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Our Economic Decline


Economic Decline  

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This is a thread for news, videos or general discussion about the global economic crisis.

How has the economic crisis affected you?

Personally, going to the grocery store is becoming increasingly more expensive. Spending $50 and having very little to show for it.

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Yes things are more expensive and yes the economy is in a slump, however the masses don't seems to be much affected. Went to the mall the other day and it was packed, long line, people spending like crazy. Same thing at restaurants, busy as hell. Either the economy is not that bad or people are living on credit and filing bankruptcy when the time comes. I think it is the latter because most Americans these days feel entitled in general and responsibility is a notion from the past not very prevalent these days.

I think the root of this problem are the horrible trade agreements we have made, particularly with developing nations. If we allow our corporations to produce overseas where wages are $0.25 per hour with no regulation or environmental rules our labor force cannot compete. This results in lower wages here, less jobs, and a much higher debt ratio since people simply put it on the card. Meanwhile, as the wages for the bottom 95% remain stagnant or are declining, the upper 1% are reaping financial gains not seen since the 1920's which was the last time we has such a huge disparity between the rich and poor.

Until we place greater regulations on the corporations and re-negotiate these trade agreements so we are not taking it in the shorts things will continue to get worse. Eventually, something has got to give and when it does it's gonna be big baby. However I don't think the powers that be will let that happen. I think they will simply start a major global de-population effort through an engineered virus or through a major conflict. My bet is a India-Pakistan War will ignite the powder keg and decimate the populations of both nations plus China and the middle east. If this happens it will solve many problems but when the cost is blood and human lives the cost is too high. God forbid the powerful EVER do the right thing.

This is not strictly Obama's fault or the fault of our current congress, they are simply the latest to blame.This started with Reagan and is continuing with Obama, they have all been corporate lackeys since 1981.

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Yes things are more expensive and yes the economy is in a slump, however the masses don't seems to be much affected. Went to the mall the other day and it was packed, long line, people spending like crazy. Same thing at restaurants, busy as hell. Either the economy is not that bad or people are living on credit and filing bankruptcy when the time comes. I think it is the latter because most Americans these days feel entitled in general and responsibility is a notion from the past not very prevalent these days.

Agreed. Americans are trying to maintain a lifestyle that is not feasible anymore. They may be spending still, but it's not as much, and it's mostly on credit.

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Agreed. Americans are trying to maintain a lifestyle that is not feasible anymore. They may be spending still, but it's not as much, and it's mostly on credit.

I know, I just don't understand how people can do this. Me and the wife are both professionals, I am a psychologist and she a clinical & marketing liaison in the health care industry. We are in the top 5% economically yet we both have a very high sense of morality and responsibility. Credit cards are only for emergency's and racking up frequent flyer miles (we pay off every month). Yet even with our income we cannot just go out and buy whatever we want. Today for example I stopped in my local Guitar Center during lunch and I found a Les Paul Studio in wine red I just had to have. I could have just put it on the old credit card but I knew better, the wife would have shoved it up my ass!!! So, I asked my friend there to please hold for 24 hours, went home, and bought back one of my Telecasters I do not use anymore (it is an American Standard and for some reason I just never really liked it, I use my $400 japanese tele which I love) and swapped it out, even trade. The LP was marked down to $1,100 and my tele was worth $1,500 with the upgrades I installed plus the hard case. When I came home I still had to plead my case to my wife and let her know it was a lateral exchange, no money spent.

Anyway, wat I am getting at is if more people had this attitude and lived within their means with honor, not putting everything on credit, the government and corporations would take notice and be forced to change their operational model.

My grandparents on both sides were from Europe and born in the late 19th century (they are all well dead now) and thus the reason for my sense of responsibility and fortitude. My wife is Canadian and she is even worse than I if you can believe it!

Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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This is not strictly Obama's fault or the fault of our current congress, they are simply the latest to blame.This started with Reagan and is continuing with Obama, they have all been corporate lackeys since 1981.

I go further back...to when Nixon took us off the Gold Standard.

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Also Nixon opened the US market to cheap, toxic, slave-made Chineese products. China runs on coal power, Chineese power plants spew mercury into the air, it settles into the ocean and has contaminated the world's fish supply.

Of course we never bought crap from Japan,did we?Taiwan?

Oh, you forgot India.Building coal plants as fast as China.

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Anyway, wat I am getting at is if more people had this attitude and lived within their means with honor, not putting everything on credit, the government and corporations would take notice and be forced to change their operational model.

It is the government and corporations that prevent people from living within their means with honor. You can't do anything substantial without credit. In fact, a person who has $10,000 in credit card debt has a better chance of buying a home than a person who has no debt, no credit. How's that for fucked up?

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Yes things are more expensive and yes the economy is in a slump, however the masses don't seems to be much affected. Went to the mall the other day and it was packed, long line, people spending like crazy. Same thing at restaurants, busy as hell. Either the economy is not that bad or people are living on credit and filing bankruptcy when the time comes. I think it is the latter because most Americans these days feel entitled in general and responsibility is a notion from the past not very prevalent these days.

I think the root of this problem are the horrible trade agreements we have made, particularly with developing nations. If we allow our corporations to produce overseas where wages are $0.25 per hour with no regulation or environmental rules our labor force cannot compete. This results in lower wages here, less jobs, and a much higher debt ratio since people simply put it on the card. Meanwhile, as the wages for the bottom 95% remain stagnant or are declining, the upper 1% are reaping financial gains not seen since the 1920's which was the last time we has such a huge disparity between the rich and poor.

