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^ True! I am probably dating myself, but I still always double space when it's proper. I could also type fast as hell when using a keyboard, but I was taught on one of those manual typewriters - not even electric. Now I have an iPhone and have to type one fingered. That's one reason for my more consistent posts lately. That and a 10 week paid vacation!!!! Anyway, i've had 5 double Captain's shots and will sign off now! ;). Later guys!

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"Racism is the belief that there are inherent differences in people's traits and capacities that are entirely due to their race, however defined, and that, as a consequence, justify the different treatment of those people, both socially and legally. Moreover, racism is the practice of the different treatment of certain a group or groups, which is then justified by recourse to racial stereotyping or pseudo-science."


"Nigger is a noun in the English language, most notable for its usage in a pejorative context to refer to black people (generally people of Sub-Saharan African descent), and also as an informal slang term, among other contexts. It is a common ethnic slur. The word originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning the color "black"."


The word "Nigger" is a word used to provoke a feeling in the person being targeted, that is supposed to make that person feel angry and small just like any other word used in anger in an argument and as an INSULT, ie, Twat, Four Eyes, Wanker, Tosser, Frog, Kraut, Cooley, Yid, Bin Raider, Paki, Wop, Wog, Soapy, Slag, Slut, Cunt, Bastard, Carpet Muncher, Shirt Lifter. They are all words to convey an insult and therefore are not Racist, if a Black Man wants to take offence at being called a "Nigger" then that's up to him and his conscience, if he want to believe that he is inferior again that's up to him.

I have no such feelings when or if i'm called a "Honky" because i do "Honk" a lot of the time when people randomly cross the road in front of me, and Black people are very guilty of not following local laws and bylaws so get most of the "Honking". Is there something in the word "Nigger" that has some truth in it that they are somewhat ashamed of? because that word is nothing unless the person being called it reacts to it in a way that the perpetrator wanted and so the perp wins, that doesn't happen when the person is aware that he is being targeted by the perp and doesnt react to the taunt.

Racism is a terrible thing but calling someone a name is something quite different, its just name calling, get over it and move on because the real winner is the person who laughs at the perp and in so doing reverses the effect of the name calling to his advantage, take a leaf out of the way the English deal with name calling, the only thing that can make an Englishman's blood boil is being called "Late for his Dinner".

These are just my thoughts as a White Guy, i believe Racism exists in every society and i have been subjected to it by ALL the Racial Minorities i have come across in England, there is not a word you can call me that will offend me because i believe my ME and my RACE is at the very top of the Evolutionary Scale, i look at England and see a country that has much to learn but it welcomes all people to its shore, even people that inherently HATE us, how much more Civilised can you get than that?

Regards, Danny

PS, There is no HATE in my body for any race on earth, only LOVE exists in my blood, although i can be a "very naughty boy" with my sarcastic humour. ;)

Edited by BIGDAN
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Oh yeah, All In The Family did a lot to add some humor to the obvious racism coming out of the generational gap from the 60's. That and it also exposed some absurd thought processes going on then and still now - when I'm at my in-laws house! :lol:

Now I'm not off topic! :)

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"Racism is the belief that there are inherent differences in people's traits and capacities that are entirely due to their race, however defined, and that, as a consequence, justify the different treatment of those people, both socially and legally. Moreover, racism is the practice of the different treatment of certain a group or groups, which is then justified by recourse to racial stereotyping or pseudo-science."


"Nigger is a noun in the English language, most notable for its usage in a pejorative context to refer to black people (generally people of Sub-Saharan African descent), and also as an informal slang term, among other contexts. It is a common ethnic slur. The word originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning the color "black"."


The word "Nigger" is a word used to provoke a feeling in the person being targeted, that is supposed to make that person feel angry and small just like any other word used in anger in an argument, ie, Twat, Foureyes, Wanker, Tosser, Frog, Kraut, Cooley, Bin Raider, Paki, Wop, Wog, Soapy, Slag, Slut, Cunt, Bastard, Carpet Muncher, Shirt Lifter. They are all words to convey an insult and therefore are not Racist, if a Blackman wants to take offence at being called a "Nigger" then thats up to him and his concience, if he want to believe that he is inferior again thats up to him.

