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If the world has to ever thank the U.S.A. , it's for one important thing....THE WIPING OUT OF THE RIGHT-WING regimes in WWII:):):)......thanx America, you did the best thing you could have ever done....WIPE OUT THE RIGHT-WING govts of this world......some are showing their UGLY heads again, but next time the FIRE:):):)!!!!!

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If the world has to ever thank the U.S.A. , it's for one important thing....THE WIPING OUT OF THE RIGHT-WING regimes in WWII:):):)......thanx America, you did the best thing you could have ever done....WIPE OUT THE RIGHT-WING govts of this world......some are showing their UGLY heads again, but next time the FIRE:):):)!!!!!

What the Fuck are you "Jabberwocking" on about now?

I think I read somewhere in this topic that you claim to be a teacher. Is that correct? If so, I really hope that you not a teacher of American history or a teacher of the English language because if you happen to teach young, immpresionable children either one of these topics/subjects, then those kids are Fucked.

And, if you happen to live in or be European, no wonder why so many Europeans do not like the United States of America. It is because of people like you, snakesandspiders, spreading your anti-American diatribe.

At least people like electrophile and aquamarine seem to make some sense whenever they disparage and denigrate their own country. Sense to themselves, no sense to ME.

By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!! May you live another 235 Prosperous Years!!!!!!!!!

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What the Fuck are you "Jabberwocking" on about now?

I think I read somewhere in this topic that you claim to be a teacher. Is that correct? If so, I really hope that you not a teacher of American history or a teacher of the English language because if you happen to teach young, immpresionable children either one of these topics/subjects, then those kids are Fucked.

And, if you happen to live in or be European, no wonder why so many Europeans do not like the United States of America. It is because of people like you, snakesandspiders, spreading your anti-American diatribe.

At least people like electrophile and aquamarine seem to make some sense whenever they disparage and denigrate their own country. Sense to themselves, no sense to ME.

By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!! May you live another 235 Prosperous Years!!!!!!!!!

Go use that WTF lingo with your family members, not with me here...OK???!:):):):).....YES, I happen to be an ESL teacher working in the EU (know what that stands for????:):)).....so what? Am I asking you your job? My students love the way I get the English language through to them....non of your business anyway:):)!!!!


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And, if you happen to live in or be European, no wonder why so many Europeans do not like the United States of America. It is because of people like you, snakesandspiders, spreading your anti-American diatribe.

At least people like electrophile and aquamarine seem to make some sense whenever they disparage and denigrate their own country. Sense to themselves, no sense to ME.

yOU SIR, do not make any sense at all to me:):)

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What the Fuck are you "Jabberwocking" on about now?

I think I read somewhere in this topic that you claim to be a teacher. Is that correct? If so, I really hope that you not a teacher of American history or a teacher of the English language because if you happen to teach young, immpresionable children either one of these topics/subjects, then those kids are Fucked.

And, if you happen to live in or be European, no wonder why so many Europeans do not like the United States of America. It is because of people like you, snakesandspiders, spreading your anti-American diatribe.

At least people like electrophile and aquamarine seem to make some sense whenever they disparage and denigrate their own country. Sense to themselves, no sense to ME.

By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!! May you live another 235 Prosperous Years!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to have to jump in here but lzzoso it is you that will have to read your own countries history again mate. People in other countries like England dont HATE America but we do HATE some of the things your country did and still does, but that doesnt amount to HATING America.

Remember, America has done some diaboliclal things to innocent people that could not and can not defend themselves, both in the past and here in the right now, you have to acknowledge these attrocities instead of burying you head in the sand and pretending they didnt and dont happen, it will help you and America to move on and maybe stop behaving in this way.

Israel could do with taking a good long hard look at itself as well for what it has done and still does, along with America Israel is the most hypocritical regime in the world today while China make no claims to be a Democratic Regime and the Muslim Arab? well the less said about how they Govern the better, Dark Age Islamism belongs in the Dark Ages in my book.

Regards, Danny

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lzzoso, he is a foreign language teacher, teaching English, to students in Italy. FYI

What the Fuck are you "Jabberwocking" on about now?

I think I read somewhere in this topic that you claim to be a teacher. Is that correct? If so, I really hope that you not a teacher of American history or a teacher of the English language because if you happen to teach young, immpresionable children either one of these topics/subjects, then those kids are Fucked.

And, if you happen to live in or be European, no wonder why so many Europeans do not like the United States of America. It is because of people like you, snakesandspiders, spreading your anti-American diatribe.

At least people like electrophile and aquamarine seem to make some sense whenever they disparage and denigrate their own country. Sense to themselves, no sense to ME.

By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!! May you live another 235 Prosperous Years!!!!!!!!!

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lzzoso, he is a foreign language teacher, teaching English, to students in Italy. FYI

You mean you know what ESL teaching means???!:):):) Not only teaching English all over the world, but professionally translating and interpreting around the globe as well:):). Oh, I'm a Cambridge OE examiner 2 FYI :):):)!!!!