Until we place greater regulations on the corporations and re-negotiate these trade agreements so we are not taking it in the shorts things will continue to get worse. Eventually, something has got to give and when it does it's gonna be big baby. However I don't think the powers that be will let that happen. I think they will simply start a major global de-population effort through an engineered virus or through a major conflict. My bet is a India-Pakistan War will ignite the powder keg and decimate the populations of both nations plus China and the middle east. If this happens it will solve many problems but when the cost is blood and human lives the cost is too high. God forbid the powerful EVER do the right thing.

This is not strictly Obama's fault or the fault of our current congress, they are simply the latest to blame.This started with Reagan and is continuing with Obama, they have all been corporate lackeys since 1981.


I agree ...in the New Orleans area the US Commercial Fishing industry has been crippled by foreign imports and trade agreements especially from China, Ecuador and Vietnam!

The foreign trade agreements have decimated commercial fishing to the point that there are fewer and fewer boats every year.

I predict in 25 yrs there will no longer be a US commercial fishing fleet.

Why are government subsidies given to farmers to cushion the blow from foreign imports and trade, yet commercial fishers, who are decimated every year by foreign imports have NEVER been subsidized! Yet the foreign seafood imports are heavily subsidized by foreign governments!

When you sell shrimp at the dock for at the most $1.00 or less a pound and the same shrimp sells for $8.00- $10.00 a lb in Cleveland something is wrong!

This travesty is so sad to me... My husband comes from a very long line of commercial fishers and his generation is the very last!


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I agree ...in the New Orleans area the US Commercial Fishing industry has been crippled by foreign imports and trade agreements especially from China, Ecuador and Vietnam!

The foreign trade agreements have decimated commercial fishing to the point that there are fewer and fewer boats every year.

I predict in 25 yrs there will no longer be a US commercial fishing fleet.

Why are government subsidies given to farmers to cushion the blow from foreign imports and trade, yet commercial fishers, who are decimated every year by foreign imports have NEVER been subsidized! Yet the foreign seafood imports are heavily subsidized by foreign governments!

When you sell shrimp at the dock for at the most $1.00 or less a pound and the same shrimp sells for $8.00- $10.00 a lb in Cleveland something is wrong!

This travesty is so sad to me... My husband comes from a very long line of commercial fishers and his generation is the very last!


Hey Cher: They had a piece on this very subject the other day on the local news. I don't think we are going to be able to get many more years of our delicious gulf shrimp. You know, you can always tell the difference between our shrimp and the imported crap - the taste is not the same. I absolutely hate the US government for doing this to our shrimpers and fishermen. I love our fishers and it makes me cry every time I see news like this. It is hurting my family as well. The oysters are going, going, gone.

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If you think that's bad, we live in a country surrounded by the sea and a fishmongers is as rare as hens teeth. Euro dickheads only allow a certain amount of fish to be caught by OUR fisherman whilst the rest of the EU plunder away. In fact they throw more fish dead into the sea than bring ashore. Crazy

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That sucks. What was their justification for doing so, if my asking is not too intrusive?

I know you're banned but I'll answer anyway. They said it was a 'temporary supplemental benefit' and it had expired. Doesn't really make it much easier though losing that $150.

If only the big wig officers would take a pay cut and as they always preach: 'spread the wealth.' I also believe that organized crime is involved with the union. 10 years ago they raised my medical payment from $85 to $435 a month, all in one sweep and directly from my pension. I cancelled that real quick and now have Multi-Care for low income and pretty much only have to pay for prescriptions.

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My husband and I have had at least 3 jobs between the two of us since 1989. And when I went back to school, he worked all 3.

We now have 4 jobs.

If you're willing to work, you'll work. The first seven years of our marriage, he dug graves on his days off to supplement our income. He's a firefighter/paramedic by trade, in case you were wondering.

Where most Americans trip up is by allowing themselves to entertain unrealistic expectations. Of themselves, their sig others and their kids.

Quit your bellyaching.

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If you think that's bad, we live in a country surrounded by the sea and a fishmongers is as rare as hens teeth. Euro dickheads only allow a certain amount of fish to be caught by OUR fisherman whilst the rest of the EU plunder away. In fact they throw more fish dead into the sea than bring ashore. Crazy

That is really a shame, Chill!

Unfortunately Industrilized Fishing and Corporate Factory Boats are giving commercial fishing a bad name. Thus small boat/owner operated fishers are in the minority and being pushed out of business by crazy rules and regulations all in the false name of conservation and protection.

If the regulations were in favor of small boat, fishers and not geared toward corporate greed it would be a whole better situation for the world fisheries!

But unfortunately greed is the way of this world and now time honored tradition and ways of life come to an end! :(


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That is really a shame, Chill!

Unfortunately Industrilized Fishing and Corporate Factory Boats are giving commercial fishing a bad name. Thus small boat/owner operated fishers are in the minority and being pushed out of business by crazy rules and regulations all in the false name of conservation and protection.

If the regulations were in favor of small boat, fishers and not geared toward corporate greed it would be a whole better situation for the world fisheries!

But unfortunately greed is the way of this world and now time honored tradition and ways of life come to an end! :(


I am crying now. Greed, pure and simple, has caused the economic collapse and a way of life for us to disappear. :tears:

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I am crying now. Greed, pure and simple, has caused the economic collapse and a way of life for us to disappear. :tears:

Awwww Hon, I know ... But I know too, the Salt Life will be a way of life as long as some of us have breath! :friends: Edited by Bayougal65
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