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Why does Robert feel LZ has to be comparable to its heyday?


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I saw Robert on the I'm in the mood for a melody tour and he did a couple zep tunes, maybe 82 0r 3, Phil Collins on drums, his guitarist Robbie was real good. I really liked the first 2 solo albums.

Principal of Moments

some artists do work and never look back

No he didn't perform any Zep songs on that 1983-'84 tour.
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Bob Mayo on the keyboards, Bob Mayo..

oh I thought we got whole Lotta love for an encore, maybe my memory is fading, probably

Bob Mayo R.I.P. and yes Robbie Blunt is underated. All of us are getting old but I hate to tell you- No WLL, etc on that tour.
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What it really comes down to despite Robert saying otherwise, is that he has ZERO interest in being a permanent member of a band, he wants to be the leader and march 100% to his own drummer, and has no interest in what he perceives as compromise despite the fact that input from others may make for better songs and therefore compromise a warranted and useful thing for artistic discovery. His direct insults at Jones and Page with both right there in front of him during the Charlie Rose interview 2 weeks ago was proof of that. I thought the interview went well for Robert in that he walked out of it without 2 people dumping bottles of water all over him…And yes, In Through the Out Door is just as good as any Zeppelin album - not worse, not better, just different

What is with your obsession with water? ;)

i love zeppelin more than the next guy but I think they are a little pompous. They take themselvers very seriously. Robert is always talking about how he wants to move on but then performs zep tunes at all his solo shows. So all these answers that they give in interviews are just a smoke screen for the real sitch. It is our fault--we the fans--we wanted somethjing to believe in and as they are getting older they don't want to let the true believrs down.

stupid bloody blokes like myself considering them gods....in the end they are just people....

This whole greatist rock band in rock n roll history is stupid...to me they were bigger than rock n roll itself...they were something totally differnt having to do with energy and emotion...

it's hard to live up to the hype when your pushing 70 so you become conceited.

I love them though

Leading contender for bi-polar post of the month.

The Robert-haters are never happy, never satisfied, whatever he does, so Robert is better off following his own muse and satisfying himself instead of trying to please no-life anorak so-called fans.

FYI, the 1988 Now and Zen tour was the first time Plant played Led Zeppelin songs in concert since 1980.

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whats the whole deal with robert haters anyway, everybody on this site is always saying this persons a robert hater or there we go with the robert haters again, its like you cant be critical on this site without some one calling you a robert hater, robert hater robert hater. I'm sick of the violin bow solo does that make me a a jimmy hater?

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no -life so called fans? actually I think you have a mental condition----why do you feel the need to attack people?

ok moving on

I will try to not attack anyone

lets see now--Robert, when he was young, was considered one of the best singers of all time. Now that he is 65 he is still considered one of the best. I don't see that he feels that he has to be comparable to his hey day. He has done a lot of cool new things without having to be produced by Jimmy Page(thatl get em going).

Robert has made funny statements like Zep were a boy band and things like whole lotta love was a kind of thing and he not really doing that sex crazed teenager thing anymore. I haven't seen any evidence that he has to be comparable now. for the 2007 gig he told the boys to tune in down a notch and that was fine. it was a cool change, it made everything sound more sinister, in a way.

Does Robert need to be defended? no-that's silly

I dont think he feels pigeon holed as a zep member, he is proud of how great they are. sure he wants to branch out and have fun, do different things, fine.

Just because Jimmy was really hoping to fire up the old Zep engine and Robert didn't want to-- is no reason to hate him. If your going to be in a band you have to want to be there.

as for Robert not singing a zep tune for 8 years in the 80's, it was probably because of devastation over the passing of JB.

Robert has always seemed to me to be very emotional about things, in a good way.

ok now go attack me. i'm sure you can find things in what ive said that prove one thing or another, or some kind of qualification of being a fan that you and your 5000 posts makes you qualified to cast judgments about people.

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The Who.

Could have been, but unlike the Beatles and Zeppelin, they carried on after Moon died, after Kenny Jones left, with partial reunions, revivals, crap CD's, and to top it off they CONTINUED A TOUR AFTER ENTWISTLE DIED POSTPONING ONLY TWO GIGS. Hardly in the CLASS of the Beatles or Zeppelin.


