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2012 American Presidential Election


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Barack's Dad: Son, now that your going out into the world, there's something you should know. You see that?

Young Barack: Yeah...

Barack's Dad: That's shit. And this: shinola.

Barack: Shit, shinola.

Barack's Dad: Son, you're going to be all right!

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Ugh... Why did you remind me? That's pretty funny but I'm still shocked they would take an award that used to be meaningful and prestigious and just award it for nothing. Like an honorary doctorate. I have an honorary Nobel prize that someone else earned but didn't get.

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[i would have liked to see more support for ron paul],

[all i know is i wont vote for obama]. [he promised to cut the debt in half, but we all know that isn't the case]

[if you still don't understand, here's Elmo for a detailed explaination]:


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My dad said he always figured Obama would be a one-term president. He also thinks Obama believed that too. But, he also noted the Republicans have been doing a lot to get Obama re-elected.

FWIW, I think Obama's 'you didn't do it on your own' was very badly stated on his part. Not too many of us have succeeded at something major without some kind of support from others, either at the time or before then, but he didn't say it very well. (That's still not as ridiculous as some of the stuff stated by our previous Decider-In-Chief).

*puts on shit-shield helmet*

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Titt Romney's been at it again. Today, he apparently declared that 'Jerusalem is Israel's capital'. That's him marked for death, then.

Where the fuck do you find all these assholes? Jeez...

At least Romney isn't ashamed or afraid to state his position.

Can't say the same for the current administration...

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[i would have liked to see more support for ron paul],

I would have also. He isn't the perfect candidate by far but he is different from what we're used to and I think he would do a much better job than the usual Conservative or Liberal politicians. And even if he didn't why not try something new that isn't stupid (like electing a guy with no experience because he's an "outsider"). To be honest though I don't believe Ron Paul will ever win the nomination or go very far in the GOP. However, I do believe his son Rand Paul is going to be a big shot. I think he will continue in Ron's footsteps and use that as a springboard to become a major player in US politics in the future. I'm not saying he will be president, though he might, but I think he will take this thing farther than Ron was able to.

Edited by DAS
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I'm really getting sick of all these political ads on TV, both from Obama and Romney. What they fail to realize is that these ads aren't going to convince anyone to vote for them that wasn't already going to. So-called "swing voters" make up their minds the week before the election, or in most cases, right before they get to the polling place. Bludgeoning people over the head over and over and over with the same 30 sec. spots isn't going to do any good.

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I'm really getting sick of all these political ads on TV, both from Obama and Romney. What they fail to realize is that these ads aren't going to convince anyone to vote for them that wasn't already going to. So-called "swing voters" make up their minds the week before the election, or in most cases, right before they get to the polling place. Bludgeoning people over the head over and over and over with the same 30 sec. spots isn't going to do any good.

But if they don't run adds how else will you know their competition eats puppies and wants you to lose your job?

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I'm really getting sick of all these political ads on TV, both from Obama and Romney. What they fail to realize is that these ads aren't going to convince anyone to vote for them that wasn't already going to. So-called "swing voters" make up their minds the week before the election, or in most cases, right before they get to the polling place. Bludgeoning people over the head over and over and over with the same 30 sec. spots isn't going to do any good.


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I'm really getting sick of all these political ads on TV, both from Obama and Romney. What they fail to realize is that these ads aren't going to convince anyone to vote for them that wasn't already going to. So-called "swing voters" make up their minds the week before the election, or in most cases, right before they get to the polling place. Bludgeoning people over the head over and over and over with the same 30 sec. spots isn't going to do any good.

Unfortunately, political adds are the name of the game at this stage. I can't remember a presidential election (since I've been aware of politics and/or a thing called a "television" set, that they haven't had political "throwing poo poo" commercials). It's nothing out of the ordinary and it won't go away any time soon. My suggestion - don't watch em'. They are not going away.

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Great phrase... Teabilly fucksticks! :hysterical:

I'm really getting sick of all these political ads on TV, both from Obama and Romney. What they fail to realize is that these ads aren't going to convince anyone to vote for them that wasn't already going to. So-called "swing voters" make up their minds the week before the election, or in most cases, right before they get to the polling place. Bludgeoning people over the head over and over and over with the same 30 sec. spots isn't going to do any good.

But if they don't run adds how else will you know their competition eats puppies and wants you to lose your job?

:hysterical: but too true...

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