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ALICE COOPER Is Baffled By PLANT's Unwillingness To Take Part In ZEPPELIN Reunion

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ALICE COOPER Is Baffled By ROBERT PLANT's Unwillingness To Take Part In LED ZEPPELIN Reunion - Jan. 27, 2011


During a recent interview with the Palm Springs Boxing Examiner, legendary rocker Alice Cooper was baffled when he was told fellow singer Robert Plant confessed that he may be too old to perform LED ZEPPELIN songs.

"I go out on stage and say 'turn it up,'" Cooper said. "I never get tired of playing my songs."

Cooper continued, "They are just standing there. What is so hard? Jimmy Page wants to do it. John Paul Jones wants to do it. And they got [late ZEPPELIN drummer John] Bonham's son [Jason], who is a killer drummer. All they need is Robert Plant. But what is Robert Plant out there doing? Playing folk music! What is he doing?"

Plant recently spoke about his reluctance to commit to a LED ZEPPELIN reunion tour — and took time out to take a swipe at his peers who rely too heavily on their past laurels. Plant told Rolling Stone that his heart is simply not in the band's music anymore, saying, "The preparations for (the 2007 reunion show) were fraught and intense, but the last rehearsal was really, really good, for all that it represented and all that we were trying to capture. But I've gone so far somewhere else that I almost can't relate to it. . . It's a bit of a pain in the pisser to be honest. Who cares? I know people care, but think about it from my angle — soon, I'm going to need help crossing the street."

Plant added that he has zero interest in becoming a nostalgia act simply to please the masses. "There's nothing worse than a bunch of jaded old farts, and that's a fact," he said. "People who have written their story -- they've gotten to the point where nothing moves. I don't deal in that, and I don't deal with anybody who deals in that."


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I have a lot of respect for Alice (who will be regrouping with the surviving members of the original Alice Cooper group later this year) but not in this instance. Plant has made it clear time and time again as to why it would be futile to resurrect Zeppelin at this point. Yes, his age is one of the issues but it's not the only one (funny how they conveniently left that out of the headline). Alice's comments are only going to add fuel to a fire that doesn't really need it. Plus, if he thinks Plant is only doing "folk" music at this stage of his career I suggest he give a listen to the Raising Sand and The Band of Joy records. If that doesn't work then he should attend one of Plant's concerts.

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I have a lot of respect for Alice (who will be regrouping with the surviving members of the original Alice Cooper group later this year) but not in this instance. Plant has made it clear time and time again as to why it would be futile to resurrect Zeppelin at this point. Yes, his age is one of the issues but it's not the only one (funny how they conveniently left that out of the headline). Alice's comments are only going to add fuel to a fire that doesn't really need it. Plus, if he thinks Plant is only doing "folk" music at this stage of his career I suggest he give a listen to the Raising Sand and The Band of Joy records. If that doesn't work then he should attend one of Plant's concerts.

Agreed! I was so disappointed when I read that this morning. Was surprised he would say something like that. It seems like there are plenty of fans who aren't "baffled" by Plant's resistance to do a LZ tour. This tour has been selling out at almost every show from what I've read.

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This is the media looking for a story. Alice is a Zeppelin fan. He was at the Zeppelin reunion. Zeppelin is the number one band requested on Alice's radio show. If Alice wants to put his old band back together again on the heels of a well deserved induction into the rock 'n roll Hall of Fame then by all means rock on. I may even go. We all know Mr. Plant has a different idea of what's best for Mr. Plant's career and I respect the heck out of that. that's my two cents

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Speaking of opinions....Yes he is entitled, but he just went down a lot in my opinion of him. And for the record, I saw him in concert in the 70's...no where near the stage presence of LZ in my opinion.

Hi Debs,

Maybe you and those who don't understand why people Bash Plant need to understand something so I'll let you in to my world a little.

I'm a Lover of Led Zeppelins Music, nothing else, I neither Love or Hate the band members, never did and never will, just the Music, and now that's over I just have the Recordings.

So if you understand that then whatever Robert Plant does with his musical direction I for one don't give a rats tutu, I could care less what he does in his spare time because for me whatever he does outside of performing with JP, JPJ, JB, and as Led Zeppelin I am not interested in. I liked some of his solo work but not all of it and since Alison his music is dead to me.

So now you all know why some people bash Robert Plant, its not Personal, its Preferential, and as I don't have a Silly Love Interest in Him either its easier for Me to have these Opinions than someone who has a Dreamy Love Affair with Him.

No Offence to anyone but I needed to get this off my chest and brought out in to the open, Robert is a Golden Sex God when he performs as and with Led Zeppelin, on his own He is just another player, just my (and many others) opinion you understand?

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi Debs,

Maybe you and those who don't understand why people Bash Plant need to understand something so I'll let you in to my world a little.

