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MOJO Robert Plant


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It would be great if Robert would get together with JPJ, JP and Jason and do some shows and recording, but it's not what Robert wants to do. I love the career path Robert has taken, by having a complete open mind what he explores and gives back to us musically. I am looking very forward to the Band of Joy album this September and U.S. tour next year. I guess for him, Zep is just part of the past and I think we should give this all a rest, since it won't change Robert's or anyone else' mind for that matter. Enough said! :rant::blahblah:

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I just read the Mojo interview, and I spotted something nobody's commented on yet: "Yesterday he was thinking about doing Celebration Day", says Giovino. "But then he goes, 'Not a very popular song, though'. I'm like, 'Are you crazy?!' He says, 'But most of the people who liked it are now INCARCERATED'. What a thing to say about your own fans. Hands up who likes Celebration Day? And if you are now or have ever been INCARCERATED, keep 'em up. Hmmm..... He also refers earlier on to a comment he made to Alison Krauss - "You can't go back to those fat blokes with beards". Well excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but...no, I won't say it. Maybe these are just examples of his idiosyncratic sense of humour. The kind of humour, in fact, that would probably get him banned from this very site.

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I just read the Mojo interview, and I spotted something nobody's commented on yet: "Yesterday he was thinking about doing Celebration Day", says Giovino. "But then he goes, 'Not a very popular song, though'. I'm like, 'Are you crazy?!' He says, 'But most of the people who liked it are now INCARCERATED'. What a thing to say about your own fans. Hands up who likes Celebration Day? And if you are now or have ever been INCARCERATED, keep 'em up. Hmmm..... He also refers earlier on to a comment he made to Alison Krauss - "You can't go back to those fat blokes with beards". Well excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but...no, I won't say it. Maybe these are just examples of his idiosyncratic sense of humour. The kind of humour, in fact, that would probably get him banned from this very site.

Have you been banned from this site?

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So I picked up the new Mojo this morning and finally had a chance to read the Plant article...and as usual am flabbergasted at how people try so HARD to

find fault in any little thing Plant says, as if they have no sense of humour at all. It sometimes seems as if Jahfin, Ninelives, and Knebby are the only sane ones left

when it comes to discussing Robert Plant.

Much to ponder in the article(WOW! He's covering not only LOW, but LOS LOBOS, too!), but for now the thing that stuck with me all day was this bit in the track-by-track

preview of the new album:

Harms Swift Way

"A bittersweet treatise from a man on the brink('The world's still blue, my word is true, I feel I'm turning hollow'), the last song written by Townes Van Zandt, the

legendary Texan also covered by Plant on Raising Sand. Plant: 'Another reason why I shouldn't write another song. There's such a wearisome thing about it.'"

from Robert Plant article written by Keith Cameron in Sept. 2010 issue of Mojo music magazine.

Of course, the trolls will probably read even that as a slur against Jimmy Page.

I have come to the conclusion that you either get Percy's sense of humour or you don't...and much of the criticism directed towards him on this board and others usually

isn't worth dignifying with a response.

Hell, the more people misread and/or misinterpret his remarks, intentions, whatever, the more I hope he never does another reunion; it would serve you cretins right.

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Absolutely spot on Strider and Aqua - the bloke actually isn't ALLOWED to have a sense of humour, because somehow that is considered offensive to Jimmy, Jonesy, Jason, the fans, Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, orphans, stray dogs and old people. :rolleyes:

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Captain Spaulding (love him) - what did he mean by "You can't go back to those fat blokes with beards". Who??? WHERE did you read this? Do you have the entire article?

This was in the Mojo article too. It might be online somewhere. I have a copy and could scan & post it, but I don't know whether that's against the rules here?

Plant was referring to him & Alison going their separate ways after the abortive attempts to make a second album together. I would assume he was referring to her going back to her own band, or possibly to the country music fraternity in general.

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Occam's Razor - what did he want her to do? He didn't include her in BOJ? Don't get it??? The musical direction he's taking with BOJ I don't think she'd fit in??? Not the right vocal style. I think Robert was being nice.

I don't think he wanted her to do anything - they both chose separate directions. Nothing to read into as he's stated they are in touch and he sees her often.

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Wonder if they are just friends or More? Also, her band members aren't fat with beards? Well the one dude has a beard but not fat??? Guess he's being funny. Wonder what happened to all that Daniel Lanois stuff they were attempting? Probably not the right fit.

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A few post have been mostly about him saying, it was the best Zep gig since 1975, so better then the 77, 79, 80 gigs and he even called it Zep, so why not go on with a tour?

Well because he moved on and because Bonzo is dead, but that is just the most obviuos.

Led Zeppelin is only Zeppelin with Bonzo, but they were billed as Zeppelin for the O2 and Plant didn't really mind that, because it was a one of. But as far as a tour goes, he knows Jason is not good enough and Bonzo's drumming is so unique and most importantly, they would have to play so many old songs, from which he moved on.

