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Gay Marriage, Freedom of Speech and Chicken Sandwiches


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This may seem like a tangent, but does that logic apply to the Mormon Church?

Because one of the biggest complaints directed towards Mormonism was for not allowing African-Americans to hold the priesthood before a particular time.

Just curious.

I faintly recall you debating that point once, but I could be wrong.

No, I never debated that point, I don't believe. I have a lot of issues with Mormonism, their former opinion of blacks notwithstanding. I could be wrong, but didn't they not even consider African-Americans human beings until the 1970s? Besides, I think forced tithing is tantamount to extortion. Giving to your church should be voluntary, not mandatory.

No offense to Electrophile personally but the "Jesus Freak" comment was uncalled for.

She called herself a Jesus freak. That's why I said "self-professed." I was using her words.

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The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."

Am I the only one who sees the hypocrisy of her making this argument? Hasn't Victoria been advocating for changing gays back to straight (so they can be saved) throughout this thread? Isn't that just a polite and slightly less brutal way of exterminating the gays?? I can, have been and will be respectful of your religion, but not of your hypocrisy.

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I wouldn't pay DAS too much attention. He admonished for me for starting the Chick Fil A discussion in another thread, claiming it was off-topic. Then, when I continued to discuss it here, I was told again that I was off-topic.

First, we all were talking about it so I recommended we start a thread for it because the WTF News thread didn't need the 21 pages (so far) of dialogue we now have. And I'm glad you started it because it has sparked some lively conversation. Second, I didn't say you were off topic just that the caption of the picture you submitted had already been discussed.

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She called herself a Jesus freak. That's why I said "self-professed." I was using her words.

Well, I guess I missed that. You can understand how it sounded mean spirited to me then. I just hope no one is getting bitter or negative feelings towards one another in this thread.

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Am I the only one who sees the irony of this? Hasn't Victoria been advocating for changing gays back to straight (so they can be saved) throughout this thread? Isn't that just a polite and slightly less brutal way of exterminating the gays??

So much "irony" in what she's said, not the least of which was her declaring she couldn't be attracted to women if she tried, right after saying that lesbians have a choice in whom to be attracted to... Why is it one way for her, but different for others?

I admire Electrophile's calm, rational manner in this discussion. As I've said, I can't be that patient. I just throw up my hands.

I am glad this has remained civil on all (or at least most :) ) sides.

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I've been less than calm at moments in this thread, I'm human. I feel passionately about things and I'm opinionated, so sometimes it gets ahead of me. Doesn't mean I'm not arguing with all the strength of my convictions, just that I tend to get too glued to the soapbox.

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Second, I didn't say you were off topic just that the caption of the picture you submitted had already been discussed.

You said it had been discussed in another thread and told me to go that thread. That doesn't make any sense to me because that discussion took place in this thread, not another one. Plus, just because a certain aspect of the topics that have been talked about in this thread (which covers a lot of ground) has already been discussed doesn't mean others (myself included) aren't going to continue to expound upon our thoughts on the subject.

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No, I never debated that point, I don't believe. I have a lot of issues with Mormonism, their former opinion of blacks notwithstanding. I could be wrong, but didn't they not even consider African-Americans human beings until the 1970s?

Wow, way off.

No, only that they couldn't hold the priesthood.

Besides, I think forced tithing is tantamount to extortion. Giving to your church should be voluntary, not mandatory.

Wrong again.

Tithing isn't forced.

It is most certainly voluntary, not mandatory.

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Wow, way off.

No, only that they couldn't hold the priesthood.

Wrong again.

Tithing isn't forced.

It is most certainly voluntary, not mandatory.

My cousins the Mormons would beg to differ with you. Also, this differs with you as well: http://mormon.org/faq/church-tithing

Gordon B. Hinckley, prior President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said: “Our major source of revenue is the ancient law of the tithe. Our people are expected to pay 10 percent of their income to move forward the work of the Church. The remarkable and wonderful thing is that they do it. Tithing is not so much a matter of dollars as it is a matter of faith. It becomes a privilege and an opportunity, not a burden. Our people believe in the word of God as set forth in the book of Malachi, that the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour down blessings that there will not be room enough to receive them (Malachi 3:8-10). Moving and touching is the testimony of Latter-day Saints throughout the world concerning this the Lord’s law for the financing of His work.”