I have no such feelings when or if i'm called a "Honkey" because i do "Honk" a lot of the time when people randomly cross the road in front of me, and Black people are very guilty of not following local laws and bylaws so get most of the "Honking". Is there something in the word "Nigger" that has some truth in it that they are somewhat ashamed of? because that word is nothing unless the person being called it reacts to it in a way that the perpertraitor wanted and so the perp wins, that doesnt happen when the person is aware that he is being targeted by the perp.

Racism is a terrible thing but calling someone a name is something quite different, its just name calling, get over it and move on because the real winner is the person who laughs at the perp and in so doing reverses the effect of the name calling to his advantage, take a leaf out of the way the English deal with name calling, the only thing that can make an Englishmans blood boil is being called "Late for his Dinner".

These are just my thoughts as a White Guy, i believe Racism exists in every society and i have been subjected to it by ALL the Racial Minorities i have come across in England, there is not a word you can call me that will offend me because i believe my ME and my RACE is at the very top of the Evolutionary Scale, i look at England and see a country that has much to learn but it welcomes all people to its shore, even people that inherently HATE us, how much more Civilised can you get than that?

Regards, Danny

PS, There is no HATE in my body for any race on earth, only LOVE exists in my blood, although i can be a "very naughty boy" with my sarcastic ;) humour.

Half the time you seem like a nice enough guy.

But then you go and make a post like that and I have to wonder.


Black people shouldn't be offended at being called "nigger" because you aren't offended at being called "honky"?

It's hard to take you serious when you make statements like that.

You literally contradict yourself within the confines of a single post.

Also, you left out something when you quoted that WIKI -

The verifiability of all or part of this article is disputed.

One of the more obvious and common abuses of Wikipedia.

I think it's safe to say this dictionary.com definition is slightly more accurate...

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

Sounds kinda familiar, no?

because i believe my ME and my RACE is at the very top of the Evolutionary Scale

You say you have no hate for any race, yet you defend and rationalize the use of racial slurs, and try to marginalize it as no more than name-calling, and liken it to schoolyard name-calling like "four-eyes".

You're quick to point out how YOU have suffered racism, but you dismiss racism towards black people as over-sensitivity that they need to "get over".

Is there something in the word "Nigger" that has some truth in it that they are somewhat ashamed of?

Wow, for someone who professes such a fearsome intellect, you pose incredibly foolish questions.

Yeah, I think there's "something" in the word that has truth to it, all right.

It has over 300 years of reminding them of the truth of how their ancestors were oppressed and treated as less than animals.

This is about as simple an analogy as I can make for you (though I'm sure it's a futile endeavor) -

Condoning the use of the word "nigger" towards a black person is akin to calling a rape victim "slut".

If you don't get that, it's because you don't want to get it, and (the way a lot of people like to do), try to legitimize your warped opinions by wearing them proudly as a badge of honor, that you should be admired for having such strong convictions.

In reality, it's simply a fairly accurate gauge of the extent of your racist beliefs.

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Half the time you seem like a nice enough guy.

But then you go and make a post like that and I have to wonder.


Black people shouldn't be offended at being called "nigger" because you aren't offended at being called "honky"?

It's hard to take you serious when you make statements like that.

You literally contradict yourself within the confines of a single post.

Also, you left out something when you quoted that WIKI -

One of the more obvious and common abuses of Wikipedia.

I think it's safe to say this dictionary.com definition is slightly more accurate...

Sounds kinda familiar, no?

You say you have no hate for any race, yet you defend and rationalize the use of racial slurs, and try to marginalize it as no more than name-calling, and liken it to schoolyard name-calling like "four-eyes".

You're quick to point out how YOU have suffered racism, but you dismiss racism towards black people as over-sensitivity that they need to "get over".

Wow, for someone who professes such a fearsome intellect, you pose incredibly foolish questions.

Yeah, I think there's "something" in the word that has truth to it, all right.

It has over 300 years of reminding them of the truth of how their ancestors were oppressed and treated as less than animals.

This is about as simple an analogy as I can make for you (though I'm sure it's a futile endeavor) -

Condoning the use of the word "nigger" towards a black person is akin to calling a rape victim "slut".

If you don't get that, it's because you don't want to get it, and (the way a lot of people like to do), try to legitimize your warped opinions by wearing them proudly as a badge of honor, that you should be admired for having such strong convictions.

In reality, it's simply a fairly accurate gauge of the extent of your racist beliefs.

