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Robert supports and is a director (I think) of Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club. No he is not Irish, Irish people have different accents even in the North and Eire the accents are different, also superfly 16, they are called THE BEATLES. Sorry for being pedantic.

were the beAtles irish? i herd that liverpool has mostly irish people.

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the beetles were english but they sound irish in some ways to me. and mick jagger is english but he sounds different then the beetles or robert plant so im not joking.

The English language has hundreds and hundreds of accents and dialects.

The Beatles were from Liverpool and the accent in that area I believe is called "Scouse".

Robert Plant is from the "Western Midlands" further south and inland than where the Beatles were from.

Mick Jagger was raised just south of London.

The accent and dialects a person speaks with are dependent on country, county, town, or region, and socioeconomic state, education, as well as family origins.

I remember once having one of the most hilarious conversations i have ever had with an older Scottish woman, my London-raised friend, Gillian, and another southern USA girl (Alabama), and myself with my New Orleans accent... Which many people say sounds similar to New York or New Jersey, USA accents!

We americans were trying to describe a vegetable (okra) to our UK friends... I wish I had it recorded! :D

I think accents are what make the world a much more interesting place.

And Mr. Plant has a beautiful voice, whether speaking or singing!


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were the beAtles irish? i herd that liverpool has mostly irish people.

Many people did come from Ireland to Liverpool to work... I have read that George Harrison's grandparents were Irish. Not sure about the other 3 Beatles.

But to me their accents were not anything like an Irish accent.

:) peace!

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the beetles were english but they sound irish in some ways to me. and mick jagger is english but he sounds different then the beetles or robert plant so im not joking.

were the beAtles irish? i herd that liverpool has mostly irish people.

You're asking a very difficult question to answer

The Beatles were all born in England. Their family ancestry is Irish, same as many 'English' people. Liverpool is very close to Ireland geographically

England has many accents, just like any country. For instance, Peyton Manning's thick southern drawl sounds nothing like Christopher Walken's voice, but they are both American

Edited by Beckenbauer 6
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You're asking a very difficult question to answer

The Beatles were all born in England. Their family ancestry is Irish, same as many 'English' people. Liverpool is very close to Ireland geographically

England has many accents, just like any country. For instance, Peyton Manning's thick southern drawl sounds nothing like Christopher Walken's voice, but they are both American

But I thought Christopher Walken was an alien from the planet Xenon!!! :D ?

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You're asking a very difficult question to answer

The Beatles were all born in England. Their family ancestry is Irish, same as many 'English' people. Liverpool is very close to Ireland geographically

my history teacher is a real beatles fan from way back and he is also irish. my teacher says that Mcartney and Lennon are both irish by their parents. he said that Lennon was really O-Lennon before his family came from ireland. i knew i heard this before

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my history teacher is a real beatles fan from way back and he is also irish. my teacher says that Mcartney and Lennon are both irish by their parents. he said that Lennon was really O-Lennon before his family came from ireland. i knew i heard this before

They were all English. Lennon's parents were both born in England, as were his grandparents.

McCartney's parents were also born in England, as were Harrison's and Starr's.

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They were all English. Lennon's parents were both born in England, as were his grandparents.

McCartney's parents were also born in England, as were Harrison's and Starr's.

i looked it up and more than one place says that Lennons heritgage is irish and so is mcartneys heritage. so you are wrong about this because obviously mcartney is an irish name too.

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"Heritage " can go a long way back, and in their cases it does.

My Grandparents are Irish, but I'm English, born in England.

The Beatles are all ENGLISH whatever their "heritage", ffs.

Most in the USA call themselves "American" - look up their "heritage".

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"Heritage " can go a long way back, and in their cases it does.

My Grandparents are Irish, but I'm English, born in England.

The Beatles are all ENGLISH whatever their "heritage", ffs.

