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I don't get the Lady Gaga hype!


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That thing gaga....i was channel surfing one day i and saw her wearing a bear skin with the head and all. It's like you mixed in a blender a bad pop singer, Marilyn Manson, a white roach and some condiments and then you drank it and you threw up...and wow gaga appeared....

Thats what she said :-) And I absolutly agree

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Gaga will be in Toronto in July and returning in March 2011..

Keep in mind she is just 22...perhaps she will evolve throughout her career into something more "acceptable'..right now I think she is refreshing though a few costumes are just a bit too scant and some videos are a bit too wild (TELEPHONE)for my liking!!! However...remember some of Cher's outfits...

I Have the Cd, THE FAME MONSTER...The tune TEETH is interesting...the other tunes are fine...and I love the title track BAD ROMANCE....


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I don't know why rock fans get upset by pop artists. They're not rock artists, what pop artists do is meant for a mass market that is somewhat disposable. If it's not Lady Gaga being criticized it's Taylor Swift lol. I'm not fan of either but they're certainly less offensive than most "supposed" rock artists of today & the past. Green Day I find offensive. It's watered down punk rock dressed up as rebellion with social commentary. They're hacks. They're just one example of what passes as "real" music these days.

I'd say the reason there getting the criticism they are is that the music business has tried to hype them both as "legit" artists.

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I'd say the reason there getting the criticism they are is that the music business has tried to hype them both as "legit" artists.

What passes for a "legit" artist in your world? While I'm no fan of either artist, they both write their own songs and are instrument-trained as well. So they do more than just stand on stage and sing something a record exec handed to them. I would call them "artists" before I'd call Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears "artists". At least with the prior two, you're getting some substance, there's a story behind what they're singing, in one form or another.

A lot of the criticism I've seen levied against artists like Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga, while not totally here in this thread, boils down to music snobbery. Because you (universal) don't "get it" and it's not like what you listen to, it must suck. I'm guilty of doing it too, so there's no hypocrisy from me on this. There's an assumption that there's a real music and a fake music, and if you don't listen to bands X, Y and Z, you're not listening to "real" music. I see it here in this section all the time.

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What passes for a "legit" artist in your world? While I'm no fan of either artist, they both write their own songs and are instrument-trained as well. So they do more than just stand on stage and sing something a record exec handed to them. I would call them "artists" before I'd call Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears "artists". At least with the prior two, you're getting some substance, there's a story behind what they're singing, in one form or another.

A lot of the criticism I've seen levied against artists like Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga, while not totally here in this thread, boils down to music snobbery. Because you (universal) don't "get it" and it's not like what you listen to, it must suck. I'm guilty of doing it too, so there's no hypocrisy from me on this. There's an assumption that there's a real music and a fake music, and if you don't listen to bands X, Y and Z, you're not listening to "real" music. I see it here in this section all the time.

I agree with you, and I AM totally guilty of it. Still doesn't mean I have appreciate or RESPECT these "artists". I really don't because it's not all about the music to them. It's about how much they can get themselves facetime from music videos to tv commercials (for the products they hawk) to award shows to the worst of all, movies they think they belong in. Not to insult anyone on here, but to me, whatever the general masses like is usually crap to me. A lot of people will except whatever the music industry throws at them. Not me. Again, I'm not a hater that tries to bring everyone down but I can't stand how people say you don't "get it" when I'm not facinated by "artists" like Lady Gaga. I do "get it". I just don't like it. There are people that feel this way about Zeppelin too. Neither of us of wrong. It's all a matter of opinion.

"There's a sucker born everyday"- P.T. Barnum

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What passes for a "legit" artist in your world? While I'm no fan of either artist, they both write their own songs and are instrument-trained as well. So they do more than just stand on stage and sing something a record exec handed to them. I would call them "artists" before I'd call Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears "artists". At least with the prior two, you're getting some substance, there's a story behind what they're singing, in one form or another.

A lot of the criticism I've seen levied against artists like Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga, while not totally here in this thread, boils down to music snobbery. Because you (universal) don't "get it" and it's not like what you listen to, it must suck. I'm guilty of doing it too, so there's no hypocrisy from me on this. There's an assumption that there's a real music and a fake music, and if you don't listen to bands X, Y and Z, you're not listening to "real" music. I see it here in this section all the time.

