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Oh Dear - No Led Zep Tour 2008!

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Look Bilbo, they dont owe "us" (as in u and me anf the rest) anything...but get off the "given us so much" drivel...When I last checked, They were charging for the service. they havent "given" me anything. I am not ungrateful for the music they made. In fact I think its THE MUSIC that should be considered here. without the music they are no more( OR LESS) worthy of the adoraton they get than any of us...I frankly could care less about a tour...i think it would be swell and I would feel good about irt..but before they are too old to function, or another one of them dies...they should record more orignal material as led zeppelin..THEY OWE that much...they owe you and me, and J.RR. Tolkien and Robert Johnson and Leadbelly and howling wolf and Bob Dylan and too many more to name, that they got so much from, to give it back

I agree with Bilbo. You don't think all those albums and tours they did were a gift. Their impact on so many people, not just musicians but fans is endless. Can't be measured. The fact they came together at all is an incredible blessing. If THEY decide they want to take things further down the road, wonderful. If they don't, that's fine too. They reunited and from all accounts, was incredibly magical and what a way to close the circle. It's their life, their careers, their choice. They don't owe us or Robert Johnson a bloody thing.

It's just sad that Robert's touring with Alison, something that has been in the works for a while will be viewed as a bad thing by some because right now, there doesn't appear to be any immediate plans for Zep to carry on :(

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Led Zeppelin Official Forum » Main Forum » O2 Arena Concert, London - 12.10.07

I must say eternal light,,,if that IS your real name... your copy and paste skills are astonishing...it only took ten minutes to re-copy and paste that concert schedule. a skill you re-fined by sharing gay pornography with your special E-freinds , judging from the link you provided..rowrr..nice panty line. is that the picture you have posted on e-harmony lol..im so funny

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Listen Jackass, first off you don't know me, I know all about being a LZ fan, from the first time I heard them back in '75, and through the 80's when the LAST thing you wanted to admit was that you were a Zep fan, but I did and took the scorn as a badge of honor and now back through today so snot nosed idiots can "explain" to me what it means to be a fan ? don't ever tell me to " get off" anything...I damn well say what I want. Where do you get off demanding they do and album or tour just because they "charge for the service" ? we're not talking about fixing someones car here, we're talking about MAGIC MUSIC that they have blessed us with, I'm no new age hippie wanna be, that is how I feel about them, their music..it's a gift. You talk about "adoration" yet you demand they GIVE YOU at least and album ? fuck that...you've shown what kind of fan you are. Go put on your "Tour '77" tee and sit in the corner.....you don't know shit.

*Sound of my 77 tour tee shirt hitting the bottom of the trashcan* :oops:

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I must say eternal light,,,if that IS your real name... your copy and paste skills are astonishing...it only took ten minutes to re-copy and paste that concert schedule. a skill you re-fined by sharing gay pornography with your special E-freinds , judging from the link you provided..rowrr..nice panty line. is that the picture you have posted on e-harmony lol..im so funny

I do not appreciate your unneccessary flaming of the established membership here. You will be held accountable for any and all posts you make. Your ip address is being logged.

I suggest you show some respect towards your fellow Led Zeppelin fans starting now.

Edited by SteveAJones
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I agree with Bilbo. You don't think all those albums and tours they did were a gift. Their impact on so many people, not just musicians but fans is endless. Can't be measured. The fact they came together at all is an incredible blessing. If THEY decide they want to take things further down the road, wonderful. If they don't, that's fine too. They reunited and from all accounts, was incredibly magical and what a way to close the circle. It's their life, their careers, their choice. They don't owe us or Robert Johnson a bloody thing.

It's just sad that Robert's touring with Alison, something that has been in the works for a while will be viewed as a bad thing by some because right now, there doesn't appear to be any immediate plans for Zep to carry on :(

I hope this dosnt sound too harsh but this forum is lame...a bunch of groupies..clebrity worshippers ...i love zep music...as i guess most of you do too...(except for eternal light..he thinks were devil worshippers, yeah i got your number thumper ;>

but get over the personality worship, they dont know or give a shit about aby of us..make them work for it..they've been blessed beyond fortune and yes, they DO owe ...to the muse .

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OK, so Robert Plant has a choice - tour to support a critically acclaimed and commercially successful album I've spent the last year working on and just released that I feel extremely proud of or tour and play songs I sang nearly 30 years ago to please someone else...

Not a difficult choice for a creative artist like Mr Plant I'd say...

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I hope this dosnt sound too harsh but this forum is lame...a bunch of groupies..clebrity worshippers ...i love zep music...as i guess most of you do too...(except for eternal light..he thinks were devil worshippers, yeah i got your number thumper ;>

but get over the personality worship, they dont know or give a shit about aby of us..make them work for it..they've been blessed beyond fortune and yes, they DO owe ...to the muse .

