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Who Likes Zeppelin Bootlegs?


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That's mind-boggling to me. I want to say insane, but don't want to offend. :P

Different strokes for different folks. After 35 years of being a committed Zep fan, I just don't like most bootlegs anymore. When I was young like you I enjoyed bootlegs very much (maybe its an age thing), but today I find that the poor dynamics, and screechy audio take away from the experience. Some bootlegs are okay, but I can easily take a pass on most. The good ones are fun.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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Different strokes for different folks. After 35 years of being a committed Zep fan, I just don't like most bootlegs anymore. When I was young like you I enjoyed bootlegs very much (maybe its an age thing), but today I find that the poor dynamics, and screechy audio take away from the experience. Some bootlegs are okay, but I can easily take a pass on most. The good ones are fun.

Phrased that way, I can understand you more..."bootleg ears" are something that one has to develop, and you wouldn't be the first person to lose interest in bootlegs as the years go by. I think I stave off any sort of bootleg fatigue by going through "phases" of listening -- heavy, then light, and so on.

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Phrased that way, I can understand you more..."bootleg ears" are something that one has to develop, and you wouldn't be the first person to lose interest in bootlegs as the years go by. I think I stave off any sort of bootleg fatigue by going through "phases" of listening -- heavy, then light, and so on.

Yeah...I can see where Dark Lord is coming from as well. As my wife says, "Why do you wanna sit there for three hours listening to a recording that sounds like shit?" :lol: Quite frankly, in hindsight I think I had more fun collecting all my recordings than listening to a lot of them. Take the '77 tour- I've got all the available recordings but there's really only a handful I listen to on a regular basis (truth be told a lot of the '77 stuff I hadn't heard in years I listened to as a result of discussions here!) I mean, when I'm in a '77 mood, I'm gonna put on one of the Millard L.A. recordings or something like 28/4/77 Cleveland before, say, 10/4/77 Chicago. I actually fancied listening to that show a little while back -since I reckon it's a good performance- but based on the sound quality I could only stand it for about twenty minutes. I used to be able to sit through stuff like that no problem but maybe I'm just getting old :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can I say this at the risk of offending anybody, but I used to track down boots relentlessly in the 70s (my first one was Blueberry Hill) but now I've grown tired of listening to the same old tracks over and over again,same songs but in different cities/countries. Now I just listen to "How The West Was Won", excellent reproduction, not like some of the shitty boots I have.As a footnote I love The Song Remains The Same, and the O2 concert was awful.

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  • 3 months later...

I`ve been trying hard to find somewhere somehow to buy bootlegs, I`ve been readin` many books/magazines/fanzines `n` forum`s. But finding anywhere to buy here in the U.K... I`ve been unable too!. Anyone here can help me thanks....

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Can I say this at the risk of offending anybody, but I used to track down boots relentlessly in the 70s (my first one was Blueberry Hill) but now I've grown tired of listening to the same old tracks over and over again,same songs but in different cities/countries. Now I just listen to "How The West Was Won", excellent reproduction, not like some of the shitty boots I have.As a footnote I love The Song Remains The Same, and the O2 concert was awful.

Awful, you've got to be kidding, if you were there you wouldn't say that, the power from all reports that was produced simply mesmerised all the media waiting for em' to fall, Haha Zeppelin reigns for all time!

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I have quite a few Zeppelin bootlegs, that I hunted down relentlessly as a kid, but I must say that they eventually caused me to completely avoid most live music altogether, as Zeppelin really do sound horrible on some of them. I find it hard to see past the crappy quality, and I find that I would rather hear a studio album for the fifteen thousandth time, than listen to Zeppelin in a compromised state.

Sorry to hear this!! There are many great sound boots out there and plenty of ones that are completely listenable but not as good as the best. There is so much to hear. Live Zeppelin is a completely different experience from the albums and Jimmy wanted it that way for a reason. What they couldn't put on the album they did live. Boots are the only way to catch a glimpse of this even if its through a veil, for me its more than worth it to invest in a pair of bootleg ears and listen past the flat sound or I wouldn't be the fan I am today. Live music is the way to go especially with Zeppelin.

True story, One of the first boots I bought was the terribly awful A Cellar Full Of Noise japan 1971. It was a white label test pressing at the wrong speed. I took the band of my turntable and spun the record around with my finger until I got it up to speed. Once I heard the solo for Immigrant song I was hooked for ever and ever on boots. Also The Song Remains The Same album had a huge part in developing love this as well.

