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2014 FIFA World Cup


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Can you believe the lines are not only out, but their are some very intriguing match's to start out with.

England vs Italy (monster right out of the gates)

Spain vs Netherlands

Germany vs Portugal

France vs Honduras (Papillion would have loved this one)

Yes its in June but its going to be a fun one to watch.

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I think Brazil are the odds on favourites to win.England alas are not even going through to the knockout stages in my opinion, unless they kick out some of the has-beens, eg Gerrard is a yard slow this season, as is Cole, and Parker, who will all be in the squad.....Brazil vs Germany in the final for me.

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I think Brazil are the odds on favourites to win.England alas are not even going through to the knockout stages in my opinion, unless they kick out some of the has-beens, eg Gerrard is a yard slow this season, as is Cole, and Parker, who will all be in the squad.....Brazil vs Germany in the final for me.

No sleepers? How good will Argentina be? Portugal? Italy? France? I need to do some research. I will cheer for England as I know us Americans have a snowball's chance in hell. That is if we are even in it? Anybody know? Of course Brazil will be favored. Big time. Germany is usually darn good. Any African teams have a chance to get past the first round? England vs Italy is a hell of a start. The Netherlands are always a good team.

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Two years ago I would have picked Spain, but their national team has been in decline, and I don't really think they will be in contention.There's no telling who will do what to be honest, The Netherlands have had great teams in the past, but not so great recently, England aren't even in the Worlds top ten anymore, we should watch out for the Eastern European teams, they could be the shock of the tournament.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unlike most, I think England is going to surprise. Also, I think too many people have written off Spain, they have something to prove.

I hope you are correct. But it will take some doing beating Brazil down there. And Argentina. I look forward to those hot days watching with a Guinness or Boddington in my hand

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I hope you are correct. But it will take some doing beating Brazil down there. And Argentina. I look forward to those hot days watching with a Guinness or Boddington in my hand

I hope you are correct. But it will take some doing beating Brazil down there. And Argentina. I look forward to those hot days watching with a Guinness or Boddington in my hand

Boddingtons??? Yuk!!!it takes like dishwater, get some real ale down your throat.
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I fancy Australia's chances even though we have a tough draw against Spain, Netherlands and Chile.

We have beaten all the teams at one time or another both away and at home and it's just a matter of putting it together for the entire tournament.

Easier said than done but with a rub of the green here and there and we play to our potential, anything is possible.

Looking forward to it.

The FIFA World Cup is the only trophy we haven't won, yet.

The Holy Grail if you will.

Edited by Reggie29
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I fancy Australia's chances even though we have a tough draw against Spain, Netherlands and Chile.

We have beaten all the teams at one time or another both away and at home and it's just a matter of putting it together for the entire tournament.

Easier said than done but with a rub of the green here and there and we play to our potential, anything is possible.

Looking roward to it.

The FIFA World Cup is the only trophy we haven't won, yet.

The Holy Grail if you will.

Lets put this in perspective. Your team is plus 1 goal vs Chile and +50000 to win the World Cup. If you wager $10 and Australia wins the World Cup you will get a return of $5000!! I would throw ten bucks to the win for the fun of it. To simply make it to the final ten bucks gets you $2500. For England to win $10 will fetch $300 american dollars

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Ten bucks would get you 5 grand on Australia.. Think I put an extra 0 in there. Anyway, I would throw ten bucks to the wind. For the fun of it. Like they say, you never know.

If it was rugby I would put ten-bob on the Aussies. Footie? I don't think so.

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  • 3 months later...

The lines are up already for the World Cup matches. England and Italy a pick but the payout is better with England meaning they are a slight underdog.

" A slight underdog" that is an understatement. We have got 2 hopes. No hope and Bob Hope. We are technically shit and the only way we will score are if the boys drop into the Favelas for a bag of weed or a hooker. We are dull to the point of boredom and i hope the fans will take a neck brace because, in the unlikely event of us getting the ball, we will hoof it forward, high in the air, in the hope that it lands on an Englishman's head and then he will give the ball away.

