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Bucket Lists? Have one? Care to share it? Lets limit it to 10


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I know we all have things in life we wish to do while we are still around. I would be interested in reading some of yours. If you care to share them? I have seen many friends and family go way too early and this has kind of inspired me to think of this. Just yesterday I learned a former best friend of mine passed away of lung cancer in August. I did not know until I did some looking about and facebook played a role in finding the info. I did contact his sister and learn the details.

I will wait to post mine, I have a few but not a final list. So I will see if there is any interest generated in this topic over the next few days or a week or so? It can be either something to do or places to visit. Obviously travel is a big one on many people's list I am sure.

How about next to each wish, put a number from 1-10 with 10 being the most likely it will actually happen?

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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List is too long,never make it past the second.Or the first! Such is life.

I was going to say, next to each item place a number from 1-10 with 10 being the most likely you will actually bring the wish to fruition. So if anyone wishes to, that may be a good idea. Why not give it a try Anjinsan? Like I said, limit it to 10. I am going to think mine through before I post it

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Release an album full of (self written) music on vinyl.

See the pyramids of Gizeh.

Eat haggis.

Visit the Scottish Highlands

Find my "lost" half brother.

Visit Kathmandu again.

Finish my blackletter illustrated edition of the Necronomicon.

Visit Hobbiton in New Zealand.

Design a 2-handed sword and have it made.

Drink a vintage high thujon leveled absinthe.

Edited by reswati
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Is this the Swim with Dolphins type list ?

Or the take charge of a Mobile Suit Gundam type list ?

Swim with the Great Whites list. ha. Anything you wish to do or places you wish to visit. Nice input by our friend from the Netherlands. I do not know what haggis is and am a bit scared to ask.

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^ Haggis is actually quite delicious, in my opinion! :)

Great idea for a thread! My list, along with likelihood rankings:

*Find a pen pal that lives somewhere else in the world, and keep in touch for the rest of my life (5)

*Visit at least five more countries while I'm living in Europe (7)

*Learn electric guitar, and be comfortable and confident enough to play in a rock band (6)

*See Jimmy Page in concert (going to be optimistic here, and say 7)

*Get a tattoo (I know I'll chicken out at the last moment - 0)

*Give a gift that makes someone cry of joy/happiness (hopefully, 10)

*Be at a sporting match/game to witness one of my favorite teams win a major championship (knowing my luck and the luck of my teams, 2)

*Become fluent in at least two other languages (3)

*Live in the UK for at least a year (7)

*Be a classic rock radio DJ, even just for a day (4)

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^ Haggis is actually quite delicious, in my opinion! :)

Great idea for a thread! My list, along with likelihood rankings:

*Find a pen pal that lives somewhere else in the world, and keep in touch for the rest of my life (5)

*Visit at least five more countries while I'm living in Europe (7)

*Learn electric guitar, and be comfortable and confident enough to play in a rock band (6)

*See Jimmy Page in concert (going to be optimistic here, and say 7)

*Get a tattoo (I know I'll chicken out at the last moment - 0)

*Give a gift that makes someone cry of joy/happiness (hopefully, 10)

*Be at a sporting match/game to witness one of my favorite teams win a major championship (knowing my luck and the luck of my teams, 2)

*Become fluent in at least two other languages (3)

*Live in the UK for at least a year (7)

*Be a classic rock radio DJ, even just for a day (4)

Great list.

Where in the world do you actually live, and how many languages do you speak?

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Lightandshade does have a great list :yesnod: a couple of those are on my list too!

Two more that come to mind:

-Run a half marathon

-Have dinner at Rao's

Also, I think someone needs to come up with a rock music festival for the over 40 crowd so I can add that too :yesnod: Anyone?

I'll also add rent one of those super ridiculously expensive ocean front beach homes...just once!

Edited by Virginia
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Great list.

Where in the world do you actually live, and how many languages do you speak?

Thanks, reswati! I'm American, but I've lived/worked in Germany for almost two years. Hoping to become more fluent in German, and build on the limited Spanish I had learned in school. One of my biggest regrets is that I didn't start learning other languages at an earlier age - definitely think there should be a bigger push for this in the American school system. It's not uncommon here in Germany for younger students to already be fluent in three languages - I'm guessing that it's similar in the Netherlands, as well.

You have a great list, too - really hope you do get to visit Scotland someday! It's one of my favorite countries - friendly people, an awesome cultural/historical legacy, natural beauty... and yes, lots of swords and delicious haggis. B)

Lightandshade does have a great list :yesnod: a couple of those are on my list too!

Two more that come to mind:

-Run a half marathon

-Have dinner at Rao's

Thanks, Virginia! I wished I loved running enough to do a half-marathon... unfortunately, I put that likelihood at about a -20. :lol: But best of luck, that would be a great accomplishment. :)

I'm not over 40, but I second your request for the rock festival - I'd probably have more in common music-wise with the over 40 crowd, anyways!

