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Led Zepagain upcoming shows

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One can be a Led Zeppelin fan and not be a fan of bands that mimic Led Zeppelin. As I've stated countless times at this point, I'm not a fan of tribute bands in general.

It's your general lack of disrespect for others on this forum I only ever see you comment to put down or rubbish what someone else says

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It's your general lack of disrespect for others on this forum I only ever see you comment to put down or rubbish what someone else says

Didn't you know he is the world wide renowned expert on all music from now and yesteryear? I will give him credit for being a big fan of music in general. And he is very good at gathering information and such. Have to give credit where credit is due. But he is very confrontational just like another member here. Hmmm. I am on her ignore list for sure. Right Liz? ha

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It's your general lack of disrespect for others on this forum I only ever see you comment to put down or rubbish what someone else says

Must be nice to have a such a selective memory.

But he is very confrontational just like another member here. Hmmm. I am on her ignore list for sure. Right Liz? ha

Rick has never been confrontational a single day of his life on this board. Thus, the amount of times he's been banned.

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One can be a Led Zeppelin fan and not be a fan of bands that mimic Led Zeppelin. As I've stated countless times at this point, I'm not a fan of tribute bands in general.

Oh ok, I gotcha now. If I didn't get it before I totally understand now. Tribute bands are just not your bag. Fair enough. So now that that issue is chrystal clear to me and everyone else let's lay it to rest and move on, please. :smiley_pray:

And now for something more relavant to this thread. A nice rendition of Bron Y Aur Stomp. Ace of Spades, Sacramento CA Great job guys.


Edited by ledzepfvr
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Oh ok, I gotcha now. If I didn't get it before I totally understand now. Tribute bands are just not your bag. Fair enough. So now that that issue is chrystal clear to me and everyone else let's lay it to rest and move on, please. :smiley_pray:

No, no, ledzepfvr, it's way too late for that now. It is we who should abandon this particular rat-infested ship, cos this has now become yet another generic 'look at me, aren't I just the coolest know-it-all smart-ass supercilious douchebag you ever read' Jahfink-owned thread.

As such, it really should be moved to the 'Other Bands' section, alongside all his other Hee-Haw And The Good Ol' Boys fanboy threads - which, I suspect, few if any apart from him read.

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No, no, ledzepfvr, it's way too late for that now. It is we who should abandon this particular rat-infested ship, cos this has now become yet another generic 'look at me, aren't I just the coolest know-it-all smart-ass supercilious douchebag you ever read' Jahfink-owned thread.

As such, it really should be moved to the 'Other Bands' section, alongside all his other Hee-Haw And The Good Ol' Boys fanboy threads - which, I suspect, few if any apart from him read.

I agree that jahfin comes across as a "I am better than all of you" and "I know more about things than you would ever realize" type of person. He seems to enjoy knocking others about what topics they start (me) and what posts/replies they give (almost everyone).

Let me just say that I, personally, say what I think and feel, regardless if other people agree with me or not. However, I do not go out of my way to demean, denigrate, chastise or just simply try to make a fool out of people who posts topics/comments that I do not agree with. I am not saying that I have never done that in the past, but I do not get off on it the way jahfin seems to by way of his snide and sarcastic comments.

Do any of these comments about you, jahfin, even register with you? Not just from me but from a multitude of others. Are you really that "sociopathic" that nothing sinks in? Say what you will about me (I can take it) but it seems you owe apologies to alot of great people on this great and wonderful forum.

Led Zepagain, if you ever have touring plans to come to the Dallas/Fort Worth area, please start a new topic so I will be aware of your impending visit. I will tell all my friends that are fans of Led Zeppelin and also big fans of Led Zeppelin tribute bands such as Yourselves. I hope you guys like Budweisers and Captain Morgan.

P.S. I really do not think that jahfin will have the "balls" to reply to this post. If he does, I am ready to read another in his long line of ignorant replies that he seems to be known for. I say, "Bring it on Home"...

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Since I started this thread about my band, I should probably chime in here on some of this stuff...

First off, thanks for all of you who have said nice things, either from seeing us, or from YouTube, or whatever. I really appreciate it! I've met some Forum members at our shows, and you've always been really cool & nice people.

To Jahfin, look, I can appreciate that you're not into going to see a tribute band. No problem there, it's obviously not everone's cup o' tea. But you DID come on here with your first post being, "Might wanna try the "Other Bands" forum. This one is for Led Zeppelin, not wannabes."