The worst bit of course is the hype the media will whip up before the tourney actually begins. The tabloid puns on the team going to win will be endless as they are unfunny. Thankfully the time difference means the games will be on at some ungodly hour of the morning. This of course means that you can record them and forward on to the opposition scoring the numerous goals they are likely to get. Still every cloud.......... the insomniacs have a sure fire cure. :zzz:

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" A slight underdog" that is an understatement. We have got 2 hopes. No hope and Bob Hope. We are technically shit and the only way we will score are if the boys drop into the Favelas for a bag of weed or a hooker. We are dull to the point of boredom and i hope the fans will take a neck brace because, in the unlikely event of us getting the ball, we will hoof it forward, high in the air, in the hope that it lands on an Englishman's head and then he will give the ball away.

The worst bit of course is the hype the media will whip up before the tourney actually begins. The tabloid puns on the team going to win will be endless as they are unfunny. Thankfully the time difference means the games will be on at some ungodly hour of the morning. This of course means that you can record them and forward on to the opposition scoring the numerous goals they are likely to get. Still every cloud.......... the insomniacs have a sure fire cure. :zzz:

You really believe England are that bad? Seriously?

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You really believe England are that bad? Seriously?

Yep sure do. Not just me. About 30 odd million other English. In fact at the press conference today, our intrepid Manager Woy Hodgson was asked " do you seriously believe you can win the World Cup" To which he replied " why yes, we wouldn't be sending a squad to Brazil if I didn't think otherwise" Cue to hoots of laughter and mutterings of "forever the optimist".

Unfortunately what may seem to be the best football league in the world, it is crammed full of overseas players creaming in millions of foreign English pounds. It's laughable that Premiership winners Manchester City, could only field 2 players in the England squad - and one of them is James Milner, who I do hope plays so the whole world can see for themselves how shite he really is !

We will not even get past the group stages and be back home in within a few days.

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Yep sure do. Not just me. About 30 odd million other English. In fact at the press conference today, our intrepid Manager Woy Hodgson was asked " do you seriously believe you can win the World Cup" To which he replied " why yes, we wouldn't be sending a squad to Brazil if I didn't think otherwise" Cue to hoots of laughter and mutterings of "forever the optimist".

Unfortunately what may seem to be the best football league in the world, it is crammed full of overseas players creaming in millions of foreign English pounds. It's laughable that Premiership winners Manchester City, could only field 2 players in the England squad - and one of them is James Milner, who I do hope plays so the whole world can see for themselves how shite he really is !

We will not even get past the group stages and be back home in within a few days.

Well its very strange to see England and Itally play in game one. Incredible really. I will keep fingers crossed for England. Is their goalie any good? Italy typically is tough to score on. I took the Mexico game to go over. Every game is set at 2 goals early. Mexico usually is in games that score alot. Maybe the Netherlands game also? Some strange match's to start. Spain vs Netherlands and Portugal vs Germany are all very good match's. I think Mexico and Cameroon could see a good amount of scoring?

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I am by no means a world cup buff. I know a bit about English players, but in order to answer your question I would have to look it up.

I believe I heard an announcer say that they have not. I will be interested to see how Australia does. I wonder if Ronaldo will be effective? Do not know his age. Uruguay, who had a great WC four years back, is in with England, Italy and Costa Rica. One would think that Italy and England would advance? I do not know if Uruguay still has that blonde haired striker that was a beast in the last WC? The US has a tough tough draw with Germany and Portugal in their group. Toast. Argentina has a cake walk. I mean for sure. Spain, Netherlands, Chile and Australia. Could there be an upset in here? Colombia, Greece, Japan, and some team named Cote D ' Ivoire. Where is that? Africa would be my guess. If Colombia makes a fast exit I pray they do not go back home for a bit

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