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Bi-polar maybe, Robert hater I'm not

whats the whole deal with robert haters anyway, everybody on this site is always saying this persons a robert hater or there we go with the robert haters again, its like you cant be critical on this site without some one calling you a robert hater, robert hater robert hater. I'm sick of the violin bow solo does that make me a a jimmy hater?

no -life so called fans? actually I think you have a mental condition----why do you feel the need to attack people?

ok moving on

I will try to not attack anyone

lets see now--Robert, when he was young, was considered one of the best singers of all time. Now that he is 65 he is still considered one of the best. I don't see that he feels that he has to be comparable to his hey day. He has done a lot of cool new things without having to be produced by Jimmy Page(thatl get em going).

Robert has made funny statements like Zep were a boy band and things like whole lotta love was a kind of thing and he not really doing that sex crazed teenager thing anymore. I haven't seen any evidence that he has to be comparable now. for the 2007 gig he told the boys to tune in down a notch and that was fine. it was a cool change, it made everything sound more sinister, in a way.

Does Robert need to be defended? no-that's silly

I dont think he feels pigeon holed as a zep member, he is proud of how great they are. sure he wants to branch out and have fun, do different things, fine.

Just because Jimmy was really hoping to fire up the old Zep engine and Robert didn't want to-- is no reason to hate him. If your going to be in a band you have to want to be there.

as for Robert not singing a zep tune for 8 years in the 80's, it was probably because of devastation over the passing of JB.

Robert has always seemed to me to be very emotional about things, in a good way.

ok now go attack me. i'm sure you can find things in what ive said that prove one thing or another, or some kind of qualification of being a fan that you and your 5000 posts makes you qualified to cast judgments about people.

Jiminy Cricket, chill out. I wasn't calling you a Robert-hater or attacking you as such. Your post I found amusing because you call them pompous and go on about gods and it's the fans fault, blah blah blah.

Then ended it with "I love them".

I got whiplash from your mood swings, hence my little bi-polar joke. And before some bleeding hearts try to lecture me about bi-polarism not being a joke, my father and a few friends suffered from it so I know already.

The rest of my post was not directed towards you. Once you've been here long enough, you'll learn how to spot the Robert-haters.

No, disliking the bow solo does not make you a Jimmy-hater. Don't be absurd.

As for the rest of your post, I don't understand the 5,000 posts remark. Is that supposed to be me...do I have 5,000? I don't keep count and I don't see that it matters. Whether I have 5,000 or 500 or 0, it isn't going to change how I post.

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They were the best band ever to most of us ..can't we all just...well not "join hands" but get along. All FOUR are indispensible rock legends and what I have seen of the 3 left ...they seem like decent people...only time will tell if there's any more but it has been a great ride and the music will live on.... hate to see people calling each other names when we all listen to the same band here...I must have a little of Plant's old flower power mentality but I just wish people wouldn't attack quite so seriously. Just my opinion but I am not sure about the Who's handling of their legacy but they are gonna do what they want.... Townshed is gifted but remains an enigma to me sometimes.

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I see as a group of men who are darn proud of what they achieved in their lifetime together. It was magic then, and as Plant has said numerous times (much to the chagrin of stubborn fans who refuse to see where he's coming from), re-capturing what they had back then is going to be next to impossible.

Strange when the band were presented with a Grammy in 2005 for a " lifetime achievement award" Plant was - errrrrr busy so he sent a video message.

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random thoughts that I usually keep out of plain sight of others...

1. Robert Plant's early (pre-Now & Zen) "solo" career i.e. sans LZ band members was underwhelming commercially- uh oh? #5, #8, #20 better do something fast.

2. Bring in Jimmy Page for cameos on HoneyDrippers (#4 and Platinum on the charts) and Now & Zen to boost sales and flagging interest and give viable media and outlet buzz

3. Begrudgingly play LZ songs in live set lists to boost underwhelming ticket sales beginning on Now & Zen tour. I was at the soundcheck and the concert for the Dallas show. Plant was wacko all over the place in every sense. His body language was cluttered and disconnected to what was going on. Tough times the late 80's? But, hey- ticket sales were up. 4 of 10 songs were LZ and the encore included a cover of a Beatles song. What the ? What happened to all the work distancing himself from his past? (again... my private thoughts) Ditched his original solo musicians for electronica click click and whir. ??? Johnstone referred to Robert's role in the band as "the accountant"

4. Fate of Nations tops out at #34 on US Charts. Thud...

5. Trot out Unledded "project" with Jimmy Page- cozy up to the MTV sleaze bags. No offence but... Cop the title NO QUARTER from LZ (again what happened to all that work and years of effort distancing him from his past to explore new blah blah insert vague Plantation here ___________ . Re-tread LZ songs. Do them really, really well with conviction and like you mean it. Ticket sales jump. Platinum record again.

