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Love Her Or Hate Her?


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That's why you dislike her, really? If that is your criteria for listening and enjoying an artist, and I have no reason to doubt you, then I guess that is going to cut out a lot of them from your play list. To each his own.... ;)

I'm a fan of music, not stuff manufactured by a recording studio.

If she were making stuff by herself without outside help I would applaud her creativity, but this is not the case so therefore I do not enjoy the stuff that is recorded under her name.

I'm not hating on people who enjoy Lady Gaga recordings (like you said, to each his own), I'm just giving my personal opinion of the music recorded by Lady Gaga.

And yes, that does mean there are a lot of artists who are cut out from being played on my stereo but I could care less. :D

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After a corrupt industry was finished exploiting her desire for attention to the point where she had demeaned herself into being nothing more than a reactionary sexual object, she had lost her self-esteem and considered her life to be worthless. In an act of desperation and realizing that her audience was depraved and lacking in basic morality, she continued to the ultimate end of a long pattern of self-destructive behaviour and took her own life in an act of cowardice. Her vacuous life sucked her into a spiralling vortex and no one here on earth who reached out to help her (if anyone tried to help her at all) was able to retrieve this broken person.

She should have instead simply quit the industry and found something better to do with her time, and people who would value her as a whole person.

There is no way that I will make excuses for this kind of self-destructive behaviour or condone a corrupt industry that uses theater as a disguise for true depravity. Some people will lower themselves to anything just to gain applause, even from the most despicable audiences.

This was a plain old rotten show.

Hopefully Lady Gaga will draw the line at her character rather than allow this kind of intrusion onto her inner psyche. In the end, she will be a far better artist. Wendy O simply destroyed herself.

btw, men who exploit women to their own detriment don't rate too highly with me.The industry wasted her with no respect for her overall well-being. There's no excuse for that. It's a shame.

No-one ever exploited Wendy to that point....you are only assuming she was stupid, which she was NOT!!! Wendy knew what life was all about...even too much...she just went beyond conventional living like many real artists do (ref. Bonzo)...some come out of that "vortex" alive, others do not...it's as simple as that :):)!!!

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No-one ever exploited Wendy to that point....you are only assuming she was stupid, which she was NOT!!! Wendy knew what life was all about...even too much...she just went beyond conventional living like many real artists do (ref. Bonzo)...some come out of that "vortex" alive, others do not...it's as simple as that :):)!!!

She knew nothing. She was suicidal. She required a responsible intervention, which never came, and belonged in rehab. She was stupid; she sacrificed her life for nothing.

And the industry exploited her, ignorantly contributing to her self-destructive behaviour and untimely demise.

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She knew nothing. She was suicidal. She required a responsible intervention, which never came, and belonged in rehab. She was stupid; she sacrificed her life for nothing.

And the industry exploited her.

Apparently, WOW knew much more about life than YOU do :):):)!!! The ONLY stupid crappy sh**ty person is and will always be Gaga:):):)!!!!

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Apparently, WOW knew much more about life than YOU do :):):)!!! The ONLY stupid crappy sh**ty person is and will always be Gaga:):):)!!!!


I mean seriously, do you have to continue with these types of comments every thread you enter? I used to find your comments amusing, but you go too far.

We know that you would fall into the "hate her" category of this thread. Please go start another one based on WOW to hash this sh!t out. Some people actually want to have a reasonable discussion about the biggest pop star in the world and not have every comment they make attacked by you and your view on things. Everyone has an opinion, yours has been shared - move on....unless you have something constructive to add to this thread concerning LADY GAGA.

Sam, some help here please???


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I quite like some of her stuff. Of all the pop my young wife has forced me to download, LGG is probably the least appalling.

She might not be partcularly good, but unfortunately she is just about the best we have right now, which is a sad indictment of the current pop scene.

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I surely do not:):):)

They ran her into the ground. She should have taken a sabbatical from the industry and limited her exposure to artistic endeavors that were healthy and non-suicidal.

It appears that Lady Gaga has superior management of her career, and that whoever managed Wendy O failed her. To idly stand by while someone commits suicide is wrong. She required better intervention and better management, regardless of whether what she did had artistic merit or not. Wendy O was the kind of person who would have been better off with limited exposure to the down side of the industry. Someone let her down. She was not capable of properly looking after herself.

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I quite like some of her stuff. Of all the pop my young wife has forced me to download, LGG is probably the least appalling.

She might not be partcularly good, but unfortunately she is just about the best we have right now, which is a sad indictment of the current pop scene.

I even think that Pink is better than Gaga :):):

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They ran her into the ground. She should have taken a sabbatical from the industry and limited her exposure to artistic endeavors that were healthy and non-suicidal.

It appears that Lady Gaga has superior management of her career, and that whoever managed Wendy O failed her. To idly stand by while someone commits suicide is wrong. She required better intervention and better management, regardless of whether what she did had artistic merit or not. Wendy O was the kind of person who would have been better off with limited exposure to the down side of the industry. Someone let her down. She was not capable of properly looking after herself.

Not true absolutely :):)!!!

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Not true absolutely :):)!!!

So true, may she RIP. Too bad about her suicide. It was a real, crying shame. They totally wasted her, as they idly stood by while she stupidly and blindly ventured along her path to destruction; that's not art, it's bs. Hopefully Lady Gaga will not fall prey to anything like that.

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So true, may she RIP. Too bad about her suicide. It was a real, crying shame. They totally wasted her, as they idly stood by while she stupidly and blindly ventured along her path to destruction; that's not art, it's bs. Hopefully Lady Gaga will not fall prey to anything like that.


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I did mention Lady Gaga, and I like some of her songs. Spidersandsnakes was comparing Lady Gaga to Wendy O. Williams, lamely trying to persuade me that somehow Lady Gaga could possibly be inferior as an artist; and of course, he was wrong.;)

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Spidersandsnakes drove this thread off-topic, not Silver Rider.

i'M NOT THROWING ANYTHING OFF TOPIC.....I know, I know....there are punty little "elites" on this forum that come to aid of their elite friends whenever there is something IMPORTANT to debate (these elites make me sick:):):):) because THAT is what I am simply doing.....DEBATING!! You can have your ideas on Gaga, but I will have MINE and I WILL DEBATE until the end:):)!!!!B):D

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