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political song ?


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Carouselambra. "Take of the fruit, but guard the seed".

Misty Mountain Hop is a societal commentary of sorts and references culture and counter-culture through hippies, police, etc.

Hi, The Dark Lord. I always thought Carouselambra was a song Robert wrote about Jimmy and the band's situation at the time...all that had gone on, etc. "Take of the fruit, but guard the seed" was a reference to taking Robert's talent, but to also guard his heart and feelings. Some not so good things had happened by the time this song was written. Robert was getting his feelings of angst out. At least that is what I have read about this song. I could be absolutely wrong, but it does make sense to me, especially in a Zeppelin historical context.

I don't think the band was at all political. Maybe some mentions of social situations of the time, but not political in the true sense of the word. JMO

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Hi, The Dark Lord. I always thought Carouselambra was a song Robert wrote about Jimmy and the band's situation at the time...all that had gone on, etc. "Take of the fruit, but guard the seed" was a reference to taking Robert's talent, but to also guard his heart and feelings. Some not so good things had happened by the time this song was written. Robert was getting his feelings of angst out. At least that is what I have read about this song. I could be absolutely wrong, but it does make sense to me, especially in a Zeppelin historical context.

I don't think the band was at all political. Maybe some mentions of social situations of the time, but not political in the true sense of the word. JMO

Yes, that is true, but I always sensed that the part about Jimmy (where was your helping, where was your bow) was in the context of a bigger societal picture (sisters of the wayside, etc). You are probably right about that. It leads me to wonder if Stairway is a political statement, a societal statement, a personal statement, or all / none of the preceeding (buying a stairway, etc).

Edited by The Dark Lord
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Hi, The Dark Lord. I always thought Carouselambra was a song Robert wrote about Jimmy and the band's situation at the time...all that had gone on, etc. "Take of the fruit, but guard the seed" was a reference to taking Robert's talent, but to also guard his heart and feelings. Some not so good things had happened by the time this song was written. Robert was getting his feelings of angst out. At least that is what I have read about this song. I could be absolutely wrong, but it does make sense to me, especially in a Zeppelin historical context.

I don't think the band was at all political. Maybe some mentions of social situations of the time, but not political in the true sense of the word. JMO

Hi Potted!

I totally agree! I don't think they were political at all either, I believe they were a band all about the music!

Robert being their main lyricist his main messages seemed to be more social, life experiences, relationships and love ...carnal, sexual, romantic, lost, wounded, warts and all! Gotta love him! :wub:

Yes, that is true, but I always sensed that the part about Jimmy was in the context of a bigger societal picture (sisters of the wayside, etc). You are probably right about that. It leads me to wonder if Stairway is a political statement, a societal statement, a personal statement, or all / none of the preceeding (buying a stairway, etc).

Hello Dark Lord,

Robert has said in interviews he himself doesn't know what all STH is about... I don't personally take the song as a political statement but in certain phrases within the song as more a social commentary about staying true to self and warning against greed and selfishness.

But that's just my .02 :D


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Hi Potted!

I totally agree! I don't think they were political at all either, I believe they were a band all about the music!

Robert being their main lyricist his main messages seemed to be more social, life experiences, relationships and love ...carnal, sexual, romantic, lost, wounded, warts and all! Gotta love him! :wub:

Hello Dark Lord,

Robert has said in interviews he himself doesn't know what all STH is about... I don't personally take the song as a political statement but in certain phrases within the song as more a social commentary about staying true to self and warning against greed and selfishness.

But that's just my .02 :D


Hi Bayou Gal, where y'at? I agree totally. Stairway was about greed/selfishness and not letting them overtake your soul; follow the piper and he will lead you along the right path. Robert wrote it at the ripe old age of 20 or 21 and he called it a song of hope. Nothing political in it or any other song, as I listen to them. It's all about the music, baby!!

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Did Zep ever write any political songs ? The closest I can think of is maybe "That's the Way" being about ecology.

Feel free to move this to a more appropriate forum.

I've always assumed That's the Way was about social snobbery. I thought the lyrics told a story about a boy whose mother forbade seeing his friend because she lived on the wrong side of town. Then again, I thought Immigrant Song was about ghosts when I was a kid so who is to say my interpretation of That's the Way is more accurate than ZepRon's.

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Yep, I agree 100% with the statement that Zep was all about the music: That's what got me to thinking about it. There was no "Ohio", "Fortunate Son", "Saturday Night Special" jumping out at me - that's for sure.

Great food for thought / input on the songs (more accurately, works of art) mentioned here. Thanks !

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  • 4 months later...

There are diffrent reasons why politics were influenced by zeps subconscious power (only).

1st Remember the attacks against their lyrics (Lemon song , Stairway)

2nd. Alot of "political" Rock Idols (fe Hendrix) ended in a strange , mysterios way.

Mass media is a force of the Establishment ( minestry of INFORMATION !).

Zep was heavily attacked after showing mysteries in TSRTS.

Not because of indulgence but media bosses and religios leaders did not want

common People to get inspired for these things.

Knowing that I always wonder why zep were not stopped Ages ago.

There was only one Band in Germany winning agaiinst Media called

"Boehse Onkelz". They gave up on the climax of their Publicity. Have a guess why ? !!

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"Gain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath." sounds pretty political to me, though it's not particularly specific in the song. I think Plant sprinkled it in there, with That's the Way, Night Flight and The Battle of Evermore being the examples. I dont think it was something that they ever concentrated on.

Edited by FunkyPhantom
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