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I don't know! I'm just picky eater! I've been that way all my life, but over the recent times, I've been eating more different foods. I love lasanga now. :wub:

I'm also a picky eater and I also like lasagna! :D But I put tofu instead of meat ^_^

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Nope. I never too. But that's not too late, it's late, but not too late. Too late is 5 in the morning.

I think that's too early :lol: So what time do you usually sleeps? Sorry for asking many questions. That's the result of not being sleepy on a late night :D

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:lol: I'm just not used in sleeping so late. So, what's the time now in Russia? It's now afternoon there right?:)

Yea, it's 5.15 pm here,

lOl, my friend found somewhere badminton rackets and we are going to go to play badminton, remember our childhood :P

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