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How to keep your wife/signifigant other happy?


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Well these words surprise me coming from someone of the female gender. You will never make it as a marriage counselor

Ooh thanks for noticing! :P And, I'm not trying to make it as a marriage counselor, guess that is a good thing!

Again, good luck.

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good luck, silvermedalist. Weddings are very stressful so probably you and your wife will feel a lot better when it is all over. My son just got married and the party was great but all the stuff before and after was a real pain in the ass. People get so picky and petty and when you have to deal with your ex you will realize that you had forgotten how hard they were to get along with. So enjoy the party and look forward to your life returning to normal. And hit the bar, that's what helped me!

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good luck, silvermedalist. Weddings are very stressful so probably you and your wife will feel a lot better when it is all over. My son just got married and the party was great but all the stuff before and after was a real pain in the ass. People get so picky and petty and when you have to deal with your ex you will realize that you had forgotten how hard they were to get along with. So enjoy the party and look forward to your life returning to normal. And hit the bar, that's what helped me!

It will be a Catholic wedding in the church. The reception on the St Lawrence river, a beautiful place in the 1000 Islands. Hotels booked in Clayton, Alex Bay, Watertown. Limo services from Watertown. The open bar will be homemade red and white win from New Jersey and beer. There will be no liqour s there is no license for it at the reception place. But it will be very good. I am having fillet of sole at the rehearsal dinner and another fish choice at the reception, with shrimp also. I will be meeting my new son in law to be's parents for the first time. People coming from all over. Chicago, New Jersey, New York City, Rochester, and more. I will have to give a speech. I do not look forward to having to see my ex strife and her old mother. My youngest daughter will be the maid of honor. We have four rooms at the Bates motel and many are staying in Watertown and on some Islands. I have bought two brand new Calviin Klein suits and the event is costing me a good buck to say the least. Ah the stress. My daughter and my new son in law wil be off to Italy. Myself, to Cape Cod in three weeks or so after.

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It will be a Catholic wedding in the church. The reception on the St Lawrence river, a beautiful place in the 1000 Islands. Hotels booked in Clayton, Alex Bay, Watertown. Limo services from Watertown. The open bar will be homemade red and white win from New Jersey and beer. There will be no liqour s there is no license for it at the reception place. But it will be very good. I am having fillet of sole at the rehearsal dinner and another fish choice at the reception, with shrimp also. I will be meeting my new son in law to be's parents for the first time. People coming from all over. Chicago, New Jersey, New York City, Rochester, and more. I will have to give a speech. I do not look forward to having to see my ex strife and her old mother. My youngest daughter will be the maid of honor. We have four rooms at the Bates motel and many are staying in Watertown and on some Islands. I have bought two brand new Calviin Klein suits and the event is costing me a good buck to say the least. Ah the stress. My daughter and my new son in law wil be off to Italy. Myself, to Cape Cod in three weeks or so after.

Yes, my son's wedding was in church too, although we are not at all religious, but it was important for the bride and her parents. My son's wife is fantastic and I couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-law but her parents are kind of anal and got hung up on impressing their family with a fancy reception, etc. They insisted on an open bar but got angry when people got drunk. But there were no fights, no one got hurt, nothing got broken and no one got sick on the dance floor, so I don't know what their problem was.

Enjoy the party and make sure they play some Led Zeppelin! I was out on the dance floor with the groomsmen singing and playing air guitar to Black Dog. (see picture) I wonder what the in-laws thought about that! Enjoy Cape Cod That is a beautiful place and hopefully this hellish heat wave will have blown over by then.


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Yes, my son's wedding was in church too, although we are not at all religious, but it was important for the bride and her parents. My son's wife is fantastic and I couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-law but her parents are kind of anal and got hung up on impressing their family with a fancy reception, etc. They insisted on an open bar but got angry when people got drunk. But there were no fights, no one got hurt, nothing got broken and no one got sick on the dance floor, so I don't know what their problem was.

Enjoy the party and make sure they play some Led Zeppelin! I was out on the dance floor with the groomsmen singing and playing air guitar to Black Dog. (see picture) I wonder what the in-laws thought about that! Enjoy Cape Cod That is a beautiful place and hopefully this hellish heat wave will have blown over by then.

