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Forty-seven dolphins have beached themselves following the BP oil disaster.


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Why is BP (and all the other companies) drilling in such deep water to begin with?

Because environmental regulations don't allow them nearer to shore, where it's not as deep and difficult to drill oil, nor as problematic to fix a problem should it occur.

If this had happened in a couple hundred feet of water it would have been fixed in a number of days, because divers would have been able to access the site, instead of playing some insane robotic "crane-drop for a toy" method that has even less likelihood of succeeding than the current administration has of actually doing something useful and timely in the wake of this disaster.

The world HAS to have oil right now.

I'm all in favor of finding alternatives, but until we do we HAVE to use oil.

Accidents like this (non tanker-related) are actually extremely rare.

The vast majority of spills are a result of TRANSPORTING the oil, not capturing it.

But the NIMBY environmental lobbies have forced the oil companies to do what HAS to be done (drill oil) in exponentially more difficult areas, both in terms of production and in safety.

In legislating the oil companies into deep-water drilling, they have increased the likelihood of the exact thing they claim to be trying to prevent.

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Hi all,

Thanks TypeO for explaining why anyone is drilling this deep.Yet,don't forget,they are allowed to and there is NO over site/regulation/safety/contingency plans in place.

Come to Cape Cod this summer,or anytime,some sea mammal is beaching itself.


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Why is BP (and all the other companies) drilling in such deep water to begin with?

Because environmental regulations don't allow them nearer to shore, where it's not as deep and difficult to drill oil, nor as problematic to fix a problem should it occur.

If this had happened in a couple hundred feet of water it would have been fixed in a number of days, because divers would have been able to access the site, instead of playing some insane robotic "crane-drop for a toy" method that has even less likelihood of succeeding than the current administration has of actually doing something useful and timely in the wake of this disaster.

Can you please provide sourcing on this? I've heard the same argument from a man whose opinion I generally respect.

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What the hell ever happened to the belief that all living things share this world? Hell these guys knew this decades ago!!

What is it going to take to wake people up? :unsure:

Sadly, it appears the enlightened are the ultimate elite. Few and far between in any age, but always here. Thanks for the video.

Edited by Atlas
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Good post. It's amazing how people lose sight of why there are companies out there drilling for oil in the first place.

If there wasn't a market for oil then there wouldn't be these disasters in the first place. This is not the first time there has been a major oil disaster in the world. It will continue to happen as long as mankind wants to live the way it does. ...

... and that's my question exactly, WHY does mankind want to live the way it does??? Every store seems to be 95% full of worthless junk, people stressed out trying to keep up - inventing, making, searching for, selling and buying that garbage, and all the while running away from each other.

About twenty years ago I chucked a high-paying job, accepted "poverty" and "deprivation" and finally started to really see, understand, and live. Everybody thought I was crazy ... I guess they still do, but every now and then someone says (even if they don't really mean it) "I'd trade my lifestyle for yours in a heartbeat" so I keep the hope up B)

Edited by sweetredwine
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Good post. It's amazing how people lose sight of why there are companies out there drilling for oil in the first place.

If there wasn't a market for oil then there wouldn't be these disasters in the first place. This is not the first time there has been a major oil disaster in the world. It will continue to happen as long as mankind wants to live the way it does. It's not going to change unless the oil runs out. ;)

Seems like this is "mankind" nowadays


our planet's resources are obviously limited but - nobody ever wants limits, do we? :whistling:

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Atlas takes his work a little too serious at times.

Hi Poindexter!

Noted :) , but I would like for Atlas to respond to me directly as it seems his response was directed at me. Hopefully I am mistaken in how I took this, but just want to hear his explanation before I respond.

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Hi Poindexter!

Noted :) , but I would like for Atlas to respond to me directly as it seems his response was directed at me. Hopefully I am mistaken in how I took this, but just want to hear his explanation before I respond.

Let's call it the SNAFU paradox. Basically the SNAFU principle applied to itself.

Edit to add: it was intended as a complement not an insult; and also a lament.

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Let's call it the SNAFU paradox. Basically the SNAFU principle applied to itself.

Edit to add: it was intended as a complement not an insult; and also a lament.

Thank you for the response Atlas. I did puzzle me and I am still not sure where the compliment part comes in?

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Thank you for the response Atlas. I did puzzle me and I am still not sure where the compliment part comes in?

I would think that "ultimate elite" isn't always about snobbiness or the "better than thou" position. It's just a highly sensitive, few have it, understanding of a commonality of man and they symbiotic relationship with our environment and those other humans around us.

Few exhibit that. The vast majority are in a "get out of my way", I'm taking care of my agenda mentality and to hell with the rest of the world.

My interpretation of Atlas' post seemed to compliment you in that he see's you in this regard.


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I would think that "ultimate elite" isn't always about snobbiness or the "better than thou" position. It's just a highly sensitive, few have it, understanding of a commonality of man and they symbiotic relationship with our environment and those other humans around us.

Few exhibit that. The vast majority are in a "get out of my way", I'm taking care of my agenda mentality and to hell with the rest of the world.

My interpretation of Atlas' post seemed to compliment you in that he see's you in this regard.


Oracle and Atlas, this I understand...and Thank You :D

Edit: Encore for you:-)

Edited by Deborah J
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