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Is rock as we know it dead?


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I'd say so, yes, pretty much. I really pity the kids growing up these days. Sure, the legacy of the 60s - 80s is there for them to discover, but what's happening now, and what genuinely good, exciting and innovative bands can they go and see?

Wolfmother are quite good, though.

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I'd say so, yes, pretty much. I really pity the kids growing up these days. Sure, the legacy of the 60s - 80s is there for them to discover, but what's happening now, and what genuinely good, exciting and innovative bands can they go and see?

Wolfmother are quite good, though.

I think its been said numerous times before but no rock isn't dead. For the most part what you hear in the mainstream sucks I agree but there are so many great bands these days. It takes a bit more of an effort to find them. Before I joined this board I had the mentality that there were very few good rock bands but I'm very glad I was wrong. In two weeks I'll see a favorite band of mine Radio Moscow play nearby for only 7$.

Dead Man "Today"

Edited by Rock N' Rollin' Man
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The only people who think rock and roll is dead are people who don't believe that any good music was made after 1980. Those who know different, know better.

There's a lot of great music out there right now, rock included. You have to look for it, not just turn on the radio and expect to hear it.

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Absolutely not! Rock N' Roll is way too invincible to die! Its pretty immortal in my book...true that many mainstream bands are not quite so good as all the "mainstream" stuff in the 60s and 70s but I know quite a few bands in the underground, gothic and alternative rock music scence who are forces to be reckoned with!

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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The only people who think rock and roll is dead are people who don't believe that any good music was made after 1980. Those who know different, know better.

There's a lot of great music out there right now, rock included. You have to look for it, not just turn on the radio and expect to hear it.

September 25th 1980 is the day the music died!!!!dry.gif

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Rock has NEVER died.....it's hiding in shame 'coz there are too many people out there who DO NOT have the GUTS to REdiscover it......I see Myspace as a good source to start from esp for the younger folk out there who think the screamo and emo bands are the only rock bands :):)

Edited by spidersandsnakes
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Rock has NEVER died.....it's hiding in shame 'coz there are too many people out there who DO NOT have the GUTS to REdiscover it......I see Myspace as a good source to start from esp for the younger folk out there who think the screamo and emo bands are the only rock bands :):)

The newer stuff is shamefull compared to music of the seventies. It does not even compare.

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The newer stuff is shamefull compared to music of the seventies. It does not even compare.

How much of the new stuff have you actually heard or are you still making blanket judgements just as you did under all of the various other guises you've used on this board?

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How much of the new stuff have you actually heard or are you still making blanket judgements just as you did under all of the various other guises you've used on this board?

I just knew this was coming. You always were predictable Jahfin and always ready for a fight. Its my opinion. I know you disagree strongly. :bait::fisheat:

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I just knew this was coming. You always were predictable Jahfin and always ready for a fight. Its my opinion. I know you disagree strongly. :bait::fisheat:

If you make a blanket statement such as that Rick (just how many times have you been banned now?) you should fully expect a response whether it be from me or anyone else on this board. Instead of getting defensive, how about actually answering the question. If you have such a hatred for music made outside of the decade of the 1970s surely you have a good reason for it. The reason I find this so hard to comprehend (whether it comes from your or anyone else) is because there are a precious few of us here that embrace new music. Led Zeppelin were all about challenging the norm and blazing new trails whether it was how they conducted themselves business-wise (which actually had more to do with Mr. Grant) or how they incorporated various musical styles from around the globe into their own sound. How some fans of this band can be so narrow minded and forever stuck in the past is what boggles my mind. I'm not saying we should all like the same types of music, I'm simply wondering how someone could love a band like Zeppelin but will confine their musical tastes to one time period or musical style. It makes me wonder how some of these people even stumbled upon Zeppelin in the first place.

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If you make a blanket statement such as that Rick (just how many times have you been banned now?) you should fully expect a response whether it be from me or anyone else on this board. Instead of getting defensive, how about actually answering the question. If you have such a hatred for music made outside of the decade of the 1970s surely you have a good reason for it. The reason I find this so hard to comprehend (whether it comes from your or anyone else) is because there are a precious few of us here that embrace new music. Led Zeppelin were all about challenging the norm and blazing new trails whether it was how they conducted themselves business-wise (which actually had more to do with Mr. Grant) or how they incorporated various musical styles from around the globe into their own sound. How some fans of this band can be so narrow minded and forever stuck in the past is what boggles my mind. I'm not saying we should all like the same types of music, I'm simply wondering how someone could love a band like Zeppelin but will confine their musical tastes to one time period or musical style. It makes me wonder how some of these people even stumbled upon Zeppelin in the first place.

