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Jimmy walks out of Laser Light Pyramid

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I cant imagine Jimmy Page "spitting" at anyone - even in anger! I just don't see the

spitting on the dvd at all...

I can't either, although it has been alleged that he has in the past - I didn't see that either and he would not do that. I think people are over analyzing this. It was 2007 not 1975 or 1977.

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Where does this occur on the tape? It doesn't seem to happen at all.

Here's the laser section from Celebration Day, what I'm talking about happens at 1:02. The video was blocked due to copyright (which I disputed since it wasn't properly cited), so it may disappear at some point.


If not spitting, then what is he doing?

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Before any of this happens Page turns and spits over his shoulder (likely towards a guitar/laser tech). Is there any reason we are ignoring this action? Then he walks out of the laser pyramid and throws his bow in the same general direction in which he spit earlier. I still think he was irritated.

Don't shoot the messenger but I've read that Page sometimes has a problem with drooling while playing. Perhaps he needed to rid his mouth of excess saliva and decided it would be better to aim it behind him instead of towards the audience.

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Don't shoot the messenger but I've read that Page sometimes has a problem with drooling while playing. Perhaps he needed to rid his mouth of excess saliva and decided it would be better to aim it behind him instead of towards the audience.

Disco, he does have a drooling problem, but it looks to me like he was nodding his head towards a tech. The sound was not great...I could never imagine Jimmy Page spitting towards the audience either. :huh:

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I've watched all the clips, read every single post in this thread and i have to tell you I have a hard time thinking this was a ritualistic thing. Granted i'm not up on ritualistic significance so I could be wrong. I just have a hard time believing this was a deliberate act by Jimmy.

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I've watched all the clips, read every single post in this thread and i have to tell you I have a hard time thinking this was a ritualistic thing. Granted i'm not up on ritualistic significance so I could be wrong. I just have a hard time believing this was a deliberate act by Jimmy.

Agreed. I think Jimmy had his hands way too full to be putzing around with rituals when every ounce of his energy and concentraton should have been consumed making the show a success. The spitting thing could be a number of things, including spitting out his pick, or more than likely looking back at someone and motioning / yelling "up" / "down" re: his monitors. That may also be why he stepped away from his monitors and out of the pyramid....there seemed to be some sort of sound issue going on. Furthermore, Jimmy stepped out of the pyramid and gave Robert a big smile, and a signal to jump in. Anger? Rituals? I don't think that is the case.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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Hysterical stuff fellas...but like Gertrude Stein said about Oakland, "there is no there there". Let's start with nirvana's OP.

Watching Celebration Day DVD - again....

I notice at the end of the Dazed and Confused violin bow section with Jimmy...

The green laser light pyramid rotating around him stops, stays fully lit and in place

as the eerie green geometric shape it is - high above Jimmy.

Odd thing is Jimmy walks out of the pyramid at that point...normally he will wait until

the laser pyramid has been shut down before continuing his solo!

I believe there is great significance to him walking out of the still energized laser lights.

If you look closely at the part of the video where he comes out and tosses his violin bow

he does it with purpose and intention. Not an accident.

Some may say he was pissed because of the problems with the lasers and effects at that

point but look close and you will see him deliberately stepping out of the green pyramid

and tossing his bow. He never had done this in all the Zeppelin years previously...he always

waited until the lasers went out to move around the stage, and he never threw his bow.

Very symbolic and significant of him to do this at that point. It does have clear meaning on certain

levels of ritual attainment.

First of all, context. This was the first time Jimmy Page performed the bow segment with the full on laser pyramid and effects as part of a complete "Dazed and Confused" performance in its proper place. The previous times in 1977 and 1979, the bow solo was just that; just part of Jimmy's extended noise solo segment, alone on stage.

At the O2 in 2007, you can see and hear that there is some trouble with feedback and Jimmy nods at the sound guys offstage to fix it. Now, when Jimmy strides out of the pyramid, first of all, he still continues to bow. He does not toss his bow immediately upon stepping out of the green pyramid, as you claim. There is still a good minute or so of bowing left...and for good reason!

Because for the first time in ages, Robert Plant joins Jimmy in the bow segment. In 1977 and 1979, Plant was backstage with the rest of the band getting refreshed. So, when Jimmy steps out of the pyramid at the O2, it is with a purpose...just not the purpose you are trying to imply. Jimmy wanted to be at a place on stage where he could hear what he was bowing and so he could be in tune with what Robert was doing vocally with his moans. Facing Robert was the best way to ensure that happening, and if you watch the DVD, you will notice the sound and menace of the bow segment significantly improves when Jimmy leaves the pyramid.

As for the supposed ritual significance of his tossing the bow, don't make me laugh. He always did that, ferchrissakes! Just watch "The Song Remains the Same" movie...at the end of the bow segment, he tosses the bow back to the roadies, most likely Raymond Thomas (who tended to tune Jimmy's guitars in Scottish :D ). Every time I saw him do the bow solo, he tossed the bow back...either towards his amps or to the side of the stage.

So there is no mystery to why he tosses his bow at the O2...and if you or anyone else are implying he tosses his bow into the audience, you are clearly off the mark.