If you dont want to TRY to understand where i'm comming from then you can FCUK OFF. You have used that term often enough to understand its meaning, and i stand by all i have said whilst not condoning TRUE RACISM for one second.

Regards, Danny

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If you dont want to TRY to understand where i'm comming from then you can FCUK OFF.

Believe me, I've tried.

i stand by all i have said whilst not condoning TRUE RACISM for one second.

Regards, Danny

OK, I'll bite.

You've used the term TRUE RACISM quite a few times.

I'd be interested to know what you consider TRUE RACISM to be.

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Believe me, I've tried.

OK, I'll bite.

You've used the term TRUE RACISM quite a few times.

I'd be interested to know what you consider TRUE RACISM to be.

For one, i dont believe you

For two, TRUE RACISM is PURE HATRED, not a FCUKING WORD which is NEUTRAL untill used as an insult, its still not a RACIST WORD, of course only my view point.

Regards, Danny

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For one, i dont believe you

For two, TRUE RACISM is PURE HATRED, not a FCUKING WORD which is NEUTRAL untill used as an insult, its still not a RACIST WORD, of course only my view point.

Regards, Danny

"Nigger" is not a racist word?


It's "neutral" until it's used as an insult?

Then explain to me when you, as a white guy (your description), using the word would NOT be an insult?

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"Nigger" is not a racist word?


It's "neutral" until it's used as an insult?

Then explain to me when you, as a white guy (your description), using the word would NOT be an insult?

As a name for an animal, my nan had a black cat called Nigger when i was a child, it had a claw inbeddedd in its nose and was one hell of a fighter, something i have found in all Black People that i have ever met.

If, and i say if, i ever used that word it would be meant as an insult, but not as a RASIST SLUR, if you cant understand that then that is your problem and explains why the word bothers you and the Black Community so much, untill that changes there really is no hope for Humanity is there?


Jewish HATRED for Palestinians

Palestinian HATRED for Jews

Muslim HATRED for Jews and Christians and Hindus

North Saharan African Muslim HATRED for South Saharan Black Christians

Zimbabwes treatment of White Farmers

South Africas treatment of its White Population

What i have missed out feel free to add.

Regards, Danny

PS, Scotch, Irish and Welsh HATRED for the English when their anger should be directed to the Norman Overlords that the English have had to put up with for nearly 1000 years.

Edited by BIGDAN
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As a name for an animal, my nan had a black cat called Nigger when i was a child, it had a claw inbeddedd in its nose and was one hell of a fighter, something i have found in all Black People that i have ever met.

"As a name for an animal".


Nothing offensive there, huh?

If, and i say if, i ever used that word it would be meant as an insult, but not as a RASIST SLUR, if you cant understand that then that is your problem and explains why the word bothers you and the Black Community so much, untill that changes there really is no hope for Humanity is there?

So the only "hope for humanity" is for black people to change how they react to being insulted?

I mean, God forbid people might consider not being as insulting towards blacks as a possible way to make things better, huh?

Yeah, I guess an idea like that is just way too ridiculous to consider.

Better all those who are insulted stop being insulted so damn easily rather than have those doing the insulting stop.

South Africas treatment of its White Population

What I have missed out feel free to add.

South Africas treatment of its White Population

OK, you really are just trolling for a reaction now, right?

I mean, you are referring to the minority White Population that enacted an official policy of racism (apartheid) towards the majority African population, to include sub-standard services, segregation, forced removal from legally-owned residential areas, and all the rest of that mess that lasted all the way until 1994?

THAT White Population is the one you're referring to as the victims of TRUE RACISM?


I guess we're through here.

Because you are literally fucking nuts.

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"As a name for an animal".


Nothing offensive there, huh?

So the only "hope for humanity" is for black people to change how they react to being insulted?

I mean, God forbid people might consider not being as insulting towards blacks as a possible way to make things better, huh?

Yeah, I guess an idea like that is just way too ridiculous to consider.

Better all those who are insulted stop being insulted so damn easily rather than have those doing the insulting stop.

South Africas treatment of its White Population

OK, you really are just trolling for a reaction now, right?

I mean, you are referring to the minority White Population that enacted an official policy of racism (apartheid) towards the majority African population, to include sub-standard services, segregation, forced removal from legally-owned residential areas, and all the rest of that mess that lasted all the way until 1994?

THAT White Population is the one you're referring to as the victims of TRUE RACISM?


