own resentment you can't even see what everyone else can see. Sad.

*edited for spelling

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People, people, WHY are we FIGHTING?

Actually I love it. I'm new here, amd I thought I'd have to behave myself here cos I thought this would be a haven of civility, concord and mutual back-slapping. But it seems that, even in the world of Zep, there are people who just wanna rip someone else a new A-hole. Cool!

So then: who would you say are the Top Ten Notorious A-holes here?

Knebby: did you take your nom de net from Knebworth, and which show did you attend?

Otto: forgive my ignorance, but who's that in your avatar? Looks kinda evil. If it's you: RIS-PEKK !!!!!

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People, people, WHY are we FIGHTING?

Actually I love it. I'm new here, amd I thought I'd have to behave myself here cos I thought this would be a haven of civility, concord and mutual back-slapping. But it seems that, even in the world of Zep, there are people who just wanna rip someone else a new A-hole. Cool!

So then: who would you say are the Top Ten Notorious A-holes here?

Knebby: did you take your nom de net from Knebworth, and which show did you attend?

Otto: forgive my ignorance, but who's that in your avatar? Looks kinda evil. If it's you: RIS-PEKK !!!!!

Hi Tripmender!

First as this is of topic I apologize to all in advance.

I don't think (at least hope) anyone will post the top 10 A-holes here. If I have a personal issue with someone I take it to them by PM. There are the occational trolls who only come here to start fights and they are usually gone very soon, and I admit I will post responses back to them rather harshly when they start bashing LZ.

It's great to agree to disagree and share thoughts, but you will find the occasional person here who thinks they know it all, or makes negative personal- or just rude responses to postings constantly. I do my best to ignore them and not lower myself to their standards.

There are a lot of great people here. You will eventually find the peacemakers verses the ones who think they must make a war out of every post. Really sad as the music is truly supposed to bring us together IMHO. :peace:

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Hi Deborah, and thank you for your advice. I wasn't realistically expecting a Top Ten (although a Top Three would be nice!). Anyway, I've had a sniff around, and I've already come up with a short-list of my own. So, not wishing to be labelled a troll at this early juncture, I'll shut up now, and apologise to you as well for my unjustifiably inflammatory comments about JP's book.

Nice avatar, btw.

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Hi Deborah, and thank you for your advice. I wasn't realistically expecting a Top Ten (although a Top Three would be nice!). Anyway, I've had a sniff around, and I've already come up with a short-list of my own. So, not wishing to be labelled a troll at this early juncture, I'll shut up now, and apologise to you as well for my unjustifiably inflammatory comments about JP's book.

Nice avatar, btw.

:D Thank You!

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So obviously Jimmy may have something up his sleeve. I mean if he's doing a photo shoot..something's gotta happen right? I sure hope so. I am ready to see him get back in the spotlight. He really never left IMO. B)

I heard he's doing a Playgirl spread. :unsure:

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So obviously Jimmy may have something up his sleeve. I mean if he's doing a photo shoot..something's gotta happen right? I sure hope so. I am ready to see him get back in the spotlight. He really never left IMO. B)

I hope so, too. But I'm not hoping for too much. He has done many photo shoots in the last few years, for interviews, for the Gibson Company etc etc.

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Man, I just read some stuff that Ross has stated in his diaries. What a dick. Someone needs to give him a good kick in the ass. Just because you take pictures of famous people doesn't make you a deity. F him.

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Knebby: did you take your nom de net from Knebworth, and which show did you attend?

Yeah I did - I was at the first weekend, second weekend was a pre-arranged holiday with the parents, where I did my best to make them very sure of how I pissed off I was to have been dragged along when I could have been at the second gig. Teens, eh? :rolleyes:

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I have been contacted by admin about the above episode, which to me is a joke, but what can you do? Hence I am leaving.

..Otto, your knowledge about Led Zeppelin is much acknowledged and I hope that we will all be able to pass through this...this is not appropriate for veterans...we all must be confident and wise enough to solve this issue...

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I have been contacted by admin about the above episode, which to me is a joke, but what can you do? Hence I am leaving.

:( This upsets me a lot, since Otto is one of the figures of this forum I was always look up to. He always seemed to be a great personality, knowledgeable and polite (so this incident was...surprising...and made me suspect some history behind it).

. .. I'm thinking to create a cheering section for Otto, so he won't leave...

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This is news to me - I neither contacted admin about the exchange nor was aware they had contacted Otto, until now. Obviously I can't get involved further but I certainly agree re Otto's Zepp knowledge.

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I always enjoyed reading Otto's posts and his wealth of knowledge. I Have never seen him get angry like that so as zdr has said there must be some sort of history behind it?

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As I clearly stated, there is - but it is ancient history as far as this forum is concerned and I don't think it would serve anyone's interests to fill you all in on it.

I couldn’t care less about the details.

:angry: The admin should have put both of you on the corner: one for uncalled agressivity, the other for excessive “jumpiness” (I know it’s not a word, but I’m venting here!; Otto was one of those posters who gave intellectual weight to this board)

Ok, I had to take this out of my chest. <_<

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Well, it looks like I'm never going to find out who Otto's avatar was. He's gone, and so has the original pic. Musta been something that I said...

Anybody got any idea?

85% probability to be his own picture, from his youth. I think he posted it in the "Post a picture of yourself" thread, but I could be wrong.

But if this is the case ... "evil"? :hysterical:

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I couldn’t care less about the details.

:angry: The admin should have put both of you on the corner: one for uncalled agressivity, the other for excessive “jumpiness” (I know it’s not a word, but I’m venting here!; Otto was one of those posters who gave intellectual weight to this board)

Ok, I had to take this out of my chest. <_<

Well done.

I have no intention whatsoever of revealing "the details" and never did have, I was responding to two posts speculating about it.- I don't expect anyone to be interested nor did I expect people to still be raising it months down the line. And when someone is unneccessarily nasty and sarcastic about you, out of the blue, see how "jumpy" you might be.

BTW - Otto's a grown man. He chose to start this and he has chosen how he deals with it. None of that had anything to do with me - or anyone else for that matter, and no-one but Otto and the admin know what was said in that contact. If you want the admin to chastise me, go ahead and ask them to.

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Why would Jimmy and Ozzy be in the same room having their photos taken separately and together? Is there a MOJO awards ceremony coming up? That's the only reasonable explanation I can think of.

Oh wait, I'm sorry, I thought this was the Ross' recent photos of Jimmy thread. My bad...



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