Well they know Im a Led zeppelin freak. But its not the kind of music I can get away with at a wedding. Maybe Ill bring my guitar and play Stairway to Heaven> ha. I may have at least talked my daughter into a Sinatra song for the dance over a country song. Both my daughters like my music too. My youngest more. Loves Led Zeppelin. Thanks for your input Janet. You seem like a real nice person.

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Well they know Im a Led zeppelin freak. But its not the kind of music I can get away with at a wedding. Maybe Ill bring my guitar and play Stairway to Heaven> ha. I may have at least talked my daughter into a Sinatra song for the dance over a country song. Both my daughters like my music too. My youngest more. Loves Led Zeppelin. Thanks for your input Janet. You seem like a real nice person.

Actually Led Zeppelin is appropriate for all occasions and don't let anyone tell you different!

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i don't think it's THAT bad to talk about keeping somebody else happy.

my fiance makes me happy every day. he makes me laugh out loud about 3 times every hour that we are together. never met anyone else who can do that. i'm talking side -splitting -nearly wet -yourself laughing.

it's a true gift to be able to do that for someone.

and i know i make him happy too.

we are getting married very soon ..... very soon .... ;)

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i don't think it's THAT bad to talk about keeping somebody else happy.

my fiance makes me happy every day. he makes me laugh out loud about 3 times every hour that we are together. never met anyone else who can do that. i'm talking side -splitting -nearly wet -yourself laughing.

it's a true gift to be able to do that for someone.

and i know i make him happy too.

we are getting married very soon ..... very soon .... ;)

Congrats!!!! It must be the season. I have one week to go to walk my daughter down the Isle. Yikes.

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Dude, THANK YOU is an all-encompassingly appropriate song for a wedding!

Janet, that picture of you and the guys rocking out to Black Dog made my night! Thanks. :thumbsup:

Thanks Strider, it was a great moment. One of the few times I will ever again dance with 20 year old guys!

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It's easy.....work two jobs, bring home the paychecks, and stay on your side of the bed. Also it helps to bar-b-que a meal a week. This is in addition to the two eat-outs a week......and yes I'm still talking meals people !

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This is in addition to the two eat-outs a week......and yes I'm still talking meals people !

Why of course, that's what I was thinking all along! ;)

Father and daughter Zeppelin song, hmmmm "I'm Gonna Crawl"? I don't know, you may have to rely on an upbeat song that everyone can groove to, such as "D'yer Mak'er" or "Livin' Lovin'"! :)

Good luck!

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What about Rock and Roll? That's a pretty good song to shake one's groove thang to, if they were so inclined.

As much as I love it, its not really a song one can really dance to. Unless Im shit faced and playing air guitar. Trampled Under Foot I got them to play back in the seventies at a disco bar. To me, Page combined hard rock and disco in that one. Dyer Maker is too much a love song for a father and daughter. Old Blue eyes will suit me fine.

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As much as I love it, its not really a song one can really dance to. Unless Im shit faced and playing air guitar. Trampled Under Foot I got them to play back in the seventies at a disco bar. To me, Page combined hard rock and disco in that one. Dyer Maker is too much a love song for a father and daughter. Old Blue eyes will suit me fine.

Rick, I hope you have a wonderful day as Father of the Bride...you could always do this :D

Father Daughter Rock the Reception

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I guess I am just old fashioned. I believe in the sanctity and the institution of marriage. It is the right thing to do in my opinion. And I don't say it purely from a religious point of view but certainly I must consider it as a Catholic. I have not had the fortune of falling in love with a woman of the same religion as myself. So I cannot be married in a Catholic church and that is what I wanted. My daughter thank God will be. And her Jew mother and grandmother can sit there and have no say in it. I am not condemning anyone for not being married and living together. I know plenty that have been together for many years that have not been married. There used to be a law called a commonlaw marriage or something like that? If you lived together for so long you were considered married by the state? I do not know if this law was state to state or Federal? I do not know if its sttill exists? Anyway, good to know you are reading my posts Liz. Ha.

Enough said. I know exactly what you are getting at. If anything, I would say values are more important that what religion one follows because even people of the same religion may have different values or understanding of what that religion means.

Also regarding this advice:

"Aimer, ce n'est pas se regarder l'un l'autre, c'est regarder ensemble dans la même direction".

("Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.")

— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

I would say both are important because that loving gaze means you honour and respect your mate. And one more..... lots of hugs, kisses and "I truly love you".

I hope the two of you have a lovely time together.

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