I guess we're through here.

Because you are literally fucking nuts.


Regards, Danny

PS, Just to add, you seem to think that there is absolutly NO Black Racism going on in the world, to me YOU and people like YOU are the real problem, carrying a weight around your neck for generation after generation, what an ignoramus you are. Get over it, its just a word for fcuks sake and let the world move on, and if you regard the truth as being NUTS then i'm guilty as hell.

Edited by BIGDAN
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2 spaces after your periods.

On typewriters, it was considered good form because the monospacing made it hard to see sentence ends.

However, with computers that account for character kerning (spacing between letters), it's unnecessary.

I'm a graphic designer, it jumps out at me.

I actually have an action I run on pasted text that detects double spaces and replaces with single spaces.



I also put two spaces after my periods (.) too. That is what is considered to be common and correct when typing. It is also common to try and phrase and spell and punctuate correctly at all times. This is a bit more difficult, however, I try to read and re-read my posts to check for all that before I hit the add reply button. If I happen to see a mistake on my part I will go ahead and "edit" my reply and correct whatever punctuations or mis-spellings, etc.. that I have seen.

I say re-read some of electrophiles previous posts and you may come to the realization that she sometimes seems to reply to other posts as a bitter and ignorant and rude and very un-PC woman on this whole LZ forum.

By the way, what the fuck does two spaces after a period have to do with this topic?

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^ Just civil conversation embedded in a thread based post. That is allowed here ya know. ;)

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the racism against white people in South Africa statement from earlier. :blink:

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^ Just civil conversation embedded in a thread based post. That is allowed here ya know. ;)

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the racism against white people in South Africa statement from earlier. :blink:

Hi Walter,

You dont talk to White South Africans who have had to move to England because they are discriminated against like i have, and you dont trawl the net for information like i have, the info is out there if you look for it, i can direct you to it if you like?

I am afraid to post anything on here because of political correctness going apeshit but if you really dont know whats going on in the world as far as Racism is concerned then you really need to find out to hold a valid opinion before you try to put me down for what i know and you dont.

Regards, Danny

PS, Its still only a word ;)

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I'd quit digging if I were you. TypeO never said there was no such thing as "black racism" or that blacks cannot be racist against other people. All people can be racist, regardless of their own race or the people they are being racist against. The issue is, it's not "just a word" and the more you try to rationalize that point of view, the worse you look. It's not political correctness, it's common sense.

Edited by Electrophile
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I'd quit digging if I were you. TypeO never said there was no such thing as "black racism" or that blacks cannot be racist against other people. All people can be racist, regardless of their own race or the people they are being racist against. The issue is, it's not "just a word" and the more you try to rationalize that point of you, the worse you look. It's not political correctness, it's common sense.

No, its bullshite. Racism is about actions not words, a Racist can use a Derogotory Word, so can a Non Racist, but only a Racist has his heart full of Hatred, its his behavior towards others that make him a Racist, his actions, not his words, just my opinion based on my interaction with the world you understand?

Regards, Danny

PS, I see it for what it is nothing else, TypeO started the name calling not me, i have nothing against him or anyone else on here but once you start name calling with me, well you know only too well dont you Liz?

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Wow, for someone who professes such a fearsome intellect, you pose incredibly foolish questions.

Yeah, I think there's "something" in the word that has truth to it, all right.

It has over 300 years of reminding them of the truth of how their ancestors were oppressed and treated as less than animals.

At what point does society as a whole make up for this? What can be done to profess sincere regret for the sins of the fathers done centuries ago or for that matter within the past century. Anything? Ever?

Or is it all anyone can do is look back endlessly and replay and review what took place. What's to be done. What am I to do personally for that matter? My family never owned slaves, hell my family were poor Italian dirt farmers until they imigrated to the United States in 1922. They didn't have two nickles to rub together let alone worry about owning slaves.

So what's to be done. Anything? Ever? If this term constantly reminds black people of their past legacy, why do they insist on using it today? Racial vindication or sympathy about the collective past?

Spare me, please.

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Big Dan, I actually know a number of white South Africans that have moved here that are in the golf industry/sport. Some support what you are saying that too much is being done to advance those who were at a disadvantage for all those years. Same can be said for people here in the U.S.. Others believe that black South Africans were systematically reduced to basically less than human and that the changes that have come about since the 90's are good for their entire country.

