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What do you like about Robert?


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Good point, Ally. They all just come across as guys who are more content being in 'the shadows' than flaunting themselves all over the place unnecessarily (like some other bands I know *cough*)

I mean for their legendary status and everything, they exude that aura of being 'the-every-day-man' - just share a pint or two and shoot the breeze without feeling too awkward in their company.

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The hand movements Robert does are super adorable and hypnotic. Glad someone remembered to add that! ;)

^Now, that's what i'm talking about. :nuke: My reasons for liking/loving Robert have been mentioned in the above comments. Just thought I'd add that I love the hand gestures he does while he sings. Does that count? :lol:

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He really does feel like an old friend to me also, even though I am young. But man...that voice...he is one of the few singers that I describe their voice as 'beautiful'. The way he sings his "Ahhh's" is heavenly to me :) For example, at the end of Rain Song on the TSRTS DVD, the way he holds that "Ahhhh"....just beautiful. Thats my favourite Robert Plant "sound".

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oh,he does sing like a angel,when I hear that I get goosebumps

He really does feel like an old friend to me also, even though I am young. But man...that voice...he is one of the few singers that I describe their voice as 'beautiful'. The way he sings his "Ahhh's" is heavenly to me :) For example, at the end of Rain Song on the TSRTS DVD, the way he holds that "Ahhhh"....just beautiful. Thats my favourite Robert Plant "sound".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think all of this has already been said, but I'll say it again. :) Besides the obvious, I like Robert because he has a good sense of humor, is intelligent/witty, doesn't take himself too seriously and seems to be relatively humble, even though he has millions of fans and is talented beyond belief. I also appreciate that Robert seems very comfortable in his own skin and has chosen to age naturally, rather than opt for the face altering procedures many rock stars and celebs scramble to do (Steven Tyler anyone?). Robert has also written/co-written a lot of songs that have inspired me in my life. One such song outside of Led Zeppelin is titled "I Believe " from his album "Fate of Nations." If you have never heard it before, I recommend you listen to it. That song has gotten me through many tough times; it is very touching. If I ever get a chance to meet Robert, I will tell him so!

I too have a special place in my heart for this song as it helped me get through the death of my brother in 95'.

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I too have a special place in my heart for this song as it helped me get through the death of my brother in 95'.

That's really good to hear - that it gave you comfort. Sorry for your loss.
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He has remained down to earth even although he's been a superstar throughout his adult life. He has always been ready to lend his talents to charity fundraising. He has dealt with the tragedies in his life with great dignity. He could have made many millions by carrying on with LZ, but instead had the strength of character to forge his own path, and explore world music with his solo career. He has earned respect, rather than demanding it.

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I have loved Robert Plant since I was 14 years old. I agree Kenog, I respect Robert for putting his foot down not to tour after the O2. He was right. He wants to keep the Zeppelin legend as it is. He knows his limitations - age, etc. Good for him. If I knew Robert personally, I know there would be things I would not love about him, as with anyone. But from what I do know, I love him for all the above mentioned reasons. He has a special place in my heart and always will.

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