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I`ve been trying hard to find somewhere somehow to buy bootlegs, I`ve been readin` many books/magazines/fanzines `n` forum`s. But finding anywhere to buy here in the U.K... I`ve been unable too!. Anyone here can help me thanks....

Gee thats funny I sent you Pm telling you were to go but you never answered back. I have each and every Bootleg release there is. I want for nothing video included. If you are serious you would have gotten back to me but....

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Plantpothead, on 12 Jan 2014 - 07:09, said:


Can I say this at the risk of offending anybody, but I used to track down boots relentlessly in the 70s (my first one was Blueberry Hill) but now I've grown tired of listening to the same old tracks over and over again,same songs but in different cities/countries. Now I just listen to "How The West Was Won", excellent reproduction, not like some of the shitty boots I have.As a footnote I love The Song Remains The Same, and the O2 concert was awful.

I agree the 02 concert not so good. all though I would have given my eye teeth to be there. ;)

Edited by juxtiphi
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What a strange thread. Whatever happened to JayZep anyway? I wonder if he got the answer he was looking for? Remember when Aerosmith released their "Live Bootleg" double-album in 1978? I think that was the first instance of a band using the word "bootleg" on an official release. I love bootlegs...Zeppelin and others.

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Gee thats funny I sent you Pm telling you were to go but you never answered back. I have each and every Bootleg release there is. I want for nothing video included. If you are serious you would have gotten back to me but....

I think it's funny too. He somehow managed to figure out how to get on the internet and find ledzeppelin.com; maybe someday he will learn about other websites like ebay and discogs...

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I think as long as this thread was started some things should be clarified.

"Bootleg" is not a general term to describe all unofficial recordings. Bootleg is a specific term for unofficial recordings made for sale. Some bootlegs are sourced from unauthorized or stolen soundboard recordings. Other bootlegs are made from amateur recordings. Most, but not all amateur concert recordings are made to document an event for personal use or for trade in collecting circles. These recordings become bootlegs when someone mass produces unauthorized cds, vinyl, or dvds for sales which do not benefit artists or their record companies.

Not all amateur recordings available on the internet are sourced from bootlegs. Not all amateur recordings available on the internet exist as bootlegs. There are recordings posted on the internet everyday that have no bootlegger involvement.

The term "bootleg" is a reference to unlawful transport of illegal booze in one's boot during prohibition, hence the connotation of illegal activity. The free trade of amateur recordings amongst fans has never been targeted for prosecution and is accepted and encouraged by some bands, most notably The Grateful Dead.

Have all known LZ recordings been bootlegged? I assume so since it seems they are all getting different types of sonic lipstick applied to try and improve the listening experience. And despite the fact the material can be found for free online, the novelty of collecting bootlegs is still apparently alive and well.

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  • 1 year later...

I believe that Led Zeppelin "bootlegs" have definitely added to the Magic and Mystique of the whole Led Zeppelin Legacy. I, personally, would rather listen to a LZ bootleg (and actually do) than a LZ studio album. I would prefer 45 minute version of Dazed and Confused then an 8 minute version. There is more virtuosity and dynamics in the (way) longer live version then the studio version. But that is just me. Anyone else agree?

To an extent I do. The sound quality on official releases is way better but the content on live albums is always better than studio. And since the official live releases have been edited and cherry picked as the best performances most bootlegs feel more authentic and unpredictable.

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To like bootlegs you have to throw out the window at least in part your radio or studio ears. You may have been lucky and had your first

boot exposure to a good soundboard or well-balanced audience tape. Still, regardless of tour Zep's live playing style varies considerably

from studio, tending to be much busier and frenzied than studio. Yes, Page always mentions light and shade, but again live the emphasis

is usually on making a strong impression.

My first boots were vinyl and were obscure and somewhat poor quality, but one of them had great singing/playing in particular from Page

and Plant, and contained many of the famous medleys from 69'. Some mentioned HTWWW, but this is a very fake boot, with Page even

adding in second guitars !! That's where I draw the line; actually even boot producers do their own manipulations, but adding in instruments

or overdubs are blasphemy. For example, AFAIK, Iv'e never heard a live ALS boot version with overdubs, yet Page on the partial video

Knebworth ALS overdubbed in harmony guitar parts. Considering Zep's no tricks "philosophy" live, I found this rather cheesy.

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^^^Sorry, HTWWW is not a bootleg, fake or otherwise. It is an official live album. End of story.

I'm beginning to think JayZep was trolling. Nobody could be that thick...and then he disappears after a few posts and only one day after he joined the forum.

Edited by Strider
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