I agree with you 100%. I too, am guilty of snobbery. My snobbery doesn't come down to "pop" artists though because I don't think they're pretending to be anything other than what they are, even if they are full of themselves, declare themselves genuises, & believe their own hype at times. It is music for the masses, unlike rock music. Since the 60's, rock music has always been an elitist genre where pop music never has been. Bob Dylan would make fun of the Beatles at the time & chide them for not really saying anything, unlike him of course. Dylan told Keith Richards he could write "Satisfaction" but they could never write "Desolation Row", implying that "Satisfaction" was nothing but fluff & that "Desolation Row", which every pretentious critic at the time drooled over, was real art. I'll take "Satisfaction" over Dylan's 11 minute rambling, but that's my preference. We're all on a Led Zeppelin forum, a band that was derided for their entire existance as being a "dumb" band in the face of "important" socially relevant artists like Dylan, John Lennon, CSN&Y, etc. Is a throwaway John Lennon song like "Give Peace A Chance" somehow more important because of it's social commentary than Led Zeppelin's "Black Dog" because it's about a guy lusting over a sexy woman in simple terms? Who gives a crap. "Black Dog", in my opinion, is just a better song to my ears. Another argument I have is when it comes to technical ability: is a guitar player better because he can play a precise 100 note solo compared to a guitarist who only plays 3 chords very sloppily? Who cares? The music either moves you or it doesn't. As I said in my earlier post, I'm no Lady Gaga fan but she doesn't offend me musically or move me. She's just the latest thing. They'll be another to take her place soon enough because that's how the commercial pop world moves, unlike the rock world where artists far overstay their welcome & don't know when to call it a day. Green Day could learn a thing from Lady Gaga. She may be full of herself but doesn't pretend to be artistically important, & when her time comes I'm sure she'll just leave rather than being 60 years old playing Woodstock 2029 & dedicating "American Idiot" to our then current president George Bush the third.

Edited by kaiser
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I agree with you, and I AM totally guilty of it. Still doesn't mean I have appreciate or RESPECT these "artists". I really don't because it's not all about the music to them. It's about how much they can get themselves facetime from music videos to tv commercials (for the products they hawk) to award shows to the worst of all, movies they think they belong in. Not to insult anyone on here, but to me, whatever the general masses like is usually crap to me. A lot of people will except whatever the music industry throws at them. Not me. Again, I'm not a hater that tries to bring everyone down but I can't stand how people say you don't "get it" when I'm not facinated by "artists" like Lady Gaga. I do "get it". I just don't like it. There are people that feel this way about Zeppelin too. Neither of us of wrong. It's all a matter of opinion."There's a sucker born everyday"- P.T. Barnum

Exactly. Opinion is based on what the listener likes to hear and obviously most do not care for the music, including me, but they are musical artists and they to appeal to a particular section of listeners.

Its a cycle. My parents did not care for the music I listened to and now I don't care for some of the music my grandkids will be listening to.

I disagree about "it not all about the music to them". I don't think they would be out there at all if they didn't care about the music. It begins with the music and once they sign themselves up to a label and have producers, managers, etc. they are expected to be put out there endorsing who knows what and get all the facetime they can get. While they make their music (and money) all the rest of the team is riding the coattails drawing in some big bucks too. I could be wrong but isn't that the way of the music industry?

Lady Gaga has that shock factor that appeals to some and Taylor has the sweet factor going for her. I just hope they don't crash and burn along the way because they have been pushed out there too much.

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I'd say the reason there getting the criticism they are is that the music business has tried to hype them both as "legit" artists.

The music business hyping an artist? Unheard of lol! Well it comes down to the industry's bottom line & if Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift are selling magazines for someone & if they & their people cooperate with those media outlets then of course they're going to call them legit artist's. And they are regardless if those in the industry said they are or aren't. I don't see them doing anything that isn't legit in the "pop" world.

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What passes for a "legit" artist in your world? While I'm no fan of either artist, they both write their own songs and are instrument-trained as well. So they do more than just stand on stage and sing something a record exec handed to them. I would call them "artists" before I'd call Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears "artists". At least with the prior two, you're getting some substance, there's a story behind what they're singing, in one form or another.

A lot of the criticism I've seen levied against artists like Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga, while not totally here in this thread, boils down to music snobbery. Because you (universal) don't "get it" and it's not like what you listen to, it must suck. I'm guilty of doing it too, so there's no hypocrisy from me on this. There's an assumption that there's a real music and a fake music, and if you don't listen to bands X, Y and Z, you're not listening to "real" music. I see it here in this section all the time.

Pretty simple really legit to me means producing quality music of high artistic worth which many beleive Swift was trying to claim with the "voice of a generation" hype. They don't sing songs record execs handed them but there image and sucess are obviously highly influenced by music execs.

After the alternative music revolution of the 90's the recording industry has slowly been working towards trying to bypass that negative manifactured image by trying to hide it as much as possible. Hence crap like Mcfly, the indie band for 12 year olds.

