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Is the media & business sexist against men (especially long haired/ban ties)


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I would agree that a sharper dress man is better accepted in society. I dress quite casually for work. I mainly wear a polo shirt and khakis. I don't like to wear a tie because it is a safety hazard in my line of work. ( teacher in a correctional facility). on the occasion that I do dress nicely, I notice that the people I encounter often show more respect towards me. However when I dress

A bit nicer for a somewhat casual affair, a few people are taken back. I donned a bow tie for Christmas day and I got a couple of are you wearing that comments.

For the most part - 'Coz ever girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

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its 2013 not 1952 , men burning ties day would a bigger statement than women burning bras , At least bras serve a purpose.

I don't think there would be that much of a reaction to be honest... at least not in the U.S. where this is pretty much a non-issue.

Some, if not most business places in the U.S. follow the "Business Casual" code, casual Friday's... etc..

Um yeah ... This week we'll be having Hawaiian shirt Friday... yeah.. (sip) So.. if you'd like to express yourself by wearing a Hawaiin Shirt this Friday... that would uh... be great yeah..

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If your bald you can't help it ?

Number one: I'm not bald.

Number two: Even if I was, so what? What does that have to do with sexual equality? Are you so insecure that you measure your masculinity by your hair?

Number three: It's 'you're' not 'your'. Why is that so hard for some people?

Frankly, I think you're overreacting. If you don't want to cut your hair or wear a tie or a suit, there are plenty of jobs available where you don't have to...ditch-digger, roofer, construction, fireman, plumber, gardener, lifeguard, drug dealer, musician.

Have you been to a tech company in the last 30 years? I don't think Steve Jobs ever wore a tie at Apple. Most Silicon Valley workplaces resemble college dorms.

In fact, most of the complaints I hear from women is that men don't even dress up for dates...the women get all dressed up and the guy shows up in a football jersey or ratty sweatshirt.

As for people not taking 'men's equal rights' seriously, please tell me your joking. Men have had the upper hand on women since time began. Yes, there are a few laws and statutes on the books in some Western countries, but by and large, women get the shaft in most of the world...in more ways than one.

Your whining reminds me of those Iron John sissy boys who were going to run off into the woods and beat their drums just because women started to assert their rights. A bunch of self-entitled crybabies boo-hoo-hooing into the forest.

Edited by Strider
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Number one: I'm not bald.

Number two: Even if I was, so what? What does that have to do with sexual equality? Are you so insecure that you measure your masculinity by your hair?

Number three: It's 'you're' not 'your'. Why is that so hard for some people?

Frankly, I think you're overreacting. If you don't want to cut your hair or wear a tie or a suit, there are plenty of jobs available where you don't have to...ditch-digger, roofer, construction, fireman, plumber, gardener, lifeguard, drug dealer, musician.

Have you been to a tech company in the last 30 years? I don't think Steve Jobs ever wore a tie at Apple. Most Silicon Valley workplaces resemble college dorms.

In fact, most of the complaints I hear from women is that men don't even dress up for dates...the women get all dressed up and the guy shows up in a football jersey or ratty sweatshirt.

As for people not taking 'men's equal rights' seriously, please tell me your joking. Men have had the upper hand on women since time began. Yes, there are a few laws and statutes on the books in some Western countries, but by and large, women get the shaft in most of the world...in more ways than one.

Your whining reminds me of those Iron John sissy boys who were going to run off into the woods and beat their drums just because women started to assert their rights. A bunch of self-entitled crybabies boo-hoo-hooing into the forest.

:bravo: Well said Sean!!

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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Frankly, I think you're overreacting. If you don't want to cut your hair or wear a tie or a suit, there are plenty of jobs available where you don't have to...ditch-digger, roofer, construction, fireman, plumber, gardener, lifeguard, drug dealer, musician.

In fact, most of the complaints I hear from women is that men don't even dress up for dates...the women get all dressed up and the guy shows up in a football jersey or ratty sweatshirt.

The sexual equality issue is that women's rights have moved on ,women with short hair or shaved hair are accepted, which was frowned upon, yet we are expected to be in the 1950's ,
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