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I hope you find a way to try to see things in a different light.. Your words are harsh towards Robert and that is very sad.

I'll take them back when he apologizes to Alison for the things I've heard him say lately. I'll take them back when he apologizes to Jimmy for being a jerk for so many years. I'll take them back when he apolozies to John Baldwin about publicly making comments about his stage outfits and his wig (I didn't even know he was wearing one). I'll take my words back when he acknowledges how abrasive he is.

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One more thing, and then I am going to drop it. Jason, John and Jimmy were prepping to go out on a possible tour, right? Robert said no way, but then he does Zeppelin songs in his new band. He has more than enough music from his solo career. It's like a slap in the face. No, I don't want to hang around you guys, but I'm going to play our music.... He's like the ultimate drama queen. He isn't kind to others. He keeps people hanging on a string. He toys with them. He should keep the gaming on the computer where its' safe and it doesn't mess with people's lives.

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One more thing, and then I am going to drop it. Jason, John and Jimmy were prepping to go out on a possible tour, right? Robert said no way, but then he does Zeppelin songs in his new band. He has more than enough music from his solo career. It's like a slap in the face. No, I don't want to hang around you guys, but I'm going to play our music.... He's like the ultimate drama queen. He isn't kind to others. He keeps people hanging on a string. He toys with them. He should keep the gaming on the computer where its' safe and it doesn't mess with people's lives.

More gibberish.

They are his songs as much as anyone else's an besides he was doing them before 2007.

Go back to your knitting.

Enough said.

BTW it's daytime here, mid afternoon actually!

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More gibberish.

They are his songs as much as anyone else's an besides he was doing them before 2007.

Go back to your knitting.

Enough said.

BTW it's daytime here, mid afternoon actually!

I never said he didn't do them pre 2007. His excuse for not wanting to regroup at the time of the reunion was a tour with Alison. That's over. He left those guys hanging, and formed a new band. He should have had the courtesy to stick to his solo work this time. It's a matter of courtesy, something that's way beyond his comprehension.

I don't knit. Oh.... well, have a nice day then.

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Hang on a sec.... he stated that if he didn't have Bonzo to play with, he wouldn't be playing at all, it was an interview from the 70s. He was speaking of the whole band, he mentioned John first. So if he were true to that, he wouldn't have started a solo career, at least not in music.

I did hear John say that he was enjoying this TCV band and that they didn't have to deal with anyone's swollen ego although I can't remember the exact words he used.

Robert always takls people down. Did you not hear that audio interview lately where he even put Alison down because she was shooting down his ideas. And on the interview on the Q, he said something about having to chase around the backside of her skirt to get to Buddy Miller.

Black roses? as in the dark purple ones? I love those. The Yardbirds dd a song. I have a black silk rose. That would be some nice dark lenses like a scrying glass. Have a nice evening.

You can't take what Robert says seriously all the time. That's his sense of humor. I'm sure it was said literally. Being a big Zep fan, I've gotten to sense that over the years and am accustomed to it. You'll get it!

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I never said he didn't do them pre 2007. His excuse for not wanting to regroup at the time of the reunion was a tour with Alison. That's over. He left those guys hanging, and formed a new band. He should have had the courtesy to stick to his solo work this time. It's a matter of courtesy, something that's way beyond his comprehension.

I don't knit. Oh.... well, have a nice day then.

Not quite correct, he never had any intention of doing anything Zeppelin related but when pressed again and again, he said he couldn't or wouldn't be available because of Raising Sand and also he wasn't going to tour with anything else until that was completed.

He had already committed to Raising Sand well before the reunion.

Courtesy has nothing to do with it.

As for leaving them hanging that's just ridiculous, they knew from the start he wasn't interested, but like everyone else they were probably hoping he would change his mind.

Anyway back to topic....

To paraphrase Townshend, "C'mon Jimmy, pick up that guitar and play, just like yesterday and I'll get on my knees and pray..... We don't get fooled again..."


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Not quite correct, he never had any intention of doing anything Zeppelin related but when pressed again and again, he said he couldn't or wouldn't be available because of Raising Sand and also he wasn't going to tour with anything else until that was completed.

He had already committed to Raising Sand well before the reunion.

Courtesy has nothing to do with it.

As for leaving them hanging that's just ridiculous, they knew from the start he wasn't interested, but like everyone else they were probably hoping he would change his mind.

Anyway back to topic....

To paraphrase Townshend, "C'mon Jimmy, pick up that guitar and play, just like yesterday and I'll get on my knees and pray..... We don't get fooled again..."


Okay. I don't think he was that clear back then about the reunion being a one off if I remember the interviews correctly, but I don't care enough to go rewatch them. I remember him saying he had the previous commitment, but he seemed to come across as saying that was why. Not that he wouldn't want to do it anyhow.

And yeah,.I've been waiting a long, long time.

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His associattions at the time may not have been the best, but I really like this.

