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NEW FILM: Sydney, Australia 1972


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This footage is from the ABC show GTK and was 10 minutes in length including the interview with Bonzo, JPJ and Germaine Greer etc.

As I understand it, they were allowed only a small portion of the gig to be filmed, at Grant's insistance.

Unfortunately the whole show was (probably) not filmed because unless it is hidden in the vaults of the ABC or hoarded by someone, it would've surfaced by now.

We all know how protective Grant was of the band and if more of the show was filmed and he found about it I doubt that any would've been shown on TV at all, no doubt he'd have confiscated it all.

A friend of mine who passed away some years ago filmed some of it but I don't know if any of the fan video is his or not.

Maybe some footage of Auckland NZ exists out there somewhere.

Not to mention that the cost of filming the entire concert would have been prohibitive to ABC. A similar situation was the footage shot by NBC news at a 1975 concert...Peter only allowed a few minutes to be filmed.

I wonder with this sudden appearance of Atlanta 69 and Sydney 72 film if this is a sneak peak at some of the extras that will be on the deluxe remasters Jimmy's working on?

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Not to mention that the cost of filming the entire concert would have been prohibitive to ABC. A similar situation was the footage shot by NBC news at a 1975 concert...Peter only allowed a few minutes to be filmed.

I wonder with this sudden appearance of Atlanta 69 and Sydney 72 film if this is a sneak peak at some of the extras that will be on the deluxe remasters Jimmy's working on?

One can only hope. Maybe we will finally got some more Bath? That was a legendary concert for them, so more than the 30 seconds we currently have would be very great.

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I was there from early in the day and they didn't open the gates until about noon, the band didn't show up until they arrived in the limos and went straight on stage as was their wont.

With the exception of Bonzo they weren't wearing tshirts.

They may done an earlier soundcheck but I would think it was the day before.

We're talking about Albert Hall, not sydney.

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Not to mention that the cost of filming the entire concert would have been prohibitive to ABC. A similar situation was the footage shot by NBC news at a 1975 concert...Peter only allowed a few minutes to be filmed.

I wonder with this sudden appearance of Atlanta 69 and Sydney 72 film if this is a sneak peak at some of the extras that will be on the deluxe remasters Jimmy's working on?

Atlanta was posted a few days ago and Sydney was posted in July, by the filmers themselves. I could only hope Jimmy includes 8mm in the remasters.

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Yes actually, if you don't count the organ solo excerpt on the official DVD.

I don't haha, it is just really a rehearsal and we don't have a lot of it, well i guess maybe it would count. First time of them actually performing the song itself in front of an audience I should say.

It's not the soundcheck, the band was all wearing T-shirts before the show.

Hmm, dunno why it was always in my mind that that organ solo was the soundcheck. Oh well, thanks for setting me straight!

I was there from early in the day and they didn't open the gates until about noon, the band didn't show up until they arrived in the limos and went straight on stage as was their wont.

With the exception of Bonzo they weren't wearing tshirts.

They may done an earlier soundcheck but I would think it was the day before.

We're talking about Albert Hall, not sydney.

Show me where the Albert Hall was ever mentioned (by name) on this thread and btw we are talking about Sydney!

Anatomy of a misunderstanding.

People get on my case for being a stickler for spelling and punctuation, but this is a case where sloppy communication creates confusion. The majority of disputes and misunderstandings on the internet I reckon are caused by incoherent writing. People are in such a rush to be first or are too busy multitasking to pay attention, that often what they are trying to say is garbled by their lack of focus and haste.

Clarity is better than speed, in my opinion.

In this case, ledzepfilm and The Last Spartan digressed into a discussion of the Organ solo snippet on the 2003 DVD from the Royal Albert Hall show. But because of muddled wording, unless you carefully parsed every word, it became difficult to tell if they were discussing the RAH soundcheck or Sydney...i.e. ledzepfilm's mentioning the band wearing t-shirts at the soundcheck. Was he referring to the RAH soundcheck or Sydney soundcheck?

You began to wonder if ledzepfilm and TLS themselves lost track of which show they were discussing.

