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Is rock as we know it dead?


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Technology evolves. The ability to sing or play an instrument does not. Just because we have better televisions, and computers and have the advanced technology of IPods and internet, does that mean that musicians are better too? There are piano and violin players that played 500 years ago just as well if not better than many today. The ability to sing and play and instrument is a form of art. Yes there is technical know how behind it such as theory, but it existed long ago and has not changed. An A sharp bar chord was an A sharp bar chord in 1960 and it is still an A sharp bar chord today. All the advanced technology in the world cannot change the fundamentals of music. The conventional and bar chords, scales, and major and minor chords and sharps and flats.. So just becasuse technology has advanced as it is going to, it does not mean the ability to sing and play as an artist has changed one bit.

I'm not sure why you quoted me when I wasn't talking about technology - I was talking about how music evolves from other things, not having anything to do with the fundamentals of music.

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I'm not sure why you quoted me when I wasn't talking about technology - I was talking about how music evolves from other things, not having anything to do with the fundamentals of music.

Sorry ninelives. I just dont know how to use the features.

What did you mean Electro?

Edited by silvermedalist
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What is that supposed to mean? Are you saying that what I said makes no sense? From a musical perspective?

Excuse me presuming to speak for you, Electrophile but: She was referring to the fact that Sigur Ros is an Icelandic band. From Iceland. They sing in Icelandic, but she still loves their songs (me too btw) even without understanding what they mean.

In other words, it had nothing to do with you. Chill. B)

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Technology evolves. The ability to sing or play an instrument does not. Just because we have better televisions, and computers and have the advanced technology of IPods and internet, does that mean that musicians are better too? There are piano and violin players that played 500 years ago just as well if not better than many today. The ability to sing and play and instrument is a form of art. Yes there is technical know how behind it such as theory, but it existed long ago and has not changed. An A sharp bar chord was an A sharp bar chord in 1960 and it is still an A sharp bar chord today. All the advanced technology in the world cannot change the fundamentals of music. The conventional and bar chords, scales, and major and minor chords and sharps and flats.. So just becasuse technology has advanced as it is going to, it does not mean the ability to sing and play as an artist has changed one bit.

Evolution doesnt automatically mean improvement, just change.

I'd guess this might be more up your street for modern music with a bit more testosterone....

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Hey Silvermedalist,

These guys toured all over the world (literally) between '95 and '08. They played large arenas and small venues. Went to United States several times. Their albums stand in high regard among rock fans everywhere. They were an incredible live band. If you hadn't kept your head stuck in the sand you would have had the chance to see them when they where in your area a couple of years ago. They are proof that rock and roll ain't dead.

BTW, not that it's anything wrong with it, but I don't collect autographs, not from Plant, Page or anyone. But I do like to chat with the bands. :)

The Hellacopters:

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I've recently started to get into new music a lot more. There is definitely a lot of good artists out there. You might not even have to dig that much deeper I think. I've kinda ended up taking a habit of listening to some new music that might be interesting on sundays (don't know why it's always sunday :D). Spotify has definitely helped with this because I do not want to download music illegally just to check out something. Youtube is also good ofc :)

There's one website that has helped me to discover good new music. Rate Your Music is a wonderful source of information for both new and old music (especially look for user reviews). There's also charts for each year going all the way back to the early years of recorded music (that's how I discovered High Violet a few weeks ago).

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I've recently started to get into new music a lot more. There is definitely a lot of good artists out there. You might not even have to dig that much deeper I think. I've kinda ended up taking a habit of listening to some new music that might be interesting on sundays (don't know why it's always sunday :D). Spotify has definitely helped with this because I do not want to download music illegally just to check out something. Youtube is also good ofc :)

There's one website that has helped me to discover good new music. Rate Your Music is a wonderful source of information for both new and old music (especially look for user reviews). There's also charts for each year going all the way back to the early years of recorded music (that's how I discovered High Violet a few weeks ago).

+1 for RYM.

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Yeah, rock is dead, but remember U2 IS STILL THERE................................

"Rock" is far from dead. Not sure what U2 has to do with anything other than the news that Bono has thirty new songs ready to go. U2 aren't the only rock n' roll band on the planet.

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Go ask A J Zoomd i a

He smokin crack today!!!!:o

You see people disagree with AJ Zooma just like people disagree with you on what this thread has been primarily about. And for someone who claimed people were "attacking" you was the "smokin' crack" comment necessary?

Edited by Rock N' Rollin' Man
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Worthy is a music genre in England.

Is 28 old? Depends how you look at it. Young in the sense that you won't have seen Zeppelin live. Old in the sense that you like U2.

Led Zeppelin played the 02 in 2007. Lots of people saw them that are 28 and younger. So, if you like U2 that automatically makes you "old"? That's a new one on me.

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