And this:

If he even attempts to be retired, I'll have to find some funding to go get him and drag him by that pony tail of his....

waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.....:wall:

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And then there's this one. I've listened to this one over and over again many times. I used to hear this playing in my head when I was young so when I first heard it on YouTube, I was kind of freaked out. I haven't been able to find more from that recording other than those two clips.

I love this piecce.

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I heard that Jimmy is working on a album with all sorts of musicians. Like I said that's what I heard, so I cannot guarantee any truth to this but just hope.

That was fairly widely reported by Rolling Stone and the like but that's probably been a good 3-4 years ago (if not longer) now.

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This is an interesting thread. We cant assume, but based on what we feel and think we know it is tempting to share opinions. What seems clear, but maybe not totally accurate, to me is that Robert and Jimmy do get along overall, but have differences in musical direction and how they want to be seen. Robert wants to play new material in a more casual atmosphere; smaller halls and a lighter approach to the music. Jimmy, so he has shown us over the years, will not tour in small halls and wants to keep Zeppelin music at the forefront; not to change style or direction much. Nothing wrong with either! They can and will do what they want. We all make choices. I love Jimmy Page and like many am frustrated by his lack of activity. He's just damn cool! Some may think he's afraid to go out on his own and tour; knowing that he can not sell out a 3000 seat hall unless he's with Plant. If Robert wanted to bury or make Page look bad he wouldn't have come to his rescue in 94' when the Coverdale-Page American Tour flopped before it even started. This is something not discussed much and Page will quickly dismiss it as saying "I just consider whats on the table at the end of the day." Several shows quietly went on sale down in Florida and Georgia and ticket sales were so dismal the entire tour was scrapped. Page was devestated according to relaiable sources and began to use heavy drugs again as evident in 95' He was in poor shape, but soon recovered well enough to be able to carry his own thru 98' At that point he wanted to reform Zeppelin and Plant didn't. End of story. Page has never been the same since. My hunch is the Coverdale bomb made it clear to Page he can not sell out a 20,000 seat hall unless he has Plant with him. He strokes his ego so it seems once in a while as a guest at a big festivile show. Plant also cvan no longer sell out big halls on his own, but the difference is he will play small halls and doesnt seem to care about that. Maybe Page is trying to hold on to the Zeppelin mystic and playing in a small 3000 seat hall would not allow for that. I don't know. I do feel Page will not tour again unless he can find a way to play large halls and without Plant that will be difficult.

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This is an interesting thread. We cant assume, but based on what we feel and think we know it is tempting to share opinions. What seems clear, but maybe not totally accurate, to me is that Robert and Jimmy do get along overall, but have differences in musical direction and how they want to be seen. Robert wants to play new material in a more casual atmosphere; smaller halls and a lighter approach to the music. Jimmy, so he has shown us over the years, will not tour in small halls and wants to keep Zeppelin music at the forefront; not to change style or direction much. Nothing wrong with either! They can and will do what they want. We all make choices. I love Jimmy Page and like many am frustrated by his lack of activity. He's just damn cool! Some may think he's afraid to go out on his own and tour; knowing that he can not sell out a 3000 seat hall unless he's with Plant. If Robert wanted to bury or make Page look bad he wouldn't have come to his rescue in 94' when the Coverdale-Page American Tour flopped before it even started. This is something not discussed much and Page will quickly dismiss it as saying "I just consider whats on the table at the end of the day." Several shows quietly went on sale down in Florida and Georgia and ticket sales were so dismal the entire tour was scrapped. Page was devestated according to relaiable sources and began to use heavy drugs again as evident in 95' He was in poor shape, but soon recovered well enough to be able to carry his own thru 98' At that point he wanted to reform Zeppelin and Plant didn't. End of story. Page has never been the same since. My hunch is the Coverdale bomb made it clear to Page he can not sell out a 20,000 seat hall unless he has Plant with him. He strokes his ego so it seems once in a while as a guest at a big festivile show. Plant also cvan no longer sell out big halls on his own, but the difference is he will play small halls and doesnt seem to care about that. Maybe Page is trying to hold on to the Zeppelin mystic and playing in a small 3000 seat hall would not allow for that. I don't know. I do feel Page will not tour again unless he can find a way to play large halls and without Plant that will be difficult.

Thank you very much for this post.

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Plant also cvan no longer sell out big halls on his own, but the difference is he will play small halls and doesnt seem to care about that.

I don't know that Plant can't sell out larger venues but rather plays smaller places because it fits the music better. Playing smaller venues provides a more intimate live music experience for both the performers and the audience as opposed to playing the enormo-domes of the world. When he came through here on the tour for Raising Sand he played the RBC Center in Raleigh (capacity 19,722). Memorial Auditorium (which he is playing in 2011) holds 2277 people. If he wanted to play larger venues I'm sure he could but I'd much rather see him in a theatre sized venue. Some folks may enjoy seeing their favorite artists in stadiums and arenas but I don't.