Here's the laser section from Celebration Day, what I'm talking about happens at 1:02. The video was blocked due to copyright (which I disputed since it wasn't properly cited), so it may disappear at some point.


If not spitting, then what is he doing?

He does not spit, he is merely nodding with an uptick of his head to one of the sound guys to the side ('Big Mick' Hughes was handling the FOH mix, so maybe it was Dee Miller or whomever was on the board at the side of the stage).

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Sorry but I'm not convinced that Jimmy's exit from the laser pyramid was not a purposeful and ritualistic move on his part. I need more than off hand speculation to convince me that it had no meaning.

Every show Jimmy has ever done has had ritual moments in them and the O2 was no different.

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[...] There is still a good minute or so of bowing left...and for good reason!

Because for the first time in ages, Robert Plant joins Jimmy in the bow segment. In 1977 and 1979, Plant was backstage with the rest of the band getting refreshed.

Didn't Plant adlibbed some arabic/eastern chants over Jimmy's bow solo in TSRTS?

Edited by SummerOfMySmiles
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Sorry but I'm not convinced that Jimmy's exit from the laser pyramid was not a purposeful and ritualistic move on his part. I need more than off hand speculation to convince me that it had no meaning.

Every show Jimmy has ever done has had ritual moments in them and the O2 was no different.

That is a very telling statement, considering your OP is nothing but 'off hand speculation'. You cannot even get the facts right even with the video evidence staring you in the face. You engage in a typical conspiracy theorist ploy, as well, asking people to prove a negative.

My post was based on years of factual observation, not idle speculation. Yes, there are and were ritualistic aspects to Jimmy Page's and the band's performances over the years. Jimmy jumping at the exact moment in "Rock and Roll", holding his guitar aloft in "Stairway to Heaven", his throwing shapes during the theremin segment...and yes, the bow solo itself. Whipping his guitar with a bow was definitely designed with some significant effect in mind, whether subliminally or not.

But his moving out of the pyramid (which was being dimmed at that moment anyway) at the O2 was nothing more than a matter of logistics. He had to get to a place where he and Robert could face off AND where Jones and Jason could see their cue to come in for the fast solo part. Remember, this was the first time the band would engage in the fast solo break after the bow solo since 1975. They were probably nervous about getting it right.

But if you're one of those fans who is not happy unless every Zeppelin moment is imbued with some Satanic or Majick meaning, have at it...I'll leave you to it. I'm sure when Jimmy drinks his tea, he holds his cup in such a way as to summon forth the spirit of Crowley and cast a Theletan spell over the other people around him.

Didn't Plant adlibbed some arabic/eastern chants over Jimmy's bow solo in TSRTS?

Yes, as he did throughout the entire 1973 tour and the tours before that and in 1975. TSRTS wasn't some stand-alone isolated incident, it was the culmination of a long tour...three nights at Madison Square Garden in 1973 that happened to be filmed. In 1977 and '79, D & C was dropped from the setlist and Jimmy extracted the bow segment for his guitar solo segment.

Robert abstained from joining him during his solo spot. Probably some ritualistic meaning in that, no doubt. ;)

Edited by Strider
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strider, you are most probably right, but actually only jimmy could tell us for sure 100%.

i'm not arguing here, not trying to be a conspirator ..... just stating a fact.


Well, just for the sake of argument, I'd like to ask those of you who do see something in his walking out of the pyramid just what you think it signifies? What meaning or significance are you inferring from his movements?

Is he renouncing his dark days as a heroin addict by stepping out of the pyramid? Did the pyramid make him feel trapped and he had to break free? What, pray tell, is it that you are reading in his actions?

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Well, just for the sake of argument, I'd like to ask those of you who do see something in his walking out of the pyramid just what you think it signifies? What meaning or significance are you inferring from his movements?

Is he renouncing his dark days as a heroin addict by stepping out of the pyramid? Did the pyramid make him feel trapped and he had to break free? What, pray tell, is it that you are reading in his actions?

i have no idea, i just thought he did what he always did until i read this thread!

as i said, who knows? answer : only jpp :)

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...this thread SOOOOO reminds me of the discussion last year about this time when conspiracy theorists were arguing about the press conference that Robert, Jimmy and John Paul had for the "Celebration Day" release. People were analyzing Robert's facial gestures and comments as a sign that fthere was riff between Robert and John Paul. They even used such in depth scientific evidence as seating arrangement and distance between chairs as proof that they weren't getting along. LMAO!

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...this thread SOOOOO reminds me of the discussion last year about this time when conspiracy theorists were arguing about the press conference that Robert, Jimmy and John Paul had for the "Celebration Day" release. People were analyzing Robert's facial gestures and comments as a sign that fthere was riff between Robert and John Paul. They even used such in depth scientific evidence as seating arrangement and distance between chairs as proof that they weren't getting along. LMAO!

yes, it is very similar.

but you know, i do understand what you are saying, but at the same time i also know that our body language is very real, and very telling sometimes ....

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Oh, no doubt that body language and facial gestures can say much more than actual words coming from people's lips. But any attitude coming from the Robert during the teleconference was more likely due to the stupid, repeat questions of a future tour than being upset with Jonesy.

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