If you expect people to do something, that doesn't sound all that voluntary to me. The IRS expects you to pay your taxes every year. That doesn't mean they sit around and say, "Well, if you want to you can, if you don't want to, that's cool too."

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There's literally nothing to do around here; I live in a rural town. I don't drink, I don't like bars or clubs. What exactly should I be doing, if I don't want to go anywhere that involves booze? There aren't even any movies that interest me showing here. So I watched the Olympics online and had a Starbucks. Better than spending the evening dealing with drunks. Most people around here drive into either Winston-Salem or Greensboro, but they do that to go to bars and clubs, neither of which are places I want to step foot in.

The options around here, as far as Saturday night fun go are, get drunk at the sports bar, get drunk at the honky-tonk bar, get drunk at the biker bar, or get drunk at the bar bar. What a thrilling, scintillating evening! :rolleyes:

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I applaud the CEO of Chick Fil A for sticking to his convictions, regardless of public backlash. At least in this country he can speak his mind regardless if it isn't politically correct. I am more concerned with the business practices of places like Walmart and what their impact is to America than some chicken place.

For the record, I could care less if gays marry, I look forward to the Supreme Court ruling on it so it will hopefully stop being on the ballot every couple of years. Chick Fil A is pretty successful, it would seem negligent for a politician to block a business license for a business that would most likely add revenue to the city's coffers.

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I think much of the dialogue here has been challenging, but civil, towards each other. And some of it is obviously offensive to some general groups of people. I'm trying to think more about offending groups of people when I talk, but come from a rough and tumble environment where bigotry is pretty much encouraged. I did try to impress on Victoria (in another thread) that there will be a day when she goes out into the world, that she may have to tone it down. I caught some shit over the notion that she's only 15 years old (which I believe to be true). But how hard would it be for me to come in as a new member, post my niece's pictures, and get leeway on all my innappropriate comments?

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Am I the only one who sees the hypocrisy of her making this argument? Hasn't Victoria been advocating for changing gays back to straight (so they can be saved) throughout this thread? Isn't that just a polite and slightly less brutal way of exterminating the gays?? I can, have been and will be respectful of your religion, but not of your hypocrisy.

I never said that gays cannot be saved. I believe they can, it would wrong to say that they can't. Jesus forgives every sin if you ask, even my sins which are very numerous.

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I've been less than calm at moments in this thread, I'm human. I feel passionately about things and I'm opinionated, so sometimes it gets ahead of me. Doesn't mean I'm not arguing with all the strength of my convictions, just that I tend to get too glued to the soapbox.

I feel the same way, I do not want to be uncivil and so far I think we have not crossed any line of uncivilness.

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People can attempt to "save" homosexuals (from what, I'm not exactly sure) all they want but they have practiced homosexuality since the beginning of time and will continue to do so throughout eternity. Nothing is ever going to change that, nor should it. The Jesus I'm familiar with taught love and acceptance, not condemnation and hatred. Any attempts to alter that are futile and are a complete and utter waste of time.

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I never said that gays cannot be saved. I believe they can, it would wrong to say that they can't. Jesus forgives every sin if you ask, even my sins which are very numerous.

Can you ask for forgiveness and keep on sinning? If homosexuality is a sin, wouldn't you have to stop engaging in it to ask forgiveness? Even if you don't, doesn't the fact it's a sin mean you shouldn't be doing it? If that is the case, doesn't your faith advocate the extermination of homosexuality? How is that any different than the planned parenthood words you quoted about blacks?

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Can you ask for forgiveness and keep on sinning? If homosexuality is a sin, wouldn't you have to stop engaging in it to ask forgiveness? Even if you don't, doesn't the fact it's a sin mean you shouldn't be doing it? If that is the case, doesn't your faith advocate the extermination of homosexuality? How is that any different than the planned parenthood words you quoted about blacks?

Yes, you can keep sinning after you ask forgiveness. We are humans, we fail.

No, like I said we are imperfect beings we can never be perfect.

Yes, we shouldn't be sinning.

Yes to the extermination of sin.

It is different because we are not exterminating the people. Easy question.

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It is different because we are not exterminating the people. Easy question.

There is more than one way to exterminate people. If you stopped people from practicing Buddhism, wouldn't you be exterminating Buddhists? The people would live on, but there would be no more Buddhists.

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As for the 'extermination' of homosexuality, I think that's rather a strong word to be using. 'Eradication' might be closer to the mark.

A rose by any other name...

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