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And then there's this one. I've listened to this one over and over again many times. I used to hear this playing in my head when I was young so when I first heard it on YouTube, I was kind of freaked out. I haven't been able to find more from that recording other than those two clips.

I love this piecce.

This isn't Jimmy Page....But you just keep on listening. :)

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I don't know that Plant can't sell out larger venues but rather plays smaller places because it fits the music better. Playing smaller venues provides a more intimate live music experience for both the performers and the audience as opposed to playing the enormo-domes of the world. When he came through here on the tour for Raising Sand he played the RBC Center in Raleigh (capacity 19,722). Memorial Auditorium (which he is playing in 2011) holds 2277 people. If he wanted to play larger venues I'm sure he could but I'd much rather see him in a theatre sized venue. Some folks may enjoy seeing their favorite artists in stadiums and arenas but I don't.

RBC? Expand on that please. Hang on, I'll check if it's on Wiki....

Holy Shit.... This is getting very, very interesting. No wonder a certain someone didn't want me doing any research.

I should question Robert about the sand test. And there was a firebombing at the RBC building in Ontario. They took the sign off the main branch of the RBC building here (probably in fear of being attacked) and there's more.

In light of this information, I am going to post a photo of Robert to the Photo Mysteries thread. If anyone can help me with some information on it, I would greatly appreciate it.


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RBC? Expand on that please. Hang on, I'll check if it's on Wiki....

Holy Shit.... This is getting very, very interesting. No wonder a certain someone didn't want me doing any research.

I should question Robert about the sand test. And there was a firebombing at the RBC building in Ontario. They took the sign off the main branch of the RBC building here (probably in fear of being attacked) and there's more.

What in the fuck are you talking about? "Sand test"? And why would I need to "expand" upon my mention of the RBC Center? Regardless, I'm referring to the previous post about Plant not playing large venues because that person thinks he can't sell them out.

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What in the fuck are you talking about? "Sand test"? And why would I need to "expand" upon my mention of the RBC Center? Regardless, I'm referring to the previous post about Plant not playing large venues because that person thinks he can't sell them out.

Sorry, I was a little freaked out about the mention of the RBC building. I was wondering if RBC did in fact stand for Royal Bank of Canada which I checked.... What the fuck am I talking about? I want to know what the fuck Robert has been up to for decades. I think Robert's been involved in a game he doesn't want to talk about. :blink:

RBC, Royal Bank of Canada. That blue drum was from the multicultural festival here a couple of years ago. One of the RBC banks in Ontario got firebombed last year and they took down the huge sign for the one here that was able to be seen from the harbour.

The sand test? That's what I call having sand thrown at my face twice on the beach in the summer of '08 by some big Israeli beefcake. I walked right up to him, got right into his face and said... What the fuck do you think you're doing.... the second time he did it. The album was released on my parents anniversary.

Please be patient. I have alot of questions and I need help. I don't want to get kicked off. I just got out of safe housing that I was in for two years because my life had been threatened, and I have had numerous attempts on my life since I was a child. I am rightfully looking for answers. I have alot of proof already. I'm not talking bullshit.


This is the only photo I have been able to find of the RBC building on Portland St. You see the large cement block on the top? It used to have a massive RBC sign that could be seen from the harbour. It was taken down when the branch in Ontario got firebombed last year,


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Here we go again, bash Robert Plant! :angry:

Get over it.

Jimmy's had ample time to do something else but chose not to, which is his prerogative.

Plant has and is doing his own thing and good on him for not sitting on his laurels and I think even Jimmy would respect him for that.

Pity some of you supposed Led Zeppelin "fans" can't.

I wonder if and when Jimmy does start playing and if he plays Zep songs arranged differently (nothing new there or was that entirely Robert's influence?), whether there will be the same outcry.

Somehow i very much doubt it.

I agree that its unfair to bash Robert, but goodness do not doubt that someone is a led zeppelin fan because they do bash him. God forbid they want zeppelin to tour again. People express emotion when they are disappointed, so calm down.

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I agree that its unfair to bash Robert, but goodness do not doubt that someone is a led zeppelin fan because they do bash him. God forbid they want zeppelin to tour again. People express emotion when they are disappointed, so calm down.

Why bash him at all?

It won't change anything.

Nobody, especially me begrudges people from wanting them to play again, what pisses me off is that they won't accept that it's not going to happen and continually put him down for it.

Calm as a cucumber, me!

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Please be patient. I have alot of questions and I need help. I don't want to get kicked off. I just got out of safe housing that I was in for two years because my life had been threatened, and I have had numerous attempts on my life since I was a child. I am rightfully looking for answers. I have alot of proof already. I'm not talking bullshit.

I find it a bit odd that someone who fears for their safety would splash their photo on the internet? :blink:

Proof of what?

If you are going to allude to allegations at least have the guts to spell them out, if not publicly then by PM.

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