I cant believe you actually remembered my name. I still dont know yours. But anyway, I have heard bits and pieces and I will admit I probably have not heard enough to make a fair judgement. But I still have not heard anything recent that is as good as the music from super groups like Led zepplein, Pink Floyd, Beatles, Stones, Eagles, or lets even say Steely Dan, Beach Boys, Tull, Aerosmith, Purple, and on and on. I just think that music was at its peak then. At least in terms of Rock n Roll. Now if you you want to get into other types of music like country or jazz or classical, Ill admit I am lost in that regard.

And by the way, why do you bring up the banning stuff? Like you want me to get it again? Sam has given me permission to be here and I have not started any trouble

Edited by silvermedalist
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I cant believe you actually remembered my name.

Hard to do considering how many usernames you've had here but I did it. Speaking of which, just how many usernames have you had? And what keeps you coming back to a place where you know you'll be banned again?

But anyway, I have heard bits and pieces and I will admit I probably have not heard enough to make a fair judgement.

Which is exactly my point. Why make such a blanket statement when you haven't even taken the time to seek out new artists? With that attitude it makes me wonder how you even got into Led Zeppelin in the first place. If there was ever a band that helped knock down doors, it was them. That's why I'm at a loss to why so many of their fans want to stick to the tried and true when Led Zeppelin was about anything but that.

But I still have not heard anything recent that is as good as the music from super groups like Led zepplein, Pink Floyd, Beatles, Stones, Eagles, or lets even say Steely Dan, Beach Boys, Tull, Aerosmith, Purple, and on and on. I just think that music was at its peak then. At least in terms of Rock n Roll.

I'm confused. On the one hand you readily admit to not actively seeking out new music but on the other you say you have. Again, I ask what artists have you heard? Personally I don't think any one time period represents the "peak" of good music whether we're talking rock n' roll, country, bluegrass, reggae or whatever. There are artists out there today that are making music that is just as vital (if not more so) than anything from the past. I honestly feel badly for those of you that have confined yourselves to only liking music from one specific time period (and/or style). There is so much music out there to enjoy and discover, it's a real shame to learn that so many Zeppelin fans have confined themselves to the past and are unwilling to accept the fact that there is indeed some very noteworthy music being made today.

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Hard to do considering how many usernames you've had here but I did it. Speaking of which, just how many usernames have you had? And what keeps you coming back to a place where you know you'll be banned again?

.What makes you think I will be banned? On what grounds? I have many friends here. And I am on good terms with those that run this site. So where do you get that info from? I have done nothing wrong. Unless you consider not agreeing on musical issues a crime.

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September 25th 1980 is the day the music died!!!!dry.gif

I agree with the sentiment but, It was actually back in 1959 when Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Valens died in that plane crash. It took a few years before the Beatles brought life back into the music world.

What I find funny these days are how many of the record companies have gone away. With the advent of computer recording and independent labels, you would think that there would be more music. Outside of Zeppelin, other bands like Pat Benatar and the like haven't released any music! Very sad indeed. Even Jimi Hendrix, long after being dead, still releases cds!

I'm thankful that Jeff Beck and Rush still are out there making new music.

Are you listening Jimmy??

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What makes you think I will be banned? On what grounds? I have many friends here. And I am on good terms with those that run this site. So where do you get that info from? I have done nothing wrong. Unless you consider not agreeing on musical issues a crime.

I'm not saying you've done anything to deserve to be banned, I'm going by your track record at this board. If past experience is any indication it will only be a matter of time. I sincerely hope you are able to remain but so far, that hasn't been the case.

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Well Jahfin? Where do you come up with the assumption I am getting banned? Are you trying to arrange it now? No answer? Now you see why I like to stay on the sports threads. Funny I can talk sports no problem. I come on to music threads and get attacked over my opinions that the seventies were the best. By the way, I dont remember how many names I had. Lets see, Icantquityoubabe, Charlieinthebox, Thats the Way, Led ZepIV, Overthehillsandfaraway, Jaws, Tony Montana, Newkidintown, and that is all I can remember. Oh, lets not forget Yukon Cornelius. Now there is your answer. Now where is my answer? Not coming perhaps, so, have a nice day.

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What I find funny these days are how many of the record companies have gone away. With the advent of computer recording and independent labels, you would think that there would be more music.