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Gonna jump in here... again ;)

I would never go so far as to believe that Brits and Yanks hate each other. We have had far more in common than not. To me the USA vs UK debates should be assumed by other's outside of our two nations as an "in house or family quarrel."

I suppose to many Brits we will always be ungrateful upstarts who never appreciated Britain's role in shaping our culture and our borders, all at a time while Britain was struggling to maintain her empire against France and others. And to many of us you all were the big brother who assumed to tell us what was best for us, when we always saw ourselves as equals of not by stature, but my inherent rights and ability. And then of course just like the hierarchy in a family where the younger brother outgrows the older; the rolls reversed and the feelings I just described switched.

This is obviously a simplistic explanation.

Yes we did do many things, some maybe could be called "diabolical" but most were just the way history progressed. I've already talked about this, but consider that we Americans, many who were also Irish, or a combination of English and Irish understood "diabolical" as well. And with all due respect Danny (and I believe you accept that I do respect you and my British friends) when we hear a Brit discuss our history (one that folks like me even acknowledge), it sounds like that old bigger brother lecturing the younger brother thing. Safe to say that both our nations have done, and CONTINUE to do, things that are pragmatically in our own best interests to the frustration of many others. I see our history as being very similar in many respects. We have both forced our will on others. Most often to our own best interests, and also in what we believe were the best interests of those who were under our domination. Sometimes we were right, sometimes we were wrong.

Without first the British and then later the United States, Israel would have never even stood a chance to exist. We have helped to make them, and we have helped to sustain them. Israel is in a special situation surrounded on all sides by people who want them not only gone, but also DEAD. I believe as an American, and you as a Brit, we should always view Israel within that context and not be so harsh on them. Because truth be told Israel could never be an enemy to either the British people or the American people. They are the only real democracy in that region (well, I suppose Iraq might now be considered a democracy--- but we'll see), and the Israelis are a people who give rights to women and gays which is something none of their neighbors do. In my opinion Israel is more like us than they are not. And I know if I were in a tight spot, I would look to an Israeli to have my back just like I would to a Brit.

Just my two cents,


Hi Brad,

It didn't take you long to jump in did it old buddy? ;):lol:

I was trying to educate lzzoso as to why other people HATE what America does/did and that they don't actually HATE America, but you must have overlooked my point there old chum.

I wasn't trying to attack America but you seem to think that i was, merely trying to get people to understand that what a country does actually matters in the world today, and in my view America still hasn't learnt from previous mistakes, and you will concede that she has made many mistakes wouldn't you?

I use the term "DIABOLICLE" because that's what I think is a good term to describe what was done in the past and what is still being done to this day, disagree if you must but GENOCIDE is DIABOLICLE isn't it?

Israel, while being a close ally and friend of the USA and the UK should not be encouraged to act in a manner that would suit a NAZI-FACIST Dictatorship, and you should not make light of the way they treat the Palestinians as Inferior Humans as the Nazi's did to them because 2 Wrongs wont make it Right. They need to live by the same UN code of conduct that we impose on the rest of the world, a code that we oh so very often neglect to abide by as well.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Enjoy your holiday Brad and Long Live America.

PPS, By the way Brad, I ain't no BRIT, I'm a Suppressed Englishman. :lol:

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But let's take Germany for example: It would be easy to point to what occurred in the 30s & 40s and continue to lay a lot of blame on the German people for that history. But let's be fair here. We both probably know some German people who probably deplore that history as much as everyone else does. I wouldn't think we would need to convince a German contemporary (apart from some neo-nazi type which we have in our countries too) that the Third Reich was WRONG.

So true:):). UNfortunately, the RIGHT-WING Fascist ideals wiped out by the Allies in WWII are starting to show their UGLY andf REVOLTING heads again...and they're coming at as in "all shapes and sizes"...sometimes even camouflaged under fake "democracY" (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Lybia, etc.). Fabiana, my Italian GF told me some of her relatives fought against these "false" and REVOLTING RIGHT-WING ideals under the partisan (partigiani) guerriglia-revolutionary squads and they were later aided by the Americans to definitely stop the RIGHT-WING dominion in Italy :):):)!!!!


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So true:):). UNfortunately, the RIGHT-WING Fascist ideals wiped out by the Allies in WWII are starting to show their UGLY andf REVOLTING heads again...and they're coming at as in "all shapes and sizes"...sometimes even camouflaged under fake "democracY" (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Lybia, etc.). Fabiana, my Italian GF told me some of her relatives fought against these "false" and REVOLTING RIGHT-WING ideals under the partisan (partigiani) guerriglia-revolutionary squads and they were later aided by the Americans to definitely stop the RIGHT-WING dominion in Italy

...I've already explained to you several times Nazi Germany was not Right Wing. dry.gif

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Hi All,

For what its worth i and most other people have always thought of Facism and Nazism as Far Right Wing forms of Politics, so if that were wrong what are they then? Left Wing? Communists? or what?