Come one, that's snide, sarcastic and totally uncalled for. What you really have no idea and understanding of, since you won't go to see any good tribute bands, is that a lot of people REALLY LOVE what it is that we do, and constantly thank us for it and tell us not to stop. Led Zeppelin music is highly emotional to a lot of people, as well as being great music, and coming to see us, for some, brings it to life and hits them on that emotional level. There's no confusion that we are or aren't the real thing, nobody is that dumb. But when you see it done with a fine respect for the original, it can have a tremendous impact. That's exactly what Jimmy praised us for when he saw us; he was really knocked out by the level of attention to detail that we paid, and said he could tell that we really loved the music. Which we do.

Think of it as going to see a play about the life of a real person. You would see an actor portraying that person to give you a sense of what they were really like. That's what we try to do with our shows, to a degree, as well as make it entertaining to people who have greatly varying degrees of knowledge of what the original was really like.

The final point is on this issue of musicians having to play their own music. Why? Throughout history, musicians have always played the works of great composers, to audiences who enjoy hearing their interpretations. I look at Zeppelin's music as timeless, and that is being proven more & more as we see young kids continually coming to our shows with their Zeppelin shirts and really loving the music. There's nothing sacred about being a musician that says you can only play what you write yourself. Would you put down the members of Paul McCartney's band for going out night after night playing Paul's songs? Of course not, they are very accomplished musicians, and they've landed the gig of a lifetime, playing with a Beatle. In the same sense, playing in Led Zepagain is extremely rewarding for me. It's some of my all time favorite music, it's fun & challenging as a guitarist, and I get to share it with people all over the place. I do make some money off it, yes, but it's a small payoff in exchange for all of the time put into travelling, setting up for shows, doing soundchecks, taking care of all my equipment, as well as the expense off all of the guitars, amps, gear & costumes I need to do it right. Not to mention the stress of time away from my girlfriend & family. But I do it cause I love it, and cause others love to see it.

I don't expect this to suddenly make you want to go see & enjoy tribute bands, but hopefully, you might look at it a little differently now.

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To Jahfin, look, I can appreciate that you're not into going to see a tribute band. No problem there, it's obviously not everone's cup o' tea. But you DID come on here with your first post being, "Might wanna try the "Other Bands" forum. This one is for Led Zeppelin, not wannabes."

Come one, that's snide, sarcastic and totally uncalled for.

Not really, after all, this section of the board is devoted to Led Zeppelin. It's Sam's call that it can also encompass Zep tribute bands so I have to respect that and do, even if I don't agree with it.

What you really have no idea and understanding of, since you won't go to see any good tribute bands, is that a lot of people REALLY LOVE what it is that we do, and constantly thank us for it and tell us not to stop.

Seems you also have a selective memory as I mentioned two tribute bands I have seen (Blushing Brides and Dark Star Orchestra) both of whom I thought were good but as I've stated several times now, tribute bands aren't my cup of tea.

The final point is on this issue of musicians having to play their own music. Why? Throughout history, musicians have always played the works of great composers, to audiences who enjoy hearing their interpretations. I look at Zeppelin's music as timeless, and that is being proven more & more as we see young kids continually coming to our shows with their Zeppelin shirts and really loving the music. There's nothing sacred about being a musician that says you can only play what you write yourself. Would you put down the members of Paul McCartney's band for going out night after night playing Paul's songs? Of course not, they are very accomplished musicians, and they've landed the gig of a lifetime, playing with a Beatle. In the same sense, playing in Led Zepagain is extremely rewarding for me. It's some of my all time favorite music, it's fun & challenging as a guitarist, and I get to share it with people all over the place. I do make some money off it, yes, but it's a small payoff in exchange for all of the time put into travelling, setting up for shows, doing soundchecks, taking care of all my equipment, as well as the expense off all of the guitars, amps, gear & costumes I need to do it right. Not to mention the stress of time away from my girlfriend & family. But I do it cause I love it, and cause others love to see it.

I don't expect this to suddenly make you want to go see & enjoy tribute bands, but hopefully, you might look at it a little differently now.

If copying the works of others blows your skirt up, have at it. I simply don't care for tribute bands, no matter how good they may be. I prefer to go see artists performing original material. I'm not sure how I can put that any more clearly or politely.

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So to sum up: some people like tribute bands yesnod.gifand Jahfin does not. mad.gifFor those who do like them, enjoy tribute bands if you get the chance to see them and remember not to invite Jahfin. He would not like that . rant.gif

I personally would love to see a Zeppelin tribute band since I never had the chance to see the real deal in person. Does anyone know of a good Zeppelin tribute band?whistling.gif One that would come to Houston?laugh.gif Hmmm... My offer of Shiner for the band still stands.drinks.gif

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The final point is on this issue of musicians having to play their own music. Why? Throughout history, musicians have always played the works of great composers, to audiences who enjoy hearing their interpretations. I look at Zeppelin's music as timeless, and that is being proven more & more as we see young kids continually coming to our shows with their Zeppelin shirts and really loving the music.