And so when he said it was the best Zep gig since 1975, he used the word Zep, because that's how they were billed and not becasue he would think its' the real Zep and in my opinion he said O2 was better then the after 75 gigs, mainly because of Jimmy!!

Jimmy was a junkie post 75, so many of the concerts were bad and obviously Plant thinks the O2 was better, then many of those concerts. But he still knows that for the band to function as a perfect team, they need Bonzo and Bonzo was playing fantastically in 77 and further on, but Jimmy's addiction and Robert's voice problems, obviously made Robert feel, that the O2 was better overall then those shows, even if without Bonzo!!

It's all about Jimmy draging the 77 shows so low, that even the great Bonzo couldn't compensate enough, to make it as good as the early shows or even as good as the O2 as Robert says, even if i don't agrre as some of the after 75 shows were fantatastic and Bonzo did things, Jason can't do in his dreams!

So Robert was not saying they were even better then some 77 shows and that they managed to do that without Bonzo, he was just basicaly saying that Jimmy(and Robert to an extent) was so much better at the O2, that those shows were better then some of late the seventies shows, but if Jimmy would be clean in 77, those shows would definately be better!! There is no way Zep could reach the old level with Jason. They just played better then A FEW late seventies concerts, because of Jimmy's addiction and Robert's voice problems that are now gone and not becasue Jason would be that good!!

And Robert also knows the O2 would be so much more excellent with Bonzo and he just also left the whole Zep thing behind, so leave him alone!!

It just can not be Zep without Bonzo. The whole thing for Robert was a one of for Ahmet and yes it was called Zeppelin, but it really wasn't and we all know that and Robert didn't look at it as anything really big and he doesn't want to commit himself to a band, that existed a long time ago and where all members were cruicial!

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Occam's Razor - what did he want her to do? He didn't include her in BOJ? Don't get it??? The musical direction he's taking with BOJ I don't think she'd fit in??? Not the right vocal style. I think Robert was being nice.

Here's the relevant extract :

"And just as Plant moved on from Strange Sensation when it seemed to the wider world that at last he'd found a viable new musical vehicle, so it was with plans to make another album with Alison Krauss, in 2009. Given the success of Raising Sand, surely this was a tougher call to make? Plant waves airily. "We got together and it didn't work. Well, it worked to a degree, but the very nature of Raising Sand was it was accidental., and it was spectacular. Give it four days and you know, and if you haven't got it, go. That's exactly what we did, and it worked. It worked so instantly with Raising Sand because T Bone had brought th emore poignant tracks and I'd brought the more rocky, shambolic things, and there was plenty for Alison to get her teeth into with the lyrical and melodic structure. The next time round, the songs weren't so evocative. And there were songs that I like that I brought to the party, but they were more my songs, for me, with anybody, rather than for Alison. So we looked at each other and we said: We'll have to try this later. I was teasing her: You can't go back to those fat blokes with beards. But I see her all the time. And we will make another record together, I'm sure. But you can only spend so long trying to get it right."

Draw your own conclusions. Sounds like commitment issues to me. And after all, anything more than four days is a long time to waste, isn't it? But I'm not complaining - I didn't want Raising Sand II anyway.

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It just can not be Zep without Bonzo. The whole thing for Robert was a one of for Ahmet and yes it was called Zeppelin, but it really wasn't and we all know that and Robert didn't look at it as anything really big and

he doesn't want to commit himself to a band, that existed a long time ago and where all members were cruicial!


Of course he did. It was a massive deal for him.

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It's not a knock, Kneb. How can anyone suppose that Plant would have the same amount of fame and ability to do pretty much whatever he wants with whomever he wants if he hadn't been a member of the world's biggest rock band and one of the most important bands in the history of rock music?

I don't know and neither do you. But if I had to bet my house on it I'd say Robert would not be in the wonderful position he's in today if he hadn't been in Zeppelin. Again, it's not a knock. Just a reasonable opinion and a compliment to the band we all love. In fact, his music wouldn't be what it is today if he hadn't spent those formative years in Zeppelin.

That's why I had an issue with the use of the word "burdened". I'd say "blessed"!

Plant sold his rights for Zep in the early eighties, so he doesn't get much money from that!! Quite a cool hippy thing going on, right!!??

And he sold millions of records on his own and he could probably still do whatever and with whoever, if he wouldn't be in Zep, just based on his talent.

And who knows in what great band he would be, if he wouldn't be in Zep, because he has such a great talent! And he contributed a lot to Zep, it wasn't just Jimmy, so he doesn't owe anything to him!!

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Of course he did. It was a massive deal for him.

It was a massive deal emotionally and because of all the rehearsals and also because so many people were interested.

What i meant was, that it probably wasn't such a big deal for him to go through with the whole thing, because it was a one of and because it was for Ahmet and the fact that Jason played the drums, who is the son of Bonzo, probably slightly compensated the feelings that there is no Bonzo, even if Jason is not as good.