I'm a Lover of Led Zeppelins Music, nothing else, I neither Love or Hate the band members, never did and never will, just the Music, and now that's over I just have the Recordings.

So if you understand that then whatever Robert Plant does with his musical direction I for one don't give a rats tutu, I could care less what he does in his spare time because for me whatever he does outside of performing with JP, JPJ, JB, and as Led Zeppelin I am not interested in. I liked some of his solo work but not all of it and since Alison his music is dead to me.

So now you all know why some people bash Robert Plant, its not Personal, its Preferential, and as I don't have a Silly Love Interest in Him either its easier for Me to have these Opinions than someone who has a Dreamy Love Affair with Him.

No Offence to anyone but I needed to get this off my chest and brought out in to the open, Robert is a Golden Sex God when he performs as and with Led Zeppelin, on his own He is just another player, just my (and many others) opinion you understand?

Kind Regards, Danny

Hi Danny!

I just think it's aweful to continue this nonsense. The worst news we can ever get on this forum is that we have lost one of them. Like I said I am happy he is alive and staying true to himself.

And your killing me man with the Robert Golden Sex God. Hell in 1969 when I first heard them I had no idea what they looked like...it was the music that brought me into the vortex!! Of course as a female when I saw what they looked like and then seeing them live in 73 and 75, they were beyond magnificent musically and physically. I think JPJ is one good looking man and the only reason I don't state much about that is the respect for he and his wife.

Danny, don't you remember how much the press/media bashed them back in the days... I am just at a point where it has grown very tiresome for people who love Led Zeppelin (The singer is Robert!!!), can constantly want him to do what he is not wanting to do. They gave us in twelve years of what will go down in history as one of if not the best musical bands in history.

Deb ;)

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Hi Danny!

I just think it's aweful to continue this nonsense. The worst news we can ever get on this forum is that we have lost one of them. Like I said I am happy he is alive and staying true to himself.

And your killing me man with the Robert Golden Sex God. Hell in 1969 when I first heard them I had no idea what they looked like...it was the music that brought me into the vortex!! Of course as a female when I saw what they looked like and then seeing them live in 73 and 75, they were beyond magnificent musically and physically. I think JPJ is one good looking man and the only reason I don't state much about that is the respect for he and his wife.

Danny, don't you remember how much the press/media bashed them back in the days... I am just at a point where it has grown very tiresome for people who love Led Zeppelin (The singer is Robert!!!), can constantly want him to do what he is not wanting to do. They gave us in twelve years of what will go down in history as one of if not the best musical bands in history.

Deb ;)

Hi Debs,

I hear you, do you think I don't feel gutted that Robert didn't want to reform Led Zeppelin for whatever reason?

I'm as selfish in my Love of Led Zeppelin as Robert is Selfish about Robert, that might sound strange to you and many others but that's how I feel. Robert is entitled to Sing in whatever Band he likes, to Sing in whatever Genre He likes, to Perform at whatever Venues he likes, so why is it so strange for a Fan to behave in exactly the same way, I don't like the direction he has taken so I can discard Him, just like He has discarded Led Zeppelin, I really dont see why I should follow boldly where I don't want to go just because Robert has taken that path, its just not my way to behave like that.

Debs I do remember how the press/media bashed them back in the days, and I loved it, why? because it made them Rebels, Led Zeppelin didn't tow the line, they were out on the edge doing something that no other band had ever done, they outshone the Beatles and the Stones and Elvis, they were on the edge, Robert is as near centre as you could get nowadays, there is no "Pushing the Envelope" now as he did with Led Zeppelin. There is something missing, that Cosmic Energy has gone, he aint doing it for me any more, what he is doing is a damp squib to me, am I wrong for having these thoughts? or is it a cry from a Fan who doesn't want to get old, who wants to see a former Idol reach his full potential? and he can only do that in and with Led Zeppelin, so forgive me for being a devoted Led Zeppelin Fan and not a Robert Plant Fan because, as my Granddad used to tell me, "God broke the mould when he made you son".

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi Debs,

I hear you, do you think I don't feel gutted that Robert didn't want to reform Led Zeppelin for whatever reason?

I'm as selfish in my Love of Led Zeppelin as Robert is Selfish about Robert, that might sound strange to you and many others but that's how I feel. Robert is entitled to Sing in whatever Band he likes, to Sing in whatever Genre He likes, to Perform at whatever Venues he likes, so why is it so strange for a Fan to behave in exactly the same way, I don't like the direction he has taken so I can discard Him, just like He has discarded Led Zeppelin, I really dont see why I should follow boldly where I don't want to go just because Robert has taken that path, its just not my way to behave like that.