6. Dreamland and Mighty Rearranger... no gold on the charts nor in ticket sales. Uh oh. Avert nose dive and irrelevence.

7. Grab the sure bet Grammy winner of all time and collaborate. Cha-ching !!! Platinum again. Union Station kicked to the curb.

8. O2 - dayum what a superb effort by everyone involved.

9. Cha-ching with the Grammy haul. Follow up to Raising Sand scrapped/woman scorned... something.

10. Band of Joy... nice work and commercial validation. Platinum again.

again, my thoughts only for my personal use. Doesn't imply hate or diss on Plant or anyone. Just random thoughts.

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random thoughts that I usually keep out of plain sight of others... 1. Robert Plant's early (pre-Now & Zen) "solo" career i.e. sans LZ band members was underwhelming commercially- uh oh? #5, #8, #20 better do something fast. 2. Bring in Jimmy Page for cameos on HoneyDrippers (#4 and Platinum on the charts) and Now & Zen to boost sales and flagging interest and give viable media and outlet buzz 3. Begrudgingly play LZ songs in live set lists to boost underwhelming ticket sales beginning on Now & Zen tour. I was at the soundcheck and the concert for the Dallas show. Plant was wacko all over the place in every sense. His body language was cluttered and disconnected to what was going on. Tough times the late 80's? But, hey- ticket sales were up. 4 of 10 songs were LZ and the encore included a cover of a Beatles song. What the ? What happened to all the work distancing himself from his past? (again... my private thoughts) Ditched his original solo musicians for electronica click click and whir. ??? Johnstone referred to Robert's role in the band as "the accountant" 4. Fate of Nations tops out at #34 on US Charts. Thud... 5. Trot out Unledded "project" with Jimmy Page- cozy up to the MTV sleaze bags. No offence but... Cop the title NO QUARTER from LZ (again what happened to all that work and years of effort distancing him from his past to explore new blah blah insert vague Plantation here ___________ . Re-tread LZ songs. Do them really, really well with conviction and like you mean it. Ticket sales jump. Platinum record again. 6. Dreamland and Mighty Rearranger... no gold on the charts nor in ticket sales. Uh oh. Avert nose dive and irrelevence. 7. Grab the sure bet Grammy winner of all time and collaborate. Cha-ching !!! Platinum again. Union Station kicked to the curb. 8. O2 - dayum what a superb effort by everyone involved. 9. Cha-ching with the Grammy haul. Follow up to Raising Sand scrapped/woman scorned... something. 10. Band of Joy... nice work and commercial validation. Platinum again. again, my thoughts only for my personal use. Doesn't imply hate or diss on Plant or anyone. Just random thoughts.

I dont think anything you stated above is "anti-Plant" or actually that far off the mark IMO.

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Robert is an expert at coming up with excuses why Zeppelin must not come back together. His last interview on Charlie Rose where Jones and Page look away in disgust was clear for all to see with Robert's line of, and I'm paraphrasing here 'I want to create new exciting music' , luckily Page or Jones didn't dump their bottles of water all over Robert at that point - I'm sure Jones and Page want to create new and exciting music as well.

Woah! What did I miss - were they really on the Charlie Rose show, or do you mean the CBS Morning show? Ta.

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Profiling Robert Plant from some of my random thoughts would most likely be not reliable or advised. These random thoughts are my own and in no way do I suggest anyone taking them as their own.

I have no judgement for Plant- especially his purposes and motivations. It's obvious that ca$h is not THE #1 factor in his decision making. He is not ranked in the top 25 for net worth of lead singers. Celebration Day could help him out a little.

Additional random thoughts, usually not brought into the light of day- directed at "being relevent":

Nearly each person I have met desires for their contributions to matter. Plant seems to have the say-so regarding to whom his contributions matter, as opposed to being contractually beholden and signed away like so many. He is relevent now due to his collaborations and reworkings of the past. Shrewd lad to say the least.

No way would a Plant tour sans LZ songs (in any conversion) fill seats or feed anticipation for more. Plant found out early on that he was becoming the dreaded label of "...former lead singer of Led Zeppelin." So...start singing LZ and it is not "former"- brilliant !!!!! Also, early on Plant had to have Phil Collins come along to help sell seats and create idioms and buzz? Maybe.