So what i meant was that a big deal for him would be a tour, in terms that there would be way to many issues that would stop him from doing it. What i meant is that because of the nature of the O2 show, it wasn't such a big deal for him to say yes!!

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Occam's Razor - Okay, thanks. I get it now. To tell you the truth from my perspective, I think Robert thought Alison was more capable in a wider genre of music and could adapt to more of his style. I knew the first time I heard/saw the "Please Read the Letter" video it wasn't exactly right. He was restaining his voice to match her style and adapting to her style. I knew it would only be a matter of time. When I read, remember this, that he wanted her to "moan" on a particular song, and she responded with "I'm not black", she just blew it. That statement was wrong on many levels even if she couldn't "moan" as he wanted. Totally "ignorant" thing to say in my opinion. Anyway, I DO love his current project very much and think Patty is just perfect. I think Robert finally found it. Also, LOVE the fact that he's doing more of a SOLO project rather than "duet" style. I do think though that Patty's voice and ability to adapt to Robert's style enhances his singing in a very positive way. His voice is sounding amazing.

BTW when you are a talent like Robert, yeah, four days is enough time to KNOW just where the thing is going or not going. I totally agree with him on that.

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If there had been an internet during Zeppelin's heyday I wonder if their every move (musical and otherwise) would have been met with such constant bashing from the fans? Zeppelin made good on their promise to honor Ahmet's memory yet that is still not good enough for some "fans". Those folks are an outright embarrassment. Not because of their relentless drubbing of each and every thing Plant does (apparently Page and Jones are exempt from such criticism) but because they should be thankful Zeppelin got back together at all. Instead, their only desire is to squeeze every last drop of blood from the stone. With "fans" like that, who needs enemas?

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Plant sold his rights for Zep in the early eighties, so he doesn't get much money from that!! Quite a cool hippy thing going on, right!!??

I have no earthly idea why Plant and/or his financial advisors would do such a thing. But there's a fine line between cool and stupid!

And he sold millions of records on his own and he could probably still do whatever and with whoever, if he wouldn't be in Zep, just based on his talent.

He sold millions of records on his own after he became world famous and honed his skills with three genre defining musicians in Led Zeppelin! That's not a little footnote, it's crucial! You can't honestly believe Plant would be the same Plant if he'd never been in Led Zeppelin! I would say the same about the other three, even though Jimmy was justifiably famous before Zeppelin. I'd even say the same about the Beatles!

And who knows in what great band he would be, if he wouldn't be in Zep, because he has such a great talent! And he contributed a lot to Zep, it wasn't just Jimmy, so he doesn't owe anything to him!!

The hell he doesn't. Or didn't. Page and Jones had music careers. Bonham was being begged to join Joe Cocker when he was recruited for Zeppelin. Robert was playing bars after the singles he recorded for CBS went absolutely nowhere.

Of course I agree he's a huge talent. I've seen him perform many times, most recently from the front row in NYC with Alison Krauss. But it's silly to say he'd be where he is today if he hadn't been in Zeppelin.

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Can't agree Mstork. It isn't silly, because none of us KNOW - that's the reality. He'd been a local celeb for years already and his undeniable talent and tenacity could just as easily have borne fruit elsewhere. I say COULD, because I can't say for certain. I don't know. B)

And I don't think he owes Jimmy anything either. Just the friendship and respect that they both owe each-other.

Because without Robert - and all four members - Led Zeppelin may not have been the success they were. I say MAY not, because I don't know.


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Can't agree Mstork. It isn't silly, because none of us KNOW - that's the reality. He'd been a local celeb for years already and his undeniable talent and tenacity could just as easily have borne fruit elsewhere. I say COULD, because I can't say for certain. I don't know.

Equally, he COULD have ended up having to go back to accountancy. As for 'local celeb', now there's a pejorative term, polished, recycled and inverted to suit you position, if ever I heard one.

And before you or anybody else accuse me of being a 'hater', can I just say this: there are lots of GENUINE Robert/Zep haters out there. Lots. There were quite a few on a different forum I once frequented. I had great fun with one particular cretin who accused Robert of being 'the weakest link in Zep's chain', a grating caterwauler with an over-reliance on the 'baby baby baby' mode etc, blah blah. Absolute tosh, particularly given the fact that he spoke as a rabid fan of Jethro Tull , a thoroughly nauseating band cursed with the most preposterous front-man in the history of rock.

One thing he said did surpirse me though. He claimed that in the early days, Jimmy was considering replacing him because he wasn't good enough. I'd never heard that one before, and find it hard to believe. I expect he was getting confused by the fact that Robert wasn't Jimmy's first choice. Is there any truth in this?

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Absolute tosh, particularly given the fact that he spoke as a rabid fan of Jethro Tull , a thoroughly nauseating band cursed with the most preposterous front-man in the history of rock.

So, you totally dismissed someone's opinion simply because they like a band that you don't?

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