So, Reggie, it's understandable if you became confused.

Edited by Strider
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Anatomy of a misunderstanding.

People get on my case for being a stickler for spelling and punctuation, but this is a case where sloppy communication creates confusion. The majority of disputes and misunderstandings on the internet I reckon are caused by incoherent writing. People are in such a rush to be first or are too busy multitasking to pay attention, that often what they are trying to say is garbled by their lack of focus and haste.

Clarity is better than speed, in my opinion.

In this case, ledzepfilm and The Last Spartan digressed into a discussion of the Organ solo snippet on the 2003 DVD from the Royal Albert Hall show. But because of muddled wording, unless you carefully parsed every word, it became difficult to tell if they were discussing the RAH soundcheck or Sydney...i.e. ledzepfilm's mentioning the band wearing t-shirts at the soundcheck. Was he referring to the RAH soundcheck or Sydney soundcheck?

You began to wonder if ledzepfilm and TLS themselves lost track of which show they were discussing.

So, Reggie, it's understandable if you became confused.

It's all good.

True Strider that is how silly arguments can start and I understand that we get carried away and go off on tangents as it is always exciting when something new surfaces.

BTW LZF, you are not an idiot and thanx for all your input and efforts such as syncing videos.

As for the original uploader, good luck with his extortion tactics.

YouTube is very strict on copyright and I wonder if this breaches it in any way, even if the camera work is his own doing the content is not.

Jimmy's people are possibly looking into securing this and other audio / video that is rightfully his for future releases as they come to light.

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I wonder how the uploader will react to my Sydney upload.

Hopefully it won't be a bad reaction. I think he'd understand our purpose for downloading it and uploading it synced for archiving purposes and so we have as complete shows as possible. And I really hope that the rest gets developed so we have all the film he has, in color and speed corrected quality on a DVD, and not just shot off a camera while it's being projected as he did here.

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  • 1 year later...

I never really cared for this performance of Thank You until recently, that solo is freaking killer!! Getting to see part of it in video finally has got me 100% positive my life is devoted to building a time machine haha. I always wondered what Plant looked like singing this song :) I guarantee Page has complete footage of the MSG 73 performance, that will be his final gift to all of us (fingers crossed). Maybe he doesn't, but hope doesn't harm anyone :) anyone else wish they could go back in time and kill Peter Grant? From what I hear, he was the reason why a lot of shows weren't recorded and a lot of bootlegs were destroyed (which I'm 100% against people making money off Zeppelin, but if nobody bootlegged their shows then I doubt Zeppelin would be my favorite band because 90% of the songs I listen to are boots, TSRTS, HTWWW, BCC, and CD, pretty soon Paris '69!!! Are all excellent but there were also 500-1000 other great concerts, imagine never getting to hear 'badge holders only' 'southampton 73' or 'MSG 2/12/75'.. This would be a shallow world.)

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Killing Peter Grant would be a little harsh. Although I share you're feelings to a point. 90% of the time I listen to LZ, I listen to them live, on bootlegs. Many times I think about how lucky we are for still so many tapers having the balls to tape the shows we have. Despite (certainly when they were famous) the threat of Grant and Cole destroying your tape and possibly equipement when they caught you taping. If it were up to Grant, all we would have on live material would be TSRTS (and perhaps 1 or 2 other shows). That would have been a pitty. Hats off to Mike the Mike and all the other tapers!

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Grant was against bootlegs at the time, but I'm pretty sure in an interview somewhere Page stated that he didn't mind bootlegs being recorded as that person paid for the ticket. Selling them however was a huge no-no and the outtakes that were stolen from Page's vaults infuriated him.

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I wasn't being 100% serious lol I could never actually kill anything or anyone, but yeah just a few things I've read about him makes me wish he would've at least been more open to seeing how bootlegs will keep this band rocking and rolling forever (not saying their studio set and official live set wouldn't have + all the treats were getting in a few weeks!) but the bootlegs have definitely kept my interest in Zep a lot longer than without them, the band did so many different things live which their live material doesn't cover even a little bit. But nonetheless I'm sure Grant was a good manager and helped them get to where they have.

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