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Again, I'm not a hater that tries to bring everyone down but I can't stand how people say you don't "get it" when I'm not facinated by "artists" like Lady Gaga. I do "get it". I just don't like it. There are people that feel this way about Zeppelin too. Neither of us of wrong. It's all a matter of opinion.

Wolfman, you know I respect you, but I really am having trouble understanding this thread. You start it by asking for other people's opinions on GaGa, and then when they give them you ask why everyone is trying to convert you. You title it "I don't get the Lady Ga Ga Hype" and then complain here about people saying you "don't get it" when in fact you do.

You really don't like Lady GaGa, fine, but the way this thread is going it seems like you don't like that anybody else DOES - and that, I don't get.

Edited by Knebby
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She wasn't an MTV reality star wannabe, she was on that show randomly. Boiling Points is a show that takes unsuspecting people and tries to annoy them to the point where they get really pissed off and curse but if they don't they get like $100. She lived in NYC, she just happened to be at a restaurant where the show was being filmed. But ANYWAY, I used to not understand her either and think that she was just a manufactured piece of crap. But after I came across a video of her playing an acoustic version of one of her songs and looked into her a little more, I was blown away by her talent. I love her so much now, which is shocking to alot of people who know me, but she is truly a great and talented musician. And by the way she writes ALL of her own music and nobody tells her how to dress or dance or anything. I love her for being different. She's written songs for other artists as well. Look up some of her acoustic stuff on youtube. She has a great voice and is a great pianist. Here are some of my favorite videos of her. If you still don't like her after watching them that's ok but her talent is undeniable, imo.

"Fooled Me Again/Honest Eyes" (She sings a little Neil Young right in the beginning)



"Imagine" (Lennon cover, beautiful rendition imo)


She's the real deal and is one of very few artists these days who I believe actually deserve the attention they get.

Acoustic on a Korg.... hillarious.

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Wolfman, you know I respect you, but I really am having trouble understanding this thread. You start it by asking for other people's opinions on GaGa, and then when they give them you ask why everyone is trying to convert you. You title it "I don't get the Lady Ga Ga Hype" and then complain here about people saying you "don't get it" when in fact you do.

You really don't like Lady GaGa, fine, but the way this thread is going it seems like you don't like that anybody else DOES - and that, I don't get.

What are you talking about? I have not attacked anyone on here. I'm talking about associates of mine who try to convince how great she is and say that I don't get it. One friend in particular flipped out on me about on what a genius he thinks she is. This is the same friend who can't stand rock bands like Zeppelin or Floyd. Honestly, it seems like you are reading certain aspects of my posts and ignoring others....

Again, I'm not a hater that tries to bring everyone down but I can't stand how people say you don't "get it" when I'm not fascinated by "artists" like Lady Gaga. I do "get it". I just don't like it. There are people that feel this way about Zeppelin too. Neither of us of wrong. It's all a matter of opinion.

And to clarify why the " don't get it" aspect annoys me because I feel like certain people who say question your intelligence and feel like you are a moron or something for not being into her music. I really have not sensed any tension between me and anyone else on here. I'm guess I'm wrong though.

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What are you talking about? I have not attacked anyone on here. I'm talking about associates of mine who try to convince how great she is and say that I don't get it. One friend in particular flipped out on me about on what a genius he thinks she is. This is the same friend who can't stand rock bands like Zeppelin or Floyd. Honestly, it seems like you are reading certain aspects of my posts and ignoring others....

Again, I'm not a hater that tries to bring everyone down but I can't stand how people say you don't "get it" when I'm not fascinated by "artists" like Lady Gaga. I do "get it". I just don't like it. There are people that feel this way about Zeppelin too. Neither of us of wrong. It's all a matter of opinion.

And to clarify why the " don't get it" aspect annoys me because I feel like certain people who say question your intelligence and feel like you are a moron or something for not being into her music. I really have not sensed any tension between me and anyone else on here. I'm guess I'm wrong though.

Wolfman I didn't say you had attacked anyone. Nor did I speak of tension. I'm just trying to follow what you wanted to achieve from this thread, and I'm a bit lost.

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Wolfman I didn't say you had attacked anyone. Nor did I speak of tension. I'm just trying to follow what you wanted to achieve from this thread, and I'm a bit lost.

Ah, I'm not trying to acheive anything. Just going with the flow of the thread. Never said this should be taken too seriously. I say how I feel. No bigs!

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I was playing The Fame Monster this to start my day....gets the circulation going for sure... and helps one rise above the worries of the times we live in..and isn't that a goal for an artist/performer???

In any case I have read her facebook bio...so interesting....

Juliet :stereo:

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She will be on Larry King Live tonight @ 9 p.m.

Juliet phone.gif

Nice, the Crypt Keeper is going to interview the Bride of Frankenstein.

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