From Wiki.

Far right, extreme right, hard right, radical right, and ultra-right are terms used to discuss the qualitative or quantitative position a group or person occupies within right-wing politics. The terms are often used to imply that someone is an extremist. The terms have been used by different scholars in somewhat conflicting ways.[1]

Far right politics commonly involve supremacism — a belief that superiority and inferiority is an innate reality between individuals and groups — and a complete rejection of the concept of social equality as a norm.[2] Far right politics often support segregation; the separation of groups deemed to be superior from groups deemed to be inferior.[3] Far right politics also commonly include authoritarianism, nativism, racism and xenophobia.[4]

The ideologies usually associated with the far right include fascism, Nazism and other ultra-nationalist, religiously extreme or reactionary ideologies.[5][6][7][8][9]

The term radical right refers to sections of the far right that promote views which are very conservative in traditional left-right terms, but which aim to break with prevailing institutions and practices.[10]


Nazism (Nationalsozialismus, National Socialism; alternatively spelled Naziism[1]) was the ideology and practice of the Nazi Party and of Nazi Germany.[2][3][4][5] It was a unique variety of fascism that incorporated biological racism and antisemitism.[6] Nazism presented itself as politically syncretic, incorporating policies, tactics and philosophies from right- and left-wing ideologies; in practice, Nazism was a far right form of politics.[7]


But what do i know? i only have 3 1/2 thousand post and not 11 1/2 thousand so i must be another one of those retards that frequent this forum. :rolleyes::slapface:

Regards, Danny

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Here's a little discussion i have found that will make more sense than the non-sense spoken on here.

Regards, Danny


"I Dunno. Well to my understanding, Hitler was a a moderate republican. Do you guys really want someone like Hitler to be running the country? No. Vote Barrack Obama.

Before you republican nazis thumbs down me, think about it for a second. Who is correct? A nutcase republican like you, or an intelligent democrat like me? Obviously me."

That was the second response in that "discussion" thread. It was hard for me to read past that but I did. I ended up agreeing with those who said the Nazi's were a combination of the extreme right wing but also the extreme left. National Socialism was a unique political movement which mercifully hasn't been repeated since.

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That was the second response in that "discussion" thread. It was hard for me to read past that but I did. I ended up agreeing with those who said the Nazi's were a combination of the extreme right wing but also the extreme left. National Socialism was a unique political movement which mercifully hasn't been repeated since.

Hi 'dazedcat'

Hitler did believe he was a Socialist, NAZI stands for National Socialist as well, and extreams seem to be much the same in practice which is a little confusing.

Hitler said he Hated Marxism, and Communism, does that make him Right Wing? I dunno. Well if the Nazi's were Left Wing then to me they were not for the People so that takes away any reason to call them Socialists. Now how do you define the difference between the Far Right and Far Left? thay are both as bad as each other and both bad for the world as a whole. I just cant imagine Hitler as anything but Right Wing, whatever party he voted for or what his politics were his doctrin fits better as a Far Right Dictator than the other way round.

Regards, Danny

PS, Hitler called for everybody to sacrifice themselves for The Fatherland and not for The People, that sounds more Right than Left Wing to me.

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...I've already explained to you several times Nazi Germany was not Right Wing. dry.gif

....and I have repeatedly tried to explain that YOU and others that think that way are COMPLETELY OFF TRACK:):).

Go tell a Jew or an Italian or a Dutch person that Fascism/Nazism were left-wing and get the answer FIRST HAnd:):):)!!!

YOU have a VERY distorted and HIGHLY BIASED view of the political spectrum. Next thing we know, Marx was right-wing or something!!!:):)

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That was the second response in that "discussion" thread. It was hard for me to read past that but I did. I ended up agreeing with those who said the Nazi's were a combination of the extreme right wing but also the extreme left. National Socialism was a unique political movement which mercifully hasn't been repeated since.

Utter jabberwocky made up by people who would like us to believe that history went differently than it did :):):)!!!!!

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I realize your quote is from wiki, but should we believe that those attributes noted here are not also present say in a nation like North Korea? So what then do you do with the labels left wing and right wing? From the definition of "right -wing" that most people think of and use, it means on the other end of the political spectrum from Communism. So how then do categorize he authoritarianism, nativism, racism and xenophobia present within the North Korean regime?

Bottom line is that left -wing and right - wing are LABELS that don't really explain the specifics of a political platform very well at all. Since Hitler's Nazi party also contained a whole lot of socialism and social engineeing, I really don't think of that as being comparable to most of the conservatives that I know who may also have very libertarian principals. So the "right-wing" label and "right-wing" comparison to Nazi style facism is far off the mark.

Since labels are generally used only to create strawman arguements, you have to be wary of how those labels later tend to be accepted as definitions.



To be able to debate without BIAS one way or the other on this matter is to try to see what came first, "the egg or the chicken" and that, we all know, is quite IMPOSSIBLE:):):).

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