There is more music available to us these days than ever before but the means by which we obtain it has changed. The newest form is actually an old one (vinyl), which has been making a very substantial comeback over the past few years. It's proof positive that music consumers are definitely still interested in the packaging side of things. It's very cool to know that liner notes and album artwork aren't things of the past, that music fans still treasure that aspect of buying a new record. Independent labels have always been around, they're just more prevalent these days due to the collapse of most of the major labels. What's happening is artists gaining control whereas before they had little to none so there's less pressure to give into the woes of the record label. This is a very positive move forward as that is exactly where the control should lie, with the artists themselves. If you are having trouble finding new music all I can say is, you must not be trying hard enough to find it because it is everywhere. I'm an avid music fan and find it next to impossible to keep up with all of the new music I'd like to own.

Outside of Zeppelin, other bands like Pat Benatar and the like haven't released any music! Very sad indeed. Even Jimi Hendrix, long after being dead, still releases cds!

The artist you named (I'm not sure who "the like" is referring to) banks solely on nostalgia these days. That's not a knock on Pat Benatar as I think she's a great artist but sadly, it's the truth. Same goes for many other artists that are considered "Classic Rock" (whatever that is). For the most part, their audience doesn't want to hear anything new so they give them what they want. What you end up with is a nostalgia act. Personally, I have no interest whatsoever in seeing that. If indeed you are referring to artists from the 60s, 70s and 80s, many of them are still recording and releasing albums as well as touring extensively. XM's Deep Tracks channel does an outstanding job of playing these artists without coming across as a "Classic Rock" only channel that's stuck in the past. Mainstream radio won't touch those releases because they only want the tried and true because they're only interested in generating revenue. They could give a shit about the music. That's the main thing that's changed. Labels used to have an Artist Development department where new acts were nurtured until they found an audience. Now, if you don't have a Top Ten hit straight out of the box, the labels will drop them like a hot potato and move on to the next act.

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Well Jahfin? Where do you come up with the assumption I am getting banned? Are you trying to arrange it now? No answer?

Take a deep breath and step away from the computer for a few moments. Once you've cleared your head, go back and read this thread again. I mean, really read it, then respond. You'll notice I never said that your are going to get banned. Nor did I say anything about "arranging" it. You seem to think I have some sort of vendetta against you and that I've somehow had something to do with your being banned from here before. Feel free to contact Sam (and/or any of the other Moderators of this board) and you'll soon learn that I have never had anything to do with you being banned. You have always managed to bring that upon yourself by going off half-cocked on various members of this board and by defending another person who always returns here even though they know they are not welcome. So, get over your paranoia with me already. I am not a threat to you but apparently you are a threat to yourself or else you wouldn't have been banned multiple times. Please read this part very carefully, I am not saying you have done anything to get banned. What I am saying is, going by your track record here it will only be a matter of time before you're banned again. Again, I reiterate that I hope you aren't but your track record proves otherwise.

Now you see why I like to stay on the sports threads. Funny I can talk sports no problem. I come on to music threads and get attacked over my opinions that the seventies were the best.

I haven't "attacked" you. Disagree with you? Yes, but attack? No. That perception is all in your head. Still, you haven't made a case for why today's music is so bad. When called on it you can't even name an artist you've listened to that has caused you to form this opinion yet you go on and on about how the 70s was the best period for music, ever. If you are going to come on a message board and state such an opinion you should be able to back it up with reasons why but you are unable to do that. It's a perfectly valid opinion to hold but with no reasoning to back it up it comes across as yet another blanket statement.

By the way, I dont remember how many names I had. Lets see, Icantquityoubabe, Charlieinthebox, Thats the Way, Led ZepIV, Overthehillsandfaraway, Jaws, Tony Montana, Newkidintown, and that is all I can remember. Oh, lets not forget Yukon Cornelius. Now there is your answer. Now where is my answer? Not coming perhaps, so, have a nice day.

I've given you my answer. Now, try this on for size. If I am such a difficult person and am truly guilty of attacking you (and reporting you to Admin as you somehow seem to think) then how come I am a member of this board in good standing and have been since around 2001 or so? I joined this board with the username "Jahfin" and have had it ever since. You, on the other hand have been banned so many times that you can't even keep up with the number of usernames you've had. According to you, you've been welcomed back by Admin under the condition that you will behave. Your history here says otherwise.

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Did anyone notice the thread really isn't about the current state of music but is simply the OP's quirky way of pointing out this "new" band he likes?

Yes, I did which came across as spam to me, particularly since so many other threads this person has started were also filled with spam.

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