I don't expect this to suddenly make you want to go see & enjoy tribute bands, but hopefully, you might look at it a little differently now.

Well done Steve. Most of us appreciate what you do and how you give the fans another way to enjoy Zeppelin's music that is done so well and tastefully. Why some can't appreciate what you're doing (even if it's not their thing) by giving you the respect you deserve). Keep it up! :thumbsup:

Hopefully, you and your band will make out here to the east coast one day.

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For weeks as I ride up the 15 fwy to work, I have been watching this new place getting ready to open up. Club Marquee 15 in Corona between Temescal Cyn and Weirick Rd. Well, the will be opening on the 22nd of July and Led Zepagin is scheduled to play there on the 29th. Right in my neck of the woods. I checked out the web site and they play a great choice of music whilst browsing the site. The Immigrant Song. Looks like they are trying to get every music act under the sun to play there. Good luck to them on that and A place for me to keep a watch on, for sure.

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You're just pissed 'cause you wish you were at least ⅛ as cool at Tortelvis.

And you're just pissed cos you wish you were one hundredth as popular and talented as Steve Z and his band. Guess you'll just have to settle for being a sociopathic, trolling trainspotter.

Hit the hay, cowboy, it's getting late. Those cows won't milk themselves.

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The only Zeppelin tribute band that's worth a shit:


I will give it a rest on my end (unless circumstances dictate otherwise). I just have one more thing to add.

I do not and would not consider Dread Zeppelin to be a "tribute" band of Led Zeppelin. I think that they are more of a "parody" band of Led Zeppelin. Two very different concepts. Look up the word "parody" if anyone is not familiar with its definition. Even the name, to me, invokes cynicism. Dread Zeppelin. And, for the record, I could care less if Robert Plant was/is a fan of them at that time. I think Robert was in His Led Zeppelin denial days (or anti-Zeppelin days) around the time that Dread Zeppelin came on the scene. By the way, where is Dread Zeppelin these days? That is a rhetorical question because I really do not give a shit.

Lastly, I was correct when I said that jahfin would not have the "balls" to reply to my post, #62. He did, however, reply to Steve Z(oso)'s post, #63. "And it makes Me wonder..."

*Edited to add more comment. Does that ridiculous picture above look like this is the only Led Zeppelin "tribute" band that is worth a shit? I may be the only one to say this but that is about the goofiest (and dumbest) picture of any band, period. It took six (6) men to butcher and slander the timeless Music of Led Zeppelin (and Elvis and Bob Marley) in the process.

Edited by lzzoso
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And, for the record, I could care less if Robert Plant was/is a fan of them at that time.

Quite right - RP's musical taste has at times been questionable, to say the least.

I've read elsewhere that he was a fan of DZ, but this is at odds with early reports I read which suggested he didn't find them at all amusing, at least not at first. Maybe he eventually got the joke, who knows...or cares.

My 2p's worth: DZ were probably the finest tribute/parody band of all time, and they put on a hell of a live show when I saw them about 20 years ago. But I'm not sure I'd have wanted to see them twice...

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Hi Steve

Unfortunately, I've had to miss your bands last two visits to Vancouver , my PM to you a while back explained why. Very much looking forward to seeing you guy's the next time you're in the area and yeah, those beers are still on me. Keep up the good work :beer:

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^^^^^^^^^Love it!

Dueling Jimmys which brings out the full richness of the song.

BTW, who is the "1975 Jimmy"?

That's Jimmy Sakurai from "Mr Jimmy" in Japan. We met him when we were out there and had him sit in with us then. He came out to CA on business, so we invited him up again with us. That's also Frankie Banali from Quiet Riot on drums in that clip. It was really cool to be able to add the 12-string part to that while Jimmy did his thing! We also did 'Rock & Roll' with Jimmy and he & I traded leads, but it seems nobody shot that one.

Hi Steve

Unfortunately, I've had to miss your bands last two visits to Vancouver , my PM to you a while back explained why. Very much looking forward to seeing you guy's the next time you're in the area and yeah, those beers are still on me. Keep up the good work :beer:

Thanks ally, we should be back up there in Oct, working out the tour dates right now. I'll post 'em here when it's all solid!

As for the rest of the stuff on this thread, I've said my peice & I stand by it!

Hope some of you can make it to San Diego tomorrow night!

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