Debs I do remember how the press/media bashed them back in the days, and I loved it, why? because it made them Rebels, Led Zeppelin didn't tow the line, they were out on the edge doing something that no other band had ever done, they outshone the Beatles and the Stones and Elvis, they were on the edge, Robert is as near centre as you could get nowadays, there is no "Pushing the Envelope" now as he did with Led Zeppelin. There is something missing, that Cosmic Energy has gone, he aint doing it for me any more, what he is doing is a damp squib to me, am I wrong for having these thoughts? or is it a cry from a Fan who doesn't want to get old, who wants to see a former Idol reach his full potential? and he can only do that in and with Led Zeppelin, so forgive me for being a devoted Led Zeppelin Fan and not a Robert Plant Fan because, as my Granddad used to tell me, "God broke the mould when he made you son".

Kind Regards, Danny

Wonderfully stated; I agree with you (and Alice).

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When Robert starts saying " I hate what Big Dan is doing now and I think Big Dan should do what I liked him doing before", THEN he will be "behaving in exactly the same way" as such fans.

NOBODY expects you to like what he is doing now. Even people who actually love what Robert is doing now are actually reasonable human beings.

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When Robert starts saying " I hate what Big Dan is doing now and I think Big Dan should do what I liked him doing before", THEN he will be "behaving in exactly the same way" as such fans.

NOBODY expects you to like what he is doing now. Even people who actually love what Robert is doing now are actually reasonable human beings.

Agreed Knebby, but I still think Robert could do a whole lot better than what he is doing.

I know you know Robert personally, you also know that most if not all Musicians put their Music First, First before Family, Friends and Fans, because they have to, because without being Selfish they couldn't create the Music we all Love, I know that as well, I'm just putting a Fans Opinion and point of view across, its nothing personal towards Robert or any of His Devoted Fans, its just that I'm not one of them.

I Loved what He did in Led Zeppelin and I want Him to do more, that's how selfish towards their Music I am, whatever that makes me I can live with it as I'm sure he can too but I'm here to share experiences as a Led Zeppelin Fan not as a Robert Plant Fan, otherwise I would be posting on His Site and Forum.

Believe it or not I don't like falling out with you or anybody else over this, but I needed to get it off my chest on how I feel about the situation, but I am a realist and I know that Robert will do and go where his heart takes him and I deeply respect him for that, but I also ..... well its not hatred....not for him .....well you know that too, don't you?

You don't have to agree with me on this one, but don't hate me for Loving Led Zeppelin will you?

Kind Regards, Danny

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Yes, he is. I don't recall anyone saying he wasn't.

Thats very astute of you "grumps" neither do I :slapface: I was merely stating that he is entitled to his opinion like everyone else :blink:

Hi Danny!

I just think it's aweful to continue this nonsense. The worst news we can ever get on this forum is that we have lost one of them. Like I said I am happy he is alive and staying true to himself.

And your killing me man with the Robert Golden Sex God. Hell in 1969 when I first heard them I had no idea what they looked like...it was the music that brought me into the vortex!! Of course as a female when I saw what they looked like and then seeing them live in 73 and 75, they were beyond magnificent musically and physically. I think JPJ is one good looking man and the only reason I don't state much about that is the respect for he and his wife.

Danny, don't you remember how much the press/media bashed them back in the days... I am just at a point where it has grown very tiresome for people who love Led Zeppelin (The singer is Robert!!!), can constantly want him to do what he is not wanting to do. They gave us in twelve years of what will go down in history as one of if not the best musical bands in history.

Deb ;)

Just one thing there Deb in ya post...The best band in history :)

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If I bumped into Mr.Plant on a street in London, my statement to him (after I got up from passing out) would NOT be "Wy don't you get together with the boys and tour?", it would be "God bless you for giving us so much great music over the last 40 years. And a special thank you for putting your own personel views aside and honoring Ahmet in 2007 and giving me the chance to see the mighty Zep live!"

Be grateful people, not greedy!

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You don't have to agree with me on this one, but don't hate me for Loving Led Zeppelin will you?

Kind Regards, Danny

I don't agree on anything with you Big Dan, and I even hate you for liking Led Zeppelin, we don't need riff raff on here buddy :D

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I don't agree on anything with you Big Dan, and I even hate you for liking Led Zeppelin, we don't need riff raff on here buddy :D

Whatever Jahfin calls you, and double it you "A......E" :o

Not Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Shush, me and Knebby are an item again so something good has come out of it after all, but don't tell anyone will you? :D

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Whatever Jahfin calls you, and double it you "A......E" :o

Not Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Shush, me and Knebby are an item again so something good has come out of it after all, but don't tell anyone will you? :D

What !! I have been trying to hit on Knebs for years :slapface: you were my best mate on here and now this, next you will be telling me your mates with you know :whistling::D

Edited by leddy
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What I have been trying to hit on Knebs for years :slapface: you were my best mate on here and now this, next you will be telling me your mates with you know :whistling::D

Not on your nelly mate, we are still mates though, no grudges on my part. :kiss:

Kind Regards, Danny

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