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Favorite Smell


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All of these -- particularly the

Baby oil

Fresh cut grass

French toast cooking

Hot laundry

Wet hair after getting caught in the rain

New tires


The smell of new tennis balls in the tube

All of these smells -- particularly the last four -- are great scents which I don't believe anybody on this thread has previously mentioned.

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The usual ones,

mowed lawn,

a distant barbecue,

devils weed,

exhaust fumes from a bus driving by, amazing that is a lotta peoples fave,

unusual ones


burnt sugar,

back in school, there was this eraser we used that smelt like confectionary, so tempted to bite it it smelt that good!

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  • 9 months later...


I remember smelling the smoke for the first time, second hand, at the first concert that I went to in 1970. It was Led Zeppelin, and I was 14. After getting home from the concert, I was so buzzed, I couldn't sleep, so I put the headphones on, and listened to Led Zep II on the turntable.


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The beach

The woods after a storm

Fresh cut grass on a spring morning

Italian food from Il Vicinato Ristorante in Chicago

Fresh brewed coffee in the morning.

A woman wearing Samsara parfume

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Some books

Laundered clothing being ironed

Red wine

Dark chocolate

The air through an open window just after rain

The wood of my guitar


A past significant other in the morning

Earl Grey tea

Autumn - all of it. Love it.

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