This is a fans forum...LZ means alot to many of us here, if you don't like it, by all means, find another site.....they've paid the muse with their blood , sweat and tears...they don't owe you jack shit.
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By all accounts by what I can gather from reading lots is that Jason, Jimmy and John Paul would like to do more shows.. I have always respected Plant for forging ahead after Zeppelin and not giving in but after Monday it would be such a shame if they didn't do some more because it was really good, unlike the last two occasions which I guess wasn't right !!

I think we are all getting a bit emotional over all this because lets face it, most of us would love to see Jason, Jimmy, John paul and Robert play again together even if its under The Nobs !!!

Edited by leddy
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I don't think I'm alone here, I'm sick of hearing about commercial success and dollar signs, if that is what they were after they would have put on a "Rolling Stones" type circus where they prance around on stage from coast to coast and watch the money flood in long ago, with out a care to the fans or ticket prices. The Stones are the perfect example of what can happen. I have so much love and respect for the boys (especially Robert) for NOT allowing this to happen, the legend and legacy of Led Zeppelin is pure and vital, not a joke like the Eagles and Stones have become.

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I hope this dosnt sound too harsh but this forum is lame...a bunch of groupies..clebrity worshippers ...i love zep music...as i guess most of you do too...(except for eternal light..he thinks were devil worshippers, yeah i got your number thumper ;>

but get over the personality worship, they dont know or give a shit about aby of us..make them work for it..they've been blessed beyond fortune and yes, they DO owe ...to the muse .

Well I'm definitely not a celebrity and I'm certainly no groupie. You don't know me or most of the other members here from a hole in the wall so to label them as such is immature and pathetic.

I think they're incredibly appreciative of their fans. They owe us nothing - get over it asshole and take your narrowminded flaming posts elsewhere.

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There is also no Led Zeppelin without John Bonham.

I disagree. I thought this notion was put to bed Mon. night. The remaining members and 16,000 attendees tend to disagree. Jason kicked ass. I think he has earned a little more respect. If there is no Led Zeppelin without John Bohnam them Mon. night was a figment of our imaginations. As far as I'm concerned >ducking< Jason Bohnam is the fifth member of Led Zeppelin IMO. B)

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ok i think its alright that RP/Ak tour is going to happen it was certainly going to happen we all new it because its been around for long enough to know it was comming. I still think they may work on new stuff then in the fall of 08 for then a tour of 09 or at worse for RP to honor someone (John Bonham) they do a rememberance tour in 2010 for his 30th year of his passing so a "no" LZ tour hasnt definately been put out. And as far as LZ owing us anything they don't owe us jack, but last i remember it was Jimmy Pages quote who said "it would be selfish of us not to do any other shows." soo they dont owe us, but he did say it would be somewhat selfish. Ill keep my hopes up until i here a definate no but until then why not go and show our love for RP and maybe he'll say "hey they come out n support me no matter what why not give them what they want a LZ tour" just hoping...

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I don't think I'm alone here, I'm sick of hearing about commercial success and dollar signs, if that is what they were after they would have put on a "Rolling Stones" type circus where they prance around on stage from coast to coast and watch the money flood in long ago, with out a care to the fans or ticket prices. The Stones are the perfect example of what can happen. I have so much love and respect for the boys (especially Robert) for NOT allowing this to happen, the legend and legacy of Led Zeppelin is pure and vital, not a joke like the Eagles and Stones have become.

Helluva point brother!!

One big show on each continent would have been a cool idea, but hey, it was awesome to witness the fact that they got back together on stage at all, and gave us one great show.

Don't let these trolly types turn you into an orc my peaceful hobbit friend!! :beer:

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These are only UK tour dates for Robert and Alison. The rest of the WORLD TOUR dates have not been announced yet. New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival (April) and Bonnaroo Manchester, TN(June) have been confirmed for USA so far. :D

Lady Goodman -

I'm in New Orleans and I've been searching the web for some kind of confirmation for the NO Jazz & Heritage Fest but can't find it. Did you find something on the web about it?


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Really I think it is simple, get everyone to boycott the Plant / Krauss tour. Then he'll realize that Zep is where its at. C'mon Plant!

Well if that doesn't work, there's always your second, "way out there, with no toe-hold in reality" idea.... :rolleyes:

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Which brings up an interesting point: how do the other three view him now? Ronnie

Wood was in the Stones nearly 25 years before being admitted as a "full member".

Oh Lordy. Don't get me started on THAT one.

Let's just say I'm STILL pissed at Mick Taylor for quitting.

OK, my apologies for ranting off-topic...Jason IS a full member at this point. I don't think any of the other three will argue that. Not any more.

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Really I think it is simple, get everyone to boycott the Plant / Krauss tour. Then he'll realize that Zep is where its at. C'mon Plant!

Your first post. Boycott a world tour in support of one of the hottest albums of the year with the hope it will compel Robert Plant to tour with Led Zeppelin?


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