Most in the USA call themselves "American" - look up their "heritage".

if your granparents are irish then you are irish blood just like john lennon and paul mcartney are irish blood. im half black and half filipino so that is my heritage. even if im american i am what my bloodlines are. just like everybody knows JFK was the first irish president and that is what he was known for. even if he is born in the usa but is irish he is still irish, not a citizen of ireland but irish. lennon and mcartney are the same way. did you know that paul mcartney wrote a song in favor of the irish and it was banned in england because mcartney hated what the english were doing to his people in ireland. look it up if you think im lying.

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if your granparents are irish then you are irish blood just like john lennon and paul mcartney are irish blood. im half black and half filipino so that is my heritage. even if im american i am what my bloodlines are. just like everybody knows JFK was the first irish president and that is what he was known for. even if he is born in the usa but is irish he is still irish, not a citizen of ireland but irish. lennon and mcartney are the same way. did you know that paul mcartney wrote a song in favor of the irish and it was banned in england because mcartney hated what the english were doing to his people in ireland. look it up if you think im lying.

You're either a troll or you're about 12.

The Beatles were English, all of them.

I know all about "Give Ireland Back To the Irish". Look up where McCartney chooses to live.

Now go away.

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The English language has hundreds and hundreds of accents and dialects.

The Beatles were from Liverpool and the accent in that area I believe is called "Scouse".

Robert Plant is from the "Western Midlands" further south and inland than where the Beatles were from.

Mick Jagger was raised just south of London.

The accent and dialects a person speaks with are dependent on country, county, town, or region, and socioeconomic state, education, as well as family origins.

I remember once having one of the most hilarious conversations i have ever had with an older Scottish woman, my London-raised friend, Gillian, and another southern USA girl (Alabama), and myself with my New Orleans accent... Which many people say sounds similar to New York or New Jersey, USA accents!

We americans were trying to describe a vegetable (okra) to our UK friends... I wish I had it recorded! :D

I think accents are what make the world a much more interesting place.

And Mr. Plant has a beautiful voice, whether speaking or singing!


its just like in the USA, people from the northern states sound diffrent than the southern states

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You're either a troll or you're about 12.

The Beatles were English, all of them.

I know all about "Give Ireland Back To the Irish". Look up where McCartney chooses to live.

Now go away.

i dont want to argue with you becuase its not worth it and because you just dont want to take the time to look up that mcartney is a irish name no matter where he lives. besides what does that have to do with it anyway. i chose to live in america but im still black and asian just the same. and i never called you any names and i never was rude like this so if you are mad about that i cant help you

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i dont want to argue with you becuase its not worth it and because you just dont want to take the time to look up that mcartney is a irish name no matter where he lives. besides what does that have to do with it anyway. i chose to live in america but im still black and asian just the same. and i never called you any names and i never was rude like this so if you are mad about that i cant help you

Just like that other person who got banned, you've changed tack to try and back up your dubious statements.

You have said all along that McCartney was Irish and now you're just arguing that he has an Irish name.

Actually his name is of Celtic origin.

I'm curious do you have an Asian or Caucasian surname (a yes nor no answer is all I need) and are you suffering from an identity crisis?

I ask this because you have on occasion stated you are of Asian and African American(?) descent.

My surname originated from Britain but I am seventh generation Australian, always been Australian, always will be, regardless of where my name came from.

My point is that after so many generations have come and gone most people (here), have lost their origin and are linked to their past ethnicity by name only.

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Robert has a natural way about him, (he can be cryptic at times sure depends on the question of course) he can be very funny, generally is humourous, his knowledge of music is a strength and he's not really left or lost his Midlands roots. His west midlands accent has lessened over the years but I would bet that when he is at a Wolves football match the old accent comes into play.

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Robert is highly intelligent, eloquent and charming as well as (to me) rather cryptic. He's a pleasure to listen to, though I'm sometimes not entirely sure what he's on about. Then again, I'm a Page devotee so maybe I'm just not on his wavelength. Nice hair though.

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My surname originated from Britain but I am seventh generation Australian, always been Australian, always will be, regardless of where my name came from.

My point is that after so many generations have come and gone most people (here), have lost their origin and are linked to their past ethnicity by name only.

Great post Reg !

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