Lordy- Genesis killed rock, and Plant brings in their hook, line and jingle drummer? But I digress...

Pay no attention, these are random thoughts of my own- rarely ever brought out in the light. I love Robert Plant, his accomplishments and the ones to come.

So from all your observations/random thoughts, it seems the basic summary is that Robert does music to remain 'relevant' or as you put it, to get the 'cha-ching!!' Right?

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Profiling Robert Plant from some of my random thoughts would most likely be not reliable or advised. These random thoughts are my own and in no way do I suggest anyone taking them as their own.

I have no judgement for Plant- especially his purposes and motivations. It's obvious that ca$h is not THE #1 factor in his decision making. He is not ranked in the top 25 for net worth of lead singers. Celebration Day could help him out a little.

Additional random thoughts, usually not brought into the light of day- directed at "being relevent":

Nearly each person I have met desires for their contributions to matter. Plant seems to have the say-so regarding to whom his contributions matter, as opposed to being contractually beholden and signed away like so many. He is relevent now due to his collaborations and reworkings of the past. Shrewd lad to say the least.

No way would a Plant tour sans LZ songs (in any conversion) fill seats or feed anticipation for more. Plant found out early on that he was becoming the dreaded label of "...former lead singer of Led Zeppelin." So...start singing LZ and it is not "former"- brilliant !!!!! Also, early on Plant had to have Phil Collins come along to help sell seats and create idioms and buzz? Maybe.

Lordy- Genesis killed rock, and Plant brings in their hook, line and jingle drummer? But I digress...

Pay no attention, these are random thoughts of my own- rarely ever brought out in the light. I love Robert Plant, his accomplishments and the ones to come.

I saw Robert on his first tour at MSG in 1983. No, he didn't do any Zeppelin songs- and neither I or anybody that I talked to there that night was not disappointed about that, we were just happy to see The Man in person. As far as Phil Collins goes, well MSG was pretty packed that night & I seriously doubt that it was because a bunch of Genesis fans bought up the seats.

btw- I'm not critcizing you, Dallas- I believe you when you say that you "love Robert Plant, his accomplishments and the ones to come", you just maybe don't care for some of his solo material and there's nothing wrong with that. :beer:

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you just maybe don't care for some of his solo material and there's nothing wrong with that. :beer:

My thought is that if Plant thought highly enough of his solo material he would play it... more... and more of it. Gradually his setlist has become LZ-esque and a few tossers. I still listen to Pictures at Eleven and adore the work. Slowdancer and Like I've Never Been Gone are two of the songs I wish I would have written of all the songs I have ever heard in my entire life. Where are they in the set list? As limited as I am in creativity, I know Plant could hand the sheet music for 29 Palms to Buddy and say "rework it mate- we are playing it this weekend." And he has many, many more.

Insofar as the initial gigs, I too am one who bought tickets just to see him. Didn't really care if he sang at all.

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after re-reading mrleadhed's post...

yes- I think Robert Plant feels pressure to measure up to the abilities & appearance of what people expect his contribution to be as a part of Led Zeppelin. He has said the O2 was terrifying for him. It's a fearsome thing to think you might let so many people down, disappoint them and worse.

I saw him last month in Austin and he could have sung any song he wanted and in it's original key. Really strong and in great shape. But then again, no pressure that night.

Listening to these recent interviews it seems Robert wants LZ to be remembered as hard rock act, with him singing in such a way that he's "expected".

Does he feel that LZ has a "sound" to it? To me, the music is about experimentation and trying out different genres. I do not consider one record or song to be representative of the LZ sound. In fact, I find it disturbing that they chose the same old songs for the O2 concert (rather than ones they haven't tried before), with Robert trying to sing them the way he did in the early years.

I find it sad if he feels that's expected of him. As far as I'm concerned LZ is not a "hard rock" band, but a group that tried out different genres. I do not consider the sound on the first record to be better than ITTOD, it was just different.

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Woah! What did I miss - were they really on the Charlie Rose show, or do you mean the CBS Morning show? Ta.

Well, it wasn't the full Charlie Rose show, but yeah he did interview them as part of the CBS Morning show. :D

Woulda loved to have seen all three on the former. More in-depth and no distractions (that black set of his and all).

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