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Thanks, reswati! I'm American, but I've lived/worked in Germany for almost two years. Hoping to become more fluent in German, and build on the limited Spanish I had learned in school. One of my biggest regrets is that I didn't start learning other languages at an earlier age - definitely think there should be a bigger push for this in the American school system. It's not uncommon here in Germany for younger students to already be fluent in three languages - I'm guessing that it's similar in the Netherlands, as well.

Stimmt, ich spreche drei Sprachen, auch Deutsch weil es meine Muttersprache ist.

Falls du Lust und zeit hast würde ich gerne dein Brieffreund werden, es macht mir nämlich Spass um viele verschiedene Leute von rund um den Globus zu kennen zu lernen.

PM me if you want to write.

Regards from Venlo.


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I'm only 22, so hopefully I have the opportunity to do these things. Took a while to come up with the list, and I really put some thought into it.

Take/go with my parents (and possibly my grandmother) to Norway/Sweden. It's where our family is from, I know my mom would love to go there. (3)

See the Northern lights (Aurora Borealis) (10)

Get my pilots license (recreational) (5)

Spend a week hiking the back country of Yosemite National Park and climb Half Dome (8)

Take my brother to a San Diego Chargers Superbowl (0) I might have to settle for a different team :P

Take a commercial flight to the edge of the atmosphere/space, that is if it actually becomes a thing while I'm still alive (10)

Vacation/sight see in all of the 50 states, I've already been to 13 (10)

I'd love to go to the Louvre if I ever find myself in France (2)

Learn how to make stained glass (8)

Have kids/live long enough to see them succeed/have their own families (9)

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Do Hawaii and Alaska

Ride the Sliprock trail at Moab

See the Southern Cross

Have a Caddy and a Vette as my two vehicles

Walk the Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day

Visit East Porcupine (Timmins) Ontario....because of maternal ancestry.

Drive an unlimited hydroplane

See the Detroit Lions win a Super Bowl in my lifetime.

White-water raft down the Colorado

See Samo perform live

Edited by Bong-Man
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Love the input I am reading so far. Bongman, I too would love to see the Southern Cross, visible only from the Southern Hemosphere. Many good lists, and hopefully more to come. I will post mine at some point but I need more time to think it over.

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The Pyramids, and other places in Egypt, are definitely on my list.

Need to go back to Istanbul as I haven't been there since the 70s.

Also want to go to Australia, see the wildlife and visit an internet friend there I've known since 2007 but never met. Maybe 2014...

Would like to become a better poet.

Even though playing guitar again doesn't seem practical, I must want to do it because I dreamed about it the other night...

fall in love again?

Already done a lot of things I said I would do...and I've given up on a few things I thought I would do, such as hiking in the Himalayas or climbing Mt. McKinley; sadly I realize I am physically unable; that window has closed...

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Stimmt, ich spreche drei Sprachen, auch Deutsch weil es meine Muttersprache ist.

Falls du Lust und zeit hast würde ich gerne dein Brieffreund werden, es macht mir nämlich Spass um viele verschiedene Leute von rund um den Globus zu kennen zu lernen.

PM me if you want to write.

Regards from Venlo.


Sehr gut! Absolut, würde Ich mag Ihre Brieffreundin sein und Ihnen eine Nachricht senden. Bitte verzeihen Sie mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut wie ich es gerne hätte sein! Ich werde üben. :)

See the Northern lights (Aurora Borealis) (10)

Vacation/sight see in all of the 50 states, I've already been to 13 (10)

Have kids/live long enough to see them succeed/have their own families (9)

These would definitely be on my list, as well. :)

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In no particular order :

Get over my fear of flying and travel . Too many countries and cities to list 9

Quit smoking 9

Have a pint or two with Jimmy, Robert and Jonesy 0

Meet up with some of my good friends from LZ.Com 10

Lose 15lbs 10

Live long enough to see Rangers FC beat Celtic FC in the UEFA Champions League Final. I'd travel anywhere anyhow to see that :lol: Oh yeah...0

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In no particular order :

Get over my fear of flying and travel . Too many countries and cities to list 9

Quit smoking 9

Have a pint or two with Jimmy, Robert and Jonesy 0

Meet up with some of my good friends from LZ.Com 10

Lose 15lbs 10

Live long enough to see Rangers FC beat Celtic FC in the UEFA Champions League Final. I'd travel anywhere anyhow to see that :lol: Oh yeah...0

I think we would all like the chance to sit down with Led Zeppelin but realize, its not happening. I am surprised you are afraid to fly. But you did fly to Vegas didn't you? Well I sure hope you quit the cigarettes. I have to lose the same amount of weight as you. Mine is all in the gut. Other than that I am not over weight. I am still working on my list since I made this thread, I am obligated to post one. I will all in good time. I think we need to add the Canucks to Ally's list also

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