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An Idiot on YouTube

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Ok guys ... so i'm checking a video of Jimmy playing kashmir on the " It might get loud " DVD and in the comments section there's this guy who's insulting jimmy so badly ... he made me so upset and i've done my best to show him the light .. but he's just so annoying and freakishly rude that i realized i need backup from REAL Zeppelin fans to show that dude what he'd doing wrong .... please, please, go back me up ... here's a link

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Just checked out this kid's Youtube page and I must say that the guy is a real piece of work! But like the others have rightfully mentioned, don't let this guy upset you! The best thing to do is to ignore him! We all know the truth : Jimmy is a legend. One of the greatest guitarists of all time. Period.There is no disputing that! Cheer up mate! :console:

Oh and if he's really upsetting you that much, you can fill up a form on Youtube if you are a user on there, to pretty much report this kid for any nasty, troll like commenrs he makes, in future.

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Thanx for the Replies guys .... I KNOW jimmy is a legend and will be for me as long as i live ... but this kid nearly driven me mad ... but i guess ignoring him will just do the trick ... and let haters live in hell :)

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^ To bad they don't have that "occasional option" here........

I love watching these clips of Jimmy. It's some of the most up close and personal footage of him. Jack White and The Edge look like little kids everytime Jim picks it up to play...just imagine the "feeling" in the room while that was going on. Lucky bastards!

Edited by Rock Historian
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  • 1 month later...

I will never understand why people get pissed off at what people say in the comments section under a YouTube video. Especially when they get pissed off enough to try and recruit people to post comments in rebuttal. Who cares what that kid thinks? He can say Jimmy Page sucks ass if he wants....if you don't agree, you don't agree. Continue not agreeing and just move on. You're not convincing anyone they're wrong, and you're not going to make anyone "see the light." All you're doing is making yourself look as ridiculous as that person looks, and giving them more cause to keep saying whatever it is that is pissing you off.

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Despite what I said earlier, oftentimes the comments section can be valuable when they include added (and more accurate) information about the clip than is listed by the original poster but for whatever reason, it often devolves into some inane argument that doesn't have anything to do with the clip itself.

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Hi Electrophile^^ glad to see you back..tell us how you really feel :peace: You are so right!

For me, I just laugh at some of the idiot responses on you tube.

Hi Deb!

I just laugh at some of the idiot responses on here regarding the idiot reponses on YouTube!?

Who cares what people say anyway? Everyone is entitled to an opinion, whether one agrees with them or not is another matter.

Just chill out and / or ignore them.

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Youtube is a great place to discover music (among other things). As for the comments section, well, "ignorance is bliss", similar to this forum (where there are unfortunately morons who log in just to cause trouble) where when it comes to those certain people and certain threads, "ignorance is bliss" ;)

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Youtube is a great place to discover music (among other things). As for the comments section, well, "ignorance is bliss", similar to this forum (where there are unfortunately morons who log in just to cause trouble) where when it comes to those certain people and certain threads, "ignorance is bliss" ;)

So true.... :goodpost:

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