Whatever the case, it's not being politically correct to treat people fairly, just being a decent person. That seems to more of a foreign concept anymore.

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Regards, Danny

PS, Just to add, you seem to think that there is absolutly NO Black Racism going on in the world, to me YOU and people like YOU are the real problem, carrying a weight around your neck for generation after generation, what an ignoramus you are. Get over it, its just a word for fcuks sake and let the world move on, and if you regard the truth as being NUTS then i'm guilty as hell.

If you weren't so completely immersed trying to convince us all that black people can be racist, too, you might recall that one of my very first posts said specifically that black people are guilty of racism, as well.

You attempt to portray my argument as being boiled down to the issue of a single word.

The sad part is that single word is only the beginning of the discussion on racism, and the fact that your idiotic tunnel-vision won't even let you see past the first step in achieving some semblance of understanding reveals all anyone really needs to know about you and your views.

Hi TypeO,

Try putting me on Permanent Ignore, it seems to have worked for SAJ, Jahfin and Hotplant, it might do for you also. ;)

Regards, Danny

How absolutely exquisite.

I could not have done a better job at illustrating the very essence of your attitude / perspective.

Your own statement is the pure, unadulterated extract of your view on the topic.

In fact, it would appear that is your solution for all problems.

If what I'm saying is a problem, then ignore it.

Well, for the forum, it's not that big of a deal to me.

But for the bigger picture, here's the flaw of your solution.

If it was just one (or just a few) knuckle-dragging cave-dwellers like you clinging desperately to your racist beliefs and ideas, the rest of the world COULD just put you on permanent ignore.

But the fact is that there are a great many people just like you who are too fucking lazy to take a personal inventory and give yourself unbiased feedback, to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and say, "yeah, maybe those kind of ideas are pretty outdated, not to mention offensive to more than just a few people."

But self-examination and (even more so) taking action to make a change in your life requires some effort.

Much simpler, really, to maintain a deathgrip on your current way of thinking and criticize those that recognize you for the neanderthal that you are.

Oh yeah, and in keeping with your "just ignore me" solution, surround yourself with like-minded neanderthals so that you can feel more comfortable with your unflinchingly racist philosophy.

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If you weren't so completely immersed trying to convince us all that black people can be racist, too, you might recall that one of my very first posts said specifically that black people are guilty of racism, as well.

You attempt to portray my argument as being boiled down to the issue of a single word.

The sad part is that single word is only the beginning of the discussion on racism, and the fact that your idiotic tunnel-vision won't even let you see past the first step in achieving some semblance of understanding reveals all anyone really needs to know about you and your views.

How absolutely exquisite.

I could not have done a better job at illustrating the very essence of your attitude / perspective.

Your own statement is the pure, unadulterated extract of your view on the topic.

In fact, it would appear that is your solution for all problems.

If what I'm saying is a problem, then ignore it.

Well, for the forum, it's not that big of a deal to me.

But for the bigger picture, here's the flaw of your solution.

If it was just one (or just a few) knuckle-dragging cave-dwellers like you clinging desperately to your racist beliefs and ideas, the rest of the world COULD just put you on permanent ignore.

But the fact is that there are a great many people just like you who are too fucking lazy to take a personal inventory and give yourself unbiased feedback, to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and say, "yeah, maybe those kind of ideas are pretty outdated, not to mention offensive to more than just a few people."

But self-examination and (even more so) taking action to make a change in your life requires some effort.

Much simpler, really, to maintain a deathgrip on your current way of thinking and criticize those that recognize you for the neanderthal that you are.

Oh yeah, and in keeping with your "just ignore me" solution, surround yourself with like-minded neanderthals so that you can feel more comfortable with your unflinchingly racist philosophy.

There you go again "name calling", you dont know me or my philosophy or beliefs, so seem to think that because i have a very different opinion that your own that i must be a RACIST, well your WRONG, but you do have far to much anger to debate with interlectualy, emotionaly or civily, so why after saying "Its Over" do you persue me again in this thread.

You called me a " knuckle-dragging cave-dweller " i take no offence fella as you are probably right, unlike you i can take a remark like that without its obvious Racist Undertones and except it for what it is, you are angry with me.

I dont have RACIST BELIEFS and if you continue to accuse me of it I WILL REPORT YOU, got that?

