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2014 NFL Thread...

paul carruthers

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You make some good points. I do seriously tip my hat to the Pats. Scoring 14 points in the 4th quarter and then one of the greatest picks of all-time, given the circumstances. They earned it. Next year it'll be Dallas vs. Green Bay for the NFC Championship, IMO.

Ah, I see what you're doing there...you're saying you think Green Bay will do a better job of recovering from their choke job in the NFC Championship game than Seattle from their Super Bowl loss, hehe.

Here's to the New England Patriots, Super Bowl XLIX Champs!!! Think about this...Brady is this close to being a 6-time Super Bowl Champion. That would make him G.O.A.T. no doubt.


Edited by Strider
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Way to go Patrycja. Woo! Excellent game.

Yeah it was an amazing game! And like I said, I don't follow the sport so to keep my interest it's got to be exciting and it exceeded expectations. I watched a few of the ads today and they weren't that great (half time show was very middle-of-the-road safe, too). I did like that Bud lost puppy one, and maybe a couple of others, but none were spectacular enough to remain memorable for long.

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I don't think anyone should be surprised by this news...it was clear this game would draw a huge rating number, whether it was a close game or not. Add in the fact that it was a closely fought battle from the opening whistle to the final tick of the clock and a viewing record is a foregone conclusion.


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IMHO, choking GAME SIX in a best of seven series is not nearly the same as choking from the one yard line in the Super Bowl.

The play call wasn't outside-the-box thinking it was following a SCRIPT - one New England knew well from game tape. THAT is why Lynch has to be in the backfield as a decoy. Look at the jump the rookie got on the play once he knows Lynch is not a factor. When the QB (arguably) releases the pass just a moment too late for the slant play that was called Seattle's fate was sealed.

Lynch already had 102 yards and a TD on 24 carries against New England, and Seattle was averaging 5.6 yards per carry overall.

There's a time and a place to follow a SCRIPT, but second and goal from the one yard line in the Super Bowl ain't it and the result proves this.

1. You obviously didn't see that Spurs-Heat game or you wouldn't make light of it so.

2. Marshawn Lynch was in the backfield on that play...he is immediately to Russell Wilson's left.

Look, I am not saying Seattle shouldn't have run Marshawn Lynch on that play. I was totally expecting Marshawn Lynch to get the ball myself...as was probably everyone in the stadium and the world. In that sense, Seattle probably overthought the situation and outsmarted themselves. And if you're going to pass, at least run a play-action fake or roll Russell Wilson out on read-option bootleg.

But what I am reacting to and objecting to emphatically is all the overreaction to the call. I am sorry, but if you really believe Seattle should fire Pete Carroll because of that call, that is plain ridiculous.

I am looking at you Keith Olbermann.

Lost in all this is the third down pass that Kearse dropped in the 4th quarter that would have put Seattle in at least field goal territory and would have increased their lead. Oh, and if Kearse doesn't allow himself to get jammed at the line of scrimmage on that pass play, he effectively delays Butler from reaching Lockette in time.

That's what's really maddening about the play if you study the coach's tape frame-by-frame...the Seahawks got the look from New England's defense they wanted for that play but failed to execute in three areas that cost them from completing the pass for a touchdown:

1. Kearse gets jammed at the line.

2. Lockette doesn't run an aggressive enough route and failed to protect his quarterback by breaking up the interception if he couldn't catch the pass cleanly.

3. Russell Wilson threw it too high and too far in front of Lockette. On a goal line slant, you throw below the facemask...that makes it difficult for the defensive back to make the kind of pick that Butler did. It also would have been better if Wilson had thrown it to Lockette's midsection or left hip, allowing Lockette to use his body to shield Butler from the ball. It's difficult to tell if Wilson could see Butler breaking on Lockette as he threw the ball. One angle of the play I have seen shows Wilson with his arm cocked back in his throwing motion and Butler is still nowhere near Lockette...he's five yards deep in the endzone. Give credit to Butler for making an incredible read and having the speed to make the play.

Oh, and I got the name wrong of the Seattle cornerback who got injured on Brady's first interception...it was Jeremy Lane, not Vale. And his injury wasn't pretty:


Edited by Strider
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Ah, I see what you're doing there...you're saying you think Green Bay will do a better job of recovering from their choke job in the NFC Championship game than Seattle from their Super Bowl loss, hehe.

Here's to the New England Patriots, Super Bowl XLIX Champs!!! Think about this...Brady is this close to being a 6-time Super Bowl Champion. That would make him G.O.A.T. no doubt.


Nice Tim Brown jersey, Strider. I think they will because of two things - 1. It was an on-side kick, which isn't a normal play anyway (the s.t. coach has since been dismissed) and 2. Rodgers was injured to the point he was not at all like himself for that game or the prior two games for that matter. Dallas has shown they can beat Seattle in Seattle, next year we get them in Dallas. That will be a good measuring stick. The Dallas defense should be better next year than this, and this is it was at least average towards the end the of the year and good at creating turnovers. As far as saying Brady is that close to being a 6-time champ, they could've gone the other way too! Overall, he has to be considered the greatest. Montana with 4 didn't put up the numbers Brady has in the regular season. In the clutch I'd still take Montana. But week in and week out you can't say Brady isn't the best.

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How could Carrol look so good with that call just before half time, and then fucking blow the SB with a ton of time and a time out, and a QB that could have used the old Bart Starr play from 1967. I know they expected Lynch to get it so I would have gone play action and had Wilson bootleg and likely walk in. If it was not there then he could throw it away. But I think they would have over committed to Lynch and Wilson could have walked in. Unfucking believable shit. And Carrol and Wilson were not that upset after the game. I told a local spots guy on the radio, he will still wake up a millionaire in the morning. He tells me they don't care about the money. yeah right. And the legacy means more. Bullshit. Wait until the shit hits the fan very soon and NE's legacy will have a huge blemish on it. At least if you believe the national media who are hanging them already. Chris Collinsworth did all but come right out and call them guilty. They made a big issue of how Brady changed his tune. I do not have all the facts and do not pretend to, but I will make one prediction. NO FUCKING WAY WILL THE NFL APOLOGIZE TO ANYONE!!!!! EVER!!! NOT BRADY!! NOT BELECHICK!!! AND CERTAINLY NOT KRAFT.

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How could Carrol look so good with that call just before half time, and then fucking blow the SB with a ton of time and a time out, and a QB that could have used the old Bart Starr play from 1967. I know they expected Lynch to get it so I would have gone play action and had Wilson bootleg and likely walk in. If it was not there then he could throw it away. But I think they would have over committed to Lynch and Wilson could have walked in. Unfucking believable shit. And Carrol and Wilson were not that upset after the game. I told a local spots guy on the radio, he will still wake up a millionaire in the morning. He tells me they don't care about the money. yeah right. And the legacy means more. Bullshit. Wait until the shit hits the fan very soon and NE's legacy will have a huge blemish on it. At least if you believe the national media who are hanging them already. Chris Collinsworth did all but come right out and call them guilty. They made a big issue of how Brady changed his tune. I do not have all the facts and do not pretend to, but I will make one prediction. NO FUCKING WAY WILL THE NFL APOLOGIZE TO ANYONE!!!!! EVER!!! NOT BRADY!! NOT BELECHICK!!! AND CERTAINLY NOT KRAFT.

Where ya been Rick? Shame you weren't here to celebrate the 4th Superbowl victory of The New England Patriots..

I haven't heard a peep about deflategate in the last 2 days.. only arguments that Brady is The Greatest Of All Time..Not sure where I stand on this but 6 Superbowl appearances certainly puts him in the top.. wouldn't you agree? And poor Pete has been getting crucified..

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Where ya been Rick? Shame you weren't here to celebrate the 4th Superbowl victory of The New England Patriots..

I haven't heard a peep about deflategate in the last 2 days.. only arguments that Brady is The Greatest Of All Time..Not sure where I stand on this but 6 Superbowl appearances certainly puts him in the top.. wouldn't you agree? And poor Pete has been getting crucified..

Only lazy media members, losers, and people who hate the Patriots give a rat's ass about deflated balls at this point. Enjoy your team's Super Bowl win, the chase!

Hey, are you, KB, or any other Pats fans going to the Duckboat victory parade?

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Latest rumor on deflategte is that eleven footballs were just a tiny amount below 12.5, and ONE was two pounds below (the original leak was the exact opposite).

If this is true, then the whole deflatgate becomes nothing.

The fact that the NFL was leaking information to begin with reflects poorly on Roger Goodell's competence and suggests this has been a witch-hunt from the start.

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The fact that the NFL was leaking information to begin with reflects poorly on Roger Goodell's competence and suggests this has been a witch-hunt from the start.

This is the day and age of anti-science believing tea baggers, rumor and innuendo runs rampant. Who knows who leaks what and who says what.

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Only lazy media members, losers, and people who hate the Patriots give a rat's ass about deflated balls at this point. Enjoy your team's Super Bowl win, the chase!

Hey, are you, KB, or any other Pats fans going to the Duckboat victory parade?

Thanks Strider! No, unfortunately I'm not going tomorrow. I missed most of work yesterday because of the weather. Boston traffic is going to be horrible.

Latest rumor on deflategte is that eleven footballs were just a tiny amount below 12.5, and ONE was two pounds below (the original leak was the exact opposite).

If this is true, then the whole deflatgate becomes nothing.

I heard this as well...this morning. A friend at work mentioned it. Funny how little press this report has received. Edited by the chase
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Did you notice the strange curse that afflicted the NFC playoff teams down the line?

Wild card round: Detroit loses to Dallas on bizarre call.

Divisional round: Dallas then loses to Green Bay on another crazy call.

NFC Championship: Green Bay melts down against Seattle.

Super Bowl: Seattle throws the championship away against New England.

It was as if the curse was passed on from the losing team to the team moving on the next week. Weird. :wizard:

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