Regards, Danny

PS, Its still only a WORD fella. ;) And believing that still doesnt make me a Racist does it?

PPS, I just reread your post and in all your Haterd and Red Mist towards me i see you have made a very basic error in trying to Brand me a Racist, I never said i USE that word or condone the USE of it, you seem to imply that is not the case, can you clarify that for me between your bouts of Anger?

PPS, I feel uncomfortable when BLACK FRIENDS use it as a GREETING in my presents, i just dont think it should be used at all, and certainly not by just one section of society, but its still only a WORD.

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At what point does society as a whole make up for this? What can be done to profess sincere regret for the sins of the fathers done centuries ago or for that matter within the past century. Anything? Ever?

Or is it all anyone can do is look back endlessly and replay and review what took place. What's to be done. What am I to do personally for that matter? My family never owned slaves, hell my family were poor Italian dirt farmers until they imigrated to the United States in 1922. They didn't have two nickles to rub together let alone worry about owning slaves.

So what's to be done. Anything? Ever? If this term constantly reminds black people of their past legacy, why do they insist on using it today? Racial vindication or sympathy about the collective past?

Spare me, please.

I'm not talking just about slavery.

Within my own lifetime, African-Americans were treated as animals by our own government, by our own law-enforcement personnel.

Even after open, active persecution by the government and law-enforcement ended (for the most part), prejudice and stereotypes permeated movies and television into the 70s and 80s.

Changing racial attitudes is ongoing, but there's still a ways to go.

True, nothing can change what took place.

With that in mind, is it asking a lot to at least show some consideration for what they and their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents endured to get just to the point we're at now?

Is it asking a lot to refrain from using slurs and characterizations that are insensitive, offensive and/or hurtful?

Is that such a big deal?

I've already said a lot of PC can get ridiculous, but the idea is rooted in the necessity for some kind of consideration to occur.

People act like they are being asked to do so much, but as Electrophile said, it's all just common sense, Golden Rule-type stuff - treating people and behaving in a way that you would expect to be in return.

If this term constantly reminds black people of their past legacy, why do they insist on using it today? Racial vindication or sympathy about the collective past?

OK, my comments are pretty much a continuous flow throughout this thread, and if you just cherry-pick certain comments without reading the rest, I'd be repeating myself constantly.

I've already commented about black people using the word.

I don't think it helps move the racial dialog forward, but they've certainly earned the right to use the word if they choose.

And again, it's not meant as a slur when they use it.

Despite what a lot of people claim to the contrary, context is crucial.

Just because I might say I'm a fat bastard in self-deprecating humor, it would be offensive for you to call me a fat bastard.

It's really not that hard to comprehend - again - if you WANT to.

So I'm at work and I'm gonna have to put any more responses off until I'm on my own time.

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At what point does society as a whole make up for this? What can be done to profess sincere regret for the sins of the fathers done centuries ago or for that matter within the past century. Anything? Ever?

Or is it all anyone can do is look back endlessly and replay and review what took place. What's to be done. What am I to do personally for that matter? My family never owned slaves, hell my family were poor Italian dirt farmers until they imigrated to the United States in 1922. They didn't have two nickles to rub together let alone worry about owning slaves.

So what's to be done. Anything? Ever? If this term constantly reminds black people of their past legacy, why do they insist on using it today? Racial vindication or sympathy about the collective past?

Spare me, please.

I might be wrong, but you're missing the point. My family never owned slaves either, and I had family on both sides emigrating from Denmark, England, and present-day Hungary. I don't know why some African-Americans choose to use that word today to describe themselves or to talk to one another. I don't. That in and of itself doesn't mean shit, though. The word has a lot of historical baggage, baggage that cannot be erased just because some rappers and white wannabes use the word to sound tough. Furthermore, no one has suggested that white people (or any people) are supposed to somehow atone for what other people hundreds of years ago said or did.

Nothing can be done to make up for the centuries of degredation, opression, and bigotry that black people in this country and around the world have had to endure. What can be done however, is educating people about that past, and teaching them that the past doesn't have to be the future. That's how any society evolves past its collective sins. Slavery, Jim Crow, segregation.....these things will never be erased, nor should they. How can we expect future generations of children to learn from past generations' mistakes if there's no evidence the mistakes existed? Part of that learning process is teaching children and people in general, that some shit